
Red Flags Quotes

There are 290 quotes

"If your partner is telling you that in order for you to fully love them, you need to sacrifice the things that you need to feel safe and valued and empowered, that's a bad sign."
"If you see red flags super early on, you can do better. Just leave."
"Hope is a good thing, and if someone's taking that away from you, that should be the number one red flag that it's time to move on."
"If you hear somebody saying, 'This is settled science, there's consensus,' that should be your big red flag."
"Red flags are not 'see it, run'; red flags are 'see it, address it, then if it's not corrected, walk away'."
"Red flags are warning signs in a new relationship or playing with someone that pop up, and sometimes we ignore because we like them so much, but you really shouldn't."
"If you find out he's a player, or you even just get the red flag, then walk away. It's fine."
"Make sure you're actually getting to know him and not ignoring the red flags."
"You're in love with the girl who's into ghosts. That's like red flag number one."
"I opened up this book, shook it a little bit, and all these red flags just fell out."
"Other people can see red flags from the outside. That's because they're from the outside."
"If the government starts getting rid of those types of laws that incentivize entrepreneurs to be star players for their country, that's a red flag."
"That's not a good sign... that's the sign that he's probably a love bomber."
"It raises a lot of serious red flags that need to be looked into."
"Pay attention to red flags to avoid getting cheated on."
"Anytime you can be nicer to the new dude you just met then you are - yo kids that's a red flag sir that's a red flag."
"It wasn't just what was said explicitly, it's what was implied by the things that weren't said that to me also were a bit of a red flag."
"Taking things slow shows that you're invested in getting to know someone without giving off red flags."
"If she's trying to hold you back, that's a massive red flag."
"If she's spending all her work time with someone and then going out twice a week with this guy, that's a major red flag."
"Seeing everything at face value, not seeing potential, and anytime I see a red flag I take that as an excuse to stop communicating with the person."
"The most important red flag is not what you see, it's what you feel. If you had paid attention to what you felt, you would have known this was not right long before you got to a point of seeing anything."
"Any job that requires you to pay a fee to get the job should be an immediate red flag."
"That is not a relationship you want to be in...you're dating a [__] Nazi."
"A coach-athlete relationship is like asking your significant other what's wrong, I'm fine - red flag."
"That's a huge red flag, they don't respect you, anyone who respects you, they ain't gonna roll up on you in a group and they're not gonna be playing these shenanigans with you, that's just how it is."
"If your friend just picks up the tab from nothingness from the air when I asked you to go out and this is a date with you and I, and the gesture of paying is showing how much I care for the first portion of us meeting, I think that's a red flag."
"Controlling behavior is a red flag regardless of gender."
"If a girl doesn't even want to like try, oh yeah, then that's a red flag to me."
"A man who's not eligible for marriage because he's either wrongly divorced or already married, that's a red flag."
"Learn your people again. It's about taking a moment to get to know someone. If red flags are coming up, pay attention and hold back."
"Honestly, if I'm with a guy and he's like, 'Oh feminist with that movie I'm gone,' that's a huge red flag to me."
"If someone starts to give you a bunch of reasons why you shouldn't date them, you should probably believe them."
"That's an immediate red flag where I call scam."
"Where do you think the red flag was um where do you think things kind of uh picked up and he started blasting or just getting on whatever it is that you think you're going on what do you think the red flag is what do you think he's taking?"
"Put yourself care first. Don't ignore the red flags. Ignoring them will not help you, it only gets worse."
"Watch for the red flags, they're there. When people show you who they are the first time, believe them."
"Pay attention to the red flags, you need to love yourself first."
"Lying about little things - that's an immediate red flag."
"Relationships are important... learn how to observe red flags rather than deny them."
"A narcissist wants you to forget about a red flag... they will suggest that you're crazy."
"If you ignore red flags it's very, very possible to end up in a situation like I was in."
"Make them wait Leo, you're worth it. And if they don't want to wait, that's a red flag."
"When a suspect acts defensive... this can be a red flag for deception."
"She dodged a bullet, I think anyone who continually tells you 'I'm scared I'm going to cheat on you,' that's a red flag."
"Red flag, baby. Did you kiss other girls before we started dating? Well, obviously red flag."
"The final red flag is the presence of gossipy behavior and clicks."
"Red flags are just conversations that need to be had."
"Recognize red flags, even if it means addressing uncomfortable truths."
"Relationship red flags that you do not want to ignore."
"Sometimes when you wear rose-colored glasses, those red flags just look like flags."
"Major red flags... she was giving me major red flags."
"If all the women in your life are saying this man has red flags, get out of there. Just saying from experience."
"If any man that you are seeing is exhibiting two or more of these traits, you want to be very conscious of the fact that you may be dealing with a guy who's not getting to know you for the right reasons."
"They may be hot, they may be fun, but you better start vetting for red flags."
"If anyone ever laughs in a negative way about something you say, that's the red flag."
"Just because a guy is into you doesn't mean that you should ignore all of the red flags."
"Why do you draw the distinction based on the path rather than the intent? Like jokes are one thing but if someone is trying to attack you why does it matter their path, their goal should be the red flag not the way they achieve that goal."
"Nicole makes so many contradictions and there are just so many red flags."
"Red flags are not pretty decorations for you to admire; they are warning you for a reason."
"I have done something that I've never done before and I feel like mother empowered ass boss right now."
"If you see that, those are red flags to let you know that's a church that you probably want to avoid."
"Red flags don't mean you run, you see it, you address it, and if it can be corrected you move forward, if not, you let go."
"Unprovoked insecurity and lack of trust are red flags in any relationship."
"If you feel like you can't say something to who you're gonna be with, that's a bit of an issue, a little bit of a red flag."
"Don't rush into things, take your time to get to know your partner, especially if there are red flags."
"A chaotic beginning is a sign they're not meant for you."
"If someone shows red flags on the second date just dump them don't stress yourself out."
"So we have to learn to be more tactical in how we navigate the world, learn the red flags, practice setting boundaries."
"You're the flag, yes you are, a walking red flag."
"All the red flags just look like flags... it's true when you see someone in a certain light."
"Any woman that keeps men around from her past is a big red flag guys... it's a red flag 100 percent."
"Be aware of who you let into your life and run away from people who give off red flags from the beginning."
"If any group pushes you to Lose Yourself to be part of it, that's probably a red flag and you should probably leave."
"If you have someone using the word love way too quickly, I would say that that is a red flag."
"There is nothing wrong with setting healthy boundaries. And in fact, when you set those healthy boundaries and people refuse to accept them, that's a red flag."
"Anything reckless is a red flag, an absolute red flag."
"Do not ignore red flags. Don't make excuses for them. Don't brush them off."
"Don't ignore red flags; if you see a red flag, talk to them about it before it turns into an argument that could have been avoided."
"Don't, if your significant other is texting their ex, don't. Bye, leave, leave. That's a red flag."
"You are already the character who left... now that you're here, you can improve that again by being the person who, when they see the red flags, leaves quicker."
"If you hang out with people and they talk to each other but only in transaction, that is a huge red flag."
"It's an immediate red flag if the DM is super into starting right away."
"If somebody can't answer if they're married or if they're single, that's a huge red flag."
"The earlier you spot the signs of a man who is not going to be able to give you this relationship Dynamic ever is best."
"Don't overlook the craziness for the sake of being in a relationship"
"Give your relationship a chance. Pay attention to the red flags."
"Like if you met a girl and you were hitting it off and you found out her ex was Hitler... red flag."
"This person could have triggered your anxious attachment style... maybe there was some kind of triggering that happened and maybe you guys are kind of wise enough or aware enough to know like this person's got some red flags."
"The fact he so vehemently refuses to go to couples counseling with you is a gigantic red flag."
"When you feel scared in your marriage, scared for your safety, whether it's physical safety or just emotional safety, those are red flags that this is not a healthy relationship."
"You're scared to bring up something, you're scared to say no, you're scared to make your own decision, those are red flags."
"When you are regularly devalued, that your feelings, your needs, your opinion, your goals don't matter, that's a red flag."
"If someone tells you, don’t listen to anyone but me, well, that is one humungous red flag."
"When I see certain red flags, I know I'm probably better off moving on."
"...having a couple conversations with someone where you talk about what your needs are and if there's pushback, learn to see that as a red flag."
"Always pay attention to red flags, can I stress that enough, even the little ones?"
"Sometimes the biggest red flag is when you can't see that you're one."
"If they only talk to you when they're in the car, red flag. That means they have someone at home. Facts."
"It's just nice to see people being open and optimistic, even when there are red flags."
"If you're on a date with someone and you hear some of them keywords that MGTOWs are using, get away quick or exploit them."
"If a guy is saying all his exes are crazy, something's wrong with him."
"Aside from the entertaining element of the revenge story, this is again another example of why it's so important for guys to pay attention and look out for red flags."
"If a guy's worried about your friends more than he's worried about you, then that's the wrong type of guy."
"Once there's one red flag, dip, because after the fifth red banner, it's overwhelming."
"If it looks painful for them to pay, that's a red flag that they don't like to pay."
"If this person sympathizes with that narcissist, that's a big red flag."
"Red flag time to move on and rebuild."
"A guy having too nice of shampoo or knowing too much about self-care, that's a red flag."
"You gotta pay attention to red flags, trust your gut when it's telling you something's wrong."
"Loneliness can grind you down so hard that when you finally meet someone, you can be primed to completely shut your eyes to the red flags that are wrapping themselves around your face."
"I saw red flags going into the marriage, but I rushed and we got married in only three months because I was afraid to lose the opportunity."
"Identify the red flags to know what's going against your standards."
"Don't get in the habit of collecting red flags. You have a wagon full of them, you only need one."
"If someone's in love with you, they wouldn't hurt you. Absolutely not, that's the biggest red flag. If that was one of my girls, I would say end it now, you just walk away from that situation completely, 100%, walk away from that, there is no ifs, buts, or maybe."
"This is actually something I have seen previously on Tik Tok where I was like what are people doing and I didn't like clock it to be yeah like a red flag"
"My red flags, I like quadruple text, but no, no, okay."
"If you do have like someone coming into your life who feels like, 'Oh my gosh, it's my soul mate,' if there's like red flags all over the place, you know, don't just rush in with them. Just be careful, take it slow."
"These ladies make terrible dating decisions and it's very clear when they're going to do it. You as a guy, not a lot of men actually know that they're dating red flags and stuff like this."
"Jen didn't see any red flags so when her world came crashing down she was left with the pain and Trauma of making sense of it all."
"The first real red flag was speaking of marriage right away. He wanted to build out my career. He was very focused on my career and how he was going to help me with my career. And I remember thinking it was great but also thinking it was very heavy."
"There are not always red flags in narcissistic relationships. This is really important to remember because many survivors blame themselves for missing the signs and subsequently feeling foolish."
"Those five things are red flags: you feel controlled, you feel afraid, you feel confused, you feel dismissed, and you feel objectified."
"These are called red flags. I say this is natasha. The only time well the only time I'll tell somebody this is my wife is if I'm in a social situation and a man tries to speak to natasha. I said that's my wife, you know?"
"Incongruent words and body language are often a red flag that someone is being deceptive."
"But it's kind of a minimal red flag too bro what he's talking about um like they had a workout place in their crib and she rather go pay money out of her pocket to pay for somebody else in the facility."
"Never settle. Seeing the red flags in people and you will hopefully find your person."
"Damn, you want some serious but your action say the opposite, and that's a red flag. I'm moving on, this game is nasty."
"You got nobody to blame but yourself. There are some people out there that lie and say, 'Hey, I want something serious', and then you can judge by the actions that weigh, right? Damn, you want something serious but your actions say the opposite, and that's a red flag."
"...I remember I when I was in um well here's two quick ones once I was on a uh cruise and that's all that's a red flag that's a red flag but I was a I was in college so it was our Spring break cruise..."
"And then it kind of like kind of started the ball rolling a little bit and then the video that really like pushed me over the edge was a video I did, where I was talking about very specific red flags in men. That video was my first video to ever go viral."
"The pressure on women to be married can lead to ignoring red flags. It's not just about being chosen; it's about recognizing manipulation."
"When you really start to see the red flags in them, that's obviously when you're going to stop giving up as much of yourself. So they need you to give up as much as possible before that mask falls off."
"If you think that you're just going to get everything you want and you're not going to have to compromise anything, you're a red flag."
"We see every single red flag, and we just keep ignoring it."
"I didn't see any red flags I didn't really know what red flags were at 19 years old I think now before ever meeting anyone again that I've got the knowledge there behind me to make sure that I don't end up in this same situation."
"Pay attention to red flags, that way you save yourself a whole lot of frustration and hurt and pain and all this and wasted time."
"Our first date he got pretty smashed and I kind of figured out right then he probably had a problem with that."
"Detective work in relationships: spotting red flags and facing reality."
"On the face of it, they may not have had a lot in common, but taken together, this was a major red flag."
"I think also if you find somebody who doesn't find this okay and is like kind of weird about the situation, I think that's a red flag for that person."
"The red flags that you see in the beginning that you maybe ignore end up being the reason why things don't work out in the end."
"Honestly, forget him and his mama. This is red flag territory."
"I feel like it's also a red flag if they only want you to remain exactly as you are and they don't want you to change."
"She's giving off all of the red flags, bro. All of them. It's time for you to cut that loose, guys. I think it's probably mandatory."
"Damn, you ever been on a date with someone who doesn't like to order appetizers? It's awful, red flag immediately."
"Men who fetish traditional women and obsess over women that are modest, obedient, quiet, and homemakers are walking red flags. They are insecure boys that are intimidated by strong, confident women."
"'You're damaged,' Lobo says. 'That's a sign. That is straight up a red flag for you.'"
"My girlfriend said that she would rather be cheated on than yelled at, and I'm not sure if that's a red flag or not."
"Love: the delusion surrounding love, right? And that can sometimes be where we're in a karmic relationship with a person and we don't see it, we don't see it, we ignore it, right? We ignore the red flags that are there."
"Now we're in a territory where like hey this is doubt these are red flags because there's something that's happening that you've requested because you know it's a pain point for you or you know it's a non-negotiable for you in a relationship."
"If someone comes on strong like this, using overly romantic and flowery language that reads as somewhat contrived and as if it were written on a sunny day while lazing on the British rolling countryside in 1890, that is a huge red flag."
"If someone starts love bombing me, I'm out of there."
"If a person is telling you and showing you who they are, that they do not want you, why are you not looking at the red flags?"
"Maybe if they have trust issues and there's something that they noticed about you, it may be a red flag."
"It's a red flag when you're consistently worried that you can't trust someone."
"When it comes to relationships, many people project their fantasy of what they want onto romantic prospects and due to their extreme attraction and strong emotions, they ignore all kinds of red flags, disrespect, and incompatibility."
"What hobby is an immediate red flag."
"Pisces people are so supportive that they will ignore red flags."
"Don't marry a man that prays you should die so he can be free."
"That is not someone you want to be in a relationship with."
"...red flags... they only want one thing, they're not being consistent, they're not wanting to get to know you."
"Red flags and friendships just isn't really talked about that much and I think maybe it I don't know I think maybe it should be talked about more."
"Daddy issues are the defcon 1 of all red flags."
"When you're seeing red flags, don't tilt your head and think to yourself, 'Hmm, maybe it's not so red.'"
"If Wifey's first thing is try to change you or fix you, then something isn't right with that."
"Pay attention to the red flags in the acquaintance and casual friends stage, before getting emotionally involved."
"If you ever meet anyone at all and you love them you like them they are like the newest best person you've ever met... if they are talking about their EX this is a huge number one red flag to get out of it."
"...if he starts out in the first couple weeks on the first date testing you in any way and it's not just out of humor just you know Kiki can't he's really testing you big red flag cut it off."
"...there are things you can do to reduce your chances of getting your time wasted and that's one of those things that's recognizing red flags and acting accordingly out the gate not six months down the road not six years down the road."
"Don't Lose Yourself be happy with it do not ignore red flags like have these little pit stops with yourself you know to check in with yourself and that's how you in my opinion you don't lose yourself."
"You never marry somebody that you didn't have a red flag about."
"Why shouldn't someone date me? Yeah, damn, I don't have any. Maybe that's a red flag that I don't think I have any red flags."
"Their next move is not to pay too much attention to how they feel about you but to really focus on the logic and the red flags."
"Some women can see all the red flags and still stick around."
"Be careful out there who you date and if you see red flags then please take them seriously because otherwise you'll end up like I did."
"You gotta pay attention to red flags, you can't rush into things."
"Always pay attention to the red flags, and remember guys... human nature is human nature."
"If she's got these signs, these red flags, walk away. It's not worth it."
"No one in the beginning is going to tell you they're a bad guy."
"Sometimes there are things that might be red flags to you that others don't notice as quickly because you just know them the best."
"We went from giving such toxic advice like text your ex on their birthday as a way to slide back into now giving you pointers on red flags."
"Those red flags that you ignored in the beginning of the relationship are the same reason that you end up breaking up with that person at the end of the relationship."
"While Googling romance advice isn't necessarily bizarre, the fact that Chris Watts was searching for dating tips while married to Shanann Watts is troubling."
"Once I get any signs, any worldliness in someone, I'm out, I'm gone."
"When you are with somebody that berates the server at the restaurant for serving them the wrong thing, get out of there."
"It's always best to just walk away and move on, and always pay attention to red flags."
"If a man mentions Kevin Samuels or Fresh & Fit on a date, I need you to just go ahead and get on up from that table and walk away."
"It's a red flag from the woman why is it a red flag it's a red flag for a guy that's a red flag from the guy because you're looking for another Mom that's it."
"You were able to see the red flags, so you set up some type of boundaries."
"this was beyond weird and it was generally the moment when i knew that i had to end it with him because there was no way that this dude was not a budding psychopath"
"Thank God I spotted the red flags just at the right time before it was too late."
"I'm truly tire says on this one what are the biggest red flags in the world is when you're telling a man a story about a woman being abused or killed and he just tries to justify the abuser."
"If not for the pandemic, I don't know if I would have seen him again. I probably would have been like, that's just one too many red flags for me to go on a fourth date with you."
"Guys, please don't ignore red flags. They're important to acknowledge. Red flags, acknowledge the red flags."
"So when you meet another [__] I've dealt with 12-year narcissist, you already know the signs to look out for and you just cut it right away like oh no no no no no no no."
"...never ever ever marry an uneducated woman like that should be a big red flag and a turnoff for you because now your children are going to be uneducated they're going to be illiterate because they're being raised by someone that's illiterate."
"I'm trying to think of any situation I feel like if a girl ever asks you how much money do you make on the first date, that's got to be like the most red flag shit in the world."
"What if your significant other is still friends with their EX, huge red flag right there."
"I would see it as a red flag if my partner was attracted to an 18-year-old and we're in our 30s."