
Underappreciated Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"Imposing Grandeur is underplayed. Discard your hand, draw nine? That's a lot of cards."
"This deserves a bit more attention than it's getting."
"There's a revolution in military affairs going on in Ukraine that is underappreciated."
"She never gets the attention that she deserves."
"It's so underhyped in my opinion and it deserves more love and I just love it so so much so I want everyone else to love it too."
"Honestly, Elric does not get enough recognition as it is."
"This palette is so good, the quality is incredible, and I feel like a lot of people are sleeping on this palette. It is so, so good."
"I freaking love Dr. Stone, and I don't think there's enough people on the internet talking about Dr. Stone."
"Raping is not funny to people in California."
"TF2 Times 10 is a very fun game mode that often goes under appreciated..."
"Trisha deserves a lot more credit than people give her."
"Nobody ever takes the time to consider the historical angle."
"I feel like these palettes aren't talked about enough."
"Don't be a [ __ ], just don't be a [ __ ]. We all have that voice inside... Every single time you work on yourself, that voice gets quieter and quieter."
"Sonic battle though now this is an underappreciated gem."
"This game may have flown under a lot of people's radars but it totally is one that you shouldn't miss out on."
"As much as everybody poo poos Godfather Part three remember it was still nominated for Best Picture of the year."
"Wii: where even the underdog games shine like diamonds in the rough."
"Overall, Jungle Fury is quite underrated and deserves more love and attention."
"One contribution to Fan created video content about certain franchises I think is heavily under spoken about."
"I think that this is one of the most underrated villains inside of the MCU."
"This card is underrated it's very very powerful."
"The Outbreak games are not the first installments of the series that jump to the front of anyone's minds when the words Resident Evil are brought up in conversation, but I do believe that they should be celebrated."
"You'd be surprised how easy it is to forget just how incredibly valuable Symphony of the Night is as a Castlevania game."
"I think this level deserves a lot more attention than it's getting."
"That's like maybe the most groundbreaking thing that nobody talks about in this market."
"The most underrated underused question in the world is would you help me."
"The old mariner doesn't get the credit it deserves."
"This one deserves so much more love."
"I really love this character too. I feel like she never gets the amount of love that she deserves, yet she remains grateful."
"It's just such a fascinating device that never really got its chance to shine."
"Smartest person in the show is toiling away in the obscurity of the basement."
"He's such a great teammate. His job is so thankless to me and he's just, he doesn't get enough credit and praise for how good he is at what he does."
"The Emperor’s New Groove, like our previous entry, did not perform well when it was released in theaters."
"There's more that meets the eye, the layers that make us unique and the good that goes underappreciated by our peers ever so often."
"The GMT 400, something I really think is underappreciated right now."
"This thing is Magic, like why is no one talking about it?"
"Thelma, the MVP of Comedy yet again. People don't give her the credit."
"From animated adventures to cryptic head scratchers, these films from the 2000s are worth checking out even though they flopped."
"I would argue that it is massively underappreciated and undervalued because, essentially, what you have here is Omega's answer to the Rolex Datejust."
"I feel like a lot of people, myself included, did not realize how good it really was."
"They never got the credit they deserved."
"Silence is something we don't even take advantage of anymore."
"Calm is almost never included in that conversation, so we need more. Appreciate you saying that because it's not said enough."
"But the best thing about it is what most people don't talk about."
"I don't think this movie gets talked about enough."
"AT&T Stadium, probably a little bit underappreciated, and I've got it at number four on my list of best stadiums."
"it's so underappreciated for what a unique Halloween season story it tells"
"It's frustrating that this movie series doesn't really seem to get the credit that it deserves and doesn't really seem to get the appreciation that it deserves from modern comic book movie fans."
"Oh yeah, no respect to Punch-Out, that's one of the more under-appreciated Nintendo franchises in my personal opinion, I'm sorry, you're gonna say something, uh, Samantha?"
"I think that's underappreciated and probably really, really important."
"Big Time... quietly made a lasting impression on those lucky enough to discover its charms."
"This is my favorite. It's weirdly like not very viral but I think it should be."
"And onto the number two spot, I have a set that gets way overlooked and way overhated and definitely needs more love, which is 75355 X-wing Starfighter."
"The show has a unique spirit and I think it was one of the most intelligent and underappreciated cartoons of its time."
"The Floatride X from Reebok is actually pretty nice. Floatride in general is one of the most under-appreciated sneaker cushioning technologies on the market."
"Welcome back to Worth the Effort Woodworking as we talk about some underappreciated hand tools."
"Sticky Fingers, 'The Autobiography of Kirk Jones,' is another one that's always kind of swept under the rug."
"Master Ace, 'Disposable Arts,' 2001, that's definitely one I think should be mentioned."
"People gonna sleep on State Fair."
"John Henry Irons is one of the coolest DC characters that exist and he is so underused."
"Kingdom Come Deliverance is one of the best RPGs I've played in the past five years despite selling 5 million copies since its release in 2018 it's a criminally underappreciated game."
"Adrian Dantley, one of the most under recognized and underappreciated scorers of all time."
"The drummers in metal are the most valuable yet most underrated."
"Persia hot hatches are generally pretty under the radar and massively overlooked."
"Nothing beats a good pair of underwear. No one else may see it, but you are going to feel it all day."
"It's amazing yet I don't hear many people talk about it."
"It's totally underrated. This is really, yeah. I was gonna say it's just one of those things where it's like, 'This is a totally underrated tune.'"
"The 2.7 liter twin turbocharged V6... it's underappreciated... it's one of the best all-around engines... the 5-liter V8, the coyote... another one that's under-appreciated."
"The album is still great...I wish it got the love it deserves."
"Zubin Mehta has not really gotten I think a lot of the credit he has deserved."
"Frontios is really good, concepts quite overlooked."
"I feel like it doesn't get as much appreciation and I feel like a lot of people don't even know it was based off a book."
"I definitely work harder than lots of people give me credit for."
"Teaching is definitely a really underrated skill."
"From comic to animation to video games to toys, Bucky O'Hare feels like he should have seen more success than he got."
"You probably don't give a lot of thought to your kidneys, but they do a lot of work to keep your body functioning properly."
"The artistic ability of those people is super underappreciated."
"It's something that has more use than I think a lot of people realize."
"Old Key West doesn't get the level of love that it deserves."
"I really, really enjoy these amplifiers a lot; I think they're really cool, I think they're definitely underappreciated."
"This is the technology Revolution that people aren't talking enough about but is going to be massive."
"These two super SUVs are being overlooked by buyers that could be lapping up their combination of huge power and supple ride quality."
"Asclepius doesn't get anywhere close to the love and appreciation that he deserves."
"SeaWorld Orlando is the forgotten child of the major theme parks in Orlando."
"Walking is vastly underestimated as it was useful."
"I just don't think the world heard him the way they should have."
"The role of an equine osteopath is a huge part of it, but actually not one that we hear too much about."
"It's definitely worthy of a lot more recognition than it gets."
"Larry Bird has one of the greatest performances of all time that people don't talk about quite enough."
"...the Indie gaming scene is crushing it right now it doesn't get highlighted enough..."
"That's not what the show is about. The show is about shining a light on things that I think are underappreciated."
"It's literally my sort of suggestion of what I think are potentially underdogged, unloved, slightly under the radar cars."
"Sadly, Bodhi Senna is not widely known despite a surprising impact on Japan."
"It's definitely not the component here that gets the most use, but it really is the heart and soul of the whole thing."
"I think he is a guy that has not received the credit that he deserves."
"I want to shout out Kevin Durant because I think the season that he's having so far has gone so under the radar."
"I'm actually really surprised IceWM doesn't get more love than it does."
"This is really big news and I think many people are underestimating what a huge deal this is."
"Gratitude is probably our most unutilized superpower."
"Cuneiform is not as well known in the world as that jolly well ought to be."
"Hermione is being so underutilized. Hermione is a genius, like a literal genius."
"These in my opinion are the most underhyped, underappreciated pair of CCM skates that CCM has ever made."
"In the pantheon of fruit desserts, crisps and cobblers get all the love, but buckles deserve their day in the sun."
"Virginia Tech really is a better program than I remembered, probably the most overlooked program in college football history."
"Filip Kostic is someone who has certainly flown under the radar at times over the last decade, a world-class crosser of the ball."
"We don't talk enough about X-Men: First Class."
"This card can fit in a lot of decks, I really like this Kaldheim cycle in general, I don't think it gets played nearly enough."
"There has been a lot of characters in DC comics and a lot of characters in general when it comes to fiction that don't really get the love they deserve."
"It's a good staple product and I think I haven't seen it talked about enough."
"This is seriously so cute and it deserves a lot more love than just one project."
"I think that vitamin C derivatives deserve way more praise than they currently get."
"Pono don't get as much credit as they deserve."
"A guy with 19 YouTube subs executed perhaps the greatest GTA speedrun in history 6 weeks ago, and no one noticed."
"It's a very very tasty fig that constantly I think is overlooked."
"The prophets we'll discuss today are so easily overlooked and underappreciated, which is tragic."
"The significant contribution to the total performance return that dividends add is underappreciated."
"There's actually a real emotional core to this that I don't think is getting nearly enough credit."
"There's more love in the world, and it doesn't get talked about enough."
"I think maybe Cast No Shadow doesn't get the recognition it deserves."
"It's a very very pretty cluster, M67, and doesn't get enough attention."
"There's this unbelievable vibrant culture that is not really looked at."
"Tom allowing that to happen as a superstar quarterback is a trait that does not get talked about enough."
"A car that was derided when new but I think is going to attract quite the cult following."
"It's an amazing piece of technology that is unfortunately overlooked by lots of people."
"She's very outgoing, witty. I don't think we're seeing enough of it. She should be the best person in there, she is the best person in there."
"X-Men Origins: Wolverine might be one of the coolest and yet most overlooked games in history."
"It deserves so much more attention than it has gotten."
"Not enough people talk about this park, and I'll admit it, including myself."
"I always said it before, I feel like the world time is one of the most underappreciated complications."
"A true car legend in today's day and age and completely underappreciated."
"It's not talked about enough how important it is to be able to work as a team."
"Reactive Extensions for .NET, or RX, is one of the most important features available in .NETs and possibly one of the least well-known as well."
"They deserve so much more attention than what they get."
"I'm a big believer in the underdog, so I like the people that are behind the scenes creating all these amazing thoughts that don't really get attention."
"I would say Dylan Frazier doesn't get near enough attention as he should."
"The collaboration Suite from Synology doesn't get anywhere near the respect I think it deserves."
"Nurses are the underdog of the hospitals."
"He is just such a powerful and interesting figure and he does not get enough time to shine in the comics."
"Not enough people talked about her performance; she's so wonderful in that role."
"I feel like I underrate this highlighter; I don't reach for it as often as I should, it's really really beautiful."
"I just don't think Viseart gets enough love because they do have such an impeccable formula."
"I think a car that was a little bit misunderstood when it first came out but it's an absolute animal."