
Earnestness Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"Persistence in prayer is not about the eloquence of words but the earnestness of the heart."
"Earnestness is the path of immortality (Nirvana), thoughtlessness is the path of death."
"It's the earnest seriousness of it which I think again adds to the resulting absurdity of the writing."
"They're very earnest about it, they've learned their lessons."
"There's something kind of likable about Water World, you know? It has a kind of soft spot, something earnest about it."
"Captain Marvel may come off as a little corny, but that corniness is a result of simply being very earnest and heartfelt, and at times inspiring."
"There was never a time when God instructed his people more earnestly than he instructs them now concerning his will and the course that he would have them pursue."
"Earnestly desire spiritual gifts with intense desire."
"Earnest money shows the seller, 'Hey, we're serious about this.'"
"Here's a prayer I'm convinced God loves: the earnest prayer."
"It's the earnest prayer that accomplishes much."
"If it ain't earnest, it's probably not going to accomplish."
"Universes have the capacity for earnestness."
"The most sincere drama I've seen in a really long time in its earnestness."
"It's hard to use the word without winking, if that makes sense. And I think the cast agreed that there was an earnestness to the show that they didn't want to threaten with a wink."
"They who are in earnest do not die, they who are not in earnest are as if dead already."
"The film handles the more sensitive scenes with earnestness."
"...lean all the way into the conventions of genre and to statisize abstract ideas and concepts earnestly."
"Earnestness: the core of being intellectually honest."
"We are all very Earnest and vulnerable, and people thank us for our vulnerability."
"Boy Meets World is a very earnest series, not shying away from sensitive issues, or social commentary."
"May I show these people what you have wrought?" he asked earnestly.
"Until this matter is settled, don't hesitate to command me," Pendleton said earnestly.
"This album's very on the nose. That's part of what makes it so earnest for somebody who I associate with irony and extreme behavior."
"All true repentance is marked by earnestness."
"But if there's an earnestness to what you're doing, if you believe in it and you're really trying to do the best you can with it, then I think you can't help but warm to that."
"Trust me. I am an earnest. I must have an explicit answer. My passion is so fervent, that it will no longer bear, the pretty trifling because of your sex."
"But covet earnestly the best gifts."
"Her earnestness to protect you inspires you to protect her."
"There's something really earnest about what she was singing."
"Earnest waving makes me laugh a lot."
"Audiences are very jaded... it's very hard for sincerity and earnestness to actually move you anymore."
"It's just good to see an Earnest man for once."
"...the police were very Earnest it seemed in in wanting to solve the crime."
"The good-looking boy from Oklahoma gained his fame and respect the old fashioned way he earned it."
"We pray earnestly, persistently, and with gratitude."
"I'm not here to ask for anything. I'm here to earn it."
"Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins."
"...what can be funny is precisely the earnestness of it..."
"A strange sense of relief flooded her at his earnestness," Philippa nodded.
"It's a beautifully told, like snark-free, it's just earnest, it's a love story."
"We desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have the full assurance of hope unto the end."
"I've now realized for the first time in my life the vital importance of being earnest."
"There is every hope of success for anyone who strives sincerely and in real earnestness."
"I have now realized for the first time in my life the vital importance of being earnest."
"Please know that I would not be asking if it did not mean a lot to me personally."
"I've just seen this desire and this hunger and this disregard for appearances; you want God and you're desperate."
"To reveal the deeper impulses working at the present time is not a congenial task, for there is little inclination to enter into such matters with any real earnestness, but our age calls for this earnestness wherever the affairs of humanity are concerned."
"Thank you for watching this video in Earnest."
"Love one another earnestly from a pure heart."
"I like his earnestness and there's a key character trait that I think is really interesting in his little chuckle."
"Love everybody, love every human being seriously."
"We must get used to taking things very, very seriously."
"Get married, P.K. Purvis," said Gussy earnestly. "It's the only life."
"Earnestness is the dedication of the entire mind to its task."
"And he said so much, and said it in his way so strong and earnest, and all the time so gentle and kind, that I said I'll come and talk to you, father."
"We discover it by being earnest, by searching, inquiring, questioning daily and hourly, by giving one's life to this discovery."
"For behold what earnestness this very thing, this godly sorrow, has produced in you."
"You basically just have to live your life as an earnest and faithful man."
"They weren't pretentious in their performance, they were so earnest."
"Our age calls for earnestness wherever the affairs of humanity are concerned, above all for the discarding of prejudices and preconceptions."
"The faith of martyrs was not taken up at secondhand; they believed for themselves in downright earnest."
"It's not time for you to just be playing church, it's time for you to call on God like never before."
"It does feel like it's coming from a real earnest place."
"I love earnest people like this, people who just want to be honest, they just want to be nice, they want to be a respected figure."
"The vital importance of being earnest."
"Spiritual science must be taken in deep earnestness for only so can it be rightly understood."
"The best style of prayer is that which cannot be called anything else but a cry."
"Earnestness is both necessary and sufficient, and interest in truth is the driving force that will surely take us home."
"An earnest desire to save the world."
"The only sacrifice worth making is one done with an earnest purpose, not an anti-purpose."
"Both sides of me were in dead earnest; I was no more myself when I laid aside restraint and plunged in shame than when I laboured in the eye of day at the furtherance of knowledge or the relief of sorrow and suffering."
"Anything that can sustain those whose profession it is to face death and to be victorious seems to me still heavy with value to those of us who would wish to live in earnest."
"I will continue to live my life with sincerity and earnestness."
"I'm not just saying it to be nice, I really, really mean it."
"He thirsted for knowledge and the earnest and practical character of his mind led him to desire the solid and useful rather than the showy and superficial."
"What you should do now is to study hard," Ly Fong said earnestly.
"For the one who is earnest, and in whose heart this pulse for awakening is beating, your time is now!"
"When you're doing something earnestly and you mean it, and then you're incorrect, you will be quick to correct yourself."
"I would very much like for you to listen to what I said here and take it to heart because I mean it sincerely."
"I loved that guy. I'd say I love how earnest he is."
"You need both clarity and earnestness for self-knowledge."
"Life is not a dress rehearsal; you only get one chance to do it right."
"We must be serious with what we've been given."
"I do love you so awfully," said Bill earnestly.
"I believe you are in earnest and are good. I wish we all were."
"You may think I'm crazy, you may think I'm just some nut, but I want you to hear me out for a moment."
"She's very earnest and passionate."
"Earnest and innocent was their desire to bring joy to the world."
"He simply lives the best life the ending world can provide and naturally, since enjoying that life involves remaining alive through it, he works earnestly to keep himself and those around him alive."
"This is real life for me, you know, it's just not a story, it's real life."
"Not only am I serious, it's also with sincerity."