
Historical Event Quotes

There are 2981 quotes

"December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy."
"The great extinction, evidence of flooding, great climate change, and structures way ahead of their time all seemed to be pointing to a single earth-shaking event around 12,000 years ago."
"The Watergate bugging incident stemmed from a massive campaign of political spying and sabotage conducted on behalf of President Nixon's re-election."
"Stalin's son was a soldier in World War II, and after being captured by German forces, the Germans thought they had won on the bus."
"On the very day of the armistice, Poland was reestablished as an independent nation after 123 years of being ruled by the German, Austrian, and Russian empires."
"Germany was officially reunified in 1990 as East Germany was dissolved and joined West Germany."
"January 6, 2021, a day that will live in infamy in our country."
"In 1996, North Korea was in the midst of one of the worst famines experienced by any industrialized nation in modern history."
"Jack Cornwall was only 16 when he lost his life at the Battle of Jutland... He did not panic or flee, nor lie in despair. Instead, he remained at his post, a 16-year-old boy, calm and ready to take more orders."
"Christianity did not originate with a book. Christianity originated with an event, the resurrection."
"General Douglas MacArthur arrived at Atsugi naval aerodrome near Yokohama on August 30th, 1945, as he emerged from his aircraft, he paused at the top of the steps, stuck one hand in his hip pockets, tightened his jaws around his corncob pipe, and surveyed the conquered lands."
"The first Jewish temple, built by King Solomon, was destroyed by the Babylonians in 587 BC."
"Ladies and gentlemen, it is happening. We just witnessed the biggest banking failure since 2008."
"This video is kind of insane, but we have Amelia Earhart's final flight."
"The Hindenburg, one of the world's largest blimps, unfortunately exploded in New Jersey, and there's footage of it."
"In 1997, Gary Kasparov, the most successful champion in the history of chess, lost to IBM's Deep Blue, one of the first computer or artificial systems."
"We're coming out of what we certainly hope will be a once in a lifetime, certainly historic, the first really global modern pandemic."
"Our first objective is to join and Germany's war on Poland as soon as possible."
"The Apollo 11 moon landing is one of the greatest events in human history."
"It's all about Him, along His people were cast off into another land by a king who did not know their God, but in the end of his rule, Nebuchadnezzar, the one that overtook Elohim's land of Judah, later recognized Elohim as the Most High and praised Him."
"Monday the 8th of October 1985. The 23,000 ton Italian cruise liner Achille Lauro is docked at the Port of Alexandria on the coast of Egypt."
"Alexander Litvinenko died at 9:21 PM on November 23, 2006."
"What happened on Bloody Sunday was both unjustified and unjustifiable."
"In the midst of a Civil War, I have done it; we have united the Empire once and for all, in a beautiful glory."
"It was an incredible celebration of freedom and of sovereignty...people dancing on the Berlin Wall...the end of the evil empire's occupation was at hand."
"The darkness was experienced throughout New England; it was so great that people were unable to read common print."
"When the NBA went global for the first time in history, September 8th, 1978, the Washington Bullets, self-proclaimed world champions, played Israeli Club Maccabi Tel Aviv and lost 88-87."
"The Zenith of The Summer of '69 was perhaps the Apollo 11 mission."
"The towns were relocated and the land that people once called home is completely underwater."
"Ladies and gentlemen, Martin Luther King was shot and was killed tonight in Memphis."
"We know with almost 100% certainty that the first temple was destroyed in the year 586 BCE."
"What a day, what a 24 hours, as the world mourns the passing of Queen Elizabeth. A new chapter begins."
"The summer of love was one of the most pivotal and provocative events of the 60s."
"Now Stalin began to regain his nerve. His prime task was to steady the country, dispelling the swirl of rumor and panic."
"Adolf Hitler is dead. He is dead, and how he died, the world little cares. For Hitler's death, millions are now thankful for justice."
"These assassins murdered the demigod Godwin the Golden, and the rest is history."
"We mark the Tibetan National Uprising Day, 60 years of Tibetan National Uprising Day. That was held in almost hundred cities around the world on the same day by Tibetans and supporters."
"During 2020 and 2021, we had a once in a lifetime pandemic."
"Jim Garrison's case involved prosecuting a New Orleans person for his actions in New Orleans to conspire to kill Kennedy... That's usually how that comes about: conspiracy type, aiding and abetting, things of that nature."
"Rebecca Nurse's execution was honestly a pivotal moment in these trials."
"This is incredible. This is history we're watching history happen right now."
"For the first time since Adam alayhis-salam set foot on earth, there is a lockdown all over the world. This is an absolutely unique situation in human history."
"The tragedy of Karbala is a historical tragedy not a theological one."
"The industry had hit $42 billion in revenue the previous year, but thanks to the video game crash of 1983, revenue wouldn’t hit the same amount again until 1993."
"Israel's victory was a defining moment in the 20th Century's history, having national and international significance."
"All sleepers awaiting a call to action and the call came, and France fell under the dark sky of bloody Revolution."
"I think it was a beautiful sight because it was the first time Protestants and Catholics were not at each other's neck about who's right about what."
"On November 14, 1918, just three days after the Armistice, Jozef Pilsudski became the head of state and commander-in-chief of the new Polish Republic."
"The discovery of King Tutankhamun's mummy launched an international media frenzy, making headlines in every major newspaper around the world."
"January 6th, 2021, was not the culmination of political violence in this country; it was just the beginning."
"Crossing the Rubicon was basically violating Roman law, symbolizing bringing military troops beyond the designated boundary of Rome."
"If the resurrection of Jesus Christ was not an actual event in real history, then Christianity as an entire belief system is false."
"The story begins, as you might expect, in July of 1955 with the grand opening of Disneyland."
"Martin Luther King Jr. was killed tonight in Memphis, Tennessee, shot in the face as he stood alone on the balcony of his hotel room."
"The Permian mass extinction, which took place around 252 million years ago, is colloquially known as the great dying and it absolutely deserves that name."
"The story of the Donner Party is one of intrigue, hardship, adventure, and most importantly, cannibalism."
"It was a moment in time where it was something that we never thought we'd ever see happen."
"Jim Jones had the entire commune drink cyanide-laced Kool-Aid, killing a total of 918 people."
"East German border guards tonight were literally tearing down portions of the wall itself, not the whole wall but portions of the wall to make it easier for East Germans to come into West Berlin."
"This is the tragic story of the Sydney to Hobart '98 Yacht Race, resulting in six deaths, five sunken boats, and 55 rescued sailors."
"The Chernobyl nuclear disaster is arguably the world's worst nuclear incident that wasn't intentional."
"The day you put out a hit is the day Diddy admits that he put out the hit that got Pac killed."
"During World War II, a U.S marine convinced 1300 Japanese soldiers to surrender."
"Neil Armstrong almost died before walking on the moon."
"Michael Collins stayed in lunar orbit, earning the title 'the loneliest man in history.'"
"And Anatoly Karpov has won the 1978 World Chess Championship."
"The Ali scenes were incredible; Rumble in the Jungle, I'm like iconic, iconic stuff."
"President Roosevelt was on hand for the dedication of a new three and a half million dollar building to house the Fed."
"Nobody at 6:00 PM on Good Friday was saying, well, we've always believed."
"Something caused the extinction of the dinosaurs."
"I think that's a reasonable assessment look at stuck net Iranian nuclear centrifuges overloaded and exploded how did they do it many of you may not remember stuck."
"On this road, the largest mass shooting in Canadian history began."
"The Soviet flag was raised over the Reichstag that evening by two of Zhukov’s men."
"The crisis only seemed to end when Hitler appointed himself the official head of both the SA and SS, which appeared to bring the former back into line."
"The press reported that Mrs. Simpson had sailed to France, and for the first time in Britain, their king's relationship with a married woman was out in the open."
"News that everyone knew would come and yet no one was really prepared for the death of the only monarch most Britons ever knew."
"Queen Elizabeth II died today in Scotland. Her Majesty is 96 years old, spent a record 70 years on the throne."
"In case you're unfamiliar, the United States did in fact send people to the moon."
"Henry had won the battle of Bosworth, and with it, the crown of England."
"The death of Warren G. Harding hit the nation like an apocalyptic asteroid."
"Richard locked the boys up in the Tower of London, claiming this was for their protection, but they would never be seen again."
"Constantinople had fallen, and with it, the fate of an empire."
"The law introduced the day before the anniversary of Hong Kong's handover from Britain to China."
"The Titanic was dubbed 'unsinkable'... even before its first voyage."
"More than 1500 people lost their lives, but only 300 bodies would be recovered, mainly men. There were women and children among those who died in the ocean as well."
"The Titanic was the biggest ship but the number of lifeboats on the Titanic was insufficient given the number of people on board."
"Our proud ship, our beautiful Titanic, gone to our doom."
"The first major test for this fledgling state came just 2 years later."
"Their incredible skills enabled them when the Soviets launched Sputnik 2 only a month after Sputnik 1 to discover something new..."
"The Black Tom Explosion... the first terrorist attack in America."
"That same year, as of course we all know, was the beginning of the COVID 19 pandemic."
"Something big did happen in what has been called perhaps the biggest win for organized labor in a generation."
"It is remarkable to see a former president of the United States go through this."
"Magda Goebbels murdered her six children aged between 12 and 4 years of age before she and Joseph killed themselves."
"The victory at Bannockburn secured Scotland's independence with the Treaty of Edinburgh–Northampton in 1328."
"Christianity is true because an event occurred."
"The ceremony was very sumptuous... the chief mourner was Eleanor Brandon." - Description of the funeral
"I think they really did see something quite real, the Farmington Armada."
"Roswell made the front page of many newspapers across the country."
"The American Revolution was an ideological revolution where we decided the government must serve its people."
"We need an honest reckoning about what happened during [the pandemic]."
"What happened that night changed martial arts forever on a global scale."
"Let June the 23rd go down in our history as our Independence Day."
"It is a remarkable thing, unique thing, the Battle of Britain."
"History will rightly remember today's violence at the Capitol incited by a sitting president... as a moment of great dishonor and shame." - Barack Obama
"The victory at Dervenakia was a triumph for the Hellenic cause, but it cast a long shadow, as thinly veiled rivalries began to boil to the surface."
"That June 1839, an imperial force surrounded the British garrison and Canton, seized all the opium, and destroyed it."
"An awful timeline in recent European history: Munich 1958, also known as the Munich air disaster."
"Chernobyl: one of the largest nuclear disasters in history."
"The prohibition poisoning: government agencies poisoning industrial alcohol with lethal chemicals."
"If they used the same force that they applied in Tiananmen thirty years ago, I believe it would be the beginning of the end of the CCP. I think the CCP would ultimately collapse."
"Mainstream science is saying that there was a comet that hit North America right in this area around 12,000 years ago."
"The loss of Greece was a tough one for the Allies."
"This will go down in history as a major turning point."
"The queen did exactly the right thing that week."
"With a very serious look on his face, he launched Operation Rubicon, a coup d'etat through which he hoped to gain full power and restore the empire."
"This really has turned out to be just a historic example of what a pandemic virus can do. It's just been a terribly trying year for everybody in so many respects." - Dr. Anthony Fauci
"His final meal on the morning of his execution was fish and chips with a side of tomatoes, a glass of brandy, and a cup of tea."
"This is the greatest political comeback of all time."
"The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the best established events of history."
"Israel enters that year, Jewish soldiers after two thousand years enter the gates of Jerusalem for everyone shall return home, the owner shall return home, the civil day six-day war comes upon him."
"America landed 12 men on the lunar surface and changed the very nature of what humans are capable of."
"A huge percentage of the human population, not living in a cave on July 20th, 1969, were aware of the moment when Neil Armstrong first stepped on the moon and uttered the words: 'One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.'"
"It bears repeating just how much of a historic moment we witnessed today and just how it'll impact the race for the presidency in 2024 is anyone's guess."
"Remember 55 years ago, John Lewis walked into a line of state troopers."
"A string of UFO sightings took place that would mark the beginning of a tremendous wave of encounters that shocked the world."
"This airplane wreckage might be the C-54, we could potentially be solving a mystery."
"Berlin is deep inside the Soviet sector. And the Soviets want all of it and the rest of the people say no, and so basically, the country of Germany gets divided into these quarters, basically."
"Hamilton's approach is what saved Apollo 11 from having to abort the mission."
"If you're just now joining us, we are live outside the steps of our nation's capital in an event that I don't think we've seen in modern-day history."
"Scientists and military personnel in Philadelphia rushed to the ship and a mad scrambled to ascertain what had happened."
"Tesla couldn't bear the horrendous consequences which he predicted would befall the crew members of the USS Eldridge, so he resigned from the project."
"German plane charred and crumpled and scattered across the good earth of England."
"The Spanish revolution in 1936 was a largely anarchist revolution."
"The 2004 Boxing Day tsunami was the worst tsunami in recorded history."
"It was a moment as brazen as it was foolish."
"The story of the Mad Trapper of the Rat River was a media circus at the time, resulting in an enduring historical mystery. It is history that deserves to be remembered."
"The manhunt for the Mad Trapper of the Rat River tested modern technologies and the skills of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in primitive conditions and resulted in an enduring mystery."
"Fox was the first to call the election for Biden."
"This is a world historical moment... one of those moments when big things changed."
"A Japanese trap became an American Ambush and totally transformed Naval Warfare."
"The successes of the RAF against the German bombers will sow the seeds of conflict within the Luftwaffe."
"For the first time in the Second World War, Luftwaffe fighter pilots cannot escape from danger with their famous tactic of the half roll and dive."
"The beginning of the end for the Cambridge Five came in the early 1950s."
"Overall, the Dolphie hacking accusation drama, while mostly in the past today, is definitely one for the history books."
"This is going to be remembered as something that only happens once every 100 years."
"For 65 years the story of America's unknown child has haunted this community."
"Putting Vice President Pence's life in danger during the Capitol riot when he refused to go along."
"We got sucker punched on september the 11th enemies of freedom committed an act of war against our country."
"As the decade of the twenties neared its end, the great democracy of the West, the brave new world, became aware of strange twitchings and pains. Then came Black Tuesday, October 29th, 1929, the infamous stock market crash."
"Three Mile Island was normal in that it was unexpected, incomprehensible, uncontrollable, and unavoidable."
"This woman, Blasi Ford, who's a psychologist at a university in California, she is alleging that 36 years ago she was at a party with a bunch of drunk guys and Brett Kavanaugh was there."
"But he said to her um tell James if he's doing a film on UFOs and I think it was probably 1997 or 96 96 97 something like this you should uh tell him that he should look into the this Landing case at a school in in Zimbabwe..."
"The flu left behind a world filled with widows and orphans."
"In all the catalogue of ineffectual leadership, nothing is quite so public, puzzling as the virtual absence of any deterrent action during the last precious hours of daylight before the Japanese attacked."
"The Spanish Civil War ended in March 1939, and so did Czechoslovakia."
"The Black Death had arrived in Constantinople in May 1347."
"August 15, 1971 will stand as an important event in economic history for many, many, uh, generations. In fact, you know, hundreds of years from now, people will look back to that day."
"Kennedy assassination was organized by the deep state."
"Scientists say that a comet may have smashed into the surface of our planet thirteen thousand years ago."
"By June 1944, the Allies were ready to launch an invasion dubbed Operation Overlord."
"There have been incidents in late June, the famous sighting of Mount Rainier by Kenneth Arnold."
"This is history right here, unbelievable scenes. This is history, we're witnessing history."
"37 days after the visit to Sarajevo, a war had broken out."
"The Auschwitz Struggle Group called for restraint and patience."
"Regardless, the burning of Persepolis symbolized the end of the Achaemenid ruling house and the glorious empire they had presided over."
"Donald Trump LED and participated in a conspiracy in Con in connection with groups like The Oath Keepers and the proud boys to oppose by force the lawful transfer of Presidential Power from him to president-elect Joseph R Biden."
"The failure of the 20 July Plot ensured that Berlin would have to endure a bloody siege by the Allies."
"A miracle baby boy was born in Beirut during the largest explosion in Lebanon's known history."
"Diana became officially the Princess of Wales."
"On January 6, 2021, the world bore witness to what can only be described as one of the dumbest days in American history."
"A strange light seen in the heavens caused the Turks to flee in panic."
"Recounting the story of the wreck of the Glen Aslan captures this sense of romance and adventure beautifully."
"The Holocaust is fucked up and wrong and obviously it happened."
"Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked."
"James K. Polk's negotiation on the Oregon border."
"After the editor was sent to prison where he died, no paper has dared to write anything negative about you."
"The riots became known around the world as the Great Calcutta Killings."
"The summer of 2412 is memorable as a turning point in interstellar war fighting philosophy."
"Nobunaga crushed a small village in Iga province in 1581, sparking the basis for the Iga ninja myth."
"This evil became all too real in France in the 1760s when an oversized wolf known as the Beast of Gévaudan killed and ate dozens of people."
"The morning of Saturday, July 18, 1945, a United States Army Air Force's B-25 Mitchell was flying from Bedford Army Airfield in Massachusetts to New Jersey's Newark Airport."
"The war was coming to an end, but the dark truth about the riches hidden in the deep mine were just coming out into the light..."
"This Queen of Scotland got the axe, literally."
"The biggest loser of the raid at Toronto was undoubtedly Mussolini himself as the strength of the Italian Navy in terms of its capital ships were hard overnight."
"After a 51-day siege in Waco, Texas, the Branch Davidian compound is a blazing inferno."
"The band played the song 'Nearer My God to Thee' as the ship sank to the ocean's depths."
"The cultural revolution was a specific campaign by Mao."
"The day we left Afghanistan... was something inconceivable in the United States that I grew up in."
"All the people in the house, though some of them were Holocaust survivors, all of them knew the importance of bringing Eichmann alive to Israel."
"When it was announced that Adolf Eichmann had been captured, the world was absolutely stunned."
"By June 1941, the invasion of the Soviet Union had been initiated and Hitler was effectively locked away from all party officials, leaving Bormann alone as the unchecked representative of the Fuhrer."
"I woke up yesterday elated by the news of Reverend Rafael Warnock's election victory. He'll be Georgia's first Black senator."
"Malachi Martin died on the 27th of July 1999 of a hemorrhagic stroke."
"Imagine the sight of Israel's warriors marching around the walled city of Jericho, led by priests blowing their ram's horn trumpets and carrying the gleaming Ark of the Covenant."
"We have never had a situation where a president left office and then was charged with crimes he committed while being president."
"Faisal and the Arab army have the honor of taking the surrender of Damascus."
"The abdication crisis that nearly toppled the British Monarchy probably saved it by opening the door to George VI."
"In terms of war debt, Gettysburg was the bloodiest battle of the entire Civil War."
"Whenever I see this photo, I wish I was alive to see this unfold in real time." - Narrator