
Infamy Quotes

There are 198 quotes

"December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy."
"January 6, 2021, a day that will live in infamy in our country."
"January 6 will live in infamy as a moment where Republicans had to make a decision about who each of them are."
"So what is it that made him one of the worst yet most talented financial scammers of all time?"
"This Supreme Court opinion will live in infamy as they step backward for women's rights and human rights."
"Their names and the names of women like them are infamous because they did what most people consider unthinkable. They took the lives of their own children."
"Aokigahara: known as the suicide forest, infamous for suicides and suicide attempts year after year."
"It's an interesting list to be on considering most people on it are in prison."
"Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked."
"He's not to be glorified he used to be damned they were important people they were people just like me living breathing people that had Futures and they're gone and we only remember this inhuman thing."
"Victor Boot, the man literally called The Merchant of death."
"It's probably a signifier that you're doing something right... this sort of infamy is probably a signifier that you're doing something right."
"Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy."
"The comment section is just a literal cesspool of hell. Get in there and find out why it's the most infamous gun comment section on YouTube."
"For some reason Lucy letby at just the age of 25 would go on her journey to become the UK's worst child serial killer ever."
"People began comparing her to famous murderesses throughout history."
"Israel had a long history of kidnapping, harming people, and even murder."
"It's strange and disappointing to realize that someone like Sagawa could not only escape justice but also go on to become famous and profit from his despicable actions."
"December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy."
"Port Royal became known as the wickedest city on earth."
"If Ted Bundy occurred in the age of social media, he would have had one of the most popular channels in history."
"This paul mullin hat-trick will go down in infamy."
"One of Mexico's youngest mujeres fuertes, the 35-year-old Melissa 'La China' Calderon, is a female killer for hire allegedly responsible for more than 200 murders."
"One of the most notorious killers of all time."
"If Hitler’s goal was to make something that everyone would recognize and connect with him, he succeeded."
"He wanted to be infamous, the Manchester gangster everyone remembered."
"Represented on the infamous map, Sentence Clutch."
"You notice that January 6th gets a date name like 9/11. As soon as you put a date on it, it's the date that lives in infamy, right? It's like Pearl Harbor Day, 9/11, January 6th."
"Chris Watts had become America's most hated father."
"The fact that Gacy had this other persona... raises Gacy to the level of a mythic American monster."
"Henry Every became the most wanted man on the planet."
"During his four year reign, he indulged in so much excess that 2,000 years later his name is still a byword for cruelty and perversion."
"Caligula, the emperor everyone just couldn’t get enough of."
"It is pretty infamous because of all the videos in the early 2010s that used it."
"Is there anything more horrific than Oscar Pistorius?"
"He doesn't want to be famous, and I'll make him infamous."
"That young couple had run into one of the worst serial killers of all time, Ted Bundy."
"John Wayne Gacy: a monstrous individual who preyed on young men and boys."
"A date which will live in infamy."
"As the war progressed, Ishii became a living symbol of the regime’s biological weapons program."
"Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy."
"Clyde Barrow's driving was what kept him alive for the two years that Bonnie and Clyde made their names in infamy."
"By killing a well-known celebrity like Versace and then committing suicide, Cunanan was assured of having his place in infamy."
"...and special tribute to whoever this gentleman is or was, but his box lives in infamy."
"...Fred Van leer making this decision was and is one of the most infamous decisions in Drag Race herstory."
"This house was originally purchased by Lee Harvey Oswald."
"He was an Outlaw's outlaw, a cold-blooded serial killer who, at the same time, was lionized by Southerners and America's Eastern press as a Robin Hood Type hero."
"Escobar had a famous quote which is 'plata o plomo' which means 'silver or bullet'."
"when you're famous you don't stop being famous she's just become infamous"
"Your name is like mud for the rest of your life."
"The thing that ensured his infamy in the hierarchy of infamous criminals."
"This was one of the most infamous genocides of the 20th century."
"Charles Starkweather, a teenage killer."
"Welcome to the world of the giggling granny, a woman who turned being widowed into a profession."
"Myra Hindley: In the annals of True Crime, few names evoke as much Terror and revulsion as Myra Hindley."
"Hindley's name has become synonymous with pure evil."
"Myra Hindley: her involvement in the brutal murders of five innocent children became one of the most reviled prisoners in British history."
"This horrible human being is also sometimes known as the Green River Killer."
"Herodius is known as an evil queen and the fact that she was responsible for the execution of John the Baptist will ensure that she is never forgotten."
"Joseph James D'Angelo was America's most wanted man, the Golden State killer."
"A man who has gone down an infamy."
"Keith Jesperson, labeled the Happy Face Killer, had made his mark as one of the world's most evil killers."
"Myra Hindley, Rose West, Beverly Allitt... All these people can be described as evil."
"You wouldn't call me a rapist—we're going to make sure you are infamous."
"Don't you know who I am? I'm Charles Manson. I'm more famous than Jesus Christ."
"Infamy turns bad people into pseudo celebrities, reviled and revered at the same time."
"One of the most infamous examples is the 1980 film Heaven's Gate, a notorious box office flop that went massively over budget."
"History's most infamous serial killer was a deranged member of the monarchy."
"The French Guiana prison colony had become known universally as Devil's Island."
"Dave Courtney celebrity gangster has decided to capitalize on his violent past and the public's appetite for true crime."
"Casey Anthony could be described, quote unquote, as one of the most hated women in America."
"Sewer [__], a name that's become incredibly big over the last few years in both its adoration and its infamy."
"...David Berkowitz...widely recognized by his chilling moniker the Son of Sam...his name became synonymous with a wave of Terror...his crimes were methodically planned and executed with a chilling precision...a prisoner that one would fervently pray never walks free again..."
"A dingo stole a woman's child... her life was ruined."
"This group became the most feared pirate crew in history and went across the world doing whatever they wanted with zero regards for the repercussions or fear of being captured."
"...this crash remains to be one of the more infamous crashes on this list."
"Another example of a savage and repellent female SS guard was a woman named Ilsa Koch, known to her victims as the '[__] of Buchenwald.'"
"Other killers just kind of adored him in general like he was some sort of idol."
"I kind of enjoy it because now even after I die people are going to remember me forever. They're going to talk about me for years. People in West Memphis will tell their kids stories. It'll be like sort of like I'm the West Memphis boogie man."
"Vlad once had 20,000 Turks impaled in one place, the infamous scene of the forest of the impaled."
"Eileen Wuernos was arrested by the Florida state police."
"Wuernos, perhaps known as one of America's worst female serial killers."
"The crimes became known as the bag murders."
"Gene's crimes were not fictional. They were very real, and he remains one of the most infamous murderers in U.S. history."
"He famously said, 'I was born with the very Devil Inside Me.'"
"Watergate would forever become synonymous with scandal."
"Anthony Allen Shore was a monster."
"They'll never take that away from you, the Heisman Trophy, unless you kill your wife and a waiter."
"Dred Scott versus Sanford: arguably the worst decision in the history of the Supreme Court."
"Amrajeet Sada will go down in history as one of the most infamous serial killers of all time."
"The Great Train Robbery ended in disaster for nearly everyone involved."
"Victoria F is the infamous homewrecker."
"Crocodile's Bounty is literally close to Blackbeard's Bounty at the beginning of the Post Time skip."
"Lori has already been convicted for her role in the murders of her children and Chad's first wife. She is now in Arizona awaiting a trial for the murder of her fourth husband, Charles."
"These ghastly crimes would forevermore be known by a single chilling name: Snowtown."
"Waterworld is legendary for its pricey off-screen insanity."
"It's gonna be a most malignant person ever lived, the worst person ever, worse than Judas."
"Stories now began popping up that he was responsible for killing upwards of 20 people."
"One of the most notorious fish for a lot of reasons."
"The fact that there is premeditation and planning, does that mean that Ethan is not mentally ill? The fact that he discusses wanting to be famous for this, are those the thoughts of someone with a healthy brain or an unhealthy brain?"
"When one thinks of the worst English Monarch, one name consistently comes to mind: King John."
"The guilty verdict made Sokka Locke the state's worst mass killer."
"United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked, December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy."
"Join us today as we investigate the life of the most infamous Roman of all."
"Teams such as Life Racing Engines and Andrea Moda have attained immortality through their mediocrity."
"History's greatest monsters always have an artistic side. Hitler was a painter."
"Executing two of your six wives is a great way to go down in history as a terrible husband."
"Preferring... to be infamously famous rather than not famous at all."
"He achieved fame and infamy, wealth and destitution, military command and court marshal."
"It was on the 8th of October 2022 when the sinsagumi incident occurred, an incident that will forever be remembered for all of the wrong reasons."
"The stakes had never been higher; this was the highest risk, lowest reward game of Splatoon that was ever played, and it would go down in infamy."
"Guys, you heard that right, Jason Voorhees is one of the most infamous killers out there."
"It's been described as the worst video game ever: ET for Atari."
"The cover-up scandal ultimately became more well remembered than the actual crash."
"Ted Bundy has been romanticized and kind of hyped up as this almost like a fictional character."
"And so began one of the most infamous crimes in US history."
"Jack the Ripper, who got his nickname from a hoax letter created by two journalists to increase sales."
"The horrendously awful paintings by one of the most despicable monsters to ever waddle the face of the Earth."
"In the first century, Pompeii was the Sin City of the Roman Empire."
"That was one of the biggest crimes committed in the century."
"This year gruesomeness of Amelia's actions led to her case becoming a turning point in the history of British legislation."
"But to Simpson's fans, that is a day that will live in infamy, forever."
"In certain circles, you are famous, and in certain circles, you are infamous."
"One of the most infamous and shocking events in British history was when the king made his way to the scaffold."
"The second moon is quite infamous for occasionally shedding massive chunks of warp stone off of itself, which then plummet to the ground as flaming comets to wreak devastation upon entire civilizations."
"The World's End murders were crimes that shook Britain."
"It's a story about one of the most infamous and intractable smuggling routes on the planet."
"The Missouri State Penitentiary was a place of infamy, known for its violence and death."
"RNS was the most pervasive and infamous internet piracy group in history."
"The legend of Polybius is perhaps one of the most infamous gaming urban legends in the world."
"It's the most notorious forest in the world."
"The house was infamously known in Japan to curse anyone who dared to enter it."
"I am a monster. I am the Son of Sam."
"A merciless pair who become known as the killer couple."
"The killer is unidentified, and part of the reason he's really famous is because he would send these taunting and threatening letters to newspapers."
"It was a day that would live in infamy, forever known as Black Saturday."
"Its hauntingly beautiful melodies will forever go down in infamy as the Hungarian suicide song."
"So much has been written and so much has been thought about this crime that it is going on to live for the ages now; she's become a cultural icon."
"The infamous Brink's-Mat robbery... marked him as a formidable figure in the organized crime war."
"Her early life seems without the signs that would later mark her as one of Serbia's most notorious serial killers."
"You have the largest bounty in the history of the world government."
"That's right, a female serial killer with almost 650 victims."
"Unfortunately, it came to a rather ignominious end with Nero, who was one of the worst emperors."
"On that day of infamy, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, and the United States was thrust into World War Two."
"He is undoubtedly one of the most infamous murderers in the annals of True Crime."
"Welcome to Devil’s Island, the world’s most notorious prison to ever be forgotten."
"Tonight's film is one of the most infamous films ever made."
"The fact that it was Bonnie and Clyde, this glamorous forbidden romance, people were drawn to it."
"With his actions, he'd achieved worldwide fame; in his death, he achieved everlasting infamy."
"He envisioned himself entering the South as a conquering hero, but he soon faced the fact that he was just a murderer stuck in the trees of a Maryland swamp."
"The pope who was so evil, people thought he worshiped the devil."
"Making Stuart Campbell one of the world's most evil killers."
"After finding his nest in the attic, Coneys earns the nickname 'The Spider-Man of Denver'."
"December 7th, 1941, a day that will live in infamy."
"4chan is one of the most infamous and iconic websites on the surface web of the internet."
"...Itachi Uchiha is infamous where I come from because, in one night, he killed every single person of his own clan. He had left only one survivor," he told them.
"The tale of Frank Larry Matthews, also known as Black Caesar, is a gripping saga of an American drug trafficker and crime boss who rose to infamy during the 1960s and early 1970s."
"Your name is going to be notorious around the world."
"Dubbed the bloodiest 47 acres in America, the Missouri State Penitentiary was a place of infamy known for its violence and death."
"Without a shred of doubt, this bizarre and shocking story of the family Massacre driven by Envy and greed remains one of the most notorious crimes in Australia's history."
"He's notorious and infamous on so many levels."
"We're talking about the worst pirates in the history of Pirates Inc."
"The Nebula Gang were infamous due to the fact they were able to steal anything from anyone without being caught."
"Almost every American knows the name Benedict Arnold and knows it's synonymous with traitor."
"Let's move on, and today we're talking about Anne Bonny, history's most infamous female pirate."
"It's never going away after Rihanna dies, after Chris Brown dies, whenever they tell Chris Brown's story, they're going to include that."
"He's famous for this where they call the hand of God goal."
"I do think being a Yonko is about infamy and power, and not solely requisite strength."