
Learning From Past Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"While the impact of World War II will never be forgotten, its history reminds us about the perils of war and the importance of learning from our past."
"Recurrent neural networks remember their past and their decisions are influenced by what it has learned from the past."
"Covid should have taught us a lesson that we should have learned during the Great Recession, that we should have learned in the wake of 9/11."
"It's time to learn from the past as to get better and grow as a human being."
"We should teach our children both the good and bad aspects of our history so that they can learn from the past."
"Just because it's all bad news when it comes to like our history, it doesn't mean we're bad people. It means we could be better and learn from it."
"You can't pretend that the past hasn't happened but you can learn from it and you need to be forgiven for our past."
"I think understanding how people have done things in the past can make us make better decisions now if we're paying attention."
"We shall use the failures of our past selves to build our own path."
"It's Bungie's chance to show the active community that they've learned from their mistakes."
"People just trying to f*** move forward, trying to move humanity forward and acknowledge mistakes of the past and show they've learned from them."
"Use what you learned from the past, the pain, the lessons, the knowledge, and now build upon those."
"Let's not make the same mistakes that we made with other people."
"In order for us to think about where we're gonna go in the future we should take a hard look at where we have been in the past."
"Those who do not know history are destined to repeat it."
"Document it. Learn from the mistakes of our past."
"History is an important tool for us to learn from past human errors and is vital for those who work in certain professions."
"Success leaves Clues and I am taking hints from my past self."
"We're not better and we and you could say well we've learnt our lessons I'd love to see the evidence that we've learned our lessons because we seem to be doing some eerily similar things again aren't we going back now to neo-segregation."
"Choose wisely from something you've learned from before."
"Those who don't understand history are doomed to repeat it."
"We know this because they seem poised to repeat them."
"History is that unfortunately unless you learn from it, you're doomed to repeat it."
"If you forget what we did before or where we were before, you'll repeat it." - Pearl Harbor survivor's son
"The only thing we learned from history is that men never learn from history."
"We're not learning from the floods of the past."
"You cannot erase history; you have to learn from it."
"Don't regret the past. Treat it as experiments with your reality."
"If we don't understand the past, we might find ourselves in a lot of trouble at some point in the future."
"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to be heckled by it and then repeat it."
"If we are to learn from history and avoid making the same mistakes again, we need to set the historical record straight."
"Don't be a prisoner to the Past, keep the best bits."
"We must benefit from our hindsight and tell Blizzard what we want or we may just be on a course to make the same mistakes over and over again."
"It's being built by DICE, and I hope they learn from all the mistakes they made in Battlefield 4 because if they do, this could be the genre-defining first-person shooter."
"Have they literally learned nothing from their history?"
"Maybe they are learning from their past mistakes and finally realize that if they do put long-term design over short-term profits, spoiler alert, profits still come."
"I just think it's funny because I feel like they've massively overlearned that McCaskill lesson."
"Every time I find a new piece of life's puzzle it opens my eyes a bit more."
"It's important that the international community understand the mistakes of the past and not repeat them." - Anastasia Sanat
"If we completely sanitize history and skip over it, it defeats the purpose of learning it."
"But it's only a silver lining if in fact we can look to the past and learn from it."
"To correct past errors, you have to acknowledge past errors."
"I mean, you walk into these arenas, that's how they treat him. Like a rock star. I will say that his campaign has made some changes to the way they've run things that tell me that they clearly learned from 2016 and some of the mistakes they made."
"We've got to learn from what's been done in our own history."
"You have to be able to learn from your regret and not live in that regret."
"Our one advantage is that we might learn from their experience."
"It was something of the past, I was literally talking about how I made that experience a thing of the past to learn from it."
"If you forget your history, you're bound to repeat it."
"Bad past relationships teach you what you don't want."
"Hopefully we can learn from our mistakes and not let any more animals go extinct."
"Yeah, there are things that I would've liked to have done differently, but it's the past and I can't change. I can just hope that we, the collective, have learned important lessons from it."
"Those who forget the past may be destined to revisit it."
"They've learned a lot from the past. They've heard your feedback."
"I'm looking positively to the future... I know this won't happen again."
"Understanding our history is crucial to avoid spiraling back to where we don't want to be as Americans."
"We need to understand why this was a pivotal moment in our history."
"All we can do is hope new developers don't repeat these same mistakes."
"I love to go back in history to show us what's happening and what that tells us about the future."
"The most obvious thing in the world has happened again... Why does no one learn?"
"We must talk about some of the mistakes of the past so that we are not doomed to repeat them."
"Let's hope what we learn from these three cases will help to prevent neglect and abuse earlier."
"You cannot apply old failures to anything current or new because again it defeats the purpose."
"If you don't study history you are destined to repeat it and that's what's happening."
"I feel they've learned something they're taking something they're learning and coming towards you so it's up to you to decide if you see a future with this person."
"History is recorded so that we can learn from the mistakes and not repeat them."
"Democrats have learned nothing from what happened yesterday."
"History is so important. It's context. It's the human context, and understanding the mistakes of the past is the only way that we can make sure we don't repeat them in the future."
"Kratos wants to guide Atreus and help him avoid making the same mistakes that he made."
"Don't let your past experiences pave the road of your present."
"Discovering your own needs might take trial and error, but it's also kind of like seeing what you don't want to, and that's kind of been the purpose for a lot of your past connections."
"You can't walk forward looking backward because you will constantly trip."
"What I do is I learn from the past to design a better future."
"...let's let the dead teach the living."
"Knowing the history of changes is as important as the change itself."
"Everyone needs a reminder. You need to be reminded of your history because you need to know what to look out for."
"When you look at the past, it'll give you those clues to the present."
"When you understand your past and what went wrong, what went right, you learn from that and we use that to build to move forward."
"History is history, but all we can do is hope that going forward, this kind of stuff is never allowed to happen again."
"It's important you learn about what they thought and why they did those things."
"Look through the windshield, that's where your future is. It's important to learn from the past but always keep your eyes set on the future."
"What didn't work then, we might make work now simply because we have a better understanding of things."
"Showing disrespect to the past is a terrible mistake."
"It's rather rare we see Rudy reflect on his past life so much, but I think it's important to know since it shows that he's learning from it."
"We are not repeating the same mistakes; we're not letting the banking system go under."
"I don't dwell on mistakes or or the past I move on and that's what I've done."
"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it over and over."
"History is not gonna repeat itself."
"I'm learning my lessons on that in the past, will save you a lot of headache."
"Let go of the pain and at least forgive yourself or learn from the situation."
"Learn from the past, but don't let it limit your future possibilities."
"The past is the past, but also we can learn from the past and try and make changes going forwards."