
Thanksgiving Quotes

There are 1567 quotes

"A conscious thanksgiving for mercies received is a mighty prayer in the sight of God and it has great influence upon His actions."
"You guys make such a sweet family. Happy Thanksgiving."
"I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States... to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next as a day of thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the heavens."
"On Thanksgiving day, as we have for nearly four centuries, Americans give thanks to Almighty God for abundant blessings."
"We gather with people we love to show gratitude for our freedom, for our friends and families, and for the prosperous nation we call home."
"As one people, we seek God's protection, guidance, and wisdom as we stand humbled by the abundance of our great nation and blessings of freedom, family, and faith."
"Happy Thanksgiving and welcome to the Kill Count, where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies."
"It's been a long, wild year, so how about we gather around the table and give thanks for having kills to count."
"Thanks a lot for watching this Thanksgiving Kill Count."
"Through thanksgiving, you are made whole... Wholeness means nothing missing and nothing broken."
"My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. It's a day when North Americans celebrate the harvest."
"To me, Thanksgiving means family and togetherness."
"I like Thanksgiving because it's Christmas light. It's all the same things of Christmas without the pressure of the gifts."
"Happy Thanksgiving everybody. I hope you brought your tea. We've got tea as well."
"I hope you had a good Thanksgiving, you were with your families or loved ones, or at least relaxed and enjoyed yourself."
"Thanksgiving is almost here, and Christmas will be soon after. This time of year flies so quickly."
"This is like the type of gravy you would not be embarrassed to have at your Thanksgiving because it was not basic."
"I wait all year for Thanksgiving food. I am not even kidding; it is home-cooked meals like this that are some of my favorite things in the entire world."
"Lord, if we had ten thousand tongues, it wouldn't be enough for us to give you all the praise and the thanksgiving. You are worthy."
"Just hope you guys had a really nice Thanksgiving weekend if you celebrate, and your December gets off to a good start."
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him, bless His name."
"This pandemic is no joke, and the most important thing about Thanksgiving is making sure that you're around for the next one."
"I think Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday that should unify the nation."
"I think a better way to say... Thanksgiving has evolved."
"Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving, to get together with your family and friends. It was great to see so many families can gather this Thanksgiving, after being apart last year. And we have much to be grateful for as a nation."
"O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy endures forever."
"Happy Thanksgiving, Nick wanted to say something to you guys: 'I just want to say Happy Thanksgiving to all the listeners, and you enjoy that turkey and that tryptophan. That tryptophan, dude, look, that's free dope, isn't it? Yeah, that's white people dilip.'"
"Thanksgiving is the key to unlocking the presence of God for more wonders ahead."
"Thanksgiving is a show of humility, meekness, and surrender of the process, the outcome, and the glory to God."
"Thanksgiving is the better version of New Year's Eve. Thanksgiving is like the door guy at the Christmas nightclub."
"Thanksgiving is the one holiday where it's accepted and even expected for you to eat like a goblin. 10 out of 10."
"Thanksgiving, where the whole family argues over politics and judges all your life choices."
"Thanksgiving is for taking inventory of all the things that have happened and then really driving home to people that they mean a lot to you."
"Thanksgiving is wonderful. It is one of my favorite holidays."
"The Assault on Thanksgiving is based on an ideological assault on the freedoms that are protected in the Constitution and Bill of Rights."
"Turkey day is all about sharing great food with friends and family and maybe a little bit of showing off in the kitchen haha."
"Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the US for next week happy holidays."
"Thanksgiving... is proactively a holiday designed to symbolize unity."
"Acknowledging that there were acts of horrible evil and violence... and still celebrate Thanksgiving for what it is, is that okay?"
"Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Hope you had a wonderful turkey day yesterday."
"This Thanksgiving, in spite of the suffering, showed the reverence and character that was forging the soul of a nation."
"Could it have been about giving thanks and sharing land and trying to build a better world?"
"Happy Thanksgiving to all, surrounded by the people you love."
"We still want our turkey to at least have a somewhat Norman Rockwell appearance."
"Oh my gosh, I got one, we're gonna make a big Thanksgiving meal out of this."
"The MVP of Thanksgiving Day is Jonathan Taylor."
"Thanksgiving... it's the one holiday that hasn't been successfully commodified yet."
"We actually pulled off a pretty successful Thanksgiving dinner in my opinion."
"It is right and just, our duty and our salvation always and everywhere to give you thanks, Lord, Holy Father, Almighty and Eternal God."
"Their confidence in him...has continued here on Thanksgiving Day."
"Hope you guys have a fantastic Thanksgiving."
"Pre this, pre that, place the turkey in a preheated oven."
"There is always something special about Thanksgiving."
"The ability and the privilege to do that so that's what i'm most thankful for this thanksgiving."
"I prophesy nobody is going to fight at your Thanksgiving meal because you're going to keep your mouth shut when they say stuff that makes you mad."
"I thank you Father God for showing us Your Glory. Show us your glory Lord, we thank you for this revival that you're giving to us worldwide."
"In fact, our national holiday of Thanksgiving celebrates this very Hospitality."
"Here is the final makeup look these are all products that I am super thankful for today on Thanksgiving."
"Every Thanksgiving is a reminder of God's blessings and the miracle that they are still alive."
"From the time of receiving Holy Communion, there should be at least 15 minutes of Thanksgiving."
"Have a Happy Thanksgiving, travel safely, have a great holiday, enjoy the games, and God bless." - The host
"Thanksgiving is still great for the most part Americans won the wars with the Indians in aj+ and morningstar just being butthurt about it."
"I don't think we need to know the entire history of every Native American tribe ever over hundreds and hundreds of years in order to celebrate Thanksgiving."
"We worship you for the things that you can do. Every time you helped us, protected us, showed up at the right on time, we thank you."
"Happy Thanksgiving to my American followers, go eat yourself so much food."
"There are now even more tables across the country that will have empty seats this Thanksgiving. There are now more families who know the worst kind of loss and pain imaginable."
"I hope they have a very happy Thanksgiving and they enjoy their families."
"It's freedom, freedom of religion for America and the thanks we give to God for all the good things that America has."
"Pumpkin pie - the one food that crosses borders."
"I thank you for your grace Holy Spirit I thank you for your presence father I thank you for your love you poured out at the cross."
"It's Thanksgiving, so I'm thankful to be spending time with them during the holiday season."
"My giving right now is all about gratitude and thanksgiving for what he's done."
"My family and I were talking, it was like we should always have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner."
"Gratitude is the door to God's presence and Thanksgiving is the door to God's name."
"Happy Thanksgiving everybody and give thanks for the ones your loved ones."
"Music is a big part of our Thanksgiving tradition."
"Thanksgiving, I think it's not a time to really restrain yourself. Do what feels right to you."
"Stuffing waffles, that is the best way to enjoy leftover stuffing."
"Thanksgiving isn't worth arguing over food. Let the cook do their thing, keep the peace, and enjoy each other's company."
"Practicing gratitude...my single most important life practice...with thanksgiving coming many people think about being thankful."
"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." - Gladys
"I'm thankful because I've got a family I can sit down with this coming Thursday, people I love dearly in this world."
"Imagine that you come home at Thanksgiving, and you show this to your parents..."
"Thanksgiving means we serve God and we repent of our sins... it's a call to the covenant."
"Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you had a wonderful time with your family, friends, or even just yourself."
"Be thankful for the things God has done and the things he hasn't done for us."
"Enjoy it, it's funny. You don't have to be like, 'Well, actually...'"
"Welcome to my cooking show! Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope you're having a great day."
"I am so thankful for you guys. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving with your friends and family."
"What a blessed Thanksgiving! Oh my god, is a horse in my house! It's pony Thanksgiving!"
"It's autumn... Thanksgiving, that most uniquely American holiday..."
"25 days is just not enough for me. I love Thanksgiving, but Christmas deserves two months."
"Thanksgiving is the time to reflect and be thankful for all the graces we have."
"I love Thanksgiving, I love being with my loved ones and I love celebrating with food."
"Thanksgiving special Happy Thanksgiving to everyone you're probably at home you're probably drunk you're probably fat we love you welcome into our home I'm thankful for all of you"
"I'm grateful for my family, for the food I'm eating, literally a day of gratitude, that's what it is, literally what it is."
"Happy Thanksgiving to those of you celebrating."
"I want to wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving."
"Remember always that thanksgiving, praise, and devotion are always ways to pray."
"In the autumn of 1621, the Pilgrims had a big dinner to give thanks for the first food that they had grown themselves."
"We are to enjoy this time together with families; we are to celebrate Thanksgiving because we're thankful."
"When it comes to Thanksgiving, I actually like the sides a lot more than I actually like the main course."
"Jesus Christ is the only thing that's unshakable, unwavering."
"Hopefully it wasn't a waste of time and the herbs and seasoning can cover up the gross taste of the raptor meat."
"Thanksgiving is the cause of much historical myth-making."
"Happy Thanksgiving to the Canadians out there."
"With these deviled eggs, I wanted to encompass what I think Thanksgiving tastes like overall."
"I urge you then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people."
"Enjoy your food, enjoy your rest, have fun, laugh, and just be thankful and grateful to see another Thanksgiving with your family and friends."
"I'm cooking pretty much the entire Thanksgiving meal today, which I am so excited about. I can't wait to cook with you guys today."
"So to offer our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving that our whole lives may be a sacrifice spent in the service of our fellow men and in the glory of your name."
"Thank you, God, for you are good and your mercy endures forever."
"What if our Thanksgiving meal, every single dish, was revolved around what we have harvested?"
"Thank you for everything you've been giving me. Thank you for this lifestyle, because you could have given it to anybody else, but you decided to give it to me, and I thank you so much for it, God."
"I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving."
"I cooked a whole Thanksgiving the first year that we were on the road in our oven."
"This might be the most ideal flavor combination for Thanksgiving stuffing."
"Thank you Lord for waking me up this morning, thank you for another day, another minute, another second, thank you for your mercy and your grace."
"Thank you for our given world, thank you for the gifts that we get from others."
"I thank you God with all of my heart for your presence in this house today."
"I will never spend a Thanksgiving holiday alone again."
"Zippy's pumpkin pie is my favorite pumpkin pie. It's sweet, the crust is flaky, and it's the perfect Thanksgiving treat."
"Thanksgiving is great, what's not to like?"
"Happy Thanksgiving today to all of my Canadian viewers and Watchers. I hope you're having a wonderful long weekend with family."
"The best part of Thanksgiving are the leftovers."
"So we, your people and sheep of your pasture, will give you thanks forever."
"We should live lives of Thanksgiving all the time."
"It's turkey time in the safe house because turkey tastes great even with the taco."
"This year has been the best Thanksgiving I have ever had in my entire life."
"Happy Thanksgiving folks! Happy Thanksgiving ladies and gentlemen!"
"I came back to tell you that I am so in love with you. I came back to have Thanksgiving dinner at gyms with you."
"You really played a great game. And what a great Thanksgiving."
"People always say that Thanksgiving food is almost Sheen Brown looks the same then change it you know like make your own dishes."
"If you are not roasting your brussels sprouts with hot honey pecans and dried cranberries, you're doing it wrong. I'm pretty sure I did this for Thanksgiving, the cooking without me Thanksgiving last year."
"My favorite part about Thanksgiving is not the actual day of Thanksgiving food, it's the leftovers."
"Growing up, this was what I looked forward to the day after Thanksgiving, waking up and my parents making the most amazing leftover turkey sandwiches."
"We cooked our entire Thanksgiving dinner with this rocket stove."
"What Thanksgiving horror film about an evil turkey! Truly these movies have gone too far."
"Someone needs to kill this turkey, he's making a salad. He doesn't get Thanksgiving at all!"
"It's just so nice to have in the fridge, I actually have some leftover turkey because I got an extra turkey after Thanksgiving."
"That's the kind of Thanksgiving dinner I can get behind."
"Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I just want to say how thankful I am for all of you subscribers who have been with me from the beginning."
"No matter what we went through no matter if you were by the government and having three personalities or not it's Thanksgiving and I don't want to hear any negativity we're all lucky to be."
"Well, hey God bless we're all Lucky no matter what we went through no matter if you were by the government and having three personalities or not it's Thanksgiving and I don't want to hear any negativity we're all lucky to be."
"Thanksgiving is a powerful warfare strategy."
"If I made one dish for Thanksgiving, this is it, if I want to be known for one thing, let it be this."
"It's Thanksgiving, and there's that, so I'm glad that we did start over because this was one of the better recipes that people raved about."
"Happy Thanksgiving everyone! It's our first turkey we cook together, looks amazing."
"Berkeley Plantation... claims to be the site of the nation's very first Thanksgiving which took place in 1619."
"With my hands lifted up, and my heart filled with praise, with a heart of thanksgiving."
"O give thanks unto the Lord for he is good because his mercy endureth forever."
"Thankful for you and all of your hard work today. Thank you so much. Thankful for you kids being amazing. Thankful for this family. Thankful for this feast. Now, let's eat."
"Just wait this week. I get to go to like 17 different Thanksgiving plays to watch, basically for hours so I can be there for five minutes. It's the best. That's good."
"You're the queen of Thanksgiving and you keep it real."
"Thanksgiving has the potential to fly off the rails at any second."
"Hallelujah, so we have a lot to thank God for."
"I watched it over Thanksgiving and I was like, it is so bad, but in the best way."
"Thanksgiving with no turkey is like Fourth of July with no apple pie."
"Thank you for taking care of me, thank you for being a provider, thank you for being a provider, thank you for food on the table, thank you for a roof over my head, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you Jesus."
"If you're here for Thanksgiving because that turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy would make anyone happy, it's so good."
"Thanksgiving is kind of life-changing."
"Thanksgiving is a time about enjoying the company of those around you, seeing people that you maybe haven't seen in a long time, catching people up with your life — everything's super, super important."
"Thanksgiving and gratitude is the code that opens Heaven's Gates."
"We enter his gates with thanksgiving."
"Jesus, thank you for loving us so much that you would give your life on a cross."
"Be the one who gives Him thanks and glory."
"Hello friends I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and welcome back to currently workshopping a show where we work through the perils and Frizzle of being alive together."
"I thank you, Lord, for answering our prayers. Amen."
"Thanksgiving multiplies what you have."
"Our Father we thank you for receiving."
"Happy Thanksgiving Mom, I wish I was with you, Dad I wish I was there to see you and get drunker than hell and do some push-ups."
"Thank you Lord. I thank you Jesus. I love you. If it wasn't for God, I wouldn't be here today. So Lord, I thank you."
"Thank him because an Ever faithful God, thank you Jesus."
"Every day is a little bit of Thanksgiving."
"Prayer of Thanksgiving is powerful."
"Prayer of Thanksgiving brings multiplication."
"I absolutely love the traditional recipes when it comes to Thanksgiving."
"We give thanks to God and the Father."
"You Thanksgiving poopers. Good is good!"
"Thanksgiving reminds us what happiness there is in simply being together."
"I was pretty much all alone during Thanksgiving since everyone else was with their families. One of the RA's I'd befriended knocked on my door and bought me all different kinds of pie."
"If you are part of the body of Christ and if you are living in the United States of America in 2020, you certainly have plenty to be thankful for this Thanksgiving."
"From our family to yours, I want to wish you the most blessed Thanksgiving you have ever had, filled with the presence of God and the peace, the hope, the love, and the joy that knowing Him brings."
"Thanksgiving is about being thankful for all the amazing things we do have."
"Thank God for another day, happy Thursday to all."
"Thank God for something if he does he if he's done anything good in your life thank him for it."
"Let's make that stuffing together."
"I love Thanksgiving, I love stuffing, I love turkey, I love gravy."
"...thank you, you guys are awesome, oh Happy Thanksgiving, this is beautiful, Happy Thanksgiving, you guys are awesome, awesome, it's so special, never ever forget it, thank you, makes me cry."
"Wouldn't these be such a lovely Thanksgiving side dish?"
"Things could be worse. Happy Thanksgiving."
"Swanson TV dinners: a Thanksgiving dream come true."
"This recipe is coming to my Thanksgiving table this year."
"I love Thanksgiving. The turkey's so delicious."
"There's not one turkey amongst them."
"I just want to publicly say thank you, God, thank you, God, because you are faithful, you are faithful."
"Thank God for another day. This is the day that the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it."
"Join us on Thanksgiving day as we serve our city with a free meal."
"...it's Thanksgiving holiday in America which is all about being thankful and grateful for the things that we have in our lives."
"Happy Thanksgiving to all of you."