
Frontier Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"History proves that we have never lost by pressing the limits of our frontier."
"Throughout human history, we've always had the frontier... Mars are going to bring back... it's going to be this constant exploration."
"Fascinating space, truly is the Last Frontier."
"a horse... perfect fit... synonymous with the Wild West."
"We are adventurers, we are explorers, we always have a frontier."
"There is no greater frontier than that shared between all peoples of the universe; that is the true final frontier."
"David Crockett looms huge in the notion of what the American frontier was."
"The bush pilot is history itself, pushing the frontier North."
"Northern isolation was coming to an end, and the men who were ending it were becoming legends just by doing their jobs."
"The frontier is closed, and that seemingly endless land always West is there no more."
"SEO and search will enter a new frontier."
"Every year, every couple of years, we see groundbreaking new archaeological discoveries being found on this frontier."
"In terms of adventure, wild living, and dangerous times, the mountain man era was unparalleled."
"The frontier represented the quintessence of American Opportunity."
"The frontier is in America's DNA it is the way we think of ourselves."
"The ocean is [__] horrifying. It's an unforgiving frontier harboring some of the most harrowing life and environmental enigmas on the planet."
"But most importantly for the United States, Alaska remains a symbol of the frontier, a place where the intrepid can find a fortune… if they are tough enough to survive."
"Maybe they just want to own a piece of the final frontier."
"Crypto is risky. So is DeFi. So are new Roll-Ups. You could lose what you put in. But we are headed west. This is the frontier."
"We aren't exactly settlers, stranger, not by a long shot."
"...the frontier is not an untamed wilderness of adventure and conquest, but a human society with nowhere left to go, stirring in its filth and a solar system destroyed by expansionism."
"Space is often called the final frontier, a place of billions and billions of worlds awaiting explorers and pioneers."
"And for a lot of us, that is the allure of space, the great unknown, the final frontier, the ocean of the night."
"Starfleet alone and under siege is all that stands between the frontier and chaos."
"The west represents opportunities and cycles of renewal. And it certainly represents those things to Jim Beckwourth."
"Learn enough to get to the frontier of knowledge."
"What fascinates me about space travel is that it's the frontier, the final frontier we face as human beings."
"For settlers crossing the Appalachians, Indiana was a promising destination."
"The millennium problems, by design, it's meant to sort of encapsulate the frontiers of mathematics today."
"The stars were a backdrop to their reality, an ever-expanding frontier of discovery and exploration."
"Let me welcome everybody to the Wild Wild West, a state that's Untouchable like Elliot Nest."
"Viruses are the unknown frontier."
"The frontier even in the old world was sufficiently capacious to beckon those who wished to keep the state at arm's length."
"Laws don't really matter in a Frontier Town like this one. If you're strong, people will always welcome you here."
"Their accounts of trailing criminals and avenging raids on frontier homesteads were more than sufficient enticement for Gillette to inquire as to how he might come to join their ranks."
"It remains a frontier of our understanding of the cosmos."
"Welcome to the frontier that is Alaska."
"It's the last undiscovered, nobody owns it."
"A digital frontier where autonomy reigns supreme."
"That's the next frontier: inner space."
"Barbarians along the frontier, ever restless, continue to probe and raid, seeking weak spots on the Empire's immense borders."
"A threshold isn't simply a boundary, it is rather a frontier that divides two different territories, rhythms, and atmospheres."
"Kentucky was the first American West, the wild west of the 1770s."
"By 1902, Coldfoot had two houses, two stores, seven saloons, and a gambling house."
"The vision of the single figure on horseback pitting himself against the American continent and winning his right to a place in it was to grow into the myth of the West."
"...what nobody ever tells you is what happens after, especially if a couple of frontier saw bones get a hold of your body."
"Our Empire is expanding and the next theater of war is the wild west."
"Frontier justice in the early years of East Tennessee was often quick and severe."
"Every state has its frontier heroes."
"The best epic fantasy takes place on the frontier, the border between civilization and the beyond, and a scarcity of civilization mixed with limited weapons technology leads to a far more interesting setting."
"Eventually we figured out that we should just keep going but at the virtual frontier."
"It's hard to overstate the significance of the horse in the history of the American frontier. Among Native Americans, it turned Nomads into Emperors."
"The intersection of cosmic strings and quantum entanglement is a frontier of theoretical physics rife with unanswered questions and untapped potential."
"The final frontier, to boldly go where no man has gone before."
"To me, Bass Reeves is the greatest frontier hero in American history bar none."
"Listen again next week for another transcribed story of the western frontier."
"All crypto is risky. You could lose what you put in, but we are headed west, this is the frontier."
"This movie reminds me of like old frontier westerns to an extent because it seems like people never miss their target."
"A frontier inhabited by resilient individuals who sustain themselves in spite of the land rather than because of it"
"The wild west was a land of Untamed Frontiers Lawless towns and legendary Outlaws."
"Education is going to play a vital part in the growing of the West."
"This is where things start getting pretty much endless... between John Deere and Frontier implements and attachments."
"We're really in the Wild Frontier of the unknown right now."
"This is a frontier, it's a great contribution."
"The Torres Strait was quite a frontier society in the late 19th century."
"We are and have always been a frontier."
"The west really was somewhat uncharted territory. A man was gauged by his ability and his skills and his character more so than the color of his skin."
"You're really at the edge of our knowledge as human beings."
"...fascinating people who passionately inhabit the scientific and technical frontiers of our society..."
"Space isn't the final frontier, the human body is."
"This is a new frontier of human knowledge, let's cross it together."
"I’ve begun to think of what a wonderful childhood I have had, how I’d seen the whole frontier, the woods, the Indian country of the great plains, the frontier towns, the building of the railroads on wild unsettled country, homesteading and farmers coming in to take possession."
"This is the frontier. This is the threshold where ideas become reality."
"Then as the frontier of a fledgling American nation."
"There was a lot of land, very few people, even less law."
"New Mexico truly was the last of the wild frontier."
"Many people think space is the last unexplored frontier."
"Not only is Belize one of the Undiscovered Frontiers, he said it's also a place that historically investors have done exceptionally well."
"The deep ocean is the final frontier of the world."
"The ocean has long been called one of the last great frontiers for mankind to discover."
"The frontier has created certain kinds of values, ruggedness, inventiveness, individualism."
"Neuroscience is a very different type of degree... it's just super interesting to be at the sort of end of what we know about a field."
"Daniel Bo was a man, yes a big man, with an eye like an eagle and as tall as a mountain was he."
"The rippest, roaring, fightingest man the frontier ever knew."
"What you have on the frontier is the emergence of something new and distinctively American."
"Freedom's frontier, these men are the Border Watchers."
"The country is young, there is nowhere to go but to the West."
"It's the last frontier, it's America's last frontier."
"I am the kind of man the frontier needs."
"Alaska, in the modern world, it truly is the last frontier."
"This is a story about America's first frontier during the days of the American Revolution."
"There were a lot of ways for death to come to a man on the frontier, all of them hard."
"This continent is really the last frontier."
"Viewers are most curious about Alaska as it's considered to be the last frontier and to most remains as mysterious as ever."
"These frontier zones are places where different types of cultures interact."
"Out in the frontier, there is no law... the law is what the men would make amongst themselves for each other."
"We're explorers at the frontier of where humans go."
"Being a farmer on the Kansas frontier in the late 1860s was not for the faint of heart."
"I feel like I'm at the edge of the world after venturing through an unknown, brand new land."
"Valentine is an archetypical Western settlement, emblematic of the late 19th century American frontier."
"The wilderness of Appalachia became a frontier for exploration and living in the late 18th century."
"People oftentimes forget, but like for Western fans, you know, like we had our Wild West here in this country, Australia had arguably an even Wilder West."
"The last forbidden frontier, it truly is."
"The new Wild West is going to be space."
"The more interesting, inspirational, new that can really kind of be on the frontier of creating new areas, not just kind of tinkering on existing ones, the more it can actually inspire new types of investment."
"We are heading into the unknown; it doesn't get any more cutting edge than this."
"The Speedmaster has been a watch that really has embodied the idea of exploration and going to that new frontier beyond our atmosphere."
"We're at a frontier that human existence has not been to before."
"Alaska, known as the final frontier, is the 49th state of America and is twice the size of Texas."
"The next big frontier for crypto."
"This is an entirely new frontier."
"Patagonia, end of the line of the new world."
"The real steps forward, the real innovation in a society, in a civilization, occur at the frontier."
"I do find space very interesting; it's the last frontier."
"Florida was a frontier; it was wild and woolly, every bit as wild and woolly as anything in the American West."
"This made the area seem like one of the last remaining bits of the Wild West."
"I'm dying to go out to the Northwest, not for a husband. I want to teach, to have a career, what an opportunity to carry learning to a new frontier."
"America's Wild West: an untamed land symbolizing freedom, opportunity, wealth."
"We've opened up a new frontier of exploration."
"The long rifle lies at that core and enabled the flourishing of a viable artistic culture on America's Frontier."
"These sinewy men of the border, fearless and self-reliant, who are ever driven restlessly onward through the wilderness by the half-formed desires that make their eyes haggard and eager."
"The Frontier is a solid alternative to a Chevrolet Colorado or Ford Ranger."
"If you're looking at buying a work pickup under forty thousand dollars, the Frontier is a great option."
"The frontier gave America a unique identity and it helped promote democracy."
"Space is often described as the final frontier."
"The desert is dry and lonely, occasionally shocked by violent storm, but entrancingly beautiful to those who see in it the last great Frontier."
"It's the new west, it's the frontier that no one's seen before."
"The beauty of the western landscape and the ethos of the American frontier left an indelible mark on him."
"It's very much a frontier set of talks that we have today."
"The remaining frontier is outer space."
"This industry is the closest you can get to the old frontier; this is the last frontier."
"The dragoons were the elite Troopers of the frontier Army, their job was to police the Western Plains."
"Fort Laramie quickly became the most famous and some even say the most infamous post of the Western frontier."
"Culture can be on any level, and is the church and the whorehouse arrived in the far west simultaneously."
"The significance of the frontier in American history... promoted independence and individualism."
"Space is the next exploration, the real frontier."
"Exploring the outer solar system takes a lot of time, we're talking decades, rather than a few years. It requires a lot of patience, a lot of dedication, a lot of perseverance, but it's exciting; it's the frontier."
"Wyatt Earp really did live the quintessential frontier life existence."
"They call Alaska the last frontier."
"Behold the men on foot with their trusty guns on their shoulders, driving stock and leading pack horses."
"Of great use to the frontier settlements as explorer, hunter, pilot, land seeker, surveyor, Indian fighter, and sheriff."