
Enchantment Quotes

There are 2453 quotes

"All the magic and wonder, emotion and enchantment of a Disney movie."
"This game is magical in the Disney way to look at and in the performer's way to play."
"There definitely has to be some sort of spell or something that she's using on David because there's no way he's been this way for so long."
"It's like this little magical place to go do things in."
"Complex analysis... it's got so much magic in it."
"Welcome to the world of enchantment, where the riches of the earth meet the vibrancy of tradition."
"Odin's enchantment is what makes Mjolnir so special in the first place, and it constantly challenges Thor to live up to the lofty expectations of worthiness."
"Every night at 12 a.m., this lantern will light up and sway back and forth through the woods until the sun comes up."
"They see you as someone very enchanted, constantly transforming themselves, improving themselves."
"What's inside that counts, and Flora Lucid is not doing anything to help. The inner beauty enchantment will be prolonged to teach him a lesson."
"It didn't matter what it was; I wasn't repulsed by anything. I was absolutely enchanted by every living thing."
"A Court of Thorns and Roses... focuses a lot more on the magic and Enchantment of entering the Fey world."
"That moment is what Disney Magic is all about."
"A lot of this movie's charm relies on the physical comedy with the dwarves working, and holy moly, it doesn't just work, it soars."
"You guys are entering a period of your phase where things become magical again rather than being stagnant and off."
"This entire dispenser is full of bottles of enchanting, that is freaking awesome."
"Whatever it was that made this experience unforgettable lies within the magical grounds of Villa Peduzzi."
"Allow yourself to be transported, enchanted, inspired."
"Maximizing enchantment capacity: Tips and tricks."
"Wielding an enchanted sword is always a cool thing because if the glows and looks like looks like you're just so cooled and beast."
"It's been magical, quite possibly the most magical so far."
"It's an invitation into this mystical world."
"Spirited Away perfectly captures why Hayao Miyazaki's films are so enchanting."
"Disney really is the most magical place on Earth."
"The cover just looks so gorgeous, it's got magic, it's got myth, it's got intrigue and ah, it just it looks amazing."
"The phrase movie magic has never been more applicable."
"This book honestly sounds enchanting. I'm particularly drawn to the magic itself."
"It's just such a cute and thrilling just magical game the way it handles the story beats like you're in one room and it feels Larger than Life and magical because you're just like the size of a of a pencil..."
"I got fortune 4, that is a life-changing enchant."
"This is magical. Isn't that just one of the most beautiful dresses you have ever seen?"
"Everyone stopped dancing and the violin ceased to play, so entranced were they with the beauties of the unknown newcomer."
"I realized for the first time how enchanting a place could be."
"Re-enchanted your enchanting humanity, I think it's called rain changing. Oh man, that's phenomenal. Highly recommend people check that out."
"They're slow, repetitive, dark, and often unyielding, but give them a chance and you might fall under their spell."
"The songs of the return... full of magic and wonder."
"Both were a form of magic, both were a game of intricate enchantment and deception."
"My Dolce & Gabbana sunglasses... I just think they're so pretty and when I wear them I feel like a magical fairy princess..."
"It really puts you into the same spell that Mandy is under."
"I hope that people will come away also with a little bit more optimism and a little bit of enchantment."
"It's almost like they put a spell on you... but I feel like you are just enchanted by a person here."
"The magic of this adventure has made its impact."
"A breathtaking and mysterious world of magic."
"I remember when we first met, such a magical occasion, such majesty."
"This book felt like a warm hug. It was incredibly comforting and so magical and enchanting, and I loved it to absolute pieces."
"She makes normal experiences feel so extraordinary and so Cinderella-like..."
"Dahl had the gift for writing that fairytale-esque enchantment."
"There's short enchants I know they're not all here but basically this interacts with different professions."
"The enchantment system provides a lot of gameplay variety."
"The world around you becomes enchanted in a new way."
"Pixie dust: sprinkle some literal magic on your trip for free at Sir Mickey's."
"Enchanted night crawler... some nights you'll just find them sitting around."
"They feel like you're magical like you're just full of magic full of surprises."
"Day 200 is super exciting, I get to make enchanted gear with an anvil."
"Hazel Wells comes across as someone who deserves fairies."
"There were so many reasons to be enchanted by this incredible corner of the world."
"The Star Wars magic, it does take your breath away."
"The ocean is now filled with sea creatures swimming bubbles and a little otter named pascal."
"Your queso and guac, ready to cast a spell on your tingling tongue."
"Nature loves surprises, even in the most ordinary things."
"Sometimes the beauty of nature makes the world feel a bit more enchanting."
"Okay, well, we've got those... Also, speaking of Enchantment libraries, one of the things that was suggested that is like, 'Oh, that's a brilliant plan.'"
"Mending is an incredible enchantment which allows you to prolong the lifespan of a tool indefinitely."
"Just walking through one of my archways that are clad in garlands is so magical."
"Enchantment is known for sleep and hypnotism but you should not sleep on this subclass."
"It's like you're in a little special slice of heaven."
"This place is enchanting, like everything about it feels so enchanting."
"You're very magical and you're into the unknown."
"There's something magical about just a sense of mystery and discovery."
"There is just the right level of magic to him in that role... that I just can't deny being completely mesmerized by every time I see the film."
"Kahlil Gibran's writing is like magic, like a magic trick every single time."
"Enchanting legends, the bard and dragon were."
"The mummy really checks all the boxes for me for what makes these kinds of stories so enchanting and memorable."
"Fable: Enchanted tale-telling with a moral edge."
"There's just something magical about those islands."
"There's just something really magical about this resort."
"Helping people to understand the enchantment is a great way for them to see past it."
"It's just as mesmerizing as you could imagine it is."
"I just love markets, magical markets in books, best Trope."
"After combining some bows together and doing some enchanting, I got an unbreaking three power five infinity bow."
"Shantae's universe feels magical and mysterious..."
"The ability to know that there's a plot of land, however small, that's yours and that you can actually grow fruit and veg, there's something almost magical about that."
"In order to protect this power from the wrong hands, the hammer is enchanted so that only those who are worthy can lift it."
"An actual princess for all the fairy tale lovers."
"They think that you're magic, that's what they're giving me."
"There's just something magical about Japan: the culture, the food, the people."
"I was captivated by this creature that seemed like something out of a fairy tale."
"Every moment in my life is touched by the enchantment of personal evolution, is touched by magic."
"As the singing continues, the audience falls into a trance influenced by the mesmerizing power of the mermaid voices."
"The world of that backstage and the very real magic of the fairies combines."
"This game oozes a very specific kind of style: colorful, cartoony, and enchanting."
"I wonder if I can enchant my scythe, if I can enchant my scythe that's a huge dub."
"Enchanted has the perfect combinations of every single fairy tale you love and know."
"Serums are like concentrated little bottles of magic."
"Your first magical metal crushes ores instead of harvesting them, has a chance to drop double crushed ores. Fortune two, that's neat!"
"Day 65-69: focused on the enchanting portion of my island."
"I hope with that video and with this one I've kind of shown how magical this is."
"Enchant: to fill someone with great delight or charm."
"You've made some serious transformation, and I feel like they've always found you very enchanting, but I feel like even more so now with the changes you've made. It's like really incredible to them."
"This is starting to shape up to be a proper fairy village now, I like it."
"If you want more magic in your life, bring more magic into the room with you."
"His music has a certain magical quality to it."
"Somebody's Enchanted, they are absolutely Enchanted by you."
"Maleigh Marais was beguiled by the beautiful and fierce goddess who was born into rot."
"Neverland has always been magical and it will continue to be magical in that ways."
"She's good at cooking. Well, I wish you had been! Yay, she's good at enchantment."
"This is a really beautifully written, just enchanting romance."
"Magic in Minecraft has structure to it; for example, enchanting is not random, it requires energy in the form of experience."
"Super Mario Odyssey is a magical game with beautiful worlds to explore."
"It's a shadow flame enchantment so it's gonna make your weapon look all shadow flamey right and that automatically makes it bis because I am a total stand for anything Shadow flaming going into 10.1."
"Live in a place of magic, live in a place of pure potentiality."
"I made it super magical and I try to just make everything I do feel magical because your whole life could be magical if you want it to be."
"Thank you for your help lady you truly are a magical engine"
"There's just something magical about them."
"Being in such close proximity of these animals must be truly enchanting."
"This place is magical, you have to get a reservation, you have to come here on the road to Hana."
"Enchanted, the more I see you, the more I love you, the more I adore you."
"Seeing all of her classmates trying their best to protect her until she finishes the enchantment fills her with motivation."
"You feel like you are in a fairy tale and magical forest."
"You're spiritually beautiful and very enchanting."
"It's just very magical and very powerful."
"I'm a Hex Girl, and I'm going to put a spell on you."
"It felt like a spell, a requiem forming within me."
"This is somebody that views you as somebody that's very enchanting and yearns for your energy."
"I'm so sorry I was so captivated by all the magical creatures I found that I lost sight of the one I already had."
"This timeless adventure has enchanted generations of readers and moviegoers alike."
"It had an essence, a magic about it."
"There's a mysterious something in its nature, an inner fascination, a subtle witchery, a hidden charm which it has and other flowers have not."
"It feels like something you would find in a fairy tale story."
"This space almost feels like it's out of a fairy tale."
"You literally feel like you're in a fairy tale when you visit there."
"It's hard not to love this beautiful, whimsical, absorb-you-in film."
"Everything that happens in Paris is extra magical."
"They don't like that you're magical."
"It's so enchanting, it's a rose tobacco scent, man it's so romantic."
"Phenomenal, so melodic but incredibly rhythmical, just whimsical and magical all at the same time."
"If he could learn to love another and earn her love in return, the spell would be broken."
"You've bewitched me from the very first moment we met."
"There's just no other word to describe Talin in Winter than magical. Absolutely magical."
"It smells magical, like a ray of sunshine."
"There was something magical about Virtual Worlds."
"When you were a child, you had it. You actually lived in a world of enchantment."
"Something just magical about it, you know."
"There's some kind of magic in it, you guys."
"It's so pretty, it's like Fairyland."
"Something magical and enchanting about it."
"It was the sweetest, most mysterious-looking place anyone could imagine."
"Everyone has a little bit of magic."
"Not being quite sure if we're under Loki's enchantment at any given moment is what makes the show so enchanting."
"It's a really magical time of the year."
"It truly is like a magical experience."
"To live in a more enchanted ecosystem."
"It's so magical and the music was so magical."
"I felt different, thinking I'd entered a magical place."
"As the Little Mermaid's number one fan, this is magical, beautiful, wonderful. I loved it."
"It was just beautiful, it was so awesome, it was magical."
"The idea of this hidden world is so appealing... it was the characters fundamentally that made people fall in love with the world."
"There's just something magical about it."
"Movies like magic tricks fulfill the need to enchant our lives because that's what art does."
"It seemed to us that we were beholding the unfinished work of some munificent and graceful fairy."
"I just can't get over the beauty of this place, I mean it's truly something out of a Disney fairy tale."
"Your person is enchanted by your physical appearance."
"I just want to feel a little bit of magic."
"Tolkien describes Tower Newfound as a region of such dread and dark enchantment that even the orcs would not enter it unless need drove them."
"They're going to have such an aura of magic around them that you're going to be mystified."
"Enchantment should be part of every love story. You should feel excited and over the moon."
"There's something kind of magical happening here."
"After being awakened from her enchanted sleep by Hades, she apologizes for everything she did under the staff’s influence, especially to Mal and Ben."
"now the song makes me cry like pretty much every time I listen to it it just has a strange enchanting power that takes you to another dimension"
"Enchanted works because of its charm."
"It's all about how anything can be enchanted if you try. This is a nice sentiment and it does display the themes of the movie quite well even if it is a little cliche and trite."
"Lost in a witch's binding spell, the awakened soul yearns to escape and find a new home."
"True love's kiss is the only way out of a sleeping curse."
"They're very drawn to you, enchanted, mesmerized."
"When people start to stare at you and look into your eyes, it's like they are stoned in their physical form and transported to another realm with their soul."
"It just totally feels magical for me."
"This dress is beautiful, it literally looks like it's been made by fairies."
"The whimsy, the magic, oh my God, it's so good."
"I feel like she feels like she's just stepped into this magical universe. That's how I feel every day."
"The better you play music, the stronger the magic."
"Alicia, ever curious, turned the conversation towards enchanting, asking fake if he had ever struggled with it."
"To enter the grotto is to step into a sensual wonderland."
"You enchant people with your incessant pursuit of Happily Ever After."
"You truly enchant people with your range of expression, with your range of expressing love."
"Your soulmate naturally is going to be very enchanting."
"The forest certainly felt magical as we walked through it."
"Spells are used for breaking enchantments as well as for inducing them, and you and I have need of the strongest spell that can be found to wake us from the evil enchantment of worldliness."
"There's something magical about Wimbledon."
"It just has this magical feel to it."
"Maybe that's why they call New Mexico the Land of Enchantment."
"Replaced with enchantment with happiness."
"the child begins to imbue reality itself with enchantment with magic"
"My heart just fills with magic when I see things like this."
"So desperate to see who was singing to them."
"Men feel like when they have crushes on you... something very enchanting about your look and mystical about your look that makes men captivated by your presence."
"Attractions are moving on their own. It's supposed to be these tiny fleas that are giving it magic."
"Disneyland had grown since it opened in 1955. It remained magical but grew to be twice as enchanting."
"Frick your zodiac signs which one do you enchant your bow with bow mending one bow infinity one."
"Rangers do not come and roam here unless you are willing to be enslaved by its charms. Its beauty and peace and harmony will entrance you, and once it has its power on you, it will never release you for the rest of your days."
"A Christianity that has bled itself of Enchantment is a pallid and an anemic thing."
"Magic is coming to life in your life."