
Reliance Quotes

There are 2362 quotes

"I think there is some value in the message of being reliant on others in your clan."
"Allah knows everything and we can rely on him."
"You have been my help; don't abandon me, neither forsake me, God of my salvation."
"We have to beg for guidance, no matter what state we're in."
"Know your neighbors, build a community, have a network of people that you can rely on."
"God does not expect me to be strong; He expects me to be dependent."
"You will not succeed by your own strength or power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord."
"The only thing that I could look forward to that I know ain't gonna let me down is God."
"The more you cut yourself off from the arm of the flesh, the more you will have the help of God."
"You don't really realize how often you use that compass until it's not there anymore."
"You're the only one that I can rely on, so please don't get sick again. Okay? Take good care of yourself, Dad. I need you to stay with me for like another 70 years."
"Be very sure, be very sure, your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock."
"Self-sufficiency is so important to me right now. It is the most important thing because at the end of the day, you can't rely on people, you can't rely on jobs, you can't rely on the government."
"Let God be your rod, let God be your staff, in other words, let God be your support."
"God wants you to learn to cleave to him because he is the remedy for all problems."
"My help comes from the Lord, the Lord who made heaven and earth."
"You're the one for me, and I'm counting on you."
"When your back is against the wall, wouldn't you rather lean on God than your own understanding?"
"We are one team, as New Yorkers, we are one team. Think about that for a moment. 8.6 million people, we all are depending on each other now."
"If you solely rely on somebody else to pay your bill, eventually the ability to pay your own bill goes away."
"Favor is like faith; it demands that God be your source and your only source."
"The Christian life is not just difficult, it's impossible without the power of the Holy Spirit."
"You are not strong enough to live this life with your own strength; you need Jesus Christ."
"The worst thing that I hate the most in this world is depending on anybody for anything."
"We don't want people to depend on the preachers and the leaders."
"Russia can no longer rely on oil and gas to be the drivers of the economy."
"Fortunately, we can't rely on mainstream games media."
"It's because of Yahweh's mercies that we did not perish and his compassion never fails. How great is your faithfulness Oh God."
"This monkey realized that humans are its only chance, and it was right."
"When you are weak, he is strong. So use his strength, use his might, no matter what comes your way."
"Do not depend on your own understanding." - Proverbs 3:5
"If Jesus trusted the Holy Spirit for power, surely we can trust the Holy Spirit for power."
"Ultimately, all those things they put their faith in fall away because at that moment, the one they rely upon and hope in completely and utterly is Allah, the Creator alone."
"I needed my energy, yes I can't get it from anything else."
"Every need supply, every moment satisfied, and every time I call His name I know I'll find Him just the same."
"Lean on him, he will be there to help you in your dark times."
"The battle is not yours but it's the Lord's... This fight before you is not one that you should fight with your own strength but it's one that you should be fighting with God's Word."
"In life, you're going to find that the only people you can lean on the most are each other."
"It won't be by your might or your power but by the power of God."
"Our confidence should be in Christ more than in ourselves."
"Faith implicitly takes God at His word; it's supernatural confidence and reliance." - Dr. David Jeremiah
"The only thing we can have 100 confidence in is the Savior, and I think in that way he really is the true vine that we can always rely on."
"It's good when you feel empty. It's good when you know your need because then you remember your source."
"Cling to Jesus like your life depends on it because it does."
"It's a good thing to lean on those great diplomatic skills that many of you have."
"I love when he says, 'Oh, our God, we have no might against this great company... but our eyes are on you.'"
"That's all we have at this point, God and our guns."
"When you decide you need God more than you need the answer."
"If it had not been for the Lord on my side, tell me where."
"He's like the god of going and getting [ __ ] for me."
"She literally floated us on her own at that point."
"I can't fix everything myself. I can't keep everything functioning as it should, but you, Lord, are the one who is able to heal and mend every area of Brokenness in my life."
"In the movie, Batman relies on Selena Kyle, some luck, and a Houdini handcuff trick."
"The only thing that hasn't failed me is God."
"She must be looking out for you... I'm counting on your abilities."
"Let's get that straight, the hope will be in Jesus."
"The Lord God is my strength, my source of Courage, my Invincible Army."
"If you have to make a play, you have to rely on our team to complete the play."
"We must trust in the Lord, lean on Him, and know that He is God."
"He's the answer to whatever question that comes up."
"Honestly, we are being carried by individual brilliance every game."
"Rest in Me, don't rest in your own ability, don't rest in your vices, but Rest in Me."
"Our safety relies on what happens inside all these buildings."
"You won't need the things that you're relying on after you give them up because, do you really want to be relying on something that is temporary anyway?"
"Yet where is your security in the bank which may fall, in the job which may cease, in the legal agreements which may be broken?"
"I trust you, I literally couldn't do it without you, that's just factually speaking."
"No worries guys, as long as we leave it to Shuichi, everything will be A-okay."
"The only one who can solve this mystery and save us all is you."
"I need thee every hour, I need you God's saying for what I will keep him with a steadfast mind."
"It's okay to rely on you. You've already relied on me."
"There's a crutch here. They want someone to stop using a crutch anymore."
"I cast my burdens on you because in this life I need your strength, Lord Jesus."
"It's not us that's what you need, God has what you need."
"You never know, your best friend on the planet, the person that will have your back and that you can rely on, that person might be the exact opposite of you."
"Consult the promises of Scripture like your own checkbook, enriching your spirit in time of need."
"When you come to the end of yourself you have no other option than God, that's why I say when you run out of rope it's time to grab onto faith."
"Focus on the gospel; God will focus on your needs."
"Our help comes from the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth."
"Christ is our only Security in these times and in any times."
"You can't rely on everything being okay as long as people like me and you are at the table because we'll be the last to leave."
"I never go to God and like well you can't do this."
"People can be crutches if we constantly depend on them."
"When you see this all shut down and you've come to rely only on me and not on these other things even your country even your economy even your buildings then you will see what I am about."
"You can find everything you need to find in Christ through God alone."
"Not by might nor by power, but by my spirit."
"It's in our moments of weakness that we turn to God."
"Even if they don't succeed, we don't need to rely on them."
"Pinterest boards are everything and I would be totally lost without them."
"You can't just rely on vibes all the way through a season..."
"God's power is made perfect in that weakness. It makes you weak but you rely on him even more."
"I'd surely never make it to the stadium without you to show me the way, partner."
"Allow your peeps to carry you, allow your spiritual tribe to carry you."
"Without the coast guard there, there would be no hope for him."
"I just want to give a big shout-out to the frosting because it's pretty much the glue that holds my life together right now."
"Only God can fill those voids in your heart."
"She quickly became the one person I counted on during my shift."
"On God, I rely, I depend in whatever I'm going to be embarking on."
"Imagine your family member being made a promise that they relied on by the government. That promise is supposed to stand."
"Depend upon Allah with Jalla, by using the means."
"Allah is sufficient for me, there is no deity in truth except Him."
"Jesus depended on the ministry of the Holy Spirit during his life on earth."
"God wants to bless us with the good things of life, but we should never let those things be the symbol that we have no need for Him anymore."
"God's main priority for you and I is not our happiness."
"The troubles to come will be an exercise in total reliance and obedience on God."
"Jesus relied on the power of the Holy Ghost."
"Rely on the Holy Spirit to fill those sounds."
"Father, we ask that your strength be made perfect in our weakness."
"When all you have is God, He is all you've ever needed."
"Thank God Corona hasn't affected the internet yet."
"If it depends on something, then you're not good enough without that thing."
"Your faith, your trust, your belief must be in God."
"Fasting acknowledges our weakness and reliance on God's strength."
"Tragedy, especially routine, makes us acknowledge our helplessness and turn to God."
"Wouldn't it be nice if just this once you could lean on me?"
"The only thing protecting you is the most high. That is it."
"Rely on His strength and be faithful to Him and His Word." - From the message to the Philadelphia church.
"They have managed far better than Kiriyama as they had each other to rely on."
"And we all have to rely on it more than ever in 2024."
"In any difficult situation, we always turn to our closest friends."
"Always remember, help will come to you in least expected places in least expected ways."
"Who will help me get through, who do I turn to, who do I look to?"
"Faith teaches us dependence upon God, complete reliance on Jesus."
"It definitely creates some real like hero moments... and it like you really start to rely on her."
"Abraham's faith was a dependence upon God to fulfill his promises."
"Trust in the Lord meaning, sometimes you can't just fight anymore but you can passively lean and rest on God. God got me."
"No, you don't, you have to trust the work of Christ that's been done for you."
"We're still independent interdependent on them they were never going to let us be free."
"Truly my soul silently waits for God; from Him comes my salvation."
"The president certainly relies on his experience."
"We really do rely on you guys because we don't have the big budgets."
"Lord, remove everything I am leaning on that's not you, help me to see that you are enough."
"You can't always rely on people to help you. But you can always rely on God."
"Our strength comes from Jesus; it's not about how hard we try or our ability to fight, it's all about Jesus."
"The more we can rely on scientists to take the knowledge and data we have model it and give us guidance based on what they know there's nothing more important than this than facts and guidance for the public."
"Never would have made it if God weren't right here beside me all day every day."
"It's so important for you to rely on spirit."
"Whenever the King can't get the job done, just lean on the Queen."
"Americans are relying on their savings to cover monthly bills and everyday expenses."
"Luck sometimes, it's all you need, but never count on it."
"Hasbun Allah, Allah is enough for us and He is the best disposer of our affairs."
"Hasbun Allah, Allah is enough for me and He is the best disposer of my affairs."
"Living by faith means relying on God's promises and his character rather than being swayed by our immediate perceptions or experiences."
"Relying on one technique is not something that's gonna work out at the end."
"For 18 years she'd had to depend on people but she kept on coming."
"When He is my bread, I know where to go when I feel let down."
"Trust is relying on something pretty much with all your being and all your heart."
"Sometimes you just need some outside support."
"I had to rely on the community that was around me to get me through."
"The one thing that I had come to know... was that Jesus Christ was all that I needed."
"When seconds matter help may be minutes hours or simply not available."
"It's really nice having someone that you can count on."
"Your ability to control that recoil with technique is way more important than putting some device thing crappy whatever on the end of it thinking that'll solve all your problems."
"Father they can only do so much we need you to do the heavy lifting we need you to prepare the way and it's not possible none of it as possible without Jesus."
"This gun is the savior of all like everything right now."
"Our faith above all should be in God, not in man."
"We need to rely more on the Holy Spirit who lives in us."
"God will put us in situations where He is our only way out."
"Recognize it's not your strength, it's His strength and the power of His might."
"If you got sandwich meat, lettuce, and tomatoes, y'all still gonna pray to Jesus to make the sandwich?"
"It's up to this catapult. I don't know how many times I have to say that, but it's so important."
"This church can't save you, this worship team can't save you, I can't save you, none of your friends can save you. Only Jesus saves."
"It looks like you guys are powerfully relying on your intuition right now."
"I don't have anybody else. If it ain't you, it ain't no one and this whole [ __ ] stops."
"If Ronaldo is going to play every single game of importance, then you know what? You're going to have to accept that you cannot just rely on Ronaldo pulling magic out every single game."
"You have a really solid connection together. They find you very solid and stable, someone they can rely on."
"If it wasn't for Amazon... I'd be sitting on the floor."
"Don't give up, it's as simple as relying on him."
"Thank God for this guy, he's got solutions. Find a twice your age millionaire, praise God!"
"The best thing you can do is lean on the shoulders of your family."
"We're depending on the Lord...to supply the needs of this ministry."
"It's not a people-dependent message; it is a God-dependent message."
"We should never lean on our own understanding but we should lean on the understanding of God."
"Jesus is all we have. Outside of Him, there is nothing."
"Honestly, I'm counting on you guys. Help me out."
"Relying upon Allah is the most powerful act of worship."
"You will never know that Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have."
"Start this year off depending on Him for everything."
"The soldier of fortune wouldn't have made it without them."
"Allah is enough for us, and what an incredible choice we've made to rely on Him."
"Trust in the word that you heard from God before."
"If your hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and his righteousness you dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus' name."
"But my relationship with God was strengthened to a certain degree too because I had to rely on God a lot more seeing all of that stuff."
"Our only hope is Jesus right now. It's not in a political savior, it is not in a government, a philosophy."
"Let's slightly cringe at the fact that we need Boris Johnson to help."
"Any strategy that does not start with God as the source will dry up."
"Our trust should therefore be placed in our Savior Jesus Christ."
"If knowledge fails us, we must stand on the truth found in Jesus."
"Our hope is not in the signs, but in Jesus and Jesus alone."
"Thank you, God, you don't know how much we need this."
"I'm shaking in my knees, I am so afraid at this moment, but I know that it is in him that I live and that I move and that I have my being."
"Believe what God is saying; your very life is dependent on it."
"Lean on God because I can guarantee you that life is far more gracious."
"You gotta have a scripture to stand on, you know?"
"You have a piece of power that there is something that you can rely upon."
"This is actually our only car now, so this is actually quite important."
"God will do great things, but you have to rely on Him."
"He told her that she was wasn't alone and that she could rely on him to help her out."
"We rely implicitly on principles and thinking that implicate us in what those philosophers were writing about."
"I've relied on that scripture a lot, especially in moments of like, 'God, I can't do this'."
"If I hold on to God, he's the one that will take me there."