
Divine Origin Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"The one thing that unites all of them... is that they believe that our rights... don't come from any earthly authority; they come from God."
"These Christian nationalists believe that our rights as Americans, as all human beings, don't come from any earthly authority; they come from God."
"Rights come from natural law, which comes from God."
"Never forget that you are a child of God, our Eternal Father, now and forever."
"The world... recalls and reminds us of its divine origin. However, the same world can also veil and obscure it."
"From the beginning of time, love and romance was God's idea."
"The Quran is a book beyond human ability to produce."
"The Constitution doesn't give us our rights, those rights according to the United States come from God."
"The language of the Quran defies human logic, it's unlike anything else."
"Every good and perfect gift comes from the father above."
"The Quran comes from a source beyond human understanding."
"It could not have been produced by an Arab, a non-Arab, or Muhammad."
"I have a lot of respect for Max and and I hope you can see that from the comments I've said about him in testing where I think he's got the great potential to be a champion and as we all know he's such a talented driver."
"All human conflict is ultimately theological; we come from God, we've been made by God, we can't get away from that."
"The source of our rights is in fact the Creator."
"God never really calls us to sacrifice anything. Everything I have came from God."
"That soul of yours comes from that place of the Creator and you called God that soul of yours is not separate from the Creator from God it isn't."
"Rights are foundationally built by the Creator Himself."
"Rights come from God's loving way to make us more human."
"The family: God's ultimate solution to humanity's social ills."
"When I came to these shores, I chose to live as a man, but the truth is, I was born a god."
"Our freedom comes from God, not from any other person or government."
"Can the Quran with these characteristics come from other than the creator? Not possible."
"There is a city whose maker and builder is God."
"There is a shared Collective universal sensibility that humanity has been given from above by God."
"Everything comes from the One. Everything comes from God."
"Do not deny your desire. The word desire means of the Father. Your desires are holy and they actually are coming from a higher power."
"Laws of mathematics stem from the mind of God."
"We have certain inalienable rights, nobody can change them. They come from God."
"Every good and perfect gift comes from above, coming down from the father of the Heavenly lights."
"Christ's children will be birthed from the Holy Spirit, the same was in the beginning with God."
"We love because He first loved us."
"This is evidence of the divine origin of the Quran."
"I'm only interested in this relationship if it's from God"
"The Quran itself rejects all claims of human authorship."
"If we ignore these sociological reasons for restrictions on man's desires within groups and instead follow this argument to its logical end, we must conclude that Christianity isn't the only divinely created religion. Instead, basically all religions are divine in origin."
"The revelation originates with God."
"Salah is not something that was human-created, it's something that came all the way from the heavens."
"All good things come from the most high."
"Your spirit is saved and born of God."
"The Quran's UN usual manner of Revelation represents a compelling argument for its divine origin."
"The gospel of God has come down from the infinite genius of Almighty God."
"To me, that alone would tell me that the Bible came from the Lord above who made them all."
"Marriage is God's idea, not man's."
"If this was written by men, if the origins of the Torah are human rather than divine, the book is going to have to explain why your grandparents don't know a thing about it."
"In the spring of 1831 there was two days of meetings of the Saints about six miles from where I lived in the state of Pennsylvania. I attended it and became fully convinced of the divine origin of the Latter-Day work."
"The gospel which was preached by me is not according to man nor I neither received it from man nor was I taught it but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ."
"The Gospel and only the Gospel gives us true life because it doesn't come from men, it comes from heaven, it comes from the heart of God, it comes from Jesus Christ himself."
"This work is true. It was not established by men and women; it was established by God."
"Private property comes from God Almighty. Confiscation of your private property is coming to pay for covetousness and idolatry."
"My origin is God, my destiny is God."
"But if my origin is God, my destiny is God."
"Love was intended to be given back to God because that's where it comes from."
"Your Ori is your direct connection to God, your origin direct connection to the Creator."
"Morality is changing too, even in religion it is objective because it comes from God Almighty."
"All the good in you comes from God."
"My Doctrine is not mine, but His that sent me."
"The Quran comes directly from Allah."
"Your calling, your purpose, and your gifting come from above."
"The only way love can be real is if there is some type of supernatural God to create and define what love is."
"Religion is man-made, the gospel is God-given."
"What started our life was wind from God, and what sustains our life is wind from God."
"The Scriptures obtained full authority among believers only when men regard them as having sprung from heaven."
"Master, we know you are a teacher come from God."
"Nothing better shows our heavenly origins, our divine seed, our human intellect, those holy traces of Promethean fire."
"The Quran is from the Creator because of how it is demonstrating itself time and time again that it cannot be made by anything other than the Creator."
"Our rights came from God, right? By a higher power."
"The church is not a human invention, it comes forth and springs forth from the heart of the Father."
"Rights that come from government can be taken away by government, and rights that come from God can only legitimately be taken away by God."
"Our rights come from God; they're given to every human being, every man, every woman, every child has rights from God."
"If this book is from anyone other than God, surely there will be contradictions in it."
"Both government and religion are both instituted from God."
"The Bill of Rights is a double down reminding everyone these rights come from God, not from the government."
"Holiness must be from God to be genuine."
"Marriage was God's idea not man's, and it's a union, a lifelong commitment."
"The Bible you're holding right now is accurate as if it came from God Himself, because it did."
"The majority of fives in the Bible do originate with God."
"The only real senses of man are spiritual, emanating from divine mind."
"We're all from one Heavenly Father."
"The divine sparks which are the nuclei of the souls of men proceed from numenol cosmos."
"I believe that the Bible is so great that the wisdom contained within it could not have been man-made."
"An all-wise and an all-loving God is the source of our being and the reason for our beginning."
"Analyze them, see what you think: are they sincere, does it make sense, and does it fit the idea that this has come from something like a Divine source?"
"A threefold creation flash into being from its Lord all at once without distinction in its beginning."
"Our highest human concept of present body is always based on the fact that our present body has its origin in divine mind and is the identity of mind."
"All beauty comes from God, all goodness comes from God, all peace comes from God, all love comes from God, all justice comes from God."
"All human feelings and thoughts arise from the divine love and wisdom."
"This Dharam, this Khalsa Dharam is straight from Vaheguru and the Bani is from Vaheguru."
"If this book is from anyone other than Allah, then surely it is not from Allah."
"Both the sacrament of matrimony and virginity for the kingdom of God come from the Lord himself."
"Everything that we have a natural tendency to take pride in is simply something that God gave me."
"This Quran is from God and cannot be from other than God."
"If this book had come from anyone other than your lord, you would have found much discrepancy in it."
"If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me."