
Non-materialism Quotes

There are 294 quotes

"It ain't about the money... It was something else."
"In not pursuing money, I have made money pursue me."
"The most important things in life cannot be bought or sold, like the dignity of which you were robbed, on which I could place no monetary value."
"True happiness cannot be purchased because it is the result of a well-conditioned mind and lifestyle that takes years to cultivate."
"I think you need a spiritual, non-material belief in order to get free will."
"Spouse and children are not commodities... they make you more alive."
"Greatness within themselves isn't about money or anything else."
"Life is not about money, life is about human connections."
"All roads lead to virtues, not material success. Being a good person, a kind person, that's why we're here."
"No amount of success will satisfy you, it's about the act of helping."
"Spirituality means being aware of and acknowledging the non-material aspect of existence."
"It's not about making money, it's about purpose. What's your purpose?"
"Know your value. Your heart is more valuable than material possessions."
"It's about connecting with someone, not about money."
"We came here for a lifestyle... it wasn't about building a home for us." - Melissa
"Goals are not to get. Goals are not you don't set goals for acquisition. You set goals to grow."
"It's not so much about financial gain for me as it was about Financial Freedom."
"There's some things in life that are so valuable that you can't put a price on it, where the dollar value means zero literally."
"It's comforting for me because you're so not money motivated at all."
"It's not a building and it's not the physicality of a studio, it's the philosophy."
"Loving yourself first doesn't always mean physical enhancements."
"Experiences, man, are probably worth more than anything material."
"We'll deal with this. We'll deal with this. I don't care about the money."
"The church, though manifest in every place, is not of this world and cannot be reduced to one place."
"Not all good things come in the form of material purchases but instead in the experiences that we invest in."
"It's not about him as a physical being, it's about his message."
"Ultimately we need to keep our sights set further than the physical world."
"This person's soul operates more on a spiritual level than a material one."
"God gonna use and God gonna bless those of us who don't want to be famous and don't want to be rich."
"That's worth so much more to me than any amount of money or anything."
"Money, material possessions, none of that matters."
"Real treasure is not material; it's the people who love you."
"Our treasure is not stored up on this world, our treasure is eternal."
"Purpose isn't trying to make money, purpose isn't trying to have this fame, purpose is about being able to impact somebody else."
"The way that you use your time should never be valued based on whether or not it brings you monetary gain."
"You don't have children to make profit... this is my child, so it shouldn't matter whether it makes financial sense or not."
"Peace of course being something that you cannot ever buy."
"Wealth is not about money with me, it's about ideas."
"She’s teaching me there’s more to life than just money."
"There are some things that cannot be bought."
"There are some things in this world that are higher and sweeter and purer than money."
"Clothes and material stuff didn't mean nothing to him."
"You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy."
"Marshmallows isn't money. Marshmallows is motivation."
"He didn't come for a piece of property."
"It ain't about money guys it's not you can find happiness in just about anything all you got to do is look for it."
"People have realized that you need a support other than just material support. Very rightly said."
"Not everything in life is about money."
"The true expression of God's kingdom will never print a flyer, there will be no business cards."
"Being a high value man is not having the most money."
"Friendship and relationships are bigger than a dollar can ever be. Because I might not make any money with you, but I can bet you, I can learn something from you to make some money."
"Success in God is not based upon material wealth."
"...someone who doesn't need anything flashy doesn't need anything fancy or Posh just wants a toy a pure driving fun toy."
"Material items have really never been of importance to me... I'm much more experiential than I am materialistic."
"Mastery is different from profitability. I want the goal to be Mastery, not just making money."
"I only care about things that money can't buy. That's it. I only care about things that money can't buy."
"I'm not focused on the money. I'm connected with my purpose."
"It's never about the money, it's about connecting with my purpose."
"I never cared about his income or his social status."
"We always think in terms of losing something if you give up money, but what I found is actually gain something much much greater."
"Trust me, not everything's about money."
"My mother was a big success, yet she had no money. She was rich in love and understanding."
"Thanksgiving and Christmas is about family and loved ones and not about gifts."
"You give existence to the universe, not matter."
"Happiness is always the same experience and doesn't belong to the object."
"Life is built upon experiences, not materialistic things."
"That was so special, you just remember it more rather than like materialistic things."
"It's not about the accolades, it's about the experience."
"There's a lot more important things to keep than money."
"Sometimes, the best presents don't come wrapped in bows."
"Peace of mind and happiness genuine happiness outside of materialistic things is what I want."
"You can't buy your way to well-being."
"Hollywood doesn't know what to do with someone who doesn't want money."
"Life is about the relationships that I have with other people, it's not about the material things."
"Real fulfillment can't really be bought, but it can be earned."
"I'm sure when the day comes that you really are in need of something that money cannot buy, you'll learn what I mean by that."
"I can now state unequivocally that there is an effect of consciousness that is not simply a materialistic effect in physical mechanisms around us."
"Happiness is not about the money."
"Just to be happy in themselves because there won't be a doctor or a scientist doesn't mean he'll be any less happy than anyone else."
"A heavenly glow up is something you can't buy at beauty stores; it's priceless."
"Success is about being happy and doing what's good for you, and that does not have to be correlated to wealth or status."
"There is a part of the soul that is truly objective; it has no agenda, it is not pleasure seeking."
"Life, in its essence, cannot be conceived in physicochemical terms."
"There's more things in the world that mean something than just material possessions."
"This isn't a story about money, this is a story of that moment, that moment of realization."
"I feel a very deep happiness that does not depend on anything material."
"He's interested in challenges, not what it brings to him as far as fame or money."
"I'm not a materialistic person at all; I'm just looking for that freedom from 9 to 5."
"Having that support system that's behind you, for you, it ain't about the money."
"Money doesn't buy that kind of heart."
"Money can't buy the vibe, money can't buy energy."
"People underestimate it, they don't know that you are able to make people smile on site, and when you make people smile, that wealth, that currency, so it's not materialistic."
"Life does not consist of possessions; it consists of experiences and the people that we love."
"You can be rich in other areas, nothing to do with money."
"The success doesn't always come in money."
"I don't care about making money off him or anything, I just want to watch him grow."
"Not addicted to wine or pugnacious, but gentle, peaceable, free from the love of money."
"I'm always in deep thought about a lot of abstract subjects that don't help me financially, but I'm a person that loves to know and learn things more than anything else."
"The kingdom is not earthly. It's not political. It's not military, but it is spiritual in nature."
"Aussies aren't materialistic; they really do appreciate the simple things."
"I'm not all about the money, I'm all about moving forward."
"We're not judging the success of this business purely in dollars and cents."
"Peace of mind is not sold for money, peace of mind is not sold for cars, peace of mind is not sold for materials."
"It's not about the materialistic things in their life; it's about the value that you play in their life."
"The most important things in life are the things that money cannot buy; they are the things that give us the most joy."
"The lessons you learn are worth more than any financial reward."
"We're here to play the game Monopoly, but the points have nothing to do with how much you get."
"I like music for the end for itself, I'm not doing it to make money."
"There are some dreams that are not for sale."
"I'm going to take a step away from commercialism for a second and suggest two great gifts that won't cost you any money."
"What they don't tell you is that you don't have to own the essentials. Just buy what you like."
"Money is not important in the bigger context of my life."
"What's important to me is things not being important."
"You can't say there's one of anything because things aren't even a thing, get it?"
"Never judge a man by his path; a man's value ain't defined by his cash."
"Though not wealthy in monetary terms, their riches were an unquenchable longing for adventure and a multitude of ideas."
"Breaking generational curses has nothing to do with money."
"This value is intrinsic and is not based on production; this is progress."
"Live a life that you're happy doing. Don't look at the money, just be happy because you'd rather be life rich than money rich."
"I'm not motivated by money, like I've never been."
"Christmas isn't just about spending money, it's about bigger things."
"People were romantic and loving and giving and might not spend money on each other at all."
"Your friendship is my Christmas; material things don't impress me."
"We're not materialistic, you know. We're quite happy with what we've got."
"It wasn't about the money for him, and I really appreciate that."
"Not everything in life has a price tag."
"Christmas isn't about material things; it's about giving to others."
"I'd rather have success than the attachment to money or whatever."
"I'm not trying to chase anything that's materialistic; I want peace in my heart."
"I understand that my value isn't just physical."
"I'm not for sale, thank you. How much money you have, you can't buy me."
"I have no materialistic aims... I think me and her both aspire to basically take any money that we make and dump it into more business ventures or buying property or investing in things."
"It's a great gift for someone who doesn't really like a material item won't do justice to how much you love them."
"Your body weight is not a fashion accessory."
"Relationship will take you places money can't take you."
"Worth should not be based on achievement."
"Favor can do for you what money can't."
"I've made the most amount of money I've ever made in my life this year, and I haven't bought one piece of designer."
"Find joy in things that aren't things."
"Giving is not just about money or material possessions; we can give of our time, our abilities, our simple service, prayer, encouragement, and the list goes on."
"The best things about Warren have nothing to do with investing but they have everything to do with leading a great life."
"The most high does not dwell in temples made with hands."
"It's never really about the money, it was all about the relationships."
"It's really all about planning strategically without being money-hungry."
"You can't look only to the physical and use that to determine whether or not you're blessed."
"I can live without them. I don't need them."
"It's the currency of life, not the dollars and cents—that's not the currency of life."
"I'm not about money, I'm all I care about is work that means something to me, doing good in the world."
"We never stressed about money, we could have had a million dollars or I had a dollar, it was all the same."
"I don't care about being rich; I don't want your money."
"I don't need any of this stuff to be happy, I really don't."
"It's not about money, it's to say I did it."
"Not all growth is tangible; sometimes you need to grow within."
"True spiritual evolution is measured not by accolades or acknowledgement, but by the depth of their inner journey."
"I've really tried to have integrity and not care so much about commercial success."
"My proudest moment here wasn't when I increased profit by 17%."
"You can have all of the treasure; it's not what I'm looking for."
"I don't care about money; I just want people to be happy."
"I'm an old hippie, I'm not worried about the financial gain."
"Life is about creating memories, it's not money."
"Materialistic things don't do it for me."
"It's not about money, it's about being happy in life."
"We're not here for money, this is it."
"Success is not being the acquirement of stuff. It is the accomplishment of things not yet done."
"Blessings God style aren't materialistic things, it's stuff like encouragement to your soul."
"Every day do something that won't compute. Love the Lord, love the world, work for nothing, take all that you have and be poor."
"There are multiple other things in life that you can contribute to that are not about money."
"The real wealth of our nation, the real growth of the world, is not financial."
"You didn't bring me diamonds or rubies, but you helped me up when I was down."
"The happiness is not in the money."
"Money definitely makes things easier and makes my life a lot more comfortable, but it's definitely not my goal."
"We should orient ourselves to a less consumerist society and value much more the things that are free in life."
"Science has shown that everything is energy, that matter has no existence."
"You have built your riches in the spiritual realm and not in the physical realm."
"It's all about the experience, not about the numbers and the results."
"I'm not in it for the money; I'll always treasure this time we've had together."
"God's universe is not material, it's spiritual."
"I'm acutely aware that in the long run, money means nothing if our society is going to be a violent place."
"They have more stuff, and it would logically be that you would be envious, but I value more my freedom and lack of worry about where the money is coming from."
"You'll actually make so much more money this way when you almost pursue the more simple life of not really being materialistic."
"It's not about getting a certain amount of money so you can buy stuff, it's more about what you accomplished along the way."
"It's the intention of doing something; you don't got to be making the money."
"My experience is real, but it's not made out of stuff called mind or matter; it's made out of this infinite, dimensionless stuff called pure knowing."
"I'm not materialistic anymore, and life's good. I just every day I wake up in the morning, I breathe oxygen, and it feels great."
"I no longer feel the need to pursue wealth just to outshine or dominate my companions."
"I'm not rich, but I am rich in life. Material goods do not matter at all."
"It's not money, right? It's so much better."
"It's just a game of life, and for me, it's no longer about making money."
"I'm happy that I didn't win the million dollars because the way that my life has turned out, I wouldn't change anything."
"A distinctive trait of old souls is their lack of concern for materialism."
"It's the greatest gift you can give and it costs you nothing."
"Live for what won't burn up, live for what you can never lose."
"I'm thinking purpose, I'm not thinking money."
"Life is not about making a lot of money; sometimes life is about adventures."
"I wanted to do a job that I love. I don't care how much it pays."
"It doesn't take money to be a father."
"I don't care about money, I can do whatever I want to do in life without money."
"It's about efficiency and teamwork, ain't gotta be about money."
"Gentle Jesus, meek and mild, was emphatically the man whose kingdom is not of this world."
"I am not a destination guy; I enjoy the journey."