
Subtext Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"If you are a writer or a director of a film, and so many people have commented on the apparent queer subtext of your movie that you have to come out and make a statement saying, actually isn't gay, it means it's gay."
"Every character would say exactly what they mean to say and nothing would be left to the imagination. But Tarantino... has an abundance of subtext."
"It's not like other cop shows. It doesn't just get you to care about its characters because it's showing you what their lives are like; it's linking them together with tons of subtext."
"Every Western gets so much better when you lay a gay subtext in."
"If you can somehow build a sense of intrigue around the information before you give it out to the audience like you're most of the way there to making that exposition fun."
"Subtext is great because it's invisible right yes, that is undeniably a quality that subtext has."
"I set a little underground things said little things on little songs here and there, but that's not what we was."
"Subtext is the hidden current flowing underneath our daily conversations and actions."
"There's no internal communication. Remember when we sit next to each other, there's a conversation going on underneath things."
"It's the bomb under the bed that is so much to do with structure and so I I love to visit writers who know about subtext."
"It's called visual subtext, you know, in filmmaking terms."
"They looked at that and they looked at the fact that there was only one bed in the bunker and they went, 'Ah yeah, they [ __ ]'." - (regarding Ford and Fiddleford)
"Art often does have politically informed elements and themes and that mostly works well when it's subtext and when the themes are then married to the characters arcs and it feels like a good cohesive thing."
"McCarthy had slipped a gnostic philosophy under the nose of the readers of his Masterpiece without us realizing it"
"Good dialogue expresses unspoken meaning or subtext."
"Irony brings subtext with it because when you read a Jane Austen novel you don't just read the words on the page you have to read what's not being said."
"A lot of the strongest narratives within Castlevania and the deeper themes in general are sold off-screen through implication and subtext."
"There's so many creepy undertones that are happening that are just beyond the script."
"Suddenly all of the paintings that we look at in our collections have this subtext that we can begin to read."
"Call me a [ __ ], but I do think that the subtext here is pretty sexist because it feels like the movie is saying that women don't actually know what's best for them."
"I know writers who use subtext and they're all cowards, okay?"
"I forget about the dialogue completely. It's not important because that's not what you're animating. What you're animating is the subtext."
"It is a scene about boxing, but I can see the subtext here. There's a lot more going on."
"The subtext and everything that's lurking underneath can be that extra level of depth that really draws us into a story."
"Giving the character something to do physically while they are speaking allows for a lot of subtext to emerge through symbolism."
"Really powerful images can really be a great vehicle for subtext."
"Every action, even not dialogue itself but what's happening between dialogue, should be communicative."
"Thank you all for watching. I've been D Shadow, and remember, subtext... it helps."
"Because there's subtext there. The subtext is I know something that you don't, and there's this, this word wonderment."
"Your readers will pick up on the subtext and be more engaged as a result—you’re giving the audience a puzzle to solve and adding realism."
The subtext of Willy’s dialogue is a desperate plea: "I want an office job, and you should pity me because I’ve been here a long time and I knew your father."
"It starts with a great script... and it's just not shoot them up... it's trying to find the subtext in that action."
"It's all about the subtext and it's all about the spaces in between the lines. That's the fun of doing it."
"Real complexity will usually come from the subtextual goal, which is why they want the thing that they want."
"Subtext is great, but remember that a reader can't appreciate subtext if it's buried so deeply in the story that they can't perceive it."
"I always hear 'punch me in the face' when you’re speaking, but it’s usually subtext."
"It's all about what's not being said because you can't say it."
"It's all about communication; the subtext is what's important."
"Whenever people talk to me about the weather, I always feel quite certain that they mean something else, and that makes me so nervous."
"It's that horror just below the surface that I love."
"The most important part of the conversation is not what's being said, it's what's not being said."
"The main purpose of the parenthetical is to indicate the subtext or the real meaning."
"An unguarded conversation is effective because when somebody does use that language, we can tell that there is a subtext of interest."
"Hemingway writes simply, but it is what is not being said that is all the subtext beneath what is happening."
"...Sean Baker can bring out the artistic subtext in a way that never gets in the way of the realism of the story."
"It's like you're playing the subtext, not the text itself."
"People don't just speak in words, Mr. Butters, they give hidden messages in how they say things."
"You have to have subtext for all of this... she's boiling with anger, lust, hatred, shame, guilt, passion."
"It's real, and it's for as dark as it is, it's all there in subtext."
"Movies can be very straightforward, but you can also read hidden messages against the grain of the film."
"Any scene that there's more going on than what's being said is the best."
"What brings it into the realm of truth is what's underneath it, what's not being said, the subtext."
"Subtextually, I was very impressed with it."
"A lot of what we say isn't in what's actually said."
"This little dialogue piece... adds a little bit of like hidden meaning there."