
Categorization Quotes

There are 651 quotes

"The concept of 'another one of those' and having principles and knowing how to categorize things and think through them is putting out some of the most life-altering material I have ever come across."
"People are broader than the categories we try to fit them into."
"Nature doesn't care about the words that we use or our need to categorize and define everything."
"Every category we've created is a socially constructed category that we create to serve human happiness."
"But we begin to see here is in the right areas, we have categories that we impose on things that are not categorical."
"We identified and published, a number of years ago, 36 different factors that all contribute to Alzheimer's but they actually break down into just a couple of categories."
"Pokémon are categorized both by what they can control and by what their physical characteristics are."
"Human beings have a tendency to categorize things, even if unnecessary, creating something we call generations."
"Anthropology deals with the ways in which we categorize the world around us, how we form theories of the world through context, content, and logic."
"We construct categories because they're useful to us, but they don't exist in the natural world."
"The first step for abstract thinking is making categories."
"People seem to think, as humans, because we have words and we describe things, we falsely assume that the categories that we've created for things are far more rigidly defined than they actually are."
"All Nazis are fascists, but not all fascists are Nazis."
"If you're talking about goats, there are legitimate categories that you can place all of these guys in, and that's the way to have the conversation."
"Most people want to make sure that they're keeping each type as its own specific type and not crossing."
"You have to categorize the world in order to act on it."
"Things change so fast and we keep encountering these new phenomena that seem to not fit the categories."
"Restrictive draw is hard to categorize as far as how good it is, but I would still count this stuff, especially in white, as card draw."
"Guys tend to break women out into play and serious."
"We removed the targeting category. We removed pseudoscience as a category."
"When confronted with a vast number of observations, a first step to understanding is categorization."
"Research is broken down into five major categories with pharmacology, food and drink, outpost development, equipment, and weaponry."
"As much as we would want to do otherwise we need to recognize the national socialism fascism Marxism and so on are religions."
"It's nice to see something that you can't easily categorize."
"On each theta wave, you live partially in your immediate past and future."
"Shrek and Shrek 2 point out the inherent problems in black-and-white thinking: dividing people into camps of 'good' and 'bad,' 'heroes' and 'villains,' is both unrealistic and harmful."
"Tags...great for organizing and getting things all figured out."
"Our second step is we need to categorize different types of mass shootings."
"There are three types of people: winners, losers, and winners who have not discovered how to win."
"A broad categorization, I don't believe this [__]."
"Modern-day witches are hard to categorize. Are you a good witch or a bad witch? Are you a witch?"
"There's a place for everything to be categorized. And that's why I said don't leave anything out. Every bounce, those little things do add up."
"My planner is pretty stuffed, but I've organized it with tabs based on my needs and categories."
"Choosing the right category here will make it easier for people to find your business in the future."
"It seeks to categorize and formalize every individual or at least the characteristics about a person."
"Wow, what a perfect way to characterize and categorize the white cloaks."
"Lucario's between two borderline categories of legendary Pokemon and made to be popular enough to be considered as maybe it's one."
"Is a burger a sandwich? That's the other question."
"We deserve another category at this point if that's what it's giving. Give us another category because I don't want to be in the same category as people who get to be ambiguous."
"Gambling disorder was moved into the substance abuse chapter."
"I have no problem being moved out of the rap category as long as we're all being treated fairly."
"I'm gonna put you in the 'be for real' category because when you spit opinions like this, you need to keep going."
"Categories for codependence: active, passive, oblivious, cerebral, and anorexic."
"It's sort of an SUV version of the Outback, which is kind of strange because that makes it an SUV version of a wagon version of an SUV. It's a bit weird."
"The more that we define people by race and gender, the more that people are going to be defined by race and gender."
"Well, seeing that we are all in fact still alive, we've decided to take a look at all the games we covered in 2012 and put them into categories."
"Rather than just specifically ranking these guys and having to give like a definitive answer of who is stronger than who, we can just group them into their own individual tiers."
"For that reason, I'm putting these in the lowest tier, Tier E."
"Genre is a tool that helps us understand and categorize the shape of stories."
"Might just be so strong that it deserves a tier all of its own."
"I'm not even gonna put a tag on it right now."
"We shouldn't be categorized as, 'Oh, these are Asian-Americans, these are Asians.' We're just people, period."
"This moves from Close Encounters of the Third Kind to a close encounter of the fourth plane."
"Top five categories table for quick reference."
"Expense by category: [List of selected categories]."
"I wouldn't try to fit Jesus into just one category."
"Everyone's pet food can be found in one of these categories."
"It's really unique, we have a few tier groups, it goes from bronze all the way to VIP."
"Washington, D.C., with a few brave exceptions, is filled with two major categories of leaders."
"Aleš Hrdlička began his career as a physician in the 1890s, and even at the start, he had an obsession with categorizing people into groups, and more to the point, ranking those groups in terms of superiority."
"I'm mostly just listened to atheist entertainment, I guess you wouldn't classify it."
"All machetes are knives, not all knives are machetes. What makes a sword a sword? The instant when a machete is wielded like a weapon."
"I really like the new year as like just like a nice way to categorize memories."
"I love how Jack gets his own category, he really does."
"Positive messages or things that are helpful sort of get sifted into this self-help category that people aren't necessarily trying to hear."
"I don't know what you call that category maybe like Pokemon that seem important enough to be legendary but aren't actually legendary."
"It sucks that whenever we, and I mean guys that look like me, do anything that's genre bending or that's anything, they always put it in a rapper Urban category. So when I hear that, I'm just like why can't we just be in pop?"
"There's really only two kinds of music: great music and less great music."
"Anything that has a marked physiological effect is a drug."
"Given that Meg checks all the boxes of an ideal wife, I'll be placing her in the Wed category."
"The Inheritance Games... definitely did fall under that category."
"We're gonna break this down into multiple categories."
"Back within Tasks in Microsoft Teams, I'm not just limited to these predefined categories."
"The teaching of the Catholic Church is in that category."
"I think hip-hop has become... a lot of people hip-hop, and I'm wondering, does there need to be two categories sometimes?"
"Mochi mochi nomi, ladies and gentlemen, a devil fruit that is so unbelievably devastating Oda had to put it in its own category."
"Grayson Waller, I'm gonna grab him and put him into the great category as well..."
"There are only two types of good German: dead or groveling."
"There are like four groups of people the way I see it. You know, I like to simplify things."
"There are three kinds of suspicion: a light suspicion, a serious suspicion, and grave suspicion."
"There are two categories in my mind of Pokemon designs: designs that are neat, and designs that are fine."
"Borderline personality disorder is a basket diagnosis."
"I love my fans. I love all the people who support me. I love the people who... I wouldn't have this painting in front of me if it wasn't for my fans. I wouldn't have food on my table if it wasn't for my fans."
"We can categorize both as the exact same thing."
"Psychologically, frustration helps your brain organize new information into categories."
"Our first task in life is to separate things into two categories: what's up to us, what's not up to us."
"This isn't a top 10 top 5 top 8 kind of thing planned it for like best of this category best for this category first."
"I like this little filter here to be able to see the policies by category. Makes it a lot easier to figure out what I'm gonna put where."
"The execution tier list is kind of a great idea."
"What is race? Categorization and signification."
"We need to come up with a category for crypto because it doesn't fit in your box."
"Minecraft speedrunning is divided into a ton of categories and subcategories, each with different rules and guidelines."
"Does this mean that we can never trust what people have to say? No, but there is a class of products, ideas, or music that falls into a different category."
"You're going to want to take note of course the year of your machine and that will allow you to figure out which of the main categories your machine falls under."
"Everything has its own categories, almost cubbies, like almost you could say a place for everything is everything in its place."
"The world is a much simpler place when we can write people into black and white categories: friend, foe, hero, villain. But when we look at things a little longer, it quickly becomes clear that nobody fits into just one category."
"The numbers on recycling symbols actually have a very important meaning for categorizing recycling based on their chemical makeup."
"These are the financial categories that we classify every single transaction into."
"We can split common training goals into three categories: body composition goals, performance training, and training to maximize health and longevity."
"We're a society of people who want to put everything into categories including ourselves."
"The template was always people forcing a natural variation into categories."
"Everything is catalogued by and categorized by the feeling of it."
"I would not really categorize Bride As Omega verse I would say that it's just just like a standard werewolf vampire paranormal romance."
"There's nothing else that goes in this tier. Almost everything else in here is just a fork or a more unique use case."
"...most people that watch this video are probably going to fall into the second category here I call this the Privacy conscious."
"Having labels just makes it easier for things to get back to where they belong."
"It's like she's just created a genre all her own. I can't even fit this into a category."
"There's also different degrees of maid cafes."
"If we're being 100% there should be another category Beyond this where all the calamities from the Dark Continent should go."
"...I don't necessarily think that drop bar mountain bikes need to become their own category however I would love to see aggressive gravel bikes become a new category as well as the further categorization of gravel bikes in general."
"Epics reside within the epics panel so to open up your epics panel what you're going to have to do is click on the Epic drop-down menu."
"Now let's color code the epics for user account and loyalties program an orange-ish color because they're associated with the user admin side of things."
"Within this level one service, there's three things that you want to offer."
"So first, let's get into categorizing the client's transactions."
"And those categories are going to help you out in the third step, which is sending those reports."
"I would like to perhaps... Would you consider the chulk to be a humanoid?"
"If the category is going to be a color, we should be a little more clever with the name."
"'Cause I think you put foods in a category, but they're pretty out there. (laughs)"
"Organization is not just about tetrising everything in, it's about categorizing things."
"You're putting acquaintances, people that you just met, or even people that you've known for a long time, but you don't really know, in the same category as your best friends."
"...it gives you a sense of control, it gives you a sense that you can really collaborate with the tool in order to do your categorization, so it's actually pretty awesome."
"You're going to have to forgive Ahab's and Jezebels. Once you have these categories, some of you are going to start looking at people in your life and going, 'That person was an Ahab and they allowed a lot of damage and harm.'"
"The tension found in the contradiction of the film's willingness to categorize itself and its unwillingness to be bound by any categories."
"...the largest of any category is the dragon Pokemon."
"You can only have three kinds of relationships: healthy, unhealthy, and no relationship."
"I think everyone's been trying to put me in, like, some sort of box since I started."
"Make a list of the people that you come most in contact and put R's and D's after their name, not Republicans and Democrats, real or deal."
"These are like the three categories I've gone for we've gone for safety we've gone for look and we've gone for capability."
"So these are all on the North context Channel."
"Let's put him in 'C.' He seems like a little bit of a middle-of-the-road type of guy."
"Now we have the topology created, the rules assigned, all based on subtypes."
"Most people should just put their workouts in a category of what the things you're doing is it more stimulus or less stimulus."
"Giving names and applying concepts to things contributes to our feeling safe and secure."
"MikroTik fits these categories very well."
"That's another species ticked off."
"This bag also fits into another category."
"When you categorize people, they tend to really fit into their role and go for it."
"I'm going to take you through the different categories now."
"Sorry Brad, this is a lunch sandwich, this is even potentially a dinner sandwich, it's a snack sandwich."
"All cats are animals but not all animals are cats."
"Is art a useful scientific category? I think anthropology long ago abandoned the idea that art somehow was a useful social scientific category. There's a whole literature in social anthropology that is a critique of art as a social scientific category."
"That's good, it's good that you could physically see something and kind of move it from category to category."
"The new Civic then is most definitely a Civic."
"It was the Prophet (peace be upon him) who brought forth this categorization."
"The Cynefin Framework helps us categorize problems or decisions into five different domains: obvious, complicated, complex, chaotic, and disorder."
"Color sorting toys teach sequence, categorization, and color theory."
"...the Model Y does belong in the luxury category..."
"We would call this peppers or red pepper, green pepper, yellow pepper."
"It's much better if you can go in and think of okay these are all the groups."
"When we make these lines and we say, 'Okay, this is now the ancient world, Rome fell, now we're in the Middle Ages,' or 'Columbus discovered America, now we're in modern times,' when we make those kind of lines, those are somewhat arbitrary when we're deciding where those are."
"You can be a zero, a negative, or a positive. I look at people in three categories. If they're like a zero, which is neither positive nor negative, sure. If you're a negative, you got to go. Got to go."
"Taxonomy, the discipline of placing names on bits of the universe or in abstract ideas, is the heart of the richness of intellectual discipline."
"Fives could get lost in all that heavy information and research."
"So if you take all the different valid account types, that is local domain, cloud, and group them together, you get about 30%."
"The tier list is split into eight tiers with the characters on the same tier being ones that deem to be around the same level."
"QuickBooks Online will always look to the rule first, it will look for the match second, and then the green categorization third."
"Who decides what a real combiner is and isn't? These things are combiners."
"A shake is a drink, is a shake a drink? I think yeah, I guess I'm going to say yeah."
"By more conventional conservative definitions they are the only triads."
"It’s time now for our second tier; The Average."
"It's not a sitcom, but sometimes it is. You know, it's just it doesn't fit in a nice little box that everybody can say, okay, that's okay for that category. It's not."
"First, before seeing what lies in first place, I wanted to make a quick review of the very influential non-Regulars who do not have a spot in the rankings simply because of the fact that they are not Regulars."
"The people you think of as part of a type never fit into the type."
"If you got to come here and Proclaim what you are, put yourself in a category because you don't know where you fit it means you don't know who you are."
"I think there should be subcategories of friends like casual friends, okay friends, and best friends."
"We separate ourselves by defining ourselves by our religion, our culture, our ethnicity, our profession, our socioeconomic classes, and so many other things."
"These are really handy, super-thin, but will help to kind of categorize all the things, even evening activities."
"There's only two kinds of people in this world, trained and not trained."
"Sharp categories are what we as observers bring to an underlying continuous phenomenon."
"Sex is a way of categorizing humans based on a combination of a few traits: chromosomes, genitals, gonads, hormones, and secondary sex characteristics."
"I'm going to take you through each Resort category: the value, moderate, Deluxe, and Disney Vacation Club."
"People try very hard to make things fit into a political box and they just are not going to."
"The labels help us identify by what's wrong."
"I want to provide the appropriate multi-factor characteristic for each description."
"The American Porter is actually a relatively new kind of sub-category within Porter itself."
"They try to radically re-conceptualize and dimensionalize, take away the categorical system, and simply create a system of dimensions along which personalities would be arrayed."
"Label the ladies as much as you can, my friends."
"Would you say there's like basically three actions that you're doing in this case?"
"...Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, absolutely a kaiju."
"I'm 20. What do I put age range please select more than 60 years less than 20 years 21 to 25 years 26 to 30 years 31 to 40 years."
"In Dynamics CRM, entities are categorized into three types: system entities, business entities, and custom entities."
"...each of these baskets makes sense they each have a category so that when we reach for something we kind of know which basket to reach for."
"Fruit loop Christians, delusional Christians, medicated Christians stay behind."
"The nice thing is it's already been categorized extremely well, and all of these were required fields, opposed to just creating a note this way and then just scrambling into writing."
"The specimens in the AUS category will often be compromised either air drying blood clot or just hypocellularity."
"Once you kind of get your categories set up which is kind of the most important part."
"...nobody knew including the record company if anybody was going to like it or was just going to disappear because it didn't fit into a category."
"But basically, they rounded up the men and older boys in one group."
"So now we have established those, so now we can do the same with our reds."
"If Jesus can cause some matters in the law weightier and others less weighty, I can definitely say that Zera is most definitely in the latter category."
"Category four is items that encourage creativity."
"I think we'll also see startups... and I think the opportunity for startups to build new products is where the product doesn't fit neatly into an existing category."
"Everything I was learning was placed into these boxes. There was a little box that was called geology and a little box called chemistry and another one physics and you know mathematics and cosmology. Nature doesn't know about those boxes and neither does our lives."
"A product is either sterile or non-sterile. There's no gray zone. It's like being pregnant. You can't be slightly pregnant."
"All sin can be categorized in one of these three categories: the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, or the pride of life."
"The divisions I've made are somewhat arbitrary. People do things, they play music... historians can come in later and nicely divide them into categories."
"I don't think it's us who's confused. I think it's everyone else because they don't know how to categorize us."
"It's more of a media player than a tablet. It shouldn't be called a tablet, it's more of a media player for kids that happens to run Android."
"The notion of the West as a broad category, the closest thing you would get to it would be a concept like Christendom."
"one important detail is that there is steak Girls Camp and there is Ward Girls Camp"