
Life Phase Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"The happiest phase in life is between 60 and 80."
"I'm in a phase in my life that I want to pass along the things that are of value."
"You work all your lives doing, doing, doing, and now it's my time."
"You are blossoming into the prime of your life right now."
"This time of your life now or into the near future, you're going to feel the most empowered that maybe you have felt in a very long time or ever."
"I've refused to let this time in my life be touched, tainted, or bastardized by anyone else."
"Your purpose even right now in this period of your life is empowering."
"20s is the one time in your whole life that you can just be selfish, be yourself, focus on yourself and do things just for you."
"You're about to enter a new and fruitful phase of your life."
"You have entered a unique time of your life brimming with limitless opportunity."
"Thirties are supposed to be like, 'Okay now I'm grown, let me just live my true life.'"
"Your 20s, the most important phase of your life that's going to make or break you."
"Just enjoy the phase, don't get emotionally involved because somewhere it will hurt you."
"I feel like now i'm like getting to a place."
"I'm gonna be 31 in two weeks and it's just pop-off season okay? It's thriving season, it's learning healing and growing season."
"This is a time in my life to prioritize me, my well-being, and my personal evolution."
"You are about to enter a season of tremendous purpose and destiny."
"I've been in this phase for like the past year."
"I'm entering a new phase of my life that I want to enjoy to the fullest."
"Just trying to enjoy this phase in my life because it is definitely something that I've never experienced before."
"You're going through a major phase in your life where you feel like you're losing more than winning, but spirit is saying that's okay. Your turn is going to come."
"I'm really just trying to enjoy like this phase of life that we're in before we have two kids."
"This is our season of life. This is the most amazing change."
"I put the word abundance because this is like an abundant time in life."
"...I feel like I'm still learning who I am as a person in this new phase of my life..."
"From 21 to 32, that's when you're gonna probably gain the most information, gain the most experience."
"This is the time of your life where you definitely try and experiment and just find different ways to make yourself happy."
"I think you know this is the time of your life where you definitely try an experiment and just find different ways to make yourself happy."
"Everyone goes through that phase in their lives where they have absolutely no clue what they're doing."
"We're really enjoying being in this phase; the last thing I want to do is rush into marriage and then rush into having kids."
"I always say I don't remember my 40s. I don't remember anything except being overwhelmed and exhausted."
"You're entering a new phase of your life."
"I want to have quality of life... we're entering this third phase of our life where we can start enjoying ourselves again."
"What I'm going through right now is temporary, it's not permanent, it's a phase."
"Black women are taking control over what this next phase of their life looks like."
"I feel very excited for this next phase of my life."
"This is such a cool phase of my life that I'm going through, and I'm really grateful for that."
"I think I like to do this stuff because I know that right now is the time in my life to do this kind of spontaneous stuff."
"This film highlights some of the pain and some of the struggle of being this age and at this phase in your life."
"It's up to women to play a role in this new phase of life that we're going to be in."
"I feel like I'm ready for this era of my life."
"Menopause is a process and is supposedly a release of a lot of stored emotions and kind of a detoxification into another phase of life."
"It's your Saturn return between the ages of 27 and 29."
"This is the most powerful time in my life right now."
"I'm starting to get into a part of life where if I'm sharing my time with you, I appreciate you."
"You're moving into a time in your life where these energies are very important."
"It's just that season of my life right now. I have a lot of things I'm accomplishing."
"I'm in that phase of my life, and I'm excited."
"You're being moved into this incredibly creative phase or chapter of your life."
"You're about to take this new adventure or have some type of new phase in your life."
"I feel like I'm entering this new phase in my life where I'm an adult."
"Maybe like an ending of a cycle, moving into a much more positive phase of life for both of you."
"Enjoy the time you get to spend with yourself, enjoy this section of your life where your life and your schedule is only dependent on you."
"It's just a date and no matter what day it is, this time in my life is the time."
"This is just like my season of life right now."
"I'm ready for that phase of my life, just someone that we enjoy each other's company."
"High school is the only phase in your life where everyone kind of has these undarkened dreams."
"It's time to enjoy the longest holiday of your life, possibly the longest ever."
"Retirement is when you start your wealth depletion phase of your life."
"That song really speaks to me right now, that really sums up the era of my life right now."
"I'm just gonna call this next phase in my life constantly chaotically learning."
"This is just a season of life where I need to rest and I need to take a break, and that's okay."
"I'm in the season of growing and glowing."
"I'm in this happy era of my life."
"It's your turn, it's your time to enjoy."
"I love our life with three kids, it is so fun."
"This moment in my life is my 'golden era'."
"I've only just started the beginning of my midlife crisis."
"At least I'm going through this adventurous, positive mid-life crisis."
"Enjoy the process... You're only going to be in this phase of life one time."
"Keep your mind positive, since you are in the lucky period of your life."
"I'm at a phase in my life where I'm outgrowing a lot of things."
"I think what I love about this phase of my life right now and where I'm at in my life right now is how much freedom I have."
"This juncture of my life is just about having fun."
"I'm going through a quarter-life crisis honestly."
"It's all about the Soul's Journey, each and every one's Soul's journey and what they can take on at that time in that phase in their life."
"It is time for you to get really curious about the next phase in your life."
"This is beautiful energy, you've hit a really beautiful part in your life."
"I'm deep in this season of my life."
"You're in the season of happiness, since a lot of things changing around you."
"You guys are ready for a new phase... there's a new cycle and a new season entering into your life."
"This is the doorway to the next era of your life."
"Get ready for something, a new phase of experience."
"You're also entering one of the luckiest periods of your life."
"This period in your life is gonna be really transformative."
"This is the job for me in this season of life, and I'm really, really happy."
"Prepare to move to the next phase of your life."
"I feel like the season of life for me right now is very much growth-oriented."
"It's the best time of your life but it's also oddly and weirdly like a re-birth of yourself."
"This is just a season of life, the kids are having fun."
"You're being ushered into a new phase in your life."
"You're ready for the next phase of your life."
"You're moving into a new phase in your life."
"You're entering a new phase in your life regardless of this relationship."
"You're about to step into a very vital phase of your life."