
Nonlinearity Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"The memories were the most interesting to me because they're scrambled, and I love it when stories experiment with a nonlinear order of events."
"Progress is not linear; it's curvilinear, almost exponential or geometric."
"Non-linearity is what allows deep neural networks to model complex functions."
"It feels like the journey to get to stability, man, it's not always like this linear path and it doesn't always happen right away, man."
"Hollow Knight is actually one of the most non-linear games in the entire genre."
"Dark Souls 1 is incredibly open-ended as worlds go, with something like the world of Skyrim being the most nonlinear world that allows you to go pretty much anywhere."
"Maniac Mansion was really cool, not just because it had a really well-developed sense of humor, a colorful world, and interesting characters, but it also wasn't exactly linear."
"The non-linearity of New Vegas is amazing. You can just go past deathclaws and get to New Vegas immediately."
"Progress is not always linear; it doesn't go from the bottom left to the top right in a nice straight line."
"The book of Revelation is not in chronological order. When I read the book of Revelation, I see four separate retellings of the same event."
"It's not like you're on Rails and you're going through this experience."
"Success is not linear. The path to success is normally thought to be three things."
"Nothing is linear about developing a game, nothing is logical about developing a game."
"Nikolai Kazarev was right: time isn't as linear as we thought."
"Self-help and mental illness/chemical imbalance is not linear."
"We're trying to make the game really non-linear."
"Healing doesn't happen in a straight line. It's not linear."
"The journey is not linear or time restricted."
"This nonlinearity is where the game really shines."
"Elven ring being mostly non-linear actually remedies that problem and finally adds a sort of difficulty slider to the souls games."
"Sometimes we can fall into the trap of looking at life in a way that I believe is too linear."
"Nature doesn't follow straight lines."
"My creativity... helped to define my ability to see the world not in a structured way, but to really expand out into my ability to be creative and nonlinear."
"Cubase pioneered this concept... of being able to have this linear concept but if we wanted to kind of jump around and have a non-linear we could add in a ranger track."
"It's an evolving thing and a continuous thing that you learn and evolve as you need to and it's also not linear which is important as well I think to note."
"But it's not going to be linear and it's going to be quite messy but ultimately there is no one thing you can do today or tomorrow or for the next six weeks and then you will be fixed and then you will be healed."
"You could see what's to come. Time, it isn't the same for them. It's non-linear, non-linear. Holy what? Time is non-linear?"
"Our perception of lots of things are comparative and they're not linear at all."
"Time is not a linear progression of events."
"Careers and life are not linear. It's not like a straight line where you start at the age of two and you're like I'm going to be a classical organist and then you follow a line and then you become a classical organist. That's not how it works."
"Your time is not flat, it's not straight."
"The path of progress is not linear."
"It's not a straight linear process, you know?"
"Success is not linear; focus on opportunities that promise bigger returns."
"Progress, not just racial progress, is not linear."
"Behavioral change isn't linear. It's a sigmoid curve."
"The economy is a giant complex adaptive system which is horribly nonlinear."
"This non-linearity is really the key to neural networks and their power."
"But really I'd like you to drop the idea of a chain of causation which is purely linear."
"Anyone who's done TSM knows it's not linear progress."
"Intelligence is not a linear thing."
"Intuition is non-algorithmic, contextual, relational, wise, nourishing, and beyond linear cause-effect relationships."
"The relationship between degrees and prism diopters is not linear."
"You do have to worry about how much level you are sending into blocks that are designed to be non-linear."
"Recovery isn't linear, you know that. You've been here before."
"Healing will not be linear in the slightest."
"Understanding that effectively human behavior is totally nonlinear."
"It's not a straight line, it's happening all at the same time."
"Everyone has them, the idea that life is a straight line is just not true."
"I like the idea of circularity and of there being no linear sort of journey that one had to go on."
"The most fascinating parts about that movie was that the way their language was constructed, it's not constructed, they don't look at time as linear, they look at it as circular."
"The path to healing is not always linear."
"Life isn't linear, just like grief isn't linear."
"Progress is rarely a straight line."
"Why assume that the effects are linear? The advantage of the GAM is that we don't have to assume that they're linear."
"We could put a straight line through these data but that's not going to do a great job of describing the fact that there has been non-linear change in temperature over the last couple hundred years."
"When you're analyzing love stories or situations from a sober point of view, you ask yourself how, but when you're in that situation for real, love is not that linear as you would think."
"The evolution of life on Earth was anything but linear."
"What is a kernel method? Now I want to introduce a little bit of non-linearity to my model."
"The path of love is never straight."
"People tend to think in linear terms... but the monetary system doesn't really work this way."
"Time is fluid, it's not linear; it's all happening at once."
"Transitions by their nature are non-linear; they never travel in a straight line."
"Healing anything is never linear."
"Social change isn't linear but rather it moves in cycles."
"There's a lot of non-linearity in a world where one crisis leads to another."
"Time does not move along a linear path."
"Utility functions exhibit diminishing marginal utility; they are not linear."
"Life is not linear, it's more of a spiral."
"Time is an illusion; things are not linear, things are all happening at the same time."
"Creativity is anything but linear."
"Change is not a straight line. Progress is not a straight line."
"Life isn't mathematical; it's not A plus B equals C every time."
"GAMS give us a framework to model in a flexible way non-linear relationships."
"Progress is not strictly linear, no matter how linear the program is."
"Progress isn't always linear, especially with flexibility; it tends to be this staggered ladder that builds slowly towards that position."
"Mario was already a linear game by nature, so Miyamoto was inspired by his childhood memories to create a game that was as non-linear as possible."
"Healing isn't linear, so I think that they are like their pride."
"Don't treat life as if it's a linear thing when you're living in a nonlinear reality."
"Human beings do not live in alphabetical order."
"Most of the systems we care about, like predicting the future of a weather system or an epidemiological system, we can't solve them using these linear techniques and we have to resort to numerical integration."
"The whole success of deep learning was the final realization that they had to have a nonlinear function in there."
"The game itself is not completely linear, so the way that you unlock different boxes of content is completely up to the players and the choices that they make along the way."
"The metrics are misleading because we do not process information in a linear fashion."
"Sometimes things happen backwards, and that's okay."
"We're just experiencing time in a nonlinear fashion."
"The activation function is called ReLU... the larger of 0 and X. It's not linear and that's what allows us to create nonlinear functions."
"Human civilization is not as linear as we think."
"Real-life system dynamics and observation models are rarely globally linear."
"Is time really nonlinear? Has the future already happened in the past? Is it happening right now?"
"Life is not a linear video game; it's a nonlinear video game. It's an open world."
"Real phenomena in nature are not linear forever; they may be linear at local scales, but nonlinear effects are routine."
"Progress in this country does not always go in a straight line."
"If the residuals are not random, we have a non-linear relationship and cannot use the linear regression model."
"Life isn't linear, even though it's perceived to be."
"The rate of increase is not a linear relationship."
"Life ain't like that you know, it's not linear like you have your ups and downs."
"Time is simultaneous and not linear."
"Nothing's ever linear, is it really?"
"The process of healing... it's not linear."
"Most real-world systems are nonlinear in some respect."
"If you don't have a non-linearity, the whole thing is linear, so there's no point having layers."
"What is the simplest non-linearity you can think of? Something that has a single kink."
"...hope is simply to observe reality. It's freaking miraculous; there's nothing linear about this universe, there's nothing linear about life itself."
"It's not a linear spectrum; it's like a scatter plot kind of thing."
"We've got this really nice sort of shape forming, and it's not just in two straight lines."
"Our careers or portfolios, they are not ladders. They are not linear progressions."
"Variance is not linear, unlike expectation."
"Activation functions are part of what make deep learning possible."
"Virtually any actual system is nonlinear to a certain extent, at least when examined in sufficiently fine detail."
"It doesn't always have to be a linear classifier."
"MARS is a nonparametric regression technique and can be seen as an extension of linear models that automatically models nonlinearities and interactions between variables."
"I'm never giving up on your dreams because everyone's path isn't intended to be linear."
"The evolution of the universe is not a linear process."
"Centers are delicate and easily altered by nonlinear terms even very tiny nonlinear terms."
"This introduces non-linearity to the network, which is crucial for learning complex patterns."
"Transformers have a characteristic that is not linear above a certain value; their characteristic impedance changes."
"We can only do that if we're putting in some non-linearities which allow us to learn these kind of curvy decision patterns."
"Time is not linear; it's a spiral."
"The gains are not linear; they're logarithmic."
"There's been a shift towards parallel computing and non-linearity."
"The 21st century may be the century of nonlinearity."
"Nobody who has succeeded has had a linear path where everything went great."
"The unexpected drug interactions are by definition non-linear, non-additive effects."
"There is evidence that we have a nonlinear relationship between the anxiety variable and achievement variable."
"You have to have non-linearity... to do something interesting in a deep neural network."
"We wanted it to go 12 feet and it went 13 feet, but that's kind of okay because what we know is, this function might not be exactly linear."
"Current is a linear property; power is not a linear property."
"That Euclidean contraction... is very robust to every plausible nonlinearity of the system that we could find."
"Markets themselves are nonlinear."
"Many phenomena are in fact a product of a multiplicity of forces interacting in a nonlinear fashion."
"It's not always the case because these aren't linear relationships; these are curves."
"The relationship of voltage to megawatt transfer is nonlinear, which requires a full power flow solution."
"The path is never perfectly linear."
"The path and journey into veganism is more of a zigzag than it is a straight line."
"If you apply a non-sinusoidal input to a linear network, the output is not the same as the input, meaning the wave shape is not maintained."
"Development in progress isn't always linear."
"Progress isn't linear, it goes up and down, so just remember that and be kind to yourself."