
Career Diversity Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Be open-minded about what your own interests are. I don't think you anymore have to be shoehorned into a particular career to be welcomed into the future of space exploration."
"There's so many different career paths you can go down, there's a ton of different certifications you can get, there's a ton of different industries you can work in."
"There's so many different specialties that you can get into when it comes to web development."
"Not everyone has to be Steve Jobs and run big companies. There are plenty of other jobs in this world."
"Everybody's not going to be the player or be on stage, but man, everybody needs a light man, an engineer, a coach, an agent. So there's a million different jobs that's surrounded around their dreams that they should start." - Ice Cube
"You can't just do the one thing forever. I can't think of anybody who's done just the one thing and been able to make a lifelong career."
"You can't just do the one thing forever, you know I can't think of anybody who's done just the one thing forever and been able to make a lifelong career out of it."
"Chloe works as a vice president at a large Bank in Southern California and Banks as a psychologist by training but also considers himself a real estate developer investor."
"You can be a CEO, you can be a scientist, you can be a doctor."
"I had a PhD in economics but I was also a B-2 pilot."
"Whitebeard had my heart from the very start."
"I wish people understood: everybody wants to be the artist, but there are so many other roles in music that can make you successful."
"Every job I have done was different. Every time you learn."
"From a construction worker to a comedian to a Taekwondo champion to an actor to a UFC commentator..."
"This brother went from being a Nigerian prince to a Navy SEAL to an actor director in Hollywood slash author."
"All of that is the great thing about being in so many different careers."
"I'm just trying to do something, you know what I'm saying? Something that's not on my resume, I'm a mechanical engineer, that's my background."
"Start your online businesses now. I'm about to go into property, do influencing, do YouTube. Just do everything that you want to do."
"I think they're opening up our eyes to the fact that people are going to have different jobs."
"He's got plenty of career options if this whole fighting thing somehow doesn't work out."
"Proof that there was another part of the workforce that didn't require a suit and a tie and a cubicle..."
"So I'm a full-time real estate agent, real estate investor, and YouTuber. Every day is gonna be a little bit different."
"Although Whitney Houston received most of her fame through her vocal talent, she had a pretty successful acting career as well."
"Her impact as a talented actress and her subsequent success as a writer have contributed to a lasting legacy in the entertainment industry."
"There does have to be a real effort to make people understand that the trades are a big capacious thing... the trades can mean being a unionized mason in Manhattan making 150,000 a year or an ununionized mason in Phoenix, Arizona making 40k a year."
"You show those other avenues, you don't gotta be rapping, you can be an opera singer."
"I'm so lucky now to have a multi-hyphenate career."
"I'll never say you can't be a rapper and be a lawyer."
"If I got one thing, we're gonna get kids educated... be a plumber, electrician, chef, sommelier, hair stylist."
"Chris Rock has had a long and varied career that has taken him through Saturday Night Live."
"Nowadays, however, people are realizing that this idea of specializing in one thing isn't a necessity to succeed."
"It's a changing world, it's a changing landscape. Not all about police, lawyer, doctor, Indian chief anymore."
"And it's my hope for you, whether you work for yourself or if you have a day job that you love and want to keep, that if you cultivate a portfolio career, that that can do the same for you."
"...hopefully that's exciting for some of you that are looking to get into the field because you wear so many different hats every single day."
"I'm fortunate that my work is so varied. Some people might see that as a drawback, but I like it."
"Everybody is meant to do something and not everyone is meant to be an influencer."
"Social work is a very diverse field, that's probably what drew a lot of us to this field."
"There's more professions out there than rapping and singing."
"Remember, NHS has both clinical and non-clinical roles, so you don't have to be a nurse or a doctor to apply for jobs with the NHS."
"The Army offers a wide range of career choices."
"It's not about the accomplishments... every job is different and every time I step foot on a stage or into a booth, there are different demands, different boundaries, and a different set of rules."
"Did you know that girls can be firefighters?"
"They can be good in government jobs, they can be good in medical jobs."
"There's a breadth of options that you can choose and you can choose to specialize in if you go into business."
"The insurance industry is a big industry; there's so many different things that a person could do in it."
"I've held a variety of positions."
"The beauty of Nursing is there's so many different opportunities and options for us."
"When it comes to technology consulting, there's so many things you can do."
"Workers who change careers come from many backgrounds, age groups, and situations."
"Nurses have a ton of different roles they can go into, and that is super, super cool."
"With gemology, there's no kind of set career path; there's lots of options available to you, which means you can have a very diverse career."
"I'm really excited because in terms of public health careers, there are so many different areas in which you can go."
"There are many choices in the field of health care."
"Being a social worker is having a social work degree... and it's less about the actual job title, so you can work anywhere as a social worker."
"We've got to understand that people have different jobs and different pathways."
"Women can be surgeons, women can be engineers, they can be pilots."
"Dentistry does offer a lot of career options; however, medicine has over 70 specialties."