
Cultural Sensitivity Quotes

There are 391 quotes

"It would be rude to visit a country and expect everybody there to speak English."
"It's the solutions to the American socio-political problems that should not come at the expense of distorting another nation's heritage and history."
"Never ever ever mention Ireland as part of the UK or Britain because we're not."
"So, a good example of this is like, let's say Blizzard adds a race of characters into the game, and they make the characters all kind of dress like Nazis... It's really weird, and no one wants that, right? Because there's just too many parallels."
"If all of that sounds like an overly difficult, monumental task, I can suggest a really easy place for you to start – change your team mascot and get rid of that stupid holiday. Because now, you know better."
"I can't tell a Jewish person what is anti-Semitic just like nobody can tell me what racism is. It's like nobody can tell a woman what sexism is. It's like nobody could tell a gay person what homophobia is."
"You're right, it's bowing to a minority trying to please everyone but in the end offending a lot of people."
"It's crucial that we don't treat these cultures as merely aesthetics but rather as key aspects which can mold and explain the various infrastructures within our story."
"So whether or not I personally feel that this book did or did not promote harmful stereotypes about people of color, like it still hurt people and that's going to cause me to see this book differently."
"If you were in Dubai, I'm not going to come and say, 'Lauren, why aren't you wearing the hijab?' That's your choice."
"Cultural appropriation and racial fetishism are not topics that generally come up over morning coffee, but they're important to talk about and address in order to make our society a better place for everyone."
"Dressing up like another racial group for Halloween is never acceptable. Ever."
"Culture is important and shouldn't be used as a costume."
"It's important to differentiate between the Chinese people because they're under that regime as well."
"And we should do better at listening to the needs and desires of the cultures they belong to."
"Some people can't handle talking about themes of a movie."
"Don't make arrogant statements like this that is not fair to the millions of Chinese people that are completely cut off from the rest of the world."
"It's offensive, yeah, it's not your culture so I don't think you should appropriate it."
"I'm gonna dab, okay? Don't dab 'cause that's double appropriations. Don't do it, that's a good yoga pose."
"It's not racist to say don't eat the freaking bat."
"Content warnings in advance for racism, specifically antiblackness."
"Redskins might change their name long overdue huh long overdue finally Native Americans are you listening."
"These safe spaces and trigger warnings concept designed to protect feelings instead of dealing with facts."
"When it comes to doing good for Native Americans today, we do a lot in this country that is rooted in sort of symbolic attempts to appease Native Americans..."
"Never in my life would I imagine that we would come to a situation where people from the USA United States are getting triggered over a little adorable mascot."
"But I also wonder, could there be an adaptation of phantom of the opera that keeps the character of the Persian AND this idea of Erik living in Persia for a while as a part of his backstory, without incorporating those ugly orientalist tropes?"
"Jinx's design was criticized for representing blackface."
"Defining someone's culture by their race is racism."
"Stop calling it the China virus, call it the real-life affluenza."
"Even though you can’t use irony in an underdeveloped country, there is some irony here in a guy that mocks everybody and everything, getting made fun of."
"Clapping triggers people, so they've banned it."
"It's not always about the name, right? I mean like the R word, that's like that was next level right? People like Chiefs, Braves, like Blackhawks come on. What's Native peoples' problems here?"
"I'm sure it'll be fine, but I just want them to do the butchered Italian accent for these characters because that's what the characters do."
"If you insult them you're insulting the British on the Somme and you're insulting the French in 1914 you're insulting basically armies that don't know what's going to happen to them they haven't had a chance to learn."
"My biggest issue is the way that you've come at this topic and completely dismissed the culture and the legitimate culture and worldview that indigenous people have."
"Blizzard are adding a new customization option for the Night Elves with this like black face paint it's really cool reading mournful kind of emo looking I suppose if were to be coy about it."
"Russian sushi chain apologizes for ad featuring black man."
"We're addicted to being offended by each other... we woke up this morning here in the greatest country in the world and it still is."
"Even in countries where they're not ready for it or ready for it is the wrong term because some of the things that we try to import to these countries aren't things people should ever be ready for."
"When you leave the United States, people are not looking for a reason to be offended."
"I've been canceled for Ukraine jokes. I've been canceled for some China stuff."
"The spirit of our people were upset. Our ancestors weren't having it."
"When you tear down Thomas Jefferson, people get mad. When you tear down or desecrate a religious icon, people feel that in their heart." - Tim Pool
"Misrepresenting me is one thing misrepresenting Islam is something completely different and that's inexcusable."
"Death ain't a joke. It don't matter who died or how they died. Death is not a joke."
"Forcibly cutting the hair of an Amish woman or the beard of an Amish man is treated as a hate crime."
"Black people you can touch my hair, my own people get a pass they do."
"I don't know not being a racist [ __ ] who thinks it's normal to compare your girl boss hustle culture life to the likes of someone like Harriet Tubman I mean that's just common [ __ ] sense for any like mildly not racist person out there."
"I can do jokes about being an American dating Chinese people, but I need to be careful."
"James Bond books edited to remove racist references."
"There's a new sensitivity that men should gain."
"While traveling is a great way to learn about other cultures, it's important to respect them too."
"Preserving the vibe is key, jokes, references, and even gameplay elements might need a little cultural remix."
"Changing the color of skin is an unnecessary act... we shouldn't change their race to appease others."
"Every time someone tells him, 'Hey, do not refer to this virus as the Chinese virus,' what was the other thing around Iran?"
"I want to make sure I'm not only well informed about it, but also respectful because of situations like that."
"The leadership of the Labour Party, basically everyone discussing this, which is by saying this is the most shameful day in Labour Party history ever, you ignore all of the people with Iraqi heritage."
"If you act like a spoiled tourist, locals will not like you."
"If you oppose canceling Dr. Seuss, you're a racist and you agree with racism."
"Blaming someone's perceived religious or cultural background for bad behavior for no other reason except that they aren't white and Christians she said is the definition of bigotry."
"The cartoons you are about to see are products of their time. They may depict some of the ethnic and racial prejudices that were commonplace in American society. These depictions were wrong then and are wrong today."
"I think the whole hotel is cursed because it's on an Indian burial ground."
"Why shouldn't you bother Blizzard trying to cater to these people I can tell you why in fact I will show you why these are the comments there you go Blizzard fight stereotypes with stereotypes never fails."
"Intent is what matters, you know. If I dress up in blackface, I'm in trouble."
"You want to be respectful to Asian men and everybody wants to feel represented. You gotta be really careful."
"I don't think white people should be having the conversation about who should and shouldn't say the n-word."
"I think it's weird when you're like it bothers you that people have accents."
"And lastly, another drama-filled story that I kind of wanted to cover. An Italian fashion brand is being criticized for disrespecting Japanese culture."
"If you see it as blackface, why would you see it as red? Oh, no, it's probably red, that makes it all better."
"You can't dictate to a country or religion about how they handle things."
"There is definitely a fine line between appreciating a culture and appropriating from it."
"We can't have that, you know what I mean, coming here and settling on lands where you're not welcome. That's colonization."
"We're not politically correct to each other but if you do that in our culture, oh somebody's gonna start throwing rocks at you."
"I think we live in a culture where people are so busy trying not to offend, but where is the offense?"
"The idea that this is the Chinese flu is sorry."
"There are real Nazis out there whenever they use the word anti-semite of someone who isn't an anti-semite they really devalue the word."
"When people start to refer to your ethnicity as a venereal disease, something's probably not quite right."
"Jesus didn't Commission us to scold people for the sins of their ancestors or to demean whole people groups for the idiosyncrasies and sins of whatever culture they happened to be born into."
"Raping is not funny to people in California."
"I don't like the idea of censoring and changing the way that a book has been written to try to ameliorate modern-day woke standards."
"I believe that there are certain moments throughout American history I like Fourth of July Independence that can be celebrated regardless of imperfections throughout history and I think that's important to note."
"If we're asking um Native Americans how they feel about the holiday and that's what they're saying then shouldn't we listen to them?"
"That feels a bit racist. Like, no, that's what the game does."
"Our issues are with the Chinese government, not the Chinese people."
"I don't really think people are too sensitive about cultural appropriation."
"You should change that name right now. I don't care if you say it's American dessert, that's not what people think of when they hear that name."
"No recognition of the concerns and sensitivities of the host country, coming to that country like a bull in a china shop."
"She's entitled to not liking Asian foods but if you're going to complain about it being ethnic then you better have that same attitude when the ethnic food is white and especially don't call another person's culture weird."
"Endings are not always endings, sometimes they're beginnings."
"I have never had an incident where I felt like their nationality was an issue."
"We can't just move past racism, right? Gave y'all Family Matter, Everybody Hates Chris, yeah, we can't go back now and do blackface again."
"Calling someone a 'gusano' is not racial, it's not even remotely on the same level as racial slurs."
"Comedy can still thrive in a landscape where we are more understanding and accepting."
"This is not an indictment of the people of China."
"I respect him, so if he's hating it, I'm hating it. He said, 'It's offensive to an entire race and belongs in the history books, and that's about it.'"
"There's a difference between appreciating Japanese culture and fetishizing it."
"We have to distinguish between Jewish and Zionism, Jewish is a religion which is one of the books that we as Muslims believe in and Zionism is a political faction which belongs to animals that are inhumane."
"It's just too out of control, man. Everything is offensive, everything is, you know?"
"It's offensive to people who went through Jim Crow... acting as if their struggle was less."
"Americans love 9/11 jokes, now I know we're not supposed to talk about 9/11 and I do respect everybody who died in 9/11 but also sometimes the memes were funny."
"If I walked up to you and asked if you were Filipino, would it bother you?"
"Biracial children are not an accessory, Chloe. It's too damn late in the game to even tell you that."
"We gotta see us as human beings man because as soon as we say anything about any other culture everybody comes down on our necks."
"I think we've gotten to the point where we're afraid to offend anybody about anything ever."
"You will not see descendants of Holocaust Survivors get on stage playing a violin of a descendant of a person from the Third Reich while twerking in a million years."
"But once I was told how important and shown why it was so important to the Chinese culture, if you've noticed I never did that again."
"Disney channel has its numerous issues with poking fun at serious topics or situations that are no laughing matter."
"There should be a huge hyper awareness of that stuff taking place."
"They did that in probably the most tasteful way I have seen anyone talk about witchcraft from outside the witchcraft community."
"Everything could be better but it's too big wrestling was not meant to be promoted nationally with publicly traded companies that have to worry about hurting people's [ __ ] feelings."
"The worst thing you could be called is a racist."
"My culture is not your costume folks when you go out and get hammered today."
"It stunk, it was bad, it was horrible. So I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna, you know what I mean, I want nobody to feel disrespected with that type of accent."
"Nintendo and Game Freak's defense of Jynx was that she wasn't designed based off of blackface and instead the Japanese ganguro fashion trend."
"Jynx's skin color was famously changed to purple in all future appearances and even retroactively changed sometimes too."
"How about that? How about read the room a little bit and say you know what guys maybe we were wrong about this."
"Be nice, follow the cultural norms of the place."
"Do not, for one second, say it is anti-China to be critical of the Chinese government."
"Given its historic and symbolic association with slavery and white supremacist groups in the US, displaying the Confederate flag is prohibited."
"Africa's a big place, be just be careful when you generalize."
"I just want to say that even if it wasn't meant to be a racist caricature, you're leaving it open to the interpretation of the audience."
"Jungle Cruise soft opens at Disneyland with cultural sensitivity changes."
"That's called cultural appropriation and it's wrong."
"I will not dignify it with an answer, because I know every single Muslim who has lived in this country and across the world has heard that comment."
"The names are good, compared to -- you know, I mean it's bad enough that skin tone is compared to food, body shape is compared to food. Can we not be food? Can we be people please?"
"You don't know you've crossed the line with black people until you've crossed the line."
"We have to be just here, not just for the audience, but for the many non-Muslims who follow AP and secondly for the Muslims who are taken in by this new approach of Islam."
"You're not black you can't celebrate on historically significant land and reclaim that land for positive purposes when it's not significant to you."
"It's kind of weird to say, like, 'Oh, this is just a heritage thing, not a hate thing.' It's like, well, it's not really a heritage thing."
"Deity work needs cultural context and research."
"Let's stop saying Chinese virus... they needlessly plays into the Chinese Communist Party's attempts to divide us and deflect our attention from their bad actions."
"If anybody can be advocating for same-sex marriage in a western country it's totally okay but the moment you talk about it in a auslan country it becomes, yeah, you're wrong."
"I'm not indigenous so I have to take a backseat and listen to indigenous people who are saying that this is harmful and is hurtful."
"That's racist that you would assume that it had anything to do with you. If you had a dynasty though, if you were the king, emperor, would you have concubines? No, you wouldn't have any."
"But in this situation right now, is there anything gross about this experience? No. So why associate this experience with that cultural aspect if we're in our bubble?"
"Various African American TikTokers are under fire for cosplaying as NPC versions of their enslaved ancestors in cotton fields."
"Stop referring to Jews as if they're a monolith."
"Colonizer I think turns out to be the most offensive potentially thing to call a white person so the more you know I don't think any of these deserve I don't think any of these are bandworthy but I do understand that some of them are bandworthy."
"Nintendo wasn't comfortable with that type of material and insults coming for the English version so it had to be censored."
"She wants to pretend she's so woke yet instantly turns to white woman tears when she doesn't get away telling other people how their culture is done."
"Thankfully Infinity Ward and Modern Warfare they're doing a lot now to combat that and in order to combat the issues of society today they have enacted a complete removal of the okay sign from their game."
"Any kind of intervention with Muslim personal law is considered singling them out, which is a horrendous practice."
"My skin is not a costume, so go to hell if you think this [ __ ] is okay."
"Uncontacted tribes in the Amazon: the delicate balance between curiosity and respect."
"Some people find offense. 'You hurt my feelings. This is political correctness.'"
"I think ancestry is the way to go. I don't know why anybody would use terms like race."
"It's winding back so it is okay if the British lady makes an Italian cookbook despite not being Italian but it's not okay if the British lady makes the Chinese cookbook but is not Chinese."
"Why do you keep calling this the Chinese virus? It's not racist at all."
"I don't know, I have a lot of Dutch viewers, I'm butchering their language."
"Black people still showed out and spoke up for Latino and Hispanic people getting called border jumpers, getting told they're from 'whole countries,' getting called rapists and murderers."
"I will make sure that I never say 'the Ukraine' again and only say 'Ukraine' in the future."
"Nintendo's refusal to properly translate references to beauty, body types, or weight gain."
"I was very self-conscious the whole day about being a white guy entering a black space and filming it."
"There are songs I've heard sung at football matches the last two seasons that have no place in Belfast in the 21st century, never mind Glasgow."
"If we start saying people who do accents are racist, then you're ignoring the content, the words I'm saying, you know? I'm championing the Asian cause."
"If you want to be a global artist, you have to be sensitive to a global audience."
"Drags that are rooted in misogyny are not funny."
"It's very weird to me when you want the racist white lady to rejoin the Black cast. It's very, very alarming to me that y'all constantly want to put black women in these hostile environments for entertainment."
"Yeah, it was appropriative and it was tone-deaf." - Discussion participant
"I wanted to apologize for releasing these videos and showing ignorance to the culture."
"Americans are too damn entitled, we're too spoiled and too sensitive."
"If you're ethnically challenged like me and this thing goes off at an airport nobody's gonna bum rush you."
"Absolutely his name is not mandarin. I mean I wouldn't correct anybody who refers to him as mandarin because we know who we're talking about."
"Creators have realized that it's time to leave anything that might even remotely offend an audience or a platform at the door."
"Dr. Seuss's depictions of black characters may not be suitable for our current time, but he still taught countless children pretty much all the stuff you need to know about life according to America's first black president."
"Never ever ever come to Scotland and call Scottish people Scotch. People in Scotland are definitely not Scotch."
"The NPC meme is now racist. If you see an NPC meme in your kids' timeline, they may have been infiltrated by racists."
"Using BIPOC hairstyles for this theme implies you think BIPOC culture is ugly. It's a microaggression, and sometimes it's just flat-out intentional racism."
"You're making fun of someone's skin, not their cultural practices, not their food or cultural differences. So again, gaslighting."
"Everybody is triggered by everything, and it's to the point where people are offended for other people."
"The sensitivity of this subject matter right now is incredible and it's on a pace that is unlike any time in history, so buckle up everybody." - Blake
"The worst thing you can do as a traveler is take your manners from your culture and take them to another culture and try to impose them."
"If you're white and you've posted a gif or meme of a black person to express a strong emotion, you may be guilty of wearing digital blackface."
"There's a big difference between appropriation and appreciation."
"No holiday with a bunch of bearded New Yorkers killed our Savior."
"A trip to China sounds nice if you tread lightly."
"This should not be tolerated. People aren't calling this out because they're sensitive or want attention. They're calling this out because this is a genuine racist portrayal of a minority group culture and religion."
"I made Gela fish, even though I'm not Ashkanazi, just to make our guests feel at home."
"I feel like he doesn't like Asians."
"Boots he's taking a Longs boots. Dude, if I was Indonesia, I'd be so mad at boots."
"Yeah but i never really thought about the fact that there are like some people in other countries and okay we're not talking about appropriation because that's a different discussion yeah but just like taking a logo from a city that some people would be mad about."
"...this Indian land thing works great for non-natives but can be very offensive and insulting to native peoples themselves."
"Are you a fan of Muslim music? A little bit my dad my dad does listen to it a lot but trick question don't listen to it as much in it mus music's Haram I I know mus other type of music is Haram."
"It offends me when you have people out here saying, 'Oh, these people, they sound like slaves.' So you mean to exult me and basically say that my ancestors sounded like that?"
"To every Asian and every human being, we apologize for that scene. It is nonsense."
"Why not Mexican? Oh my God, no, no."
"That [__] had me I cried laughing because of how good that roast was dude saying that my sideburns look like Japanese [__] has one of the [__] most offensive things I've ever in my life especially as a Korean man."
"everything's offensive in 2020. cut it out y'all"
"It's not my fault you have to put lotion on because you're white, your skin's white."
"What is that like a Native American arrow exactly that's racist yeah that's gonna be called you can't culturally appropriate that [ __ ] man."
"We want to embrace the local sensibilities."
"As an American, I'm deeply offended. My culture is not a costume. I am deeply offended. I demand an apology."
"If I talk like you, I'll be scaring the white people."
"I will say that my dad used to do this thing where he'd go like this and he'd go, like, 'Whoa, in your throat.' Yeah, I was gonna say for a second as a Jew, this whole... I was like, 'What is your dad doing? Role-playing as a Nazi in his own house?' All the time."
"She was really funny. I remember coming home from New York years later, and she said, 'Hey, I had dinner with the Jew.' I said, 'Oh, you're dating a jeweler?'"
"...gross on so many fucking levels, as a black person especially with hair like mine very nappy hair and someone who has modeled it is humiliating when people do not know how to do your hair and do not want to talk about it."
"Remaining sensitive to the patient's culture is crucial when discussing values and preferences for care."
"For places where we knew that the residents didn't really have a ton of interaction with outsiders, we wanted to just make sure we were not hurting anybody."
"Part of being a traveler is being sensitive to where you're going and adapting a little bit so that you can blend in."
"Disney's decision to close Splash Mountain was driven by the desire to create a more inclusive and culturally appropriate environment."