
Confusion Quotes

There are 8350 quotes

"Aliens and it was very confusing but very good."
"Aboard the train everyone's telling you to board, but there are no train tracks anymore."
"Wait, I have to what? There's buttons? What is this, Legend of Zelda?"
"We are not to be governed by the outer confusion but by the inner realization."
"Wandering endlessly in a maze of my own making."
"I think you're incredibly authentic, and it confuses the [heck] out of some people who have been societally conditioned in a bad way."
"In all of the confusion and the blur and the haze that they create for you, you forget the people who are being hurt the most."
"They may even produce words that I described before are like word salad or very jargony."
"The world is your oyster, a saying that for nearly all my life pissed me off because it made no sense and I don't understand why people said it."
"I mean, you can see the brain here in a sense, really confused."
"I believe drivers, fans, everyone alike believe NASCAR lost control of the end of this race."
"Fans leaving the track confused, fans watching at home confused, everyone frustrated."
"Telling an intersex kid or a trans kid that their identity is invalid leads to a hell of a lot more confusion than a cis person being told that other identities exist."
"It feels to me, and I think for many of us, that our world is becoming more confusing by the day."
"Every time I try to watch League of Legends, it's more confusing than my daily Duolingo Japanese lessons."
"Of course you're confused because you don't understand. Understanding is something that needs to be created."
"This is a learning process right but see what most people do is that as soon as they get started with the learning process they're starting to increase their understanding but then they encounter what they encounter confusion."
"Rather than running away from confusion, learn to embrace it."
"You can never rest on your laurels, that's the bottom line. So open yourself up to the confusion."
"Accusing your adversaries of doing what you're doing so as to create confusion."
"It's hard to even figure out what to think as of yet because it is so convoluted."
"These kids have been confused, and is it a surprise that 40% of them feel this way when they get to be 30 years old?"
"Modern women today so far confuse their dating options with their marriage and relationship options."
"Confusion is very good. It tells you that you are growing."
"Why don't kids like to sleep, eat, or bathe? It doesn't make any sense to me."
"I've never understood the expression 'lost in the sauce' until now."
"I'm fine, I'm healthy, I'm of sane mind, and I have no idea what I'm doing."
"Anyone who first saw a constellation would be very confused."
"We don't really know how Bardock's time travel worked."
"I'm still trying to figure out what I was watching. Peak gaming, that is what you were watching."
"Stuck under the barbed wire fence because I got confused on which pedal was which."
"I know that none of this makes sense, but please know that I have always loved you and I always will."
"The math is not mathing, and no one really knows what to make of it."
"The work is a way to identify and question the thoughts that are the cause of all the suffering and confusion in the world."
"This is weird. This is very weird. Like, I have no idea where I am right now."
"Confused about what you should be eating? According to some expert influencers, you should be a vegetarian, pescatarian, insect-eating, meat-eating vegan who avoids seed oils, sugar, acid, dairy, and fun. Confusing, isn't it?"
"Conservatives are just completely confused about whether it makes sense to dig everything up and cut down the last tree in pursuit of economic growth or whether in fact there are things which are worth conserving."
"Donnie Darko is a baffling experience and one that confuses just as much as it delights."
"There's no question, and it has been such a disappointment, and quite honestly it's been so utterly confusing to me why the CDC, World Health Organization, many others, have not acknowledged airborne transmission."
"It's ok to be confused. Sometimes life can be like a dark tunnel. You can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you keep moving, you will come to a better place."
"A lot of people think this is about the most confusing part in photography, but that's only because people insist on teaching it in a really stupid way."
"Sometimes the only strategy is to rely on confusion damage."
"Doesn't anybody get it that this is wrong? This is crazy. It doesn't make sense at all."
"Somebody sent me something on my phone and said that I hog-tied her. I don't know how to hog-tie people."
"I am completely perplexed by the situation that I am in right now."
"Nutrition science and trying to figure out what foods are best for you or what foods can potentially harm you, one example where there tends to be a lot of confusion is sugar's relationship to cancer."
"How are people finishing this game in like 40 hours? I don't understand."
"The state of our Union is confused...but I also think that's an opportunity to define what it means to be a citizen of this country."
"So 'The 4-Hour Chef, Accelerated Learning for Accelerated Times'—this book of the three has the most confusing title and subtitle combination, I think."
"Narcissism is pretty destructive, and if you have ever loved a narcissist or cared for a narcissist, chances are you found yourself feeling pretty confused not knowing what end was up."
"There's a lot of confusion out there right now."
"The relationships that get confusing and messed up are the ones where people are ambiguous and not sure what they want."
"Tesla literally said to me in an email, 'We don't know where that came from; we don't know why people are calling it that.'"
"I'm honestly speechless, George, what is happening, bro?"
"Books where I'm confused for 50% of the book...as long as they have a good payoff, those are the things that keep my brain working."
"It's a huge mistake to confuse morality with legislation."
"In Hebrew, it was known as Babel, meaning to confuse."
"We are going to try to navigate the confusion and see if we can't rescue some sense from it."
"The trick of the uh... oh my God, how did I get 280? Did I get it for my death?"
"Try to find communities where you can be with other people who are just as confused as you are and work through it together."
"Even though One Piece is undoubtedly one of the greatest stories of all time, there are parts that are confusing, frustrating, or straight up don't make any sense."
"Good morning everybody! Good morning, good morning. I don't know what is going on."
"How the hell does that make any sense it doesn't that's the best way to explain ESG"
"Everything's a mesh, a mess that's combined together."
"It's something designed to repel them, like a terrible horcrux preserves the soul of the person so they can't die, okay, well then I have no idea what I'm talking about, all right."
"Beloved soul, your confusion over this matter is not caused by any negative reason."
"You may be listening to this and ask yourself Sam, what the [ __ ] is wrong with you?"
"I honestly want to be a part of, why put about to tell me, you seriously get, man?"
"I look in the mirror and I see that something that I'm not, so there's just this disjoint and it's it can be quite perplexing at times."
"I haven't the first clue what's happening but I'm loving every second of it."
"I don't have any way to explain it other than there's some crazy [ __ ] going on."
"They're confused about everything except that they love you."
"Everyone stopped and watched for a second just trying to figure out what the hell was going on."
"As a scientist, the two greatest states to be in are being wrong or confused."
"I think I got a little bit confused on the angle I was supposed to be holding."
"That's what was really tricky over those past few years - when the perception and the reality are two very different things."
"Is it fascism? Is it a new brand of conservatism? Is it classical liberalism? I don't think so."
"It's just a lot of people are questioning why on earth she did that."
"Donald Trump's latest deranged speech... Trump visibly confused glitching badly."
"Why, why are these underwear in the sink? Why? Why? Why?"
"How the fuck are they getting shades already?"
"The emotional reaction to tag two doesn't make sense on the surface."
"This connection is so beautiful but it's also painful and confusing."
"Has anyone else been here with that before? No?" - You ever use it? I might have used it. Yeah, but it wasn't like that, man.
"Jackson Milan can I land and Link myself please Mariachi oh Nance."
"Vitamins and supplements can be confusing. Persona takes the guesswork out of it."
"We are not clear what is the danger and what is if it's not beneficial versus anything else."
"There's like not a Carolyn Vienna, so couldn't."
"Is that where Mario's from I think so or maybe so I thought it was the Melting Pot that's the number three American restaurant this is the number three of"
"What have I done wrong? Now he appears. Yeah, no, I don't have a third one. Where's my third Scion?"
"I literally crumbled the floor I was still recording from using my phone just go well I was I was talking to Brittany and then I turned a look at you guys to celebrate and you're not there I was like where the [ __ ] did they go."
"What's that show with Donald Duck The Three Amigos"
"Newton would sit there and shock and say I have no idea what you're talking about."
"How the heck does that happen? Who knows, Jed?"
"Is it fix broken, fixed actually spelled out broken that I need to do?" - John Hammond
"It seems like these people are making decisions like they're in a trance, that they're not even under their own control."
"Successful propaganda doesn't mean convincing you that black is white or up is down. It means confusing you to the point where you lose your mind."
"I think Joe Manchin understands that successful propaganda doesn't mean convincing you that black is white or up is down. It means confusing you to the point where you lose your mind."
"These children, right here, the same children."
"Damn it is that a creature More Cows horse you think that was all his PE ding."
"At the end of the day, like everyone's wondering what's going on."
"I can't believe that he was told that by uh, what's this artist's girl's name?"
"I'm not from this area. I was just trying to ask what time the local bus gets here."
"It's insane and it's taken me weeks of researching...one of the most confusing cases."
"They're getting caught up with stuff that doesn't make any sense."
"We're all struggling. We don't know what the [ __ ] we're doing in life. We're just winging it."
"It's gonna get easier over time, if we don't get it, I have no idea what I'm looking at."
"That's what happens when you use it, it makes no sense bro."
"What the [__] am I even building, man? I don't know, but I love it."
"What is this, my little pony or something? My lovely chimera, ah no, let's just do chimera."
"They managed to do it but yeah they do say they weren't an axis I'm sorry it just doesn't make any sense there's no way you could say that not an axis but I'm sure some people would disagree."
"Apparently it's a false alarm but it keeps going on and off so I have no idea really."
"It's like they're either trying to mimic you as a facade, or actually want it but are a bit lost."
"Now, I will start trotting your sincerity on your off book with sincerity on your omelet or drawing to Barry."
"I'm pranking you, I'm so confused right now."
"Everything except the answer, exactly that's everything except the that's what I'm trying to do."
"That threw me off... I don't know why they would add that."
"It's all in the cards, no, no, it's all in the description, no, that's wrong, it's in the content of the video itself."
"Loosen the straps binding the Giant, wait what? Loosen the... oh someone's tampering with it!"
"I hate it because it's one of the few measurements that as hobbies' we don't understand."
"Wolf pack just posted this on the Discord now guys. I don't know what the heck this is like... okay, the latter is from the police station. I thought about that might have been it."
"Alvin immediately asking who the heck he is. Shouldn't it be obvious by now, bro?"
"I remember watching this video when I was a little kid and I had absolutely no idea what was going on."
"That whole thing kind of confused me... I think it's kind of... the fact that she wasn't able to perform for herself and like have control of it but her sister was willing to jump in and just do it."
"Many Christians are confused on what this mysterious Mark is."
"Certainly, Weston is A... during that versus a."
"It's confusing because the ABC people, they also list COVID-19 down here."
"If this hadn't happened to me, I don't even know if I'd be able to make heads or tails out of the world."
"Upon further inspection, I think I'm just more confused."
"Did she wake up in an alternate reality or a parallel universe?"
"Confusion is a gift from God. The confusion is there to guide you."
"I just cannot wrap my head around being like, 'Well, this is obviously how it's done, right?'"
"It's a very calming, peaceful, and emotional end, even if I don't completely understand what's going on."
"Aren't we all wandering aimlessly, with no clue what the Hell is going on?" - Narrator
"What were the Yuba boys even doing up in the mountains at 11 PM, far off course from their route home?"
"Even for someone like myself, you know the layout of some of these online brokers can be a little confusing with all the different metrics and whatnot."
"Beaver tails, beaver tail. Okay, so elephant ears are the ones that are rounded like this, right?"
"But that's the beauty of it: biggest question, what the hell is going on?"
"I think almost every single person watching this who watched my other video was like yeah Yu-Gi-Oh is kind of garbage like there's no way I'm playing this game looks like a clan Fiesta could understand at least what is happening."
"He's like the worst Kaiser so say he's Kaiser so so no not that one the roar roaring roaring there it is."
"So here's my teaching sense, so you might have no idea what we're talking about."
"It's like a 7.5 by a 53.5 cartridge, it doesn't exist."
"It's like if I tried to make a phone call while sitting in the stands at a NASCAR race."
"I just run to the boat, I want to make it very confused."
"A lot of Catholics are confused, hanging onto their faith by a thread."
"Who's Quintus? I'm not sure who that is but okay."
"GPS is now kind of a confused term people use it to refer to all kinds of geolocation data all kinds of tracking all kinds of surveillance."
"We have no clue what the hell we're doing, but we know exactly why we're doing it."
"There's just some weird metaphors coming out of this, I'm just not sure how it's alright."
"If we all know this, then what's going on exactly?"
"It's a fine game but I feel like it's been pretty confusing."
"Honestly, at this point, I don't know what to make of any of this."
"Oh god use a ranger team to resupply feeders oh oh yeah that's right I forgot you can brute on effect Ilyas no no no no no no no no no I know what either of those two died but bacterias will probably die too."
"That's what this report is about right now she had her phone he was trying to get the pieces I know I've seen a question."
"There's a lot of thinking and confusion initially, but also a lot of happiness and good times."
"2012 and that doesn't even include what the Mind wrapping up more and more."
"I have lila inside of me. Hello lila. Did you get his call again? What's it to you old man?"
"God is not the author of confusion but of peace."
"It's all there for you to share with those who say 'I'm confused'"
"It defies all logic and sense and will probably leave you feeling quite bewildered as it did to me while it was occurring."
"That's like saying don't touch that is hot and then they say why you don't tell them they don't like so not like I could I glanced up the war what I mean is you can't have victors and losers in those stories."
"Nothing explains this beyond it happening, so you just run around."
"It's ridiculous, I can't answer for these people."
"Somebody please make this make sense for me, because it just... it's not making sense."
"I need you Houston Harden, I can't no because no you can't have that Gil because Kawai and PG GNA lose interest I do not care the reason is."
"You need to hear God when you begin to hear multiple voices come down. None of them is God."
"I'm really confused about why it's separating like that. I probably should just toss it."
"Gender and sex are two different concepts in one moment and the next they're used interchangeably. It's all nonsense meant to confuse rather than enlighten."
"What the hell? What the... What the hell is this?"
"Last but not least it's just a little something that happened the other day where for whatever [ __ ] reason Kyle and Sheena were staring at me."
"What's the guy's name that's that is silicon so you talk about that guy silicone right yeah yeah yeah he has some steak in that yes really I believe so goodness I did not know I got to research more okay good stuff."
"What the [ __ ] like a Mr. Beast test? What kind of test, dude?"
"People go like 'What's going on over there?'"
"We actually took it down! Uh, where is the sea serpent? Wait, what?"
"I feel like I've filled in the gaps of what made me so confused in the early part of the pandemic."
"I wish I understood it all. It's baffling. It's discomforting. It's scary."
"Honestly, I left the movie theater with absolutely no idea what I'd just seen."
"How perfect would happy I can't trapped I can't try boy in the robots patrol screen."
"I'm sorry, what? I'm sick. What's happening? Bye. Did I say... I didn't mean that. Just kidding. I don't have cancer."
"What is life right now? This is just... come on."
"He met well, he was a decent good human being. He wouldn't hurt anybody, he would never do this to anybody."
"I don't know who would do this. I'm very scared because I don't understand why this would happen."
"I was shocked and scared, you know, 'cause I didn't know what was happening."
"It was good but it wasn't even close to that honestly it's one more baffling 10-8 I think I've ever seen."
"Are they taking the piss? Like, what are you doing?"
"Remember, the most high is not the author of confusion."
"The slower you move, the more confused you get, basically."
"I mean, who breaks their [ __ ], what the [ __ ]?"
"It's called like up here and it's called memory and it's called other things."
"It's a really weird move... what reaction was he looking for?"
"Hey, it's about time people are taking this seriously and also wait a minute, what happened?"
"Welcome to Rock a city where the actors sound just as confused as you are."
"I'm alive! I have no idea what just happened."
"Boing, boing, I'm bouncing around right now."
"The secret level has been unlocked, ladies and gentlemen."
"What the heck's going on here anymore, I'm so confused."
"I didn't fully understand the story, but I loved Azeroth."
"If you're constantly late, you have a loss of time, confusion. Could be a demonic spirit."
"Fake news shows confusion that obscures basic facts, preventing necessary debate."
"When did I ever mention that your interest is there anything that I did a thing I want you to show me where I did it your interest is there because that's where you came."