
Glorification Quotes

There are 600 quotes

"God uses every situation to glorify His name."
"Let men see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven."
"Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples."
"Sometimes God is most glorified in us, not when things are going well... but sometimes God is most glorified in us when we suffer, when we are persecuted, and yes, when we are sick."
"I choose to live a life that glorifies you, a life that is indicative of someone who has been radically transformed by the saving power of Jesus Christ."
"We glorify the same circumstances we're trying to escape."
"It's not about any great individual, and you glorify teams, you don't glorify individuals."
"Anything you pray consistent with My will, I will do it that the Father may be glorified in the Son."
"Monuments are not built through some form of historical impartiality or neutrality; monuments are built to glorify."
"You just want to glorify Jesus. People don't understand how... radical that is."
"God is most glorified in you when you are most satisfied in Him."
"The job of someone that teaches or gives words from the Lord is to point people back at the Lord, to glorify God."
"Marriage as a gift that God has given us to glorify Him."
"God can take impossible situations and turn them around for his glory."
"MK Ultra methods and stories have been glorified in pop culture."
"God's job is not to glorify me, my job is to glorify Him."
"The aim of reading the Bible supernaturally is to glorify God in the day of visitation."
"Now unto him who's able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the almighty God be glory majesty dominion and power."
"It doesn't mean ease, it means that when there is pain and suffering God can still be glorified through your life."
"When God leads, it's always good and the outcome is always going to glorify God."
"Pray that His name would be magnified, that His empire, His kingdom, His glory, His name would be advanced."
"Whitfield possessed a self-effacing humility: 'Let the name of Whitfield perish, may the name of Christ be glorified.'"
"Let's get busy glorifying the Lord, obeying the Lord, not denying the Lord."
"This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it."
"If I can communicate one thing today, it would be this: when it becomes my passion for His will to be done on earth and for Him to be glorified."
"God must find people who say, 'If it means me standing back and nobody will see me for You to be glorified, I am satisfied.'"
"The ultimate goal is that people would glorify God."
"We're going to be in glory with Him forever because of what He did."
"It's all for you Lord, it's for our King, for his glory, for the King."
"The ultimate aim is to direct Glory back to the Creator."
"We live in a day and age now guys where murderers Killers drug dealers criminals Etc are glorified."
"Our meaning and purpose in life is to glorify God and enjoy him forever."
"May Christ be glorified and the church be strengthened by what we did today."
"Nothing is more powerful than fasting and praying together and serving your neighbor, serving others, and all this for the glory of God. Amen, amen."
"The glorification of drug use, the celebration of violence."
"A lot of people glorified that too because... they do take care... of their family and their neighbors."
"You have a calling to bring glory to God wherever you are."
"Let your mighty name be glorified in the life of my brother and my sister. Amen."
"The name of the Lord must be glorified in all the earth."
"In all that we do, the ultimate goal is to reveal Jesus and to glorify Him."
"Holiness is what we determined to do with our lives for God's glory."
"God is glorified through the testimony of what he has done."
"May your will be placed above mine. I choose to live a life that glorifies you."
"Sometimes God is most glorified in us when we suffer."
"We should never forget what our motive should be: we are to love God, glorify God, then enjoy Him forever. Amen." - Ray Goldsboro
"Biblical Beauty in Womanhood is a byproduct of a woman's quest to glorify God in all things."
"Every time we offer the sacrifice, every time we give God worship in the Eucharist, two things happen: the father is glorified and the world is saved."
"History too often glorifies those who are defeated in war."
"God in his sovereignty will do whatever brings him glory and that gives me great confidence."
"Their lives may most effectively and as much as possible glorify you and bring glory to your name, Lord."
"God loves when we glorify Him. He loves to inhabit the praises of His people. Hallelujah."
"Point people to the glory of Jesus, to say this is the Lord's doing, this is the Lord's story."
"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. It's that you may be glorified."
"Let your healing power restore me to full health, O Lord, that I may glorify your name forever."
"That which glorifies Christ is of the Holy Spirit."
"To consider the end for which we were made, glory to Jesus Christ."
"Whatever you do, you do to the glory of God; He has to be the central focus."
"Successful deliverance will bring glory to Jesus."
"Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and He will be glorified in the end."
"It's all about God, you know, glory to God. It's all about him."
"He's glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him."
"The chief end of man is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever."
"Jesus didn't come to get credit; he came to glorify the Father."
"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."
"We pray that you will send us out in the power of your Spirit to serve you and to do it all to your praise and glory."
"Are you doing this to glorify the self, or are you doing this as an act of service to others?"
"The Holy Spirit doesn't come to glorify me or you, He comes to glorify Jesus."
"Glorification replaces our character with Christ's character and He is permanently formed in us."
"God's purpose in all this is that those who have trusted Christ will exist to the praise of His glory. The goal of God's ultimate plan is to glorify Him."
"It's about God's good pleasure. It's not about what makes me happy ultimately. It's about what glorifies God, and that's foundational to everything we believe."
"If we enjoy him, delight and rest in him as our best and most satisfying good, we thereby glorify him as God."
"I loved a lot of the winners and how there were a lot of callbacks to previous Seasons how the show really glorified these people for being there they respected the history they honored them for their personas."
"Jesus suffered and died... and then became glorified... seated at the right hand of God."
"Enjoy God. Don't serve God; enjoy God. What you enjoy the most, you will glorify the most."
"May we know that the only path to answered prayer is to pray in Your name, for Your kingdom, for Your will that You may be glorified."
"The life that most clearly displays the all-satisfying worth and glory of God in Christ is a life of joyful suffering in the service of love."
"I'm going to chase excellence and like do this stuff in a way that glorifies God and honors the gifts that he's given me and let the result fall where it will and you know trust it's for my good."
"God is glorified in our fruitfulness."
"At this point Jesus repeated to his disciples the words Eli Eli Lama Sabachthani: 'Now the Son of Man is glorified and God is glorified in him.'"
"If you're out to glorify the Lord, if all of us are doing that from our different perspectives, it just adds a lot to it."
"The Lord Jesus will be totally and completely glorified."
"It always unsettles me when stories glorify trauma and abuse like it's some important rite of passage for growing up."
Jesus gave her the crown of glory for shepherding his people, and he said, "Be glorified," and she was transformed.
"Live with this desire and then glorify God."
"I think that when we're coming to Christ in music everything we're doing should be to glorify God."
"The exaltation of Jesus is the reason for our glorification."
"No one can say to God, 'I have glorified you,' except Jesus."
"Glorify God in your simple everyday."
Every victory is for the glorification of God's name. Everything belongs to God. When God grants you something, say, "Glory to God, it was God who gave it to me."
"Offer your body as a Living Sacrifice let Christ be magnified and glorified through your Earthly body."
"Our desire usually is that as we do what we do, the Lord Jesus Christ will be glorified."
"The purpose of human existence is to glorify God and enjoy him forever."
"...seeing the Father, the Son, and the Spirit in a trinitarianly harmonious way accomplishing their self-glorification."
"Work glorifies God because work gives us the privilege of relieving to one another, depending on one another, and serving one another in imitation of God's Trinitarian existence."
"The Holy Spirit glorifies him in us by making us witnesses to Christ, declaring him in our mind, in our actions."
"Dear ones, sometimes God is most glorified in us when we suffer."
"If you say, 'God, you get the glory,' God will do something to show you He can get glory."
"The church made some of the greatest music because people thought we should glorify God with our music."
"The purpose of the universe is that God is glorified by our being satisfied in Him."
"The spiritual affection of treasuring Christ is essential not only because it leads to human salvation but even more importantly because it leads to God's glorification."
"When Jesus sacrificed himself is when he was glorified. To be glorified means that you have been exalted."
"God is glorified through the gospel of faith over the gospel of so-called gospel of circumcision of works."
"Jesus understood he had to go through it in order for his father to be glorified."
"Christ is already glorified, so that's what we hope for."
"Sometimes God allows hardship in our life so he can be glorified, so we can glorify him despite our circumstances."
"Let your light so shine before men that when they see your good works they will glorify your father which is in heaven."
"Pray for us that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified."
"Our lives would glorify you in Jesus' name. Amen."
"The Bible indicates that the way that you give glory to God is by what you do with your body."
"Many people think that the way that we give glory to God is by our praises, our adoration, our worship of him, but it's a lot more tangible than that."
"Help us Lord in our own day-to-day living that as we walk with you and live for you that you would be glorified in all things."
"Our love should be purposeful, the ultimate test is, does it glorify Jesus Christ?"
"Christ is most glorified in us when we most fully Marvel in him."
"The greatest thing you can do to glorify God is to believe God."
"Faith glorifies God as trustworthy, wise, strong, and gracious."
"And glorify (Him) with all their power,"
"God seeks to glorify himself through you in different ways and he can do that."
"The whole point of friendships is so God can be glorified."
"What's this all about? Why are we to manifest love, joy, peace? So that the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified in you."
"Whatever we do should glorify God, so if you're being an idol to someone, that's not glorifying God."
"He is best glorified in our weakness."
"Justice is satisfied. Mercy is Victorious. God has been glorified."
"It's that same attitude that longs for God to be vindicated and glorified and exalted."
"When God is glorified, people are able to come to him, people are able to be saved and to be set free, including yourself."
"God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in him."
"How do we give glory to God? It's by dying to self, purification over our sins, living by the Word of God, praying for your enemies, and letting your light shine."
"It's not what can I get away with... how can I glorify God... in everything that we think, say, and do."
"God is most glorified in His Christ-ransomed people when His Christ-ransomed people are most satisfied in Him."
"When you look for it, you glorify Allah."
"In all things, in the church, God may be glorified through whom Jesus Christ."
"We intend to glorify you in our body and in our spirit which are yours."
"He glorifies his God where others bring dishonor on themselves and on the sacred name."
"If you abandon your pursuit of full and eternal pleasure in God you will not be able to glorify God or love people."
"There's another dimension of the prophetic, we shall see differently, we shall hear differently, we shall glorify you differently."
"A good fight glorifies God in all things."
"As believers, we all have the same purpose: to spread the gospel, make God's name known, and to glorify Him in His name at all times."
"When all of us focus on the real issue at hand, that is glorifying Jesus Christ, I think we get comfortable in what God's created us to do."
"When he says, 'Glory to my Lord the Most High,' Allah says, 'My slave has glorified me.'"
"So the Christian does what he does to glorify God and to lift up Christ."
"God deserves to be glorified and magnified, and he's calling us to live that way too."
"I pray that his life would be lived in such a way that his entire journey gathers Glory unto you."
"Jesus Christ, Son of God, be glorified in me."
"Glorification is the natural consequence of praising God."
"Human believers are destined to be glorified and joined to the divine council."
"One of them recognized it, when he saw and he returned and with a loud voice glorified God."
"Even though we go through suffering, we are going to be glorified with him in the End Amen."
"Glorification is the final phase of the believer's salvation experience... when we leave this world and enter into the presence of God in heaven."
"I want to let my light so shine before men that they will see my good works and glorify my Father who is in heaven."
"Make sure that none of you suffers as a murderer or thief or evildoer or troublesome meddler, but if anyone suffers as a Christian, he's not to be ashamed but is to glorify God in this name."
"When you suffer as a Christian, you glorify God, no matter what the price."
"To receive the promises of God is to promote the glory of God. Fully embrace that this world will soon be yours."
"All Deeds Done to those who are poor or suffering in the Name of Christ glorifies God."
"What you'll miss if you do not feel appropriately about your experiences in life things you observe, understand is you will miss the capacity or the ability or the opportunity to glorify God as you ought."
"Humble yourself and let God glorify you than to glorify yourself and cause him to Humble you."
"When it becomes my passion for his will to be done on Earth and for him to be glorified as a result, that's two sides of the same coin."
"Beyond this, they also believed that these covenants were designed to accomplish God's grand goal for history — to glorify himself by turning all of creation into his kingdom."
"Allah revealed in the Quran: 'Glorify Allah the tremendous.'"
"Let's keep it going so that Jesus may be glorified."
"Science in my mind should be glorifying to God. If you're not glorifying God, you're not doing it right because science is the study of the systematic way God upholds his creation."
"Science should be glorifying to God. If you're not glorifying God, you're not doing it right."
"And we pray that you would be glorified in our hearts, in our church, and in our land in the mighty, matchless name of Jesus."
"How do you grow strong in faith? By giving glory to God."
"Why do I boast in the cross? I'm justified by faith. I'm sanctified by faith. I will be glorified all because of Christ in him crucified."
"Glorification is the total removal of sin, the ultimate desire for God's people, leading to the hope of glory manifested in us."
"Preach the word, read God's word, preach God's word, exposit God's word, explain God's word, illustrate God's word, and do it all for the glory of God."
"Let it be, Lord Jesus Christ, that through us, your name and your name alone will be glorified."
"God wants to give us what we need, that his name through us might be glorified in the earth."
"The Spirit of God operates... that bring great glory to Jesus Christ."
"Let's take advantage of who God is and everything he has given so that we can glorify him to the full and tell the whole world about the glories of his son Jesus Yeshua who died so we can live."
"The Father glorifies and praises the Son, identifying the Son as the Lord who laid the foundations of the earth."
"To glorify God, you know, the whole point of marriage is not just so that you can have a spouse and you know, you can have sex, you can do whatever you want, you know, with your other person. It's to glorify God."
"Our goal is pretty much to glorify God. That's the point of marriage and the point of, you know, me pursuing Sophia in dating is to pursue the Lord and to use our gifts together to glorify God to the most."
"If Jesus is Jehovah, it makes sense that the Father would glorify Jesus as Jehovah."
"In Jesus' name, Son of God, be glorified."
"The Holy Spirit only wants to talk about Jesus and see the Son lifted up."
"The power has been released, Jesus has been glorified."
"Lord, we shout out to the heavens and glorify your holy name, Jesus Christ."
"We are adopted by a father who intends us to spend all our days making much of him."
"God, may your word be clear, and may Jesus be glorified."
"Oh God how we glorify and magnify your name above all the names of the earth."
"The gifts of the Spirit are for today because it edifies the church and glorifies Christ."
"Glory to God the great, glory to God the great, glory to God the great."
"The primary work of the Holy Spirit is to glorify the Lord Jesus. Whatever the Lord Jesus says, the Holy Spirit does."
"Father, the hour is come, glorify thy son."
"Our goal when we gather together for family worship isn't simply more instruction. We're gathering together in order that we might honor and glorify our Heavenly Father."
"Don't ever forget to glorify God, it pays great dividends."
"Jesus died and rose again, not as a spirit, but with a glorified body of flesh and bone."
"Every word coming out of my mouth needs to glorify God."
"The whole earth is a house for glorification, the glorification of the maker."
"The creation itself will be freed from its slavery to decay to enjoy the freedom that comes when God's children are glorified."
"Jesus, we glorify you, and Father, we honor you through your Son. Amen."
"God is glorified, and people are loved, if I pursue You, God, as my supreme desire and am willing to lay down my life to include others in it."
"I think there's a difference between being fascinated by and glorification."
"Call upon the Lord in the day of trouble; He will deliver you, and you will glorify Him."
"Herein is my Father glorified that you bear much fruit."
"Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf."
"Glorify the Lord and exalt Him as much as you can, for He surpasses even that."
"That you would display your good works and they would glorify your Father in heaven."
"If someone you really loved took a bullet for you, wouldn't you live your life glorifying them?"
"God has called us as leaders and as vessels to glorify you."