
Scrutiny Quotes

There are 1043 quotes

"If a hoax, it is an expertly crafted one that has withstood decades of scrutiny."
"With power comes responsibility, so the scrutiny isn't at all unexpected."
"We got to keep the same energy that we give to anybody with this type of [expletive] behavior."
"Scripture has in itself a glory, a power that comes through...under the most intense scrutiny...it stands the test."
"Her conduct should be measured against the strictest of scrutinies, held to the highest of standards."
"Nothing's 100% certain in science; that's why there's so much scrutiny."
"Imagination, when paired with scrutiny, is central to the discovery process."
"Given that heightened privilege to be able to execute those powers against us, you also have some level of heightened scrutiny."
"At the very least an American-owned company faces scrutiny."
"When women do compete, they can find themselves under disproportionate and unwelcome scrutiny."
"Questioning the idea that it's destroying democracy to say, 'Hey, some weird stuff happened here we should probably look into it,' is absurd. That's protecting democracy."
"No idea is above scrutiny and no person is beneath dignity."
"The whistleblower report that was so scrutinized and examined and talked about in the past few days finally it has been released to the public."
"No one type of evidence is ever going to be flawless, even video evidence."
"No institution, city, monarchy, whatever, should expect to be free from the scrutiny of those who give it their loyalty and support."
"Please remember to afford all people dignity and all ideas scrutiny."
"No developer is immune from critical and skeptical looks at their games."
"I get held to account every single day for every single word that I've ever said."
"Women endure more judgments and scrutiny than men. It's a simple fact."
"How are we to see that as anything other than a purely partisan decision?"
"Shouldn't they be looked at with closer scrutiny? Shouldn't they be investigated, not just handed tax-exempt status and set loose on the unsuspecting population?"
"If an idea does not stand up to challenge or scrutiny, it's probably garbage."
"Did they all separately have the idea that we are going to put Republican inspectors in pens? Like, just by coincidence?"
"Sunshine is the best disinfectant... we welcome scrutiny from the press, defense, and law enforcement."
"But yeah, we have people looking at it very, very strongly, scientific people, intelligence people, and others."
"How did Jay-Z of all people become entangled with someone like Diddy and what Secrets could he be desperately guarding"
"What we're watching through Hunter Biden's life... is the total inversion of virtue."
"If your ideas can't bear scrutiny, perhaps you should question why you even hold them."
"In this case, it is not an exaggeration to say that the whole world is watching."
"If the official spokespersons are making misleading or false statements, it's going to be a bit easier post disclosure for independent researchers to point this out."
"Your performance is being watched, so it's an important time to shine."
"If you are under as much scrutiny as the Kardashians must be under for every second of their life, you do whatever the heck you want."
"And why people are not spending more time examining article 24 of the GATT treaty?"
"The truth doesn't mind being questioned it's the lie that can't stand scrutiny."
"Wow, so he is alleging here election interference."
"Why did they not ask for a third-party investigation when all the other powerful countries in the world are changing their minds towards Russia?"
"This kind of Witch Hunt against President Trump is really just the tip of the iceberg."
"That's enough right there to at least look into it and if there are no base to these claims it should be easy enough for them to do so and prove to the American people that Joe Biden won fair and square."
"You got to close this, there's literally not a single speck of dirt on this guy."
"Bad decisions happen, V needs to be completely looked at."
"Watergate: Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce signed off on the federal government buying water from a Cayman Islands company created by his colleague."
"Would you like that for yourself on the day of judgment like would you like Allah to hold you to such scrutiny that you held others to?"
"If corporations are going to become political, then they are going to be subjected to the same sort of scrutiny as everybody else in the political space."
"I'm not suggesting that those rules were violated but I think it's important to look at that."
"The necessity of rigorous scrutiny in any scientific investigation."
"You better try harder if you want to smear this organization as racist. Maybe find something a little less tenuous than a couple of comments that appeared for 60 minutes in a live chat."
"It's time that we look at who's sharing information and why we're listening to them."
"There's no way to slice that where that is not bad stuff and it appears to be bad stuff."
"The Quran is free from any contradictions, and no one's bothered to check that."
"You thought the walking stick was the worst of your problems? They see me rolling, they hating, patrolling, they try to catch me riding dirty."
"America saved itself in an election that was the most scrutinized we've ever had."
"We must also recognize that robust scrutiny is to be welcomed."
"My biggest nightmare is just somebody quote mining every single thing I've ever said."
"If there's no problem with the signatures, let us see them. If there's no problem with the ballots, let us see them. If there's no problem with the machines, let us take a little look."
"There's just something that was too legitimate to ignore."
"When a person has a good motive and they say this is right, this is what we need to do, it will stand the test of scrutiny."
"At this point, Vladimir Putin has exposed himself."
"Every part of your life is subject to being opened up and examined and held up to the light of day for inspection."
"Allow all voices to be heard and let the ideas they promote be scrutinised."
"Sunlight is the best disinfectant. If you have good ideas, your ideas will stand up to scrutiny."
"People should be able to scrutinize and criticize, including sexuality."
"There's no reason why we shouldn't investigate the entire Biden Administration, his family, all of his business associations."
"Many people subtly scrutinize whom they forgive, not which error they are forgiven."
"What I see here is four male police officers coming over to a woman who is by herself on the beach."
"All big institutions of any kind are going to be and should be examined scrutinized inspected."
"I welcome anyone to poke a hole in this, I have yet to find anyone who will poke a hole in what I am talking about."
"At some point there must have been a conversation, or several conversations, between Melinda and Bill about, 'what are you doing hanging out with that guy?'"
"Interesting time to watch the elites try to cover for the mistakes they've been making."
"Crown puts itself out there as the world of entertainment, it sells a very dangerous product, it needs close scrutiny."
"Every little decision is under a microscope."
"The credibility of the media is also at stake."
"The 2020 election was the most scrutinized election ever in American history."
"Keaney needed to take a close look at the suspects."
"Visual inspection when looking at leaks is huge."
"Don't idolize people because once you do it makes it impossible to ever really tear them down and see them as people who should be scrutinized and remembered for who they were not, what we wanted them to have been."
"When did you realize that her record needed to be examined?"
"Why is everything I do even positive an issue?"
"What I know to be true, what I know to be false... Almost 99.99% of everything we believe will fall apart upon scrutiny."
"Sensitive, scrutinize the way we live for you and I, enemies shook my hand."
"It is the impunity of the rapist... questioning the voyeuristic culture of all of us." - Sunita Krishnan
"If something is legitimate, it should stand up to scrutiny."
"Truth has to be verified; claims have to be verified."
"The crash of flight 9633 shone a harsh spotlight on commercial aviation in Russia."
"Are we scrutinizing things or letting them slide?"
"The defense attorney told jurors that the case against his client will 'evaporate upon your close scrutiny arguing that the numerous allegations were in fact consensual sex or fabricated'"
"No one wants a microscope put at what they're doing and for what they're doing to potentially be called into question."
"All of us here at Navarro Media are working harder than ever to keep scrutinizing establishment politicians and the media barons who protect them."
"I've been under investigation from before I even got elected."
"Every single misstep will be highlighted every single misstep will be criticized."
"Understand what you're investing in... do due diligence... hold."
"If it's science, it should hold up to scrutiny and there shouldn't be any propaganda."
"No one is above reproach and everybody should be questioned and investigated."
"The reason it's a great country is because it's almost impossible to get away with lies for very long, thanks to a hostile press." - Big Mike
"How miserable do you have to be to really try to notice everything that's happening in my life?"
"A statute that criminalizes core political speech survives First Amendment strict scrutiny."
"What is there to worry about when your child is in school? Well, let's take a look at the following scene."
"Anyone who feels like they're coming from an honest place shouldn't shy away from that kind of scrutiny at all they should be more than willing to be scrutinized if they're telling the truth."
"Be really careful where you're donating money and find Charities that do it properly."
"You've been faced with questions today on a very very raw subject."
"Submit prophetic words to scrutiny, seeking accountability and avoiding false prophecies." - First Thessalonians 5:20-21.
"Imagine your influence, imagine how your ideology needs to be scrutinized."
"She even shows her neck where there is no evidence of a bite."
"Our planet has seven billion fact checkers who will rapidly look into every claim governments make regarding the alien presence."
"None of the arguments made against... stand up under careful scrutiny."
"All hope isn't gone but people need to continue buying newspaper subscriptions, otherwise it does just narrow down to smaller organizations which are not kind of easily scrutinized in terms of who funds them and what their agenda may be."
"But it's been quite a few things, but that's just what people do when you become a public figure."
"Who cares about a Minecraft speed run? But Dream is bound to receive scrutiny 10 times more than the average person."
"As women, we're harder on women than we are on men."
"Science is a social activity, the necessity that all ideas are open to fire by anyone in the community is an essential part of Science."
"The best thing you can do is start applying heightened scrutiny to all information."
"The hardest part or the most difficult part about working in the government, I think would be being constantly in the public eye."
"When you're at the top of any field, whether it be business, entertainment, sports, or sports entertainment, there's a lot of curious people who want to dig into your past and find out what you're all about."
"It cannot be tolerated. We have been following the evolution of the military's explanation of what happened."
"It's important to look more closely at what the agenda is and consider that this might not be an actual off-ramp for the crisis, it's just getting into another lane."
"The political aspects of this cannot be ignored right there there is you're going after the former president of the United States you know."
"If a lot of people are saying something, you need to at least look into it heavily and listen to them."
"Avast's data collection practices under scrutiny."
"There is for me starting to become a question mark over Pep Guardiola."
"Hadith checks on many ways of verification, not just one. But any one of them that would have a break of unknown narrators would be totally rejected."
"People are going to wonder why you're doing it."
"They're gonna have to convince me that this is not politicized corruption."
"If your beliefs are real, if they're truthful, they'll stand up to scrutiny, whatever you believe."
"We barely scratch the surface. If you have time, read through the rule and the ATF's reasoning behind some of these worksheet items."
"Let us use the finest comb to really analyze and see that they're not just making empty promises."
"It sounds like she's revised that plan to two hundred billion dollars... something we can vet and scrutinize and debate..."
"My thought was if my faith can't stand the scrutiny of any given person on the planet then what does my faith matter?"
"The defense says your honor, I think that you should look at their actions in terms of what they did."
"Whether it's a fringe, social media theory or a pharmaceutical drug product, the rules of evidence are the same."
"Social media has really become the go-to place for girls and women to be scrutinized, objectified, bullied."
"Johnson's potential candidacy, while appealing to some, should be carefully scrutinized for its substance."
"That's crazy, the front I mean the front looks good."
"Gay relationships are very much so like celebrity relationships, in that once people find out that you're together, they get to coming at you extra strong."
"I'm just calling BS on on that right because apparently this was going on for up until the third year right they put $15 million into um into this project so for the first year or two two years what what what were they doing."
"Every segment falls apart if you just look a little bit closer at it."
"Every single lawyer, myself included, will go through all of these documents with a fine-tooth comb."
"Sovereignty is given from the being to itself. You only have to assert it and see if it stands up to scrutiny."
"The defense demands further examination into the truth of the matter."
"Ranked mode has been under some extreme scrutiny..."
"It's like detective work, getting a magnifying glass, getting real up close, and you're like, 'I think you did something there.'"
"Trump speaks constantly as if he's convinced that some colossal scam is lurking behind each one of his foes."
"The American Civil Liberties Union, look at the names behind that."
"Who is George Soros? Why is he doing this? Where is this money coming from? Let's find out. Enough, because we've just... There's a little crack in that Kevlar, that bulletproof, whatever that protective shield was that he enjoyed for so long."
"If your faith can be destroyed by evidence, it deserves to be destroyed by evidence."
"Public judgement 24/7 when you put your lives out there."
"You're taking a closer look at it and actually feeling more protective over your Cornucopia, your wish fulfillment, your personal needs."
"We never know how strong the media are until they're against us."
"The Bible tells us to test the Prophet by their fruits."
"Watch China in the year 2024, especially watch what happens to them, watch what they get implicated in, watch the Lord raise his hand against them."
"Those who scream the loudest find the connections. Coincidence? Logical thinking. Q."
"This woman is 40 years old, meaning she's grown. People will do anything for clout."
"The British press is very incessant. Once they pick on a target, they will not leave you until you pass away."
"So, if you want to call somebody out for their actions, you better be squeaky clean, f***, because that camera's gonna turn around and that light's gonna turn around and shine right on you."
"It's incredible what they've built when they're logically under doubt."
"Politics isn't the sort of it's not an attractive job for a lot of people man you get so much grief in every aspect of your your life and your finances and everything gets picked over and so yeah you just get you get so much grief."
"I put this game up to a lot of scrutiny, especially because it's extremely popular and because a lot of people swear by the experience..."
"What exactly is the reason for her being so stringent about this pick?"
"The entire grand play here is all about them just getting in our business."
"I challenge you to find a single contradiction, a single error in the Quran that has been changed."
"There should be more scrutiny of the nonprofit sector from all angles."
"We have to remain vigilant... it damn well better be conclusive evidence when they come up with it." - Stressing the need for critical scrutiny of forthcoming evidence.
"Why is the entire political world treating George Santos and his lies as such an anomaly?"
"To train the upper pecs more, all of these are potentially great options."
"If any celebrity does anything that even comes close to resembling a pyramid, you better believe that conspiracy theory people are going to come running for it."
"Let us make sure that when we do it it can stand up to scrutiny."
"They're working these public positions and somehow think that everything dealing with their position and the moves they make can't be questioned."
"We're not just talking about faith or beliefs anymore; we're looking at potential tangible proof."
"It's crazy in today's cancel culture, you know, like the type of [ __ ] I got to feel what it was like to be a celebrity this year because [ __ ] came out of the woodwork on me."
"People are watching, and now we have the eyes of the world."
"There are boundaries to speech, and offensive speech goes under scrutiny."
"Canadians are hardly alone as common sense recently reported American public health agencies have also been politicized."
"If you are famous, if you are well known, you have a certain level of scrutiny and you live a different life than other people. But it's a trade-off, everything is a trade-off."
"Are their words matching their effort? Will they truly be focused on just you?"
"Challenging conventional wisdom is always a good thing to do. If it's so wise, it should stand up to scrutiny and challenge."
"I would definitely look at the bedding very closely."
"I don't think more eyes on something could hurt."
"The truth is so powerful and fears no investigation that it stands up against all scrutiny."
"If it's legitimate, it will stand up to scrutiny."
"He's already facing scrutiny from the right about his commitment to freedom of speech."
"It's not enough to count the votes again if you've got fraudulent votes in there and you recount the fraudulent votes, you haven't accomplished anything."
"The body fat test has seen scrutiny over the last several years."
"Nikki, you're not exempt from criticism here, a public figure. People have opinions about you, point-blank."
"All ideas, beliefs, and ideologies are open to criticism, debate, mocking, ridicule, and other forms of scrutiny. Protect individuals but never ideas and certainly never religious."
"Vicious cycles that may have been playing out for a very long time are going to be going through heavy scrutiny and a purge."
"I do not fear scrutiny, I do not fear mudslinging, there isn't a single thing you can call me or say to me that will ever change the facts of my data."
"Science is intended to be reviewed and scrutinized—it's how progress works."
"Now it's exactly the opposite, right? So we're going to be scrutinised more."
"When offered a partnership, ask what is in it for them and what do they really seek? When their desires and intent are known, you can determine how much you trust them and whether to become an ally." - Lesson number 6.
"What happens when you take corporate leaders and government leaders and you put them under one roof and you take away a level of scrutiny?"
"Remember that he is at the focus of this investigation."
"However it's happened or however it's been arranged, the media seems to have backed off."
"Norfolk Southern together with the questionable local government."
"Your job that you're applying for is attention to detail."
"You can look as hard as you want at the truth; it can withstand the scrutiny."
"Even the best masterpieces have subtle flaws in them if you care to look closely enough in just the right place."
"I think maybe it has been picked through a little bit, although I didn't think so at first."
"It's sad that being in love or showing affection for someone is subject to public scrutiny."
"We really need to keep a close eye on Kanye West because I'm starting to see people agree with him."
"Not everyone is looking at you for the right reasons. Some people want to see you fail."
"The argument will be that there is no smoke without fire, and we would not have needed to audit a bombproof system."