
Stephen Hawking Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Where there is life, there is hope." - Stephen Hawking
"Even a guy like Stephen Hawking, who lost the use of his arms and his legs, he still went on to write books and change the world in physics."
"According to Stephen Hawking, the origin of life outside the Earth is probable, and human-like intelligence is possible."
"Professor Stephen Hawking...points out that any alien civilizations capable of easily traveling to earth...may view humanity as no more valuable than we view bacteria."
"Hawking found that when you include quantum effects, black holes can actually radiate away particles from their edge."
"So, back in the ‘70s, Jacob Bekenstein, and also Stephen Hawking. They began to apply quantum ideas to black holes, and found a surprising result."
"To quote the great Stephen Hawking, 'Life on Earth is about us. Life on Earth is about a six.'"
"Stephen Hawking... showed that... effectively the black hole is emitting particles... as if it was a hot object with a temperature."
"Hawking postulated that there actually was a way that energy, and thus mass, could leave a black hole."
"Stephen Hawking's death day coincides with Pi, Albert Einstein's birthday, and Galileo's passing. Great minds pick alike."
"Stephen Hawking's plan to blast a tiny spaceship the size of a postage stamp to Andromeda is kind of sexy and genius."
"Stephen Hawking overcame physical obstacles that would have defeated many people and he did that in order to pursue his passions."
"Few people can understand the complexities of his theories, but what they do know is that Stephen Hawking became an inspiration to millions."
"His book 'A Brief History of Time' became an instant bestseller and to date has sold more than 10 million copies."
"Stephen Hawking was a professor at one of the best universities in the world since he was a man who shared his knowledge with the world through books that could be understood by everyday folks."
"In 2009, Stephen Hawking hosted an open party for everyone but only publicized it after it was over so only time travelers would know to attend."
"Stephen Hawking famously said that if we discover this theory then we would know the mind of god."
"Stephen Hawking made a huge impact on my life because I don't know if I would have done physics if it wasn't for him."
"For humans to survive I believe we must have the preparations in place within 100 years" - Stephen Hawking advocates for space colonization.
"Stephen Hawking reveals his concern about the creation of a superhuman race changing the world as we know it."
"ALS is incurable. You may remember Stephen Hawking who died from ALS after amazingly living for 55 years."
"Some scientists, most notably Stephen Hawking, believe the answer to the bigger question of whether it's a good idea to find out is a resounding no."
"Steven Hawking passed away on March 14th, 2018, well, March 14th is no ordinary day to mathematicians and just fans of science and physics in general, it's known as Pi Day, 3.14."
"Stephen Hawking is known for any number of revolutionary advances in theoretical physics."
"If Stephen Hawking had lived one more year, he would have been able to see the thing he had been studying."
"Time travel is possible. Stephen Hawking says though people will never travel to the past because he threw a surprise party in 2009 and only invited people from the future and no one showed up."
"Stephen Hawking, that one blew everybody away."
"Thank you, Professor Hawking, you are a gift to mankind."
"Stephen Hawking asserts that black holes are slowly dissipating, long after all stars have died."
"The late physicist Stephen Hawking speculated that it could be possible someday for men to travel through time."
"Never ignore anything that Stephen Hawking does."
"Imagine if [Stephen Hawking] could communicate as quickly as a speed typist or an auctioneer."
"It may hold the key to our survival." - Stephen Hawking
"This dissertation is my original work. S.W. Hawking."
"The work that Hawking did... helped prove or at least support the hypothesis that we can create stable wormholes to travel through time and space."
"Dr. Stephen Hawking most notably refers to us as planetary colonizers."
"It's air and an intimate knowledge of the cosmos of Stephen Hawking, that'd be cool."
"A Brief History of Time is one of the best books I've ever read."
"The late Steven Hawking left us with a curious theory right before his passing."
"The discovery of the temperature of black hole was actually made by Stephen Hawking."
"Steven Hawking came up with a brilliant idea of how to kill black holes."
"It is with deepest pleasure that I, on behalf of the entire campus and surrounding community, welcome Professor Stephen Hawking to Berkeley."
"Stephen Hawking... was able to come up with theories of the black hole."