
Correctness Quotes

There are 1258 quotes

"People think because they feel strongly about something, it's indicative of how right they are, and it's not. It's just indicative of how they feel."
"You didn't spell any of this right." "Yeah, I did. I spelled the 3,000 right."
"Correct arguments, by the way, divinely correct."
"The majority opinion isn't always the right one."
"If there’s one thing I know about humans, it’s that we’d rather things be easy than correct."
"Popularity is not a criterion for correctness."
"People will forgive you for being wrong, but they will never forgive you for being right, especially if events prove you right while proving them wrong."
"If you feel calm when you are doing your analysis, then it is likely that your analysis is more correct."
"Thinking isn't just saying that what I think is right. Thinking is questioning whether or not what you think is right, is right."
"That doesn't make the analysis that people gave wrong, or more importantly, of no value."
"What's more important than performance? Correctness."
"The problem with that is you're not right, and things have to change."
"Better to publish a book right after you're right than when you're still wrong."
"I don't care about being right. I just care that we get it right."
"Life is brutal, and there's an infinite number of ways to be wrong, and only a couple of ways to be right."
"Squirrelflight may be a little wild...but everything she's doing is the correct action to take."
"Contrary to popular bumper stickers, there are different kinds of love, as well as right and wrong ways to love."
"Either Jesus is right in his way of Salvation or you're right."
"Intuitions can be right or wrong, and if you believe in intuition based on faith, it can still be right or wrong."
"It just feels right now. You aim at the target and you pull the trigger and what happens next is what should happen next, and it just feels right."
"Continuous integration is a development practice which aims to make sure the correctness of a software after each commit."
"Your right to an opinion does not mean that your opinion is right."
"Sitchin's translation of the fallen ones or those who descended is correct."
"It's pointless to engage in negative toxic behavior, especially if you don't even know 100% sure if you are correct."
"People care more about being consistent than being right."
"It's a fact that Trump was right or at the very least Trump called something out and he held himself to it."
"She's actually right and let me tell you why she's right."
"Can't fool me, guys. Can't trick me. I was right!"
"Disassociate our self-worth with being right."
"The more that I continue to ask questions, the more I feel like I want to have the correct take. I want to be correct on this issue."
"If you're not factually, factually it's right."
"Wow, look at all these things we were right about."
"It's amazing, but your point is 100% correct."
"Wrong, you were wrong back then. I am just far more correct now than I was then."
"Turns out there's a right way to do this that has to be really hard."
"Everybody that I've ever talked about I've been 100 percent correct."
"I just want to know more, do you know what I mean? Because if I'm right, that means someone's wrong."
"It's not about whether people are stupid or smart you could be wrong and smart and you can be right and stupid both of those can exist at the same time."
"What General Obasanjo has said is completely correct."
"Maybe the west was wrong, maybe these guys are the right ones."
"He's not wrong with this. Not wrong at all with this."
"Facts are prove or disprove. Two plus two is four. What is the right or wrong in that equation? It's not three, you see. You said three. No, it's four. That's the right. It's four. Yeah."
"You can be technically right but morally wrong."
"Frankly, we tend to get shown to be right, that people accused end up being the ones who tend to get it right."
"It's about being fearless in the face of political correctness."
"I literally told them there was, I was pretty much right about everything that I [ __ ] said."
"The test obviously can't be wrong. Plague mass guy, clearly not incorrect."
"You mean Cartman's side is right? Cartman's side is right for the wrong reasons."
"Dreamcast guy was right, we owe him an apology and Austin Evans was wrong."
"This is perfect because you know what's red? Hmm, you know what's right."
"Harry makes the tough decisions, and most of the time, it was the right decision."
"You're wrong; your goal is to be less wrong."
"I think this is the right way to go about it."
"It's just the idea that we're trying to get this right."
"It's not about rushing things, it's about doing things right."
"Rand Paul is wrong so often, it shocks the nation when he's right."
"If parenting feels hard, you're probably doing it right."
"If you're too early, it's the same thing as being wrong."
"If you're so right, just relax and talk to people and you'll be right."
"Be willing to be wrong and accept what is right."
"There might be more than one correct answer."
"You do have to have a certain confidence, and that's why what Brett was saying to those students at Evergreen was completely correct."
"I think that the secret or a secret to being right is maintaining a certain eclecticism of perspective."
"Just because somebody's strong doesn't mean they're right, and just because somebody's weak doesn't mean they're right."
"We're the ones who are correct, we are the ones who are on the right side of history."
"It seems that Jim Stradamus was absolutely right about almost everything."
"There should be a difference between confidently incorrect and arrogantly incorrect."
"Please feel free to discuss anything I got wrong below."
"Now take another guess. Ding ding ding if you chose top left you are correct."
"That's knowing when you are wrong, even being pleased to be disproved."
"Calm confidence that this is the correct course."
"For some, confidence outweighs correctness, especially in matters of faith."
"The amount of confidence you have in something does not necessarily correlate with how correct you are."
"All of these lore bits, I'm like this feels so right and so correct in so many ways."
"Beliefs can be wrong... your beliefs can be wrong."
"Let people say what they think and believe, even if they're wrong, and then discuss why they're right or why they're wrong."
"You gotta be patient if you want to do it the right way."
"Everything he's doing in this scene is done correctly."
"The hardest choices require the strongest wills, but you made the right choice."
"Does it feel good to be right? Well, yeah, it does. It feels pretty good to be right."
"He's technically correct, which is the best kind of correct."
"There's nothing wrong with having a correct election."
"Van Jones is totally correct... that is correct."
"Science isn't always correct. That's true. Science gets things wrong, and then we adapt."
"If I'm wrong, please tell me that I'm wrong. But if I'm right in what I'm about to say, please back me up."
"Those are the people that are exercising their uh freedom of speech and freedom of the press under the constitution so they are in the right."
"I'm here to point out what's not correct. You are trying to enforce a boundary that's invisible, that doesn't exist."
"We love being right, we're very uncomfortable being wrong."
"They absolutely got this right, and at the time they took some flack for this."
"We have to be neighbors. We have to get along. That's exactly correct."
"Don't always have to know all the answers, you don't always have to be right."
"Just because you're a moderator doesn't make you right."
"You're more likely to be on the right track and bringing up the truth."
"Ignorance is not just absence of information, it's the absence of right information."
"A single step above is correct. A single step."
"The contrarian view tends to be right more often than not."
"You have to not only say things are correct, but you have to say, eventually, you get the right result."
"Your inclination to open up even just a little bit is correct, it's correct."
"We are right on most of the ideas. We're not perfect, but we're 99 right."
"You can show them where they're wrong without being rude or hateful."
"A person can be problematic and correct at the same time. Not about the problematic stuff. They can be problematic in one sphere of things, but they can also say that two plus two equals four, and that's technically correct."
"Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Sometimes a woman can be right. Yes, all of those things can happen."
"Ridiculous, Lexi's correct and Brent is wrong."
"He said a lot of radical stuff as well, but he was right, y'all."
"There's a right way and a wrong way to play cyberpunk."
"You're right, you're correct about whatever that is."
"But what frightens me is that he's actually right."
"You will finally realize that you are doing the right thing, you are making the right decision."
"We're doing our best, hopefully it's the right way."
"Being technically correct is the best way to be correct."
"Are you sure you did it right? This requires another method." - Dane
"You're on the right path, you're doing the right things."
"It's a very tough decision, but it's the right decision."
"I just happen to be so right about this for years that everyone's been calling me out."
"Gigabyte isn't doing anything wrong here, they have four plus three phases."
"Vertigear got cancelled not necessarily for being offensive, though I guess to some people it's most certainly offensive, but because they were offensive and also correct."
"And lo and behold it turns out that I was right about everything."
"I don't know if I helped. It's not about helping, it's about being right."
"He's correct from a certain point of view. He is technically correct, the best kind of correct."
"I don't know why this is so simple and yet Trump is the one who keeps getting it right."
"Just because you have big money doesn't mean you're right."
"People don't have to think you're right, you just have to be [expletive] right. That's as simple as it gets."
"Just because you have an answer does not make that the correct answer."
"If an argument is difficult to debunk... it's correct."
"Follow your heart, it just really can't take you wrong."
"High five to you, because you did absolutely the right thing."
"If you're feeling it, you're doing it right."
"Maths is a pretty unopinionated language to describe how a protocol should work because it specifies only correctness."
"Damn, I like it better when I'm right than when I'm wrong."
"Why are you booing me? I'm right."
"By you following your own inner wisdom and you following your own inner guidance, you are on the right path."
"You did everything right, you did everything the way you should."
"She hit the nail on the head there."
"you were absolutely right this time"
"It's usually the simplest explanation is the correct one."
"To be right does not bring the same kind of happiness as it does to be happy."
"There's nothing better than when you've done things correctly and then you step onto the pitch, and you feel wired."
"Absolutely the correct call was made."
"They're trying to do this the right way."
"It's a big deal, it seems like I was right."
"They got it right, that's for sure."
"Let's see if this is correct, I'm gonna lose my mind."
"Make sure however that you get it right."
"It's better to be liked than to be right."
"Wrong, the difference isn’t even close."
"You got way too much influence to be being this wrong."
"Y'all were right, it was very simple."
"If you're obsessed with being right, you will be wrong most of the time. If you're obsessed with identifying the right answer, then you can actually make progress."
"Correct, correct. And your memory of that statement is 'I hit him, I hit him, I hit him,' correct?"
"There's technically a lot of correct answers, but some of those correct answers apply less often than others."
"There is absolutely no message on earth that is correct unless it's holy."
"You know the truth about something, and you're correct."
"The correct answer is D for this particular problem."
"You're breaking the rule, that's correct."
"Most of the time when you have a new idea, it might be at best partly right and partly wrong."
"Gold 905 acknowledged Tony Hadley's video and reiterated that Muhammad's answer was not correct."
"We've got it going on exactly, the facts people."
"Safety is not correctness. Safety's goal is to remove the undefined behavior, to provide a way to reason about the system when all potential outputs are known."
"When I teach you something I like to know that it's correct."
"Just because something is not written doesn't make it wrong."
"All of these conspiracy theorists out there who've been claiming that this [ __ ] was going on for years, okay they get stuff wrong for f*** me they were spot on about this [ __ ]."
"Hopefully, you were able to get that one right."
"It feels like Block has blown a gasket here, but the fact is he's right."
"I like to do my job efficiently, correctly, and fast."
"Jay provided such an airtight, he's right, he was just completely right. And not only was he right, but he was right in a funny way and right in an incredibly charitable way."
"Doubt's important but it doesn't make you wrong."
"Let me follow the instructions so that not everyone in the comment section be like, 'See they did it wrong'."
"I want everybody to come correct."
"Does it feel right? Does it look right?"
"You were always right. The only thing that you may have been missing in moments was tangible evidence, but you were correct; your intuition is on point."
"I love it when I'm right it's so nice"
"You're not wrong, in fact, you're right, the opposite of wrong."
"Absolutely right you know that, Bob."
"He who thinks he can and he who thinks he can't are both correct."
"In the end, Egon was right, as he often is."
"He tried to stay extremely still non-verbally which is good that would be exactly what he was supposed to do."
"It's more confident because it's more centered and it's probably based on what we know closer to being correct."
"Okay, so as long as there's validity, yeah, right every time."
"Honestly, you know when people talk about unprofessionalism like as a professional person I've never had that attributed to anything that I do and I just think that it's that's incorrect."
"To govern means to rectify. If you lead on the people with correctness, who will dare not to be correct?"
"Hey, would you know it? That is correct!"
"This is like the correct, I think."
"If you did that all correctly, this should be flat."
"I must say now we have to get the right one. That's right."
"The most obvious answer was the correct one."
"...you want to make sure that everything matches up and then it's the correct can compressor..."
"Now I'm kind of mad at myself because turns out I was absolutely right about this guy."
"Thankfully, my instincts were right."
"Everyone I mean you sort of laugh when I said it but it was correct light syy."
"That's right Billy that's the correct response"
"Action unless it's coming from ecstasy is not correct action."
"You can feel it when something's right."
"The only time that you should spell things wrong or use bad grammar is if you're doing it to be goofy."
"...sometimes things can be hard and still be exactly right."
"...what I have learned is that sometimes things can be hard and still be exactly right."
"And I hope you refrigerate your eggs because any other answer is wrong."
"It's exactly right and it's incredibly useful."
"Tech B was correct. All you guys out there, Paul, Terry, Syed, Enrique, Shedrin, Mohammed, Bob from Haywards, Richard, JJ, you guys all got it right."
"Doing this correctly versus doing it incorrectly could be quite substantial in terms of the long-term difference that it makes."
"This is for the outlet and correct."