
Solace Quotes

There are 1021 quotes

"The only thing we've found that makes the emptiness bearable is each other."
"The Upanishads have been the solace of my life and will be the solace of my death."
"You are never alone. Although you may not understand it now, everything happens for a reason."
"In times of crisis, seeking solace and meaning in the face of uncertainty is natural."
"The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit."
"God bless you all, and please God give solace to all those people who lost someone and may God protect our troops."
"I'll be the beach that washes your worries away. I'll be the beach that you daydream about each day."
"Well, miss Benny, at least I still have you."
"It made me feel like I wasn't alone, and there was nothing, nothing better than that feeling."
"Acknowledge your imperfections and find solace in the sufficiency of God's grace. Amen if you concur."
"May you continue to find solace in the love of your family."
"You take solace in the fact that you're helping people prevent"
"I love the concept of vacationing in a place that is surrounded by chaos trying to find solace in Hell trying to find peace in chaos."
"Music is sometimes the biggest company you can get."
"The one thing my favorite art has in common is that it helps me feel a little bit less alone in the world."
"I relied upon my faith in the moment... I just knew that I was never alone."
"Amidst discouragement, the Latin Mass offered solace and a renewed sense of spiritual nourishment."
"Write songs that people can relate to and find solace in."
"Jehovah answered my prayers very quickly," she said, finding solace in the scriptures.
"It does make you feel like you're not alone."
"Seeing you brings me a sense of peace in these chaotic times."
"It's a wonderful accompaniment to everything that people are going through."
"May Allah be with us when no one else is with us or when everyone else is with us."
"In the darkness, there's always light somewhere, and it's for this reason that many people never truly feel alone during these dark periods."
"Jesus offers himself as the ultimate source of peace."
"Maybe this was fate, maybe this was God working in mysterious ways, maybe we're just two lost and lonely souls tossed around by the storms of life that manage to find each other and cling to each other."
"I am the way and the truth I'm the bread that your soul is longing for, come to me and I will give you rest."
"When everything else is lost and you really think you're alone...you're never really alone if you listen to Beethoven."
"Faust love of nature provides solace and rest in between his adventures."
"It does, it's a strange sort of solace that comes with that anniversary."
"Even the humblest people can find solace here."
"In the wake of tragedy, it is necessary to get alone with God in order to hear his voice and receive the Comfort only he can give."
"The only thing that soothes her exhausted heart is petting fluffy animals."
"He said the only friends he had in this world were his art."
"My garden had been my sanctuary, my place of solace where I could escape the stresses of everyday life and enjoy the natural world around me."
"It was the first time I felt peace since my mother passed away."
"I know books have helped me, saved me even, so perhaps this can help someone feel less alone, seen, no matter who they are or what journey they are on."
"You're doing great work, please don't let up, it's been a balm to all of our weary souls."
"It provided me with a small sliver of solace."
"She found solace in the presence of Chuan feeling a sense of belonging."
"You will find solace in the creativity of others."
"God will wipe every tear from their eyes."
"The hug she gave him that morning made all his sadness and despair go away."
"Peanut butter covers a world of hurt."
"They're seeking out that peace and comfort with you."
"There's a sense of comfort when it comes to you."
"These woods were rest, comfort, joy."
"Every poem is a momentary stay against the confusion of the world."
"When you're weary, feeling small."
"Come unto me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest."
"Islam was the remedy to my anxiety."
"When we face problems, he will comfort us, when we face loss, he will provide for us."
"When I am weary, I can come to You."
"God can be in this place. God is close to the brokenhearted. God is close to those who are crying out to him."
"There's nothing like hot chocolate and a hug for making the nightmares go away."
"Your presence brings solace, your words are balm to weary souls."
"The cold air provided me with the only sense of peace that I could find right now."
"When we are afflicted, God's word quickens us and gives us life."
"Intimacy with God is the antidote to loneliness."
"Prayer is simply calming and relieving... you feel you're not alone you feel you can reach out and cry out and call out and beseech something Beyond yourself."
"Ranel finds solace and freedom from worries when she's with her blonde Prince."
"The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy, is to go outside."
"...God will wipe away all the tears from our eyes. There shall be no more death or sorrow or crying, neither shall there be any more pain. I will make all things new."
"I only wanted to pet fluffy things, and petting fluffy animals is the only thing that soothes her exhausted heart."
"In the wake of such terrible loss, we are still given these gifts that somehow bring peace."
"Running is what gives me solace and keeps me at peace. And I found that same kind of feeling with pizza baking."
"Music became such a Solace for me."
"He was mourned by friends, received a funeral, and the villain provided solace as to the strength of his character."
"When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul."
"So, no peace in knowing that even though you can't be with the ones you love, there are worlds where you are together. Is that not enough?"
"The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart."
"When life gets me down, I play my guitar."
"I found solace in Jung and depth psychology because I felt safe there."
"It makes me happy knowing she's out there in a better place with the people that she loves."
"Solace in the fact that life is not as serious as we make it out to be."
"...and it was sometimes so unbearable and so painful I would go out to sleep in the garden near the kennel where we had a dog."
"An eagle would soothe my soul very nicely. I think eagle would get a skin here too."
"If I mourn well, I encounter the Comforter. Blessed are those who mourn; they shall be comforted."
"Come to me, all who are weary, and I will give you rest."
"It's these little things you remember when the bottom falls out of the world and you're falling."
"Rest in God's mercy for a few moments, like an oasis of water in a desolate wasteland."
"...philosophy offers not just Solace but actionable wisdom."
"Come to Jesus and find rest for your soul."
"Do not grieve like the rest of men who have no hope."
"So, I really relied on it as the only crutch in my kind of self-care routine. You know, I could always retreat to poetry as a place where I felt totally safe."
"May you find solace and courage in the assurance that his presence accompanies you through every step of this daunting journey."
"I just feel bad, you know? One of the only things that helps me get over this is music. Music has been my savior."
"...music moved me, it was my Escape, it was what allowed me to survive some of the toughest moments in my life..."
"Music always helps during hard times, you know?"
"Despite being a hostage, Yasu found solace in the relatively Humane treatment afforded to him by his captors."
"Finding solace in his words, Belle finds inner strength and decides to carry on with her friends."
"We were two people that had stumbled upon each other during a time of confusion and chaos, we had found solace and understanding in each other's company."
"I loved the console as it was an escape from the abuse."
"You would think 'rescue' from a deadly thing, a danger. Like Allah uses the word 'rescue' for this kind of grief."
"He will give the rest from thy sorrow and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve."
"There is a bomb for every pain, a medicine for all sorrow."
"He said come unto me and find rest for your soul."
"In your darker hours, going back to those videos... it's just really wonderful."
"Let us find solace in the knowledge that Maddie's Legacy of Love will endure for eternity."
"I come here when I need to be embraced by her arms."
"There are moments where the only thing we can do is pray."
"You're both gonna help each other heal... you're both gonna really find a lot of solace in each other."
"You know those records, they help soothe the pain a little bit."
"It's a very attractive idea to a person who is going through a rough time."
"A new creative project or hobby could bring solace and connection."
"The world is full of many things and many people, and I shan't be lonely. I will find comfort elsewhere."
"Two lonely souls had finally found their sanctuary in each other."
"Take solace in the fact that nothing is wasted."
"It was 2020, the pandemic was ripping people were bored including myself so you know the waffle maker gave us some Solace."
"The garden really does pick up my spirits."
"Our only comfort right now is that they were together doing something they passionately love."
"This is the only joy, the only thing I have."
"The silence a comforting blanket against the chaos of the universe."
"A balm to his anxieties, even if just for a fleeting moment."
"They comfort me, it looks as though there were little windows in a dark village cottage."
"When your life gets hard, you pick up your Bible and you say a prayer, you read the Psalms."
"I want a place where I can have land and trees and lots of trees. I really love trees, it's like therapy."
"Now therefore, let not my lord the king take the thing to his heart, to think that all the king's sons are dead: for Amnon only is dead."
"I lost my dog a couple of years ago or whenever I'm going through some bad times this is one of those books that just lifts my spirits."
"Reading is always my solace. It's the place that I return to, the one thing I can count on to give me comfort and joy in times when I am not doing so well."
"It's my happy space; if I'm having a bad day, I want to be in a garden."
"'Because I live, you will live also.' If you have one verse to satisfy your soul, your heart, and your mind when you are dying on the bed, that's the verse."
"...outdoor cardio almost became her saving grace."
"Cassandra nestled in Mac's arms finding solace in the possibility that dying together would be a form of happiness."
"I'd always found solace in nature a stark contrast to the constant Buzz of New York City."
"The wilderness had always been my sanctuary, and I wasn't going to give that up."
"The rain helped me forget, even just for a bit."
"My presence envelops you like a comforting blanket offering rest for your weary soul."
"Call on me and I will show you that you are never alone."
"This comforts me when my favorite book of the year doesn't even get nominated."
"Conrad overwhelmed with sadness finds comfort in his father's hug."
"Let My Presence Be A Source Of Comfort To You."
"In this ever-changing landscape of war, we learn to find solace in the small, unremarkable moments that remind us of our humanity."
"A heartfelt hug comforted them amid the complex mechanisms of the stars."
"By practicing detachment, we liberate ourselves from the shackles of worry about the uncontrollable, finding solace in the act itself."
"The thought of losing your loved one is so heartbreaking, but music, it brings soul, it brings life."
"Come to me, all of us who are weary."
"Softly and gently, dearly ransom soul in my most loving arms I now enfold thee."
"...it had been a long time since the last time I had watched the ancient Magus bride and I wasn't sure how I was going to take it. However, this time around I found a lot of solace within the show. While death is incredibly painful, it can also be a beautiful thing."
"If ever we are beset by a multitude of thoughts of a doubting kind, we shall find our best solace in flying to our God."
"There was comfort and strength for him in the hidden place of God's presence."
"You need to give them that raw edge sometimes, let them go through that raw life of experience so when the solace comes to Medina, one of the first things he did was he went to Masjid Nabawi."
"If you thirst in the midst of the tribulation, come to me. I'll give you the Living Waters."
"Have a little talk with Jesus, come on and tell Him all about your trouble."
"'Ignore her insults, you have me.' - Finding solace in loved ones."
"Their albums got me through some of the darkest times in my life."
"Users find solace in knowing they're not alone in experiencing intense realities."
"I turned to country music after 9/11."
"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." - Psalm 147:3
"I absolutely loved nature; it has always comforted me."
"The best way to handle any type of breakup is to go to the woods. Nothing soothes the soul like the woods."
"Something comforting to understand."
"Both Scotts are dead, but Ramona still finds a way to comfort him."
"Prayer is about the God who will give you rest."
"Those memories are a comfort to him when things get hard."
"They may seek spiritual solace rather than wanting to be with the partner."
"How would you ever get through it if there was no music?"
"God is never the one that brings the pain... He is always the comforter."
"...in the cosmos there is balm as well as bitterness, and that balm is Nepenthe."
"His very presence, his silence, quelled the agony of many hearts and transported mature souls to the realm of spiritual fulfillment, self-realization."
"The secret place of God is your best hiding place and you would find solace and safety there."
"Despite the tumultuous journey, she finds solace in the decision to carry Mitchell's child."
"Thy wounds oh Jesus, thy wounds, these are my refuge in my trouble."
"In the forest, away from the world, they found solace in each other."
"When the internet is, you know, eighty percent of the time a horrible place, the cheapies, if you need solace, become a cheapy."
"So long as you seek it from man whether man ordained or man not ordained, you seek it where it cannot be found. You must go further, you must look higher, you must turn elsewhere for comfort."
"They danced together and he found solace in her presence."
"These books are my companions. With them, I forget about loneliness."
"There are things in the human experience and in the history of the world whose mysteriousness I quite cherish and I find solace in that."
"Come to me and I'll give you rest."
"Get a pet. A dog could provide a lot of comfort to you, especially if you're single."
"Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden. I'll give you rest."
"My dad's house, meaning heaven, is big enough for anybody and everybody who so wills to come. There's room in my father's house for you." - Such comforting words!
"When you love something, it's going to be hard for ice cream to make it better."
"Without doubt, ice cream makes it better."
"It has poured balm and consolation into the heart of the sick, of captives and dungeons, of widows in their pinching griefs, of orphans in their loneliness."
"Come unto me, all you who are weary."
"When tribulations and disappointments come, just race to the foot of the cross because that's where everything has been satisfied."
"Jesus still says, 'Come to me all you heavy laden, I will give you rest and I will give you peace.'"
"The beautiful thing is when you keep everything focused on Allah and that this is worship that helps a lot."
"Dear one, I invite you to pause in your striving and find solace in the quietude of My Embrace."
"The Atonement comforts—particularly in times of discomfort."
"Once you start to get a feel for that, you feel, 'Wow, this actually is a real Refuge.'"
"Trust us, having a 999 to cuddle really does make any apocalypse a whole lot easier."
"'The only comfort Wade seemed to find was in memories of his loved ones.'"
"At the end of Narnia, everyone dies... well, almost everyone."
"...I think it provides the same type of comfort as religion does."
"I am the God who's present in your suffering."
"The Bible can provide answers that were previously elusive, offering comfort and guidance."
"He finds solace in the Tranquil Sanctuary that surrounds him where time seems to slow and the world's worries melt away."
"My art actually ends up as an anchor point during those times and actually is a place of refuge."
"At the end of the day, you just want some closure, some ending, some solace."
"You just want a bit of um, you want some closure, some ending, some solace, M."
"Even in the face of her suffering, she sought solace and simple pleasures, finding respite in gentle walks and intellectual journeys."
"Sometimes you just need something to comfort you."
"Clark and Lexa brought love, desire, and comfort to an otherwise harsh world."
"A family fully immersed in the culture, gracefully navigating past their sorrows and finding solace in each other's company."
"This is just a huge comfort album for me."
"Flick's presence was a soothing balm to the loneliness that often accompanied space travel."
"Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened and I'll give you rest."