
Scams Quotes

There are 340 quotes

"The reality is just it's tough out there, and sometimes you might be a victim of a scam and you don't even realize it."
"Anytime you combine a poorly understood topic with a strong human desire, you've got a recipe for scams."
"If you're selling success overnight in a $2,000 course, I've been ranting about what a scam this is for a long time."
"Even Isaac Newton fell for a Ponzi scheme because it was an emotional trigger."
"I sued YouTube because so many people were impersonating me using Ripple's brand to scam people."
"Megachurches are slowly becoming more known for something else. They're scams."
"Adults are more likely to do something about it if something is a scam."
"Making a successful YouTube channel that isn't low effort or rule-breaking garbage takes time, and any person trying to sell you a course saying it's easy and you can make millions only working a few hours a day is lying and should be avoided at all cost."
"Blockchain has gained significant recognition as a field in 2022... if you're talking about the ridicule it's faced and the amount of scams that have been exposed."
"A study by the Better Business Bureau has found that younger people between the ages of 18 and 24 were 3 times less likely than seniors to recognize a scam."
"Digital scams are more prevalent now than ever, and maintaining your digital security grows more important and complicated with each passing year."
"There's no such thing as a get rich quick scheme, that's just someone else getting rich off you."
"When something sounds too good to be true as a financial opportunity, it usually is."
"Awareness is so important which is why we take the time here to explain the inner workings of this scam so more and more people can become educated on the pitfalls."
"You have a lot of rich people, a lot of people that are always willing to jump into whatever the latest scam is."
"The average person really does get sort of scammed and conned by this."
"What kind of horrible broken evil person tries to scam someone who's desperately searching for an animal that they love? You are evil!"
"If you're not seeing positive ratings or any ratings at all for these types of discounted opportunities, then you might have just stumbled across one of the many internet scams out there."
"Whenever you buy a product and it doesn't function in the way that it was advertised, that's a scam."
"If you pay for something and you don't get what you paid for, you have been scammed."
"The scammers are out in force. Please don't get drawn in, don't get caught up in the scammers, and report them as you see them."
"I suppose it's only a scam if you fall for it."
"Because you're getting played and you're gonna get screwed out of your money."
"Great, do the people they scam get their money back?"
"A scam to me is something that's intentionally out to rip people off."
"At the end of the day I think most of these influencer scams are all about power abuse."
"Minecraft-related scams target everyone but the people who are targets the most are unsuspecting young Minecraft fans who don't know any better yet."
"People will try to scam you so trust no one."
"Anyone that tells you that you get 32 returns is stealing money from your pocket you're oh idiot if you think that."
"Do not interact with scammers... they will wipe you out even before the economic collapse comes."
"MLMs prey on vulnerable people and promise them a life of rich extravagance."
"Con men rely on three things: abusing the extremes of human emotion, fear of missing out, and unwavering confidence."
"If it's too good to be true, most times it is."
"All of these things can be true and it can look like the biggest scam imaginable and it can actually not be a scam."
"It's all a scam, everything's a scam, and some scams here are sophisticated, but it's also you think of it like wow, that's actually a pretty good idea, it's a pretty good scam, ingenious."
"Anyone can be scammed, and that includes me."
"Be cautious of street hustlers and their scams on the Strip."
"If someone is offering you a degree after a simple quiz, that's a red flag."
"Very few giveaways or even airdrops require you to send funds first. If something's saying send us money, that should be alarm bells and red flags all day."
"Next time you're upgrading your gear and spamming the button, you might want to check if you're really actually upgrading your gear or if you're just getting scammed."
"There needs to be a warning sign on social media, desperate influencers, collabing with discount Fake gurus, means you will be signing up for a scam."
"Cryptocurrency is rife with scams and scammers."
"There's three major scams in this country: IRAs, colleges, and homes. They're frickin' traps. They're prisons."
"Arming the public with knowledge about not just how these scams operate, but how common they are."
"It's a scam just like everything he's ever been involved in is some sort of con."
"If it looks too good to be true, it probably is... don't respond to calls about your computer asking for remote access."
"If it looks too good to be true, it probably is."
"Possibly the first sign that something might be a ponzi scheme is that you are being pitched a low risk investment with an unusually high rate of return."
"Let’s remember that Bernie Madoff 'The King of the Ponzi Schemers' only promised 12% annual returns."
"Regulation should target scams, not good projects."
"Every time you condemn someone for falling for that, you're making sure the scammers win again."
"But the Theranos example, or like an MLM that's putting one of the top 0.05% girlies on stage at the conference or hire celebrities to come speak at their retreats, it's all about giving that veneer of legitimacy."
"Unfortunately, scammer comments sometimes in the comments section."
"The more people are able to identify scams, the fewer people will be hit by them."
"Be very careful about scammers pretending to be me."
"Anyone that tells you that they can double your money or they've got some sort of get-rich-quick scheme, run away."
"Every time we can tell a story like this, it helps us to be able to show the world how these scammers are using different tactics of taking advantage of people."
"I like that. He and he wants to get rid of bots and scams which I love."
"Why do you not care that some kind of huge scam is happening? They're either tapping. How do they get that? How do they know that?"
"I'm a person who would never fall for that, but that's why I wanted to call because maybe it might happen to other people."
"We're seeing how this type of industry can scam and swindle money from a lot of people."
"Mysteriously for booking.com reservation data is being used to scam customers."
"Anyone who has an experience with one of their fake gurus, leave me a message."
"Crowdfunding is the only, it's [expletive] scammy, it's so gross."
"Once the victim has emotionally bought into the scam, then the scammers can begin what I call the compliance ladder of sending money."
"We need to talk more about the real scams in crypto that are harming new people."
"So far, Earth 2 has been here for eight months and they're not going away. Scams would have been gone months ago."
"MLMs are a scam, it's not the victim's fault."
"There are a plethora of reasons I can give you to avoid MLMs, they are one small step from pyramid schemes and there is a consistent history of these companies being dishonest, misleading, and manipulative."
"This is just horrifically dumb scamming right here."
"I also want you guys to be aware of all the scams going on in crypto right now."
"Games have become a very, very lucrative target for scammers, viruses, and phishing attempts."
"This amazing Etsy seller not only sent me a screenshot of the scammer's email, she also continued to play along as if she totally bought the scammer's con."
"There's no product and they're still asking for people's money."
"You don't get something for nothing, if it sounds too good to be true it is."
"There is no reason why you should be scammed out of your hard-earned money."
"Scammers are the hardest workers I've ever known."
"Scammers can also fall under the good ole entertaining, get rich quick fantasy narrative genre."
"Established titles is a scam company. You don't actually own any land in Scotland and don't have the right to call yourself a lord."
"The dark web has become a cesspool of absolute scams."
"That's an immediate red flag where I call scam."
"Yeah, I've been seeing that. If you happen to be a YouTube content creator, be careful out there. There's a scam going around with people pretending to be YouTube support with very convincing looking emails."
"Multi-level marketing is basically just a pyramid scheme masquerading as something way more legitimate than it actually is."
"Thank you and then she just left. Well at least she didn't scam me."
"Anyone telling you there's a way to make money without any effort, without any setup at all, they're either scamming you or just blowing smoke up your ass."
"There's a lot of loopholes of people trying to take advantage of people, you gotta be very careful where you buy things."
"I don't want these kind of people who don't deserve it to get scammed out of money."
"Life is just this big pool of decisions that we made great the entirety of the world is just things happen please do your."
"99.9% of this [ __ ] that you're seeing right now is a scam."
"If you think I get heated watching it, it's because I've seen people fall for scams like this all the time."
"Scams and cons can happen everywhere in the world at any time."
"Crypto influencers promoting NFT scams could face class action lawsuit after a Bitconnect case."
"In crypto, something that's too good to be true is usually not something legit."
"Some of these alt or meme coins will try to take advantage of you by designing their tokenomics in the following manner."
"I just got scammed, I tell you, big baby boos, oh no, I got scammed, I tell you, can you believe it? I got freaking scammed!"
"Surprisingly lean and mean sequel which amplifies the bloody thrills..." - Metro Game Central
"Cyber criminals are already leveraging deep fakes for scams."
"I don't want to listen to a scam artist tell me what's wrong with my life."
"I genuinely didn't know where this was gonna go at first, but as I was talking to the other two scammers as well, and they were trying to do literally the exact same scam..."
"Your car warranty is not expiring, nor do you need to give any money to that company cold-calling you under any circumstance."
"Investment scams, regulatory challenges, and the evolving landscape of crypto market dynamics."
"Trying to scam vulnerable people is not cool."
"I don't like scams, I don't like get-rich-quick schemes, and I do not like misleading people."
"But who are these cruel scammers and just how much money do they make from these scams?"
"He made a video about scams citing mobile games encourage kids to purchase expensive fake items that are scummy and just awful."
"Please warn people about that Catalab scam, guys. There are so many scams in the cryptocurrency market. Please, please, please be careful."
"The postage scam: avoid falling for the low price bait."
"Avoid the 'seller dodging eBay fees' trap, it's like buying luxury goods in a back alley."
"There are more scams out there on the internet than there are legitimate opportunities by far."
"Anyone can be scammed, including me and you."
"A CPN may seem like an answer to your prayers, but is it?"
"Trust man, alright NFTs and you know pump and dump scams I get it."
"Be suspicious if you have to pay any money to get something free."
"Over the course of their operation, Peter asked for more than $300 to perform their miracles, but alas no such miracle ever came."
"I'm one of the few people out there warning you against scams."
"Learn from past cycles: the same scams will resurface until we break the cycle."
"Desperate to get by, the Russian people became especially vulnerable to scams such as the MMM Cooperative-- one of the largest Ponzi schemes in history."
"Be mindful that kind of scam, guys, and bad actors and the criminal element is not going to stop just because everybody else does."
"So if you're having trouble navigating, there's a link below to the FTC scam resources."
"Anybody that tells you it isn't a scam has invested either made their money from it by being smart or they've invested their money so deep into that [] that they don't want to [] feel like they're stupid and then lose it."
"Let's keep our family and friends safe from pyramid schemes and illegal lotteries this holiday season."
"Know that I will never message you for money or for a reading ever."
"Stay safe from scams and I hope to see you again soon."
"Thank you for caring about these scams. Ultimately, I think we're shining a light on a really important issue."
"fake flash drive in SSD scams have plagued the internet for years."
"Have you ever heard about locksmith scams? Honestly, around a week or so ago, I saw an old YouTube video about locksmith scams in Canada, and to be honest, I was quite shocked at how some locksmith businesses scam people."
"...I even had one encounter where I saw a scammer pull up on an elderly woman's computer right in front of her."
"Every single one of them just prays on the insecurity of people who are trying their best and ripping away money that they could be spending otherwise to support the families that you claim that they need to be the leader of."
"A big problem in the sneaker industry is people selling fake shoes as real and scamming people out of thousands of dollars."
"I want the guy scamming me to enjoy it."
"That's one of the big problems with today's scams, is that the people doing it don't even like it. No joy."
"Coffeezilla's video exposes at least 20 scams that he's done in his past as well as convincing him to do yet another one."
"Deviants and criminals weren't simply using the internet to anonymously harass people; they were setting up so-called Honeypot scams."
"With arrests rare and recovering money practically unheard of, romance scammers operate with near impunity."
"...just a spam phone call you know they're like you've been selected for a survey well you will win a million dooll boat but you just need to give us your full bank account information in order to process the request."
"Luxury brands are one of the biggest scams in human history."
"Law enforcement doesn't ask for gift cards. Your utility does not ask for gift cards."
"I always like to celebrate people who go after frauds scams, investigate this stuff."
"Don't be trying to be scammed, there's so many scammers."
"Like most scammers, they buy fake and malicious adverts. These adverts claim that your computer has a virus and it will lock your PC in a way that it almost forces you to ring the number which is shown on screen."
"Luckily, this scammer did not protect himself from hackers so I was able to get into his main fraud panel."
"There are scammers everywhere from YouTube comments to phone calls."
"Stop falling for the clickbait scammers."
"Mike with List 25, and here are the 25 most ruthless scams in history."
"I talk about scams, problematic companies, very sketchy and unethical things."
"But I'll be ready for them, and hopefully, so will most of you because now you know how these scams work."
"This truck was a first of all it was a Copart scam uh second of all it was a Rebuilder scam as well."
"Most of you won't actually have to deal with these scams."
"Most of you won't actually have to deal with these scams. The good news is there are way more good people out there than bad people."
"Rice why do you think they're offering so much money? Because it's a freaking ridiculous scam."
"There are a lot of scams in the watch industry because there's a lot of money in convincing people that something is good."
"Listen, I told you, the amount of people that have called me that are currently running scams or in trouble or people are being indicted, people are this, people are that, and they're like, 'What should I do?'"
"You need to keep up your guard no matter what because even if something looks like it might be legitimate, it might just be a giant scam."
"It's very sad when tourists get scammed. You are coming to my country to enjoy, and when you face a problem like that, you are not happy."
"One common scam in Florence is the friendship bracelet scam."
"It's very black industry, there's a lot of um negativity around it, a lot of scammers in it, but there is good out there."
"I was watching this screen for a while. I didn't get a chance to necessarily hear any of the scams, but I saw everything going down."
"The amount of people that gets game I mean every two months I feel like there's a 2020 ABC News investigation where it's like showing old people just at home getting routed for their cash."
"There are no get rich quick schemes. That's just somebody else trying to get rich off of you."
"Scams affect all Americans but seniors are more susceptible to them and often are so embarrassed that they're unwilling to admit to authorities or their loved ones that they've been ripped off."
"Scams, hacks, and rug pulls got away with $2 billion in 2023. A report by Security app DeFi claimed that crypto users lost nearly $2 billion to scams, hacks, and rug pulls in 2023, a figure roughly half of the previous year's losses."
"Scammers will always adapt, right?"
"Multi-level marketing is the only scam that has stayed the exact same since the very beginning."
"Most people that get scammed aren't stupid."
"...these scams are getting more advanced and better at tricking us every year."
"Scams have become so normalized that you don't even notice they're scams anymore."
"It's definitely a gray area. There's things that are really in actual scams, like Bitconnects, would be one example."
"The housing market here in Paris is extremely competitive and there are tons of scammers out there just waiting to take advantage of people who are moving into the city."
"Con man is just short for confidence man because that's, no are you guys, are you lying?"
"Scammers will show up sometimes when I do giveaways. Please do not respond to scammers."
"...there's so much scamming going on right, like, facts fake this fake that, blah blah, whatever, right?"
"Gearing up for the bull market, though, I know it's essential to be able to spot these scams, understand these scams, and avoid them in order to protect my capital."
"Your long lost Uncle didn't wire transfer you money and you can't get free paint brushes. The scams are getting so frighteningly specific."
"Don't fall for scams – arm yourself with knowledge and take action to secure genuine job opportunities."
"Scammers in DC are next-level. Beware of performance artists on the streets."
"If people were smarter about their investments, Bernie Madoff wouldn't have had any money to steal."
"Wow. But if I am not... If I end up having scams like you, then yes. But I've not had that. I've not had that problem."
"Just because someone is making money within the scam does not mean it's not a scam. It means the scam is working."
"We partnered with Mark on this project to give you a new and fascinating look into these scams."
"A man has been ripped off in what investigators are calling a sophisticated mail-order bride scam."
"It's just bad on the elderly the senior citizen you know whether you're on Social Security or you know it's so many scams out there."
"I guess maybe the YouTube is trying to scam there are scams on the YouTube as well they being the man."
"There needs to be in-game moderation shutting down these blatant scams and there needs to be a more concerted effort into rooting out these scammers."
"Guys, I know what she doing. She selling her Snapchat. $40 for my private Snapchats, and the IRS is coming for you. I swear, biggest scam of 2018."
"You buy their seminar that tells you like this intricate 12 steps scheme to put out garbage that no one's ever gonna like read or listen to."
"There are some new scams that I recently became aware of and as a matter of fact the FBI recently issued a warning about a type of scam that is happening at airports and really I think we all need to be aware of."
"These types of services are not allowed to charge you upfront fees. They're only supposed to charge you when they are 'successful' and negotiating something on your behalf."
"There’s no shortage of stories of people getting digitally mugged and their crypto wallet stolen and NFTs."
"That's when they get nervous too because they know you're on to their scam when you start insisting on seeing the exact amount of money that you're financing."
"This is the number one way that people get scammed out of their crypto."
"Your story could be the reason that thousands of these scams are prevented."
"Scams are gonna get really, really intense in the future, dude."
"Don't fall for scams. The less people that fall for scams, the less people will try to do it."
"Vigilant, yeah. Millennials tend to be the best at spotting scams."
"Gift cards are now being co-opted by scammers."
"The government should update laws around scams."
"Listen, listen all right, um, again, y'all be aware of the scammers out there trying to use my name to get y'all to send no money. Don't send no money to nobody if it's a, if it ain't me, okay?"
"I will say this again: if you win a bowl from me, I will never ask you to pay the shipping. So please do not get caught up in these scams."
"If anyone contacts you for any so-called opportunity and they ask you for money... it's a scam, period."
"The internet can be a place where you could get scammed especially during the present day of the online world."