
Time-specific Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Passion is something that's going to be coming up a lot for you in the month of July."
"In the end, 'Drawn Together' isn't timeless, but it's definitely a product of its time."
"Are we on the brink of another March 2023 moment?"
"It's very obvious here that there's something quite major happening around July and in August you're feeling so, so happy."
"It starts next Monday, March 1st. It will run for 28 days."
"2018 to 2019 was probably the most toxic year that the beauty community has ever had."
"Whatever you're going through in July this is quite positive."
"Great news, it is 4 P.M and my book was just delivered."
"End of May is really when you're going to see some big results."
"It's showing things getting stronger and progressing for you in May."
"Plant seeds, my babies, because by the end of October, this is going to have a direct impact."
"Happy September, but hopefully you're having an incredible week."
"In the next month and a half this is going to happen."
"Welcome to Houston Texas and it's 207 in the afternoon."
"You may have realized what no longer serves us by the end of September."
"July is on fire for you; this is a solid opportunity."
"Every single week and every single day in 2021, it's really incredible."
"Huge reveals and huge news tomorrow's video. 5:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Don't miss it."
"You're making major progress in the month of June."
"The first of August is going to bring you devotion and wisdom."
"At the end of the month, it is going to be a powerful transformation when it comes to your own emotions."
"A massive shift happened sometime between the beginning of the assault weapons ban in 94 and the end of the assault weapons ban in 2004."
"This guy is saying that you know in November of 2023 the rights went back to me."
"Tonight is the night where we do the cod competition, okay? Nine o'clock GMT, baby, in the evening, PM, all right?"
"August 2021 is going to be an interesting month."
"The end of January is going to change your life."
"Yesterday at 3:57 in the afternoon, always really always positivity is really sincere."
"Good morning, if you guys are watching this in the morning time."
"December was going to look good which was weird."
"You're just gonna feel like you're walking on air in July."
"Look out for that good news right at the end of the month."
"Miss Pencloser died this afternoon at half past three."
"Knowledge will increase in the time of the end."
"October holds the promise of being the best of this year so far."
"I really believe that the end of March and coming into April we are going to see some breakthroughs."
"You're going to be really magnetic in August."
"Charity stream this Friday starts at 1 p.m. Eastern time."
"Community battle night, 10:00 p.m. Pacific Standard!"
"I've got a bit of an announcement for you tonight at eight o'clock."
"This particular week signifies financial gain."
"Things are going to get better in the month of April."
"It ended within one to three years, almost precisely 9700"
"Pray for the conversion of sinners, especially at the three o'clock hour."
"Let's see what happens over the next few weeks."
"Hail the real BBC tomorrow at 10 a.m. Pacific time."
"From like September of 2022 until May of 2023 something really dysfunctional can clear up from that period of time."
"Back in June 2017, fidget spinners were still a thing."
"What is being recorded are events, and we can think of an event as some piece of data at a particular instant of time."
"It is so representative of when it was made, and I don't think you could make that movie the same way in that same tone at any other time than the exact time that it was made."
"Have a wonderful afternoon if it's in the afternoon, have a wonderful morning if it's your morning."
"Peak creativity for the whole year maybe is in the middle of August."
"Okay, can't wait to see you guys at three."
"The art style was like really cutting edge for the time."
"You don't have to be great for the whole year, you only got to be great for that week."
"We've got to find the depth at 6:30 a.m., and this is fairly straightforward."
"This is just so of its time, it is just pure early 90s nostalgia fabric."
"It's just gone 4:30 p.m. in my part of the world, which is Brisbane, Australia, and I welcome you wherever in the world you may be."
"It's February so we're gonna do that."
"Join us tomorrow 8:30 Japan Standard Time for top 32."
"We did it in 11 months, 11 days, on November 11."
"Depending on the time of the day you're watching this video, I hope you're all doing fine and healthy."
"It's a Saturday, May 11th, 2024, about 11:15 a.m. here California time."
"Recovery Point Objective: Exactly to what point in time can I restore this data."
"It's not bad, it's just very of its time."
"We hope that we will see you again this afternoon at 4:00 PM Central African time. Have a very lovely day."
"November is going to be somebody's lucky month."
"Your wish is going to come true in the month of August."
"Your energy is going to increase; you have a lot of energy for the rest of April."
"You are going to have a huge accomplishment by the end of May."
"By the end of May 2023, you are about to have a spiritual comeback."
"Have a fantastic remainder of your day, afternoon, or night, depending on the time it is that you are watching this."
"You're going to see great, amazing results in the month of April."
"Every single year we see that happening, the 22nd to the 24th, every single year in this area."
"The very two last days in April are going to be absolutely everything when it comes to you."
"Make sure your health is a priority, especially as we move into that second week of April."
"You're going to have a huge reason for celebration around April 2023 because of the new success in your life."