
Prestige Quotes

There are 1121 quotes

"You'll be acquiring a status, prestige, honor, and you'll be well-respected and victorious."
"Once prestige rises in life, honor, authority rises in life."
"The league is second to none. I mean, this is the greatest high school basketball league in the world."
"The papacy has gained worldwide influence, prestige, and prominence."
"Hitler's all too public statements in the sports palace and then to his Gauleiter had meant that taking Stalingrad had become a matter of prestige."
"Our prestige is super high, thanks to our abilities in warfare."
"People who have stored up genuine value in their reputation...are much more likely to be rewarded with a deserved prestige."
"A renowned physician... would be a welcome addition to the court of any ruler."
"Romanee-Conti 1945: 'If you want to drink the world's most special bottle of wine, this is it.'"
"The original national championship tournament, it's a very prestigious tour."
"Once a kingdom has its prestige rise above a minimum threshold and be among the nine with the highest prestige, it starts being considered a great power."
"I'm your favorite athlete's favorite jeweler."
"The Arnold Classic, it's one of the best competitions in the world."
"The prestige of the host would be judged by the exclusivity and quantity of the food provided."
"The principal advantage of a Harvard education is that you never again have to feel intimidated."
"Blockchain really offers a new level of that almost bragging rights."
"This title is the crown jewel of our business."
"Horizon Zero Dawn seemed to have the ultimate endorsement possible."
"She stole the Blue Riband on her maiden voyage and keeps it to this day."
"A symbol of power and prestige: the stone tablet erected in Melaka."
"There's a certain prestige in this case to the key of D flat."
"The ADCC World Championships: a place where legends are made."
"Service mission one allowed NASA to recover their prestige."
"Our championships will be considered the most prestigious in the business."
"Wimbledon is the most famous tennis tournament in the world."
"Sonic 3 and Knuckles is some of the highest height of the series prestige."
"AW is getting a lot better than it was... there is more of a prestige..."
"The reality is that they are FC Barcelona, the most valuable football club in the world."
"Manchester United is a bigger Club than Spurs and West Ham... it's just got more pull."
"At this scale, some pretty important people are going to be staying in this property."
"You have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to get something in the Ferrari or Lamborghini range to stop traffic the way this Karma does."
"The University of California is a gem of the United States, and the world."
"Yes, you definitely need to get this that way if you lose as Leona the opponents still feel bad because you have a prestige skin and they don't."
"10 million dollars for first and a lifetime of being called world champion."
"Prestige skins aren't about improving your collection in League of Legends, it's about letting your opponents know you just dropped $100 on a skin."
"There's perhaps no more prestigious a car manufacturer in the world than Bugatti."
"If you're Man United, you should still have the status as the biggest, most powerful club in the world."
"Man United should be Man United and they are the biggest club in the world."
"There's nothing in the world of sports bigger than being the world heavyweight champion."
"For me, the Premier League isn't as big as the Champions League, but it's not far off as an entity. It's great, the Premier League is just fantastic."
"Germany's government air fleet is nothing short of impressive."
"Pisces, in your seventh house, you'll come across dignified status, prestige, and prosperities. Be active, dynamic, and driven despite challenges."
"Number one in the world, it's gleaming, it looks great."
"He won the Heisman Trophy, that's an incredibly prestigious award."
"Airbnb will no longer promote tourism that harms animals."
"One of the greatest titles in all of sports is heavyweight champion of the world."
"Wild game and game meats in general really are the pinnacle of culinary sort of greatness."
"We're basically in the Super League. The Premier League is the Super League."
"That's a lunatic amount of prestige and I love it."
"Being able to roll up to your next car meet in something that no one has ever seen before, that is absolutely priceless."
"This club with this classy sort of thing to it."
"From the temples, churches, and holy sites throughout the D&D world comes the cleric, a class that has long held a prestigious rank."
"Andrew Luck decided to attend the 'Harvard of the West' as he attended Stanford University."
"It's the premier league, it's the best league in the world."
"When Manchester United come knocking on your door you answer because it's Manchester United."
"Why do they care so much about Nobel Prizes and research grants and working for the most prestigious universities? Precisely because it's not about the truth, it's a status game, it's a game for authority, it's a social construction."
"Classical chess, slow chess, is the most prestigious of all."
"It seemed like this was the office of the presidency, the prestige of the office of the presidency, the calling to a higher purpose."
"It's the best cup competition in the world. It's been going since 1872."
"It's the crown jewel, it's the toughest part of the run."
"Ethiopia is kind of a big shot. They've earned their prestige on the world stage."
"Prestige is sexy, and it's tough to get more prestigious than royalty."
"Art Basel is unquestionably the number one fair in the world."
"Imagine in ten years time being seen as a world elite because you own a Bitcoin."
"Undoubtedly will go down as one of the greatest prestiges we have ever made." - Rob Gronkowski
"We're Manchester United, we are a club that you should want to come to."
"Graduates from my school being Forbes backdrop, mic drop."
"Playing in it to many is a bigger honor than even playing in the pros."
"Holding a record in it is one of gaming's toughest accomplishments, ridiculous glitches and insane movements both requirements for a world record."
"What makes MasterChefs such a coveted title isn't a mystery."
"Welcome to the Oval Office! Oh, my goodness."
"It's the reason why they saying Undisputed versus Undisputed King versus King."
"No better way to do that than to get the prestige edition Teemo."
"There's a great amount of prestige with this title."
"The control of trade networks bestowed unimagined power and Prestige."
"The World Cup: the most prestigious tournament in football."
"Premier League's the best league, the richest league, and the best league in the world."
"I don't think anything gets cooler than Champion Golfer of the Year."
"Burgers are served in Michelin star restaurants."
"Army of guards that welcomed me every time I came back home."
"Life-changing money abounds, all the honor, all the privilege."
"The B-29 is everything you've been promised and the pilot who flies one has an enviable job: important, glamorous, and tough."
"Barcelona valued as the most valuable soccer team on planet earth."
"You can't argue that the Premier League's not been the best league in Europe for the last five years."
"Only true Champions have earned the right to call the lineal champion."
"I think in this type of a model... the teaching profession will become even more prestigious."
"Flying first class is the only way to travel. You get treated like royalty."
"When you make things easier, you take a piece of the magic away and it loses prestige."
"This is the number one flex phone out right now."
"Having that belt gives you the title of the champion, but whether I have the belt or not, headlining an event in Nigeria in Africa, the first one in Africa, who wouldn't watch that?"
"Martini is considered sort of the creme de la creme Jesuit of the 60s."
"I think that's what really peaked Jack Anderson's interest like you get special bragging rights in the Nixon White House because absolutely you had met."
"Both these organizations have an MSI and a World's trophy alone is truly incredible."
"Only the best swords are named, according to Ned Stark."
"Because when we have an opportunity to join elite institutions, we are so enormously flattered and pleased with ourselves that we do things that are irrational."
"It's a literal crown, it shows you're like proper rocket league royalty."
"This supercar collection is so amazing, he now has the manufacturers chasing him."
"Coming in at number one, the granddaddy of them all, if you guessed it, you probably guessed right, the American Express Platinum."
"It's almost as if he overshadowed Messi with that move because he came to the Prem."
"It's all gonna do is help build these purses up and make it a little more prestigious every weekend."
"Honestly, quality wise and prestige wise, this was my big treat for the year. He do be Ultra Oh maghen loose."
"This prestigious title, the most prestigious title in the UFC today."
"The Black Card, the Centurion card, is the most exclusive and prestigious credit card anywhere in the world."
"In a sport that's all about money, bragging rights are worth more than anything."
"I'm ready to restore a certain level of prestige."
"Shattuck St. Mary's is the finest hockey school in the country and has no signs of losing that title anytime soon."
"Winning a Grammy... it's so prestigious... it's like the highest accolade."
"You're going to receive a lot of protection with high honor."
"There's something special about Aston Martin."
"Ric Flair's hectic schedule touring the world and defending the title only made it the most sought after gold."
"Man United is supposed to be one of the best clubs in the world."
"A crowned victory royale... the ultimate flex emote."
"They want success and Prestige, not money. Setting the standard where you have to compete for the title every year."
"Prestigious worthy you must use per your parents with a metallic no shortage of the vimana Holloman Adama tomorrow."
"Pulse Dogecoin's goal is scarcity by owning some pulse Dogecoin that puts you among the most respected Elite crypto holders in the world."
"No victory more coveted than that of the Monaco Grand Prix."
"Defcon CTF is like the world series of ctfs it's the most challenging most competitive and it earns you the most bragging rights of any other CTF."
"Six grand it's nothing comparison to the trip to the World Finals the experience the bragging rights of being a Serial World finalist like we talked about just qualifying there you get an extra 20 grand in your pocket."
"I worked with Woody Allen. There was no higher career calling card."
"Yes, Harvard and Yale are pretty impressive, but they pale in comparison!"
"It's such an honor to be here tonight, that we all get to be in the same room as the most powerful man in the United States."
"I hold a place of prestige in my field."
"You have this golden aura about you; it gives you that high status sort of appearance."
"A European crown is certainly a trump card for bragging rights."
"Ferrari is a sought-after address at the moment, we're able to win anyone over."
"Range Rovers have a quality of making you feel like the king of the road."
"The Prestige of the conference was slowly rising through basketball."
"The FA Cup is the oldest tournament in world football and, domestically at least, arguably still the most prestigious."
"American Express is the elite service for people who want... everybody every single person I know who's ultra-successful has an American Express card."
"Leyland trucks and buses had established itself throughout the first half-century of motorized transportation as among the world's most prestigious builders of heavy vehicles."
"There are a few titles more prestigious in sports than that of the heavyweight champion of the world."
"...here's a cool piece of Shelby history right here 1968 GT500 KR for King of the Road."
"I'm Archie Vanderhold of the Vanderhold Dynasty. I'm invited to every auction."
"Christian says the belt is the most prestigious in this industry and after 12 years of working his ass off, he'll finally go down with the past legends who've held this belt."
"UA is the most famous and prestigious Hero School in Japan."
"Picture your cigars stored in this elegant 1908 Tiffany and Company equestrian humidor, exuding sophistication and style."
"The WWE title is, or at least should be, the most prestigious and sought after prize in the industry."
"Nothing brings prestige and value to a tournament and a title quite like long matches like this."
"The mummification process did not come cheap, so it became a status symbol for the rich and elite."
"That's what the US Open is right there."
"...the mansion's architectural presence on Fifth Avenue significantly influenced the Street's transformation into a prestigious address."
"The Daytona 200 - just saying those words conjure up memories of some of the greatest in motorcycle racing."
"The Prestige of the Daytona 200 is definitely back."
"Triple H has built the Intercontinental title up back to the prestige that it deserves plus some with one man, with one guy, one reign in Gunther."
"...the V8 6-speed R8 becomes a contender for legend status."
"If there's one race you want to win, it's this one."
"I mean, look at this. Sienna, as I say, a beautiful place. No matter what day, when it's a Ferrari tribute, Mille Miglia day, through the roof."
"So brag saw his opportunity to regain prestige among his fellow Kardashians and show up his Dominion allies."
"The US Open is golf's toughest test."
"The crown Prince's preference for private travel over commercial flights was evident when he extended the use of his private jet to Pakistan's prime minister Imran Khan, showcasing his generosity and penchant for luxurious travel."
"The Ford GT earns its place as America's champion."
"That makes this car feel significantly more special."
"The WPT title is very prestigious. I believe this is the top of the pinnacle and this is where everybody wants to be."
"...the luxurious company that made the bag Hermes wound up renaming the princess's tote in her honor."
"This isn't just to walk out here with a belt it's to walk out here with a belt that has 53 years of history behind it."
"One of the most highly customized, easily recognizable, and renowned superyachts ever built."
"The Queen has a box right on the side where she sits and watches the best in the world compete."
"The Gala became the jewel of New York City's social crown."
"What sets this Penthouse apart is its remarkable location within a pair of 310 meter skyscrapers these towers gracefully connected at both the ground and Summit create an awe-inspiring sight to behold."
"Prepared to be captivated by extraordinary views the opulent surroundings and the undeniable Prestige of this remarkable penthouse."
"...if you talk about something as something that the top stars seriously want to be involved in and want to win and you put the top stars in it... the people will take it seriously."
"Ultimately to me is kind of the ultimate sell because it is hubris right you have an Oscar-winning director, a star-studded Oscar-winning and nominated cast."
"There's a difference between a startup company with a little capital wanting you as a brand ambassador and Nike reaching out to you."
"I ain't never done no [ __ ] video, this ain't the area that we come from. Everybody didn't have a camera with a [ __ ] phone. A video was prestigious."
"...The Styling, the theater, the sense of occasion you get when you just open the door of a Ferrari."
"Having your office at the Statue of Liberty, that's just a good flex."
"Watches, more specifically Rolex watches, really aren't a bad investment."
"This specific 300 SL has driven in the race five times and this year once it's certified it'll have another one of these on here."
"Thoroughbred racing is the sport of Kings."
"It's the second most prestigious show in the world, and I always have absolutely the Columbus, Ohio one is huge."
"President Theodore Roosevelt stayed here. The emperor and empress of Japan stayed here at one point. This was a global destination, a place where you could come and enjoy the beauty of the wilderness with all the amenities of industrial America."
"The Harvard name and is only going to get you so far, so understand that prestige in itself only might get you some clout in school, whatever, it's not going to immediately just get you into some other IV League med school."
"It's a challenge and it's very prestigious to me."
"Burgundy, with its singular focus on benchmark grapes and single vineyard expression, is the ascendant model for prestige wine around the world."
"Aloxe Corton is one of the most prestigious names in Burgundy wines."
"Having a kid, you prestige. It's like starting over, but you get a little oak leaf cluster."
"Returning glamour and prestige to boxing's most storied division."
"The AEW World Title means less than half the other titles in the company right now."
"There's no doubt she's marrying the heir to the throne so there's all sorts of designers who are going to be desperate for her to be wearing their clothes."
"The world title is supposed to be the ultimate mark of prestige in wrestling, the symbol of excellence which tells the audience that whoever holds it is truly the best in the world."
"De Gaulle vowed he wouldn’t travel in any other car, and the car gained an overblown legendary status for its ability to survive almost any attack."
"Their collection becoming a symbol of their Prestige."
"We like to be recognized as the most exclusive island in the world."
"Harvard is readily believed to be the leading American educational institution with an endowment of thirty billion dollars."
"...this floating marvel of engineering have long been symbols of wealth and Prestige."
"Legends like Elvis Presley, Jack Nicholson, and Warren Bey graced The Mansions Halls."
"When it comes to high-end hypercars and super fast supercars, a few companies should come to mind first: Bugatti, Ferrari, Koenigsegg, and Pagani among others."
"These manufacturers have cemented themselves as the top dogs in the Supercar and hypercar space, extending to their wealthiest clientele the fastest, rarest, prettiest, and in this case, these are the 25 most expensive cars on the planet."
"Burley is the cream of the crop, top level event. It's my local five-star event, a real treat for me."
"Prestige likes the TBS version for this build because of how clean the injector plate is with its integrated fuel rails."
"Forsmark is poised to continue bringing Prestige and glory to Swedish strength Sports."
"I don't think any name in the Boating business has quite the same cachet or recognition as reader and behind me here is exactly that this is the new Riva 76 Paseo super."
"The most prestigious urban development in the life span of the city was the golden square mile."
"I think Hermes is the creme de la creme when it comes to products."
"Rashid has a prestigious academic pedigree."
"Eleanor brings prestige, together they're a match for anyone."
"I literally just chose clinical psychology because it's probably the most prestigious one so why not do that and then you know decide later."
"It did win the Nobel Prize so there you go."
"Let's be very clear, you have no idea what their jobs are actually like in real life and plenty of people with very prestigious jobs, like the fact that those jobs are prestigious is used as a reason to make those jobs terrible."
"I've been with girls that are a million times more prestigious than any of these, and they don't take four weeks of seeing them every other day minimum to do something."