
Civic Participation Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"If enough people turned up to vote... there's a very real chance of swinging the state in a different way."
"Every person's voice can be heard at the ballot box and that's something that everybody should be able to get behind."
"A hallmark of democracy is civic participation, which means let's all vote. I'm not telling you who to vote for, but please, in the midst of all that you've got going on, take the time to fill out a ballot."
"Americans need to stop sitting home on Election Day. We know what we want; we keep saying it in the polls, but unfortunately, only see the extremes showing up and voting."
"The place on Earth where Palestinians live the best life in terms of a quality of life perspective and as civic participant citizens is in Israel."
"Democracy upholds the idea that every citizen has the right to participate in shaping the decisions that affect their lives."
"The strength of our society is built by civic participation and intelligence. Those are the real weapons we have."
"In addition to that, there are now more decisions, more types of politics that you can get involved with, more detailed focus groups with people, and also entirely new situations."
"I value a functioning society. It makes me personally happy to know that I have a functioning society."
"If you put the same energy and imagination that you put into Facebook into the political process, I guarantee you there's nothing we can't solve."
"Voting is how we express our values and put people in positions of power."
"For me, a person's ability to vote is a say in their own future, however they choose to vote."
"Vote and make sure anyone that you know makes your family members that's of all of the things that you can do right now."
"I can't promise great things will happen if you take the census, but if you don't, I can promise these white people are going to use those low numbers to cheat you out of the schools, hospitals, and representation that should be yours."
"A good democracy has protection for minority values... So we should all believe in democracy. If you don't, you don't really have a right to this conversation."
"Individuals should act, not government. We need participation, we need activists."
"Unless we all go out and exercise our franchise, it's gonna get worse."
"We have to help them grow democracy by people believing in their country, by people respecting the new leadership."
"How in the world you're going to change something if you don't vote?"
"If we vote, we will win. If we don't vote, we will lose the country."
"What if your net payment in federal taxes is positive, that you actually have a federal tax, yeah, that you paid something. And you have a say. But if you don't, if you're a net recipient of tax money, okay, that may be the best standard."
"If we use our vote and we use our voice, we will win."
"The fact is that a range of people have been disenfranchised from participation."
"One man's dirty trick is another man's civic participation."
"That's encouraging. That number is encouraging. That tells you people are showing up, they're figuring out something matters, I should show up, I should care, I should be a part of a change."
"The way to continue our fight now... is to take our energy... and do all we can to help elect Barack Obama the next president."
"We have the power to reach a whole lot of people so this week for example our subscribers sent out are shared 180 million voter engagement messages."
"Our power is when we show up and when we are engaged."
"Every single vote counts, and the polls have not gotten it wrong."
"Imagine what would have happened if we hadn't won in Georgia. That's because people stepped up."
"Your participation and your spirit and your determination."
"Voter registration is going to be opened until December 5th. It's November 6 right now, so we have a month to go back in hit the ground running and start registering voters."
"The stability provided by a good paycheck and reliable benefits creates real freedom, actual freedom to make life choices and to participate as a full citizen in our democracy."
"There should be no question you need to be involved or you have no room to complain about the state of this state or the country."
"Don't ever let anybody tell you your vote doesn't matter."
"Get your early votes in. This isn't the time to make that fight."
"None of this happens without you. We the people are the difference makers."
"The success of our democracy depends on ordinary people's willingness to believe in our institutions."
"There's been an explosion of discussion about people getting up and getting engaged in politics."
"Democracy is where the citizens of a society make decisions about that society by voting."
"What you can do is vote. What you can do is run for office. That's how change happens in a democracy."
"We can still engage through the political process."
"We vote with everybody in mind. When black women go to the polls, we vote for everybody. You can trust our vote."
"This is the biggest and most important election. That is not hyperbole. I mean, that is what's happening here in less than a month. It's really a big deal."
"It's not supposed to be this challenging to participate in the system."
"I think it actually celebrates our democracy so well that literally anybody can run if they would like to."
"So please tell people how they can keep up with the cases you're working on so they will know what you would have them do moving forward to protect democracy in their own States."
"But whether it's get out to vote whatever your interests are but you got to become part of it and you got to help build it."
"If a congressman or senator gets a certain number of constituent calls, they hear about it and it does matter."
"It's over, and it's a great day for democracy."
"You turned out more and you saved America. Thank you."
"Voter turnout is sort of the only thing that's gonna protect the country."
"Black folk sitting this out is a political strategy."
"That's great, yep. That's what democracy looks like. It is. That's an amazing thing. That's the power of these things that people can do."
"We want any election to involve as many people as possible... it's their future and this country's future at stake." - Jeremy Corbyn
"Get out there and make sure that you're registered."
"Frederick Douglass: 'The ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box.'"
"That's how democracy works, and I thank you for doing the job."
"Democracy: where people participation is fundamental in every respect of governance."
"Making sure that we're encouraging people who should be in leadership positions to run for office."
"Thank you to everyone for voting, regardless of which party you voted for."
"I was at a get out the vote event over the weekend."
"If you had to pick one freedom that is most essential to the functioning of a democracy, it has to be freedom of speech."
"Trump is running as an American citizen essentially."
"Tomorrow's the day. You can go to vote.org to find out where you vote... Please do not miss the opportunity to make your voice heard in this very, very important election."
"You absolutely have to make your voice heard."
"One vote never makes a difference? Wrong. Elections often come down to whether the people who wonder if their vote matters actually show up or not."
"Democracy is sacred. Democracy means the people have a participatory role."
"Voting folks is not the most you can do, it is the least that you can do."
"Voting is a tool we use to get folks that will advance as many of our interests as possible for the greatest number of people."
"You're not voting in a national election, a statewide election."
"Voting is the most boring answer to how you fix these sort of challenges in the country, but it's actually the answer."
"Every American is part of this participatory constitutional republic."
"Voting is never a lost cause. People who believe it's a lost cause make it a lost cause. Don't get black-pilled, it does still work."
"Democrats play the long game... only American citizens shape our political landscape."
"I'm asking people to advocate. I'm asking for viewers who are Republican to advocate, I'm asking for people who are Democrats to advocate."
"It's up to all of us to get involved, not just watch the TV."
"Make sure you vote... that's really our only hope."
"So this is an emotional thing for us as Americans, the determination to vote, even as people try to make you not do it."
"Our power is to vote and make our voices heard."
"The joy of voting is being able to participate in civil society."
"There is no sitting this out... your elected representatives are either for our democracy or against it."
"The fight is grassroots, putting American citizens into school boards, into election boards."
"Vote for the thing that you think is going to make things better."
"Winning a Statewide election in Georgia is a signal to other black people that you two perhaps can vote in Georgia you can run."
"Real power should be wielded through the processes in a democracy consensus the will of the people."
"The only people who can make a democratic society happen are the people themselves."
"Unless you show up eventually they're going to take it over."
"Well, it's never gonna get fixed if you don't participate and make sure somebody is in power to fix it."
"Despite the violence yesterday from the police, those streets are still filling up with Canadians on foot."
"When you vote, then you get to actually have a voice in where resources are going to go, you have a voice in the development of policy."
"We've been employing a voter engagement strategy. We want to engage all the voters and use y'all's votes as currency in every race in this city."
"Inclusivity in jury service promotes citizen participation in government, legitimizes judgments of courts, and prevents further stigmatizing of racial minority groups in our society."
"More people in the United States go shopping in the days after Thanksgiving than who vote in presidential elections."
"This revolution is creating a new democracy. It has opened up great opportunities for the people to participate in making the decisions which affect their everyday lives and the future of their country."
"Go vote, it literally does matter."
"All the tools to solve all the problems we have are built into our constitution; it requires participation, it's a participation system."
"Public education is a public good to create citizens who can participate in this society."
"There's a civic revival... more women, more people of color running for office in the U.S. than ever."
"Citizens being empowered politically through initiative, referendum, recall."
"Politics is something everybody should aspire to be a part of."
"Health is a precondition for participation in a civic society."
"We need more contributions in our political lives, we need more competition, and we need more participation."
"We're encouraging all Australians to participate because the Constitution belongs to each and every Australian."
"The freedom of the press is one of the most important things in our country that allows us to participate meaningfully in what's happening here."