
War Crimes Quotes

There are 166 quotes

"There is no purgatory for war criminals; they go straight to hell, Ambassador."
"Launching a war of aggression is the supreme offense against international law, dwarfing all other war crimes because it contains the accumulated evil of the whole."
"There can be no justification for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide."
"It crossed a lot of lines for me. When you kill innocent children, innocent babies -- babies, little babies -- with a chemical gas that is so lethal -- people were shocked to hear what gas it was -- that crosses many, many lines, beyond a red line. Many, many lines."
"There is nothing that can justify or contextualize the barbaric acts of sexual violence that Hamas perpetrated on October 7th."
"War crimes: performing medical experiments without the subject's consent on prisoners of war and civilians of occupied countries, in the course of which experiments the defendants committed murders, brutalities, cruelties, tortures, atrocities, and other inhuman acts."
"Essentially, the SS and the German Army were given a free hand to murder, loot, and rape."
"Putin will never be able to cleanse the blood of Ukraine from his hands."
"There is growing evidence of war crimes committed by Russia and Ukraine."
"We know how to deal with war criminals." - Noam Chomsky
"Former Japanese Prime Minister Hideki Tojo was convicted of war crimes and sentenced to death in 1948 for his role in masterminding the attack on Pearl Harbor."
"Russia deliberately cut the internet and cut the power so that nobody would see their crimes."
"Unit 731 conducted tests on human beings who were dehumanized."
"Prosecuting a journalist for revealing war crimes is absurd when the war criminals walk free." - Marianne Williamson
"When I heard that Adolf Eichmann was finally captured and being brought to justice I was of course very glad."
"This is a freedom of the press issue and reporting on war crimes should not get you in trouble with the federal government."
"According to the New York Times, the Pentagon blocked sharing evidence of possible Russian war crimes."
"The US is saying, 'We've seen evidence of Russia's war crimes but we can't turn them over.'"
"Attacks on civilians like this they do commit they do constitute excuse me they do constitute war crimes."
"We are witnessing atrocities of unimaginable proportions, including the targeting of that maternity and children's hospital."
"It's not just killing, people are being castrated, raped, tortured."
"For all that von Manstein attempted to exonerate himself and his fellow generals, he was just as complicit in the crimes of the Third Reich as many of the Nazi leaders."
"The Nazis may be the all-time champions in general crimes against humanity."
"The Empire of Japan had a relatively short history, but it made itself infamous during those decades."
"Japan gained a reputation for mass killings of prisoners of war, forced labor, beatings, and most infamously - human experiments."
"But what truly earns them the top spot is their treatment of prisoners of war."
"If you consider what Russia has done, is killed Ukrainian civilians and bombed cities with no military objective, necessarily, except to devastate the cities and then walk in and take them over."
"President Biden also calling Putin a war criminal today."
"War crimes shall be punished, if evil is not punished it will come back."
"The siege is a war crime of a grand scale which dwarfs the war parts."
"They'll kill babies, they'll execute women, they take passports and tear them."
"She got tortured by the American military for revealing information about their war crimes."
"What he did was wrong. It was against the Geneva Convention, it was against the laws of war, it's immoral, it was unnecessary, and it was completely wrong."
"Why hasn't the Russian President Vladimir Putin been charged with war crimes?"
"The aggressive war unleashed by Putin against Ukraine... is not only a crime against the Ukrainian people but also perhaps the most serious crime against the people of Russia." - Boris Bondarev
"Russia has no right killing civilians, demolishing infrastructure, attacking independent countries."
"The targeting of civilians... is a war crime." - British Foreign Office Minister addressing Russian actions in Ukraine.
"Also, the Ukrainian military, I guess that might have been the Nazis, the Azov battalion, they were shooting Russian prisoners of war and then letting them bleed out and also torturing them."
"Zelensky accused Putin of war crimes and said Ukrainians will not be broken."
"This is a humanitarian disaster and it's also in my view a war crime."
"This isn't about saving Julian Assange, this is about saving democracy. It's about saving journalism. This is about ending war crimes." - Jimmy Dore
"For the first time in history, mankind had industrialized mass murder."
"By the end of this... these guys were taking naked pregnant women out into the middle of fields and shooting them in the back of the head."
"The Western media claimed that Russian soldiers were going around executing locals before leaving the area."
"Aggressive war is a crime and nothing excuses it."
"The end results of it, constitute one of the foremost crimes ever committed by human beings."
"Himmler quite clearly states, that the Nazi state is actively conducting a genocidal mass murder of Europe’s Jews at camps such as Auschwitz."
"Much as he had done when questioned at trial, at both Nuremberg and in Warsaw, Höss made no effort to disguise the truth of what had occurred at Auschwitz and his role in it."
"As a mother, I know a number of you are mothers yourself. It is horrifying to see the barbaric use of military force to go after innocent civilians."
"The Russians aren't like 'we must have Revenge.' We got names of people who have committed war crimes and we're going to have justice."
"Putin is also known to have committed several crimes including war crimes and he will very certainly be tried."
"Anybody who's involved in facilitating the targeting of American-provided weapons is likewise complicit in a war crime."
"Contrary to Kremlin lies, Russian forces are indiscriminately targeting civilian infrastructure with the striking Bilohorika, the latest atrocity."
"They targeted the hospital, executed patients on their beds, and arrested medical staff."
"Russian war crimes in Ukraine include targeting civilians all across the country."
"Recognizing that Russia has committed war crimes on the territory of Ukraine."
"Putin is a war criminal and his regime must go."
"They alone were responsible for the death of 1.5 million Jews, 34,000 of them in a massacre at Baba Yar in Ukraine."
"Eventually those who had been his victims at the concentration camp were going to speak his name and point him out..."
"This is truly a military provocation, a war crime against peaceful civilians."
"Here's where the British could legitimately be charged with war crimes because they are deliberately undertaking an action that they know will result in unnecessary exposure of risk to a civilian population."
"Dr. Ishii and his team carried out horrific experiments on people who had been deemed disposable by the Japanese military, such as Chinese, Korean, and Russian prisoners of war."
"Those responsible for atrocities would be judged for their actions."
"Trump is weak because he doesn't want to commit war crimes."
"People were intrigued by his success in getting Nazi criminals to confess."
"To everybody, what the Russians did has got to be regarded as unacceptable."
"It's hard to disagree with the statement saying that Putin is a war criminal."
"It is a war crime to intentionally target civilian areas and that is happening."
"How did a revered fighter pilot of the first World War become a psychopathic war criminal in the second?"
"Biden orders U.S to share Russian war crimes evidence with the international criminal court."
"In these circumstances, it looks like war crimes were committed."
"We are talking about war crimes that are certainly comparable to Nazi war crimes."
"Ilhan Omar a progressive Democrat she called out Elliot Abrams to his face and pointed out his history of involvement in war crimes and genocide."
"I've never seen it in any other part of the world where you deliberately attack a hospital or university."
"I want to put people who commit war crimes in jail."
"You can't have this conversation without acknowledging first the victims, the atrocities that were committed by people who were following my father's orders."
"The fleeing Germans continued to kill civilians and set fires."
"We see war crimes on a daily basis... children coming in here blown to pieces."
"If the US ceased all war crimes what would we do all day?"
"Bush and Cheney should be prosecuted for war crimes for slaughtering innocence for leading the American Military into an unjust War."
"It's just more evidence of the Russians committing war crimes like they usually do."
"Everything will be different as a direct result of his crimes as well as the numerous war crimes he committed."
"I think it's like an unpleasant truth that your appearance as a woman does affect how you're perceived and how you're treated in the workplace."
"It's about actual war crimes, torture, and corruption that were revealed by Chelsea Manning."
"These blackouts are more than just blackouts; they are war crimes. These are direct attacks on civilians."
"So many war crimes to be had in this game, it's lovely, it genuinely is."
"The SS stripped concentration camp victims of an estimated $70 million worth of gold teeth and jewelry."
"Barbie was found guilty of war crimes and sentenced to life imprisonment."
"After his capture by the British in 1945 zaner tried to use the secrets that he had learned while in intelligence to delay or even to avoid prosecution for war crimes."
"When people perpetrate war crimes, the most important thing is that they are held accountable for it."
"Apparently cooking enemy troops and civilians alive was a bit too much even for the Empire."
"At the end of the Second World War, there are a series of executions of Nazi war criminals that captivated the world."
"...he was a war criminal and he got off lightly okay like a lot of German commanders he came up short in humanity Wars bad enough without it he had hostages shot a lot of other things because of the time."
"Ah, did we mention the war crimes? There are war crimes, there's a war crime chart, there's a war crime score"
"Remarkably few Japanese responsible for the actual murders were ever tried, with most of the convictions and/or imprisonments or executions of those Japanese officers guilty of breaches of command responsibility being that they had failed to control their men."
"Good times and war crimes go hand in hand in games."
"Cochrane was a man for whom the term war crimes was something that happened to other people."
"At least 3,000 men, women, and children were subjected to unholy experimentation conducted at Unit 731."
"According to the international Committee of the Red Cross study on customary International humanitarian law states must investigate war crimes allegedly committed on their territory and if appropriate prosecute the suspects."
"For the unspeakable horrors he unleashed across Europe, Himmler trumps all his rivals in Hitler's Most Wanted."
"Why is it special forces around the world, Australia, the US, the UK, especially facing some of the most gruesome allegations of war crimes?"
"It's never a war crime the first time. But good times rhymes with war crimes eventually."
"If necessary, every last Nazi war criminal, however old, however infirm, however they are suffering from dementia or anything else, should be carried into a court of law to face their heinous crimes."
"For many months, we’ve seen the relentless Japanese forces achieve tremendous feats of conquest but also commit horrendous war crimes against innocent people."
"Sanctions will be lifted until war criminals brought to justice."
"Those that commit war crimes in Ukraine will be held accountable and will be brought to justice."
"It is committed heinous war crimes and the right and only response to that is for Russia to withdraw its forces from Ukraine."
"The ICC has issued two warrants of arrest... for the alleged war crimes of deportation of children."
"To excuse or justify war crimes strips both the victims and perpetrators of their humanity."
"Both of these are war crimes, and you shouldn't be doing them when conducting a war."
"The worst of everything was Dachau. The concentration camp was much worse than anything I'd ever seen in war."
"Committed to the cause of seeing justice done against Nazi war criminals."
"The sheer brutality of Russia's invasion, the appalling crimes that were uncovered."
"I haven't seen any evidence in either cases that domestic courts can and will prosecute alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity."
"Accountability for war crimes is essential."
"The targeting of civilians in armed conflicts is in violation of international humanitarian law and Geneva conventions."
"I set up a special unit in the Department of Justice to root out Nazi war criminals who may be in hiding in the United States."
"The site of bodies lying on streets unburied in Mariupol is credible evidence that Russia is guilty of war crimes."
"For centuries, the capitalists have behaved like real war criminals in the underdeveloped world."
"The reality of what the Nazis did is a shock to the senses."
"Blowing the whistle on war crimes should not be a crime."
"News of the SS war crimes made its way through American ranks and steeled the resolve of many GIs to stand and fight."
"We began collecting evidence of war crimes committed by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups and by Israeli security forces."
"Following the Second World War, a number of war crimes trials took place in which the perpetrators of the horrors of the conflict were brought to justice."
"Civilians were exterminated, fired upon, used as human shields, or intentionally deprived of food."
"War crimes don't stop being war crimes when your allies commit them."
"This is not war, this is not even murder, this is purely a crime."
"We cannot lose sight of the ongoing work to bring the perpetrators of war crimes to justice."
"Every civilian death, every war crime, will be recorded, and we will ensure that the perpetrators of these heinous crimes are held accountable and brought to justice."