
Visionary Leadership Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Paint a vision of the new future, that's accessible, people can imagine themselves in that role, they can see themselves in that new future."
"Bill Gates founded Microsoft because he knew where the computer market was going."
"Steve Jobs was one of the greatest visionaries this world has ever seen."
"Having a clear and powerful vision that they wake up with every day and is their motivation is so important."
"The Prophet Joseph Smith saw the whole big picture, but he only got to implement the very little part of it."
"He's the prophet. I mean he's, he's a true prophet visionary."
"He's not just a visionary with visions" - Jeff Bezos's meticulous approach to building Amazon.
"To be a true visionary, you need to have a very clear goal in mind. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had the greatest mission known to mankind."
"A ruler ahead of his time: Frederick's reforms laid the groundwork for a prosperous Prussia."
"Frederick's Prussia: A testament to his vision and leadership."
"Believe in yourself. Believe in your vision. Get people coming together, and the structures start to form."
"Where are the visionaries in this damn world?"
"Why are you building a new India if not for the young?"
"Driven by fearless men and women who dreamt big and shaped the country we live in today."
"This is an exciting day but boy, let's not lose sight of connecting a vision to bold policy."
"We need visionaries and dreamers to guide us."
"The merging with Tangen may not only just save the world world but will also save the world exactly how ghetto wanted it to be saved."
"The brilliance of this inaugural class and its leaders is the ability to see what can be unburdened by what has been and then to make it real."
"There's nothing that's going to stand in the way of Egypt's dream."
"My vision and for the future dr. Muhammad's vision as well is is a true Kingdom for black people."
"My vision is not just making modest changes around the edge, it is transforming American society."
"Dany talks about making the world better, and breaking the wheel."
"It was an important and necessary step towards building a better world."
"If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea."
"Innovation drives progress: Rockefeller was a visionary who revolutionized the oil industry."
"Our visions have to be bigger than 'let's lock them up.'"
"We're building a legacy that is prepared to last for centuries."
"I think he was ahead of his time, I think he had lots of vision."
"Gates is hailed as a visionary who is leveraging that wealth and power for the greater good of humanity."
"Many were treated with derision by contemporaries who considered the vision of their proponents’ to be delusional."
"We need a vision, we need action, we need to do things which make changes."
"We had a Black Swan event of sorts which is Elon Musk and SpaceX... 'I have a plan to colonize Mars, I'm gonna build essentially a railroad to this planet so that we can colonize it.'"
"Garvey's approach... expose people to larger vision."
"In many ways, Charney was a visionary in retail."
"Good leaders are strong... but also visionaries."
"Every great person in history understood that they had to be defined by a vision of the future."
"We may not see the promised land, but we have the responsibility to plant those seeds."
"Share your vision for the future with everyone."
"Honestly dude, think about it this way: imagine like investing in apple when Steve Jobs is a [ __ ] nobody."
"Mo believes that his dynasty will rise as a grand new bloody society that will replace the current order."
"People don't know what they want until he gives it to them."
"The purpose of the vision is to mobilize the forces of change in the right direction."
"Elon Musk's ambitions go beyond Starbase with the desire to make Starship a common mode of transportation around the world."
"He saw the future of this country and he saw the government of for and by the people, you know, would not perish from the earth."
"Are you willing to lay everything on the line to stand for the greater good of the new Earth?"
"The commitment to the future of humanity... doing it the best that I've seen."
"Societal breakdown and societal building. That's what I'm trying to build. I'm sorry, that's what I am building."
"Disney envisioned Epcot as a living, breathing Community."
"I would say you need a poet and a Visionary."
"The realization of that vision is going to be his most important legacy."
"Welcome to Libertad, Danny. I have a vision to rebuild paradise."
"Showing people a better world by actively making it."
"We must carry on Xavier's vision. Oh, world, unite!"
"Tesla's companies exist because he cares enough to make our lives better."
"When you're changing the world, you can do whatever you want."
"My goal being to unite all of the continent into a new United States of South America."
"America needs a leader who can prioritize these fundamental needs, one who can rise above petty politics and see the larger picture."
"Elon Musk remains restless, driven by an insatiable hunger for progress."
"It's who has vision...understanding consumer...historical trends and pattern recognition."
"A vision is when frustration with what is creates passion for what could be."
"Look, Star Wars, I do believe that Kathleen Kennedy has one thing right and I can't believe I'm about to say this: Kathleen Kennedy has this... vision that Star Wars can be for everybody."
"A vision should include a principle for the head and a picture for the heart."
"Where there is no vision, the people perish." - Proverbs 29:18
"In this age of technological wonder, Elon Musk stands as a guide, encouraging us all to envision a future where AI elevates us beyond imagination."
"Elon Musk became the richest man on earth because he got to a point in his career where he said I'm no longer looking for a job I'm looking to build an institution."
"I need optic to outgrow me. I want my great-grandchildren to say, you know what's crazy, my great-grandfather built that thing they were watching."
"It feels like Jack Dorsey is very long-visioned, you know, kind of, he has a strong moral compass, very principled."
"Where there is vision, the people follow, and what is being provided to us now, continentally and globally as black people, is a vision."
"Vision is your compass. Without a vision, the people perish."
"This is our Sputnik moment said our mayor who fades in and out of this plane of existence like when Kennedy said we're going to put a man on the moon let's bring on the scanners first."
"But if you're trying to be that run-away slave who, at the end of time, history has shown that that run-away slave was the greatest visionary on the plantation, right?"
"His dream of creating an equal Saint-Domingue may have failed, but it was a noble dream all the same."
"I think it's visionary of Jack Dorsey to even entertain the notion."
"The massive initial SN ships will be a little higher and the ISP a little low but over time it'll be around 150 tons to low-earth orbit while being fully reusable." - Elon Musk
"It moved well for four hours, man. So that just tells me that he really did have a vision ahead of time."
"What Margaret was offering was a way of bringing a failing country into the 21st century."
"He gave them a vision, he motivated him until these people became the best of creation."
"Akbar the Great: a visionary leader who expanded borders and minds."
"We can meet our destiny to build a land here that will be for all mankind, a shining city on a hill."
"Elon Musk is ahead of his time, empowering the generations to come."
"Young people want Vision, a strong Vision, they want to be challenged, they want a crusade."
"The world needs more people like Elon who are willing to push the envelope and invest in crazy ideas."
"Every car that we make is a step in the direction of a sustainable future." - Elon Musk
"Legendary Kathy Wood was able to identify and invest in Tesla... unquestionably considered the holy grail when it comes to EV companies."
"Politics is about convincing people that a vision of their lives can be different."
"Ben Gurion understood the potential of the desert."
"Our founding fathers bless them had a really really good crystal ball."
"If I had to pick one dream team CEO leader of my company that I was trying to invest in and starting from scratch it would be Elon Musk."
"When I'm at my best, it's always with a vision."
"Anything God wants to get done in the earth, he's going to give vision."
"He was about to help create a vision of the Utopia that free-market capitalism would build in America."
"You needed somebody like Musk who is independently wealthy enough, has a vision, and has the smarts and business sense to get it done."
"I've laid out a very clear, compelling vision for the future of the city."
"God gives us a vision and He calls us to walk in obedience and He gives us the details along the way."
"The vision comes from those real struggles... it has to build on the experience that we're in right now."
"If his vision is big, stick to the vision and don't doubt it."
"He saw beyond private pain to the issue of social justice."
"He put all his chips on the table if he believed in what he was doing, no incrementalist, right?"
"The nation attained wealth through its visionary leaders, productive citizens, seaports, and strong reserves."
"What we need now is pragmatic governments with a sense of vision and a belief in the Brotherhood of Man."
"We need a bold vision, universal pre-k, and universal health care, unleashing millions of new jobs in the clean energy economy."
"It's just incredible to think that while he was having to deal with all of the hardship of civil war, he's simultaneously giving birth to this dream, this dream of the transcontinental railroad."
"Every look from this collection makes me realize more and more that we need a true visionary to take over the house of Versace."
"Vision isn't drawn out of the sky; maybe vision is drawn out of what's missing."
"You need a Visionary, someone who can think big, see the long big picture, who knows why we're doing it, where we're going."
"Excellence defines that Paragons with their visionary thinking should honor everyone in the world with the highest respect."
"He is going to be the one that brings humanity what we've always looked for."
"You know how to lead people to the promised land."
"Leadership is about taking people oftentimes to a place that they never even knew existed."
"She had a vision of a new style of monarchy that reached out and embraced people."
"I only regret that I will not be able to see the new world you create with my own two eyes."
"She was a visionary, she was strong, she certainly had the courage of her convictions."