
Administration Quotes

There are 542 quotes

"Now, President Biden and VP Harris have promised to make racial equity a focal point of the administration. He's nominated the most diverse cabinet in history."
"Funds are not going to be an issue. Congress will make sure the administration has the funds."
"As per my previous tablet: Four thousand years ago, a Babylonian administrator wrote a complaint on a cuneiform tablet."
"One of the changes in the guidance from the Obama administration to the Trump administration is that President Trump's executive order prioritizes the removal of those who entered illegally."
"This current administration had made hope possible."
"An army conquers, but an administration rules."
"In a world optimized for administration, everything that cannot be classified as permitted onscreen is a crime."
"Democrats can't look and hear these stories without realizing what a disaster this administration has brought onto this country."
"One of the new things in this administration, if you don't know the answer, don't guess. Just say you don't know the answer."
"One of the new things in this administration is, if you don't know the answer, don't guess. Just say you don't know the answer."
"America and the Biden Administration, like the Trump Administration before it, and the Obama Administration before that, and the Bush Administration before that, all executed it in different ways...they all want to make America strong, they all want to make America wealthy."
"Those specifics are damning enough. The overarching reality is this administration repeatedly insists you are entitled to your own facts."
"We've seen presidents who have dissembled occasionally. We've seen administrations that have lied. But we've never seen it on the scale and consistency of this administration."
"The President is committed to building an America that is more inclusive, more just, and more accessible for every American, including Americans with disabilities and their families."
"Standing committees are basically always there, from administration to administration."
"Biden blames everything on the communication effort."
"This administration has to be the most dysfunctional, corrupt, ridiculous administration right off the bat."
"Things have changed a lot for the better under the Modi Administration."
"The reality is that there are serious reforms that have to be done at the FDA, and this administration is not going to do it."
"Everybody's putting the blame on this administration, but I would say hey, where was the Reagan administration, where was the George H.W. administration, where was the George W. administration, where was the Trump administration?"
"So where are we going wrong here? Our teachers have a hard enough job as it is without getting this kind of crap from their own administration."
"Buckingham Palace continues to be the center of administration for the British Monarchy."
"This is what we have here is this tech exec who wanted a job in the Hillary administration."
"This is radical and it's a shift from literally any previous administration in US history."
"Politicians are basically administrators, not kings."
"His father praised the Trump administration."
"I would be shocked if we get through four years of a democratic administration without at least a new war."
"The president's leadership has made the difference here."
"The Biden White House's secrecy in this matter is alarming."
"That is not -- we have 700 school districts. None of those 700 can say I'm opening on August 1st."
"No administration has been tougher on China than this administration."
"The president and his entire administration are continuing to engage closely."
"All agencies have been directed to identify and cancel contracts related to critical race theory."
"I do think it's worthwhile emphasizing all of these voices coming from within the administration."
"My gift my super gift is Administration I have the gift of administration I fully have tapped into it accepted it and completely embraced it which is why I'm experiencing the benefits of abundance 24 7 in the financial Matrix."
"My administration lives by two simple rules: Buy American and Hire American."
"I never thought in the first hundred days that more damage could be done in 100 days by this administration than in four years."
"My administration agreed to lift those tariffs."
"It's a major domestic debacle. It's probably the worst debacle so far of the Biden administration."
"Nobody has done more in three and a half years than this administration has done."
"We need an administration that comes in with a game plan."
"No administration, none, no administration first three and a half years has done anywhere near what we've done."
"This is an inept, one of the most pathetic administrations we have ever seen."
"We must continue to cut through every piece of red tape."
"I think a lot of us have believed that the Biden Administration has been blowing it on a lot of fronts."
"We had the best numbers in recorded history."
"They were removed and we had people that were executing the elections and collecting ballots that were not under the Constitution."
"One good thing about the Biden administration is the restoration of trust is happening already and it's happening much faster than I even anticipated."
"We need to be truthful about everything, especially at the administration level."
"But I find Richard Grenell's views disgusting, I find the way he's propped up the Trump administration with lies absolutely immoral."
"We have no evidence whatsoever that this administration knows what the hell it's doing."
"School administrators, what is going on? Nebraska Department of Education, what is going on? State Board of Education, what's going on?"
"America is really ready for a boring administrator, somebody who just gets stuff done."
"There are some things that are slowly happening with the Biden administration." - Latoya McBean
"Their focus, according to him should be on DACA." - Latoya McBean
"We're going to become an increasingly transparent government."
"At the same time, we don't know who is in this admin."
"I think there's a lot of people in this administration that seem like super nuts." - Kathy Griffin
"What a difference a day makes." - Contrasting approaches of outgoing and incoming U.S. administrations.
"Breaking news today on Seculo: The Biden administration was warned of Afghanistan collapse back in July."
"Mitch McConnell single-handedly stopped the Obama Administration from destroying the country more than Obama did at the time."
"It's been a hallmark of the administration that frankly deserves more attention."
"We accomplished more than any administration."
"Politics cannot be allowed to impact the administration of justice."
"Under this administration, they would say much more than the last that our officers have discretion."
"Entering administration is rarely a good sign for any football club, but it is a particularly perilous situation for a French football club."
"Biden didn't have a learning curve... he knows how a White House should function."
"I think most listeners might think you were describing the Trump Administration."
"No president or administration has done more in the first three and a half years than the Trump administration."
"It's important that there be this commitment to transparency by the administration generally."
"There's never been an administration that has done in the first three and a half years what we've done, never."
"This administration has become an erratic, helter-skelter, get nothing done administration." - Chuck Schumer's critique of Trump's governance.
"We need to connect you to a bunch of departments."
"Trump is starting to create an administration that is solely designed around guarding him personally and guarding his ego personally, and that's not how things are going to get done for people who want things to get done."
"We've done more to secure the border than any Administration in the history of our country."
"Science will always guide my administration." - Joe Biden
"Pharma instructed medics to administer the drug to all patients."
"News about the inner workings of Trump's administration became public knowledge."
"Shame on the Trump administration for doing this."
"This is a real rebuke of the Biden administration."
"From day one this administration has been working to make sure that we take care of the most vulnerable in this country."
"He was an executive administrator of genocide."
"With today's order, my administration is taking one more vital step in a series of actions to deliver great healthcare for the American people."
"This will go down as the defining moment of the Biden administration."
"To tell the story of Rees ap Thomas, the story that's been hidden for centuries. Rees ap Thomas, a swashbuckling hero in terms of soldiery, he was quite a fine administrator, he was a wheeler-dealer, an extremely remarkable man."
"We need to know the next available invoice number."
"Democrats want to portray the Trump administration as cruel and inhumane."
"We instituted something that the last Administration got rid of."
"The admin, that kind of story is like creating the world just like God would, I guess."
"These are acts of aggression and hostility aimed at America. No American president has ever explicitly declared war on his own population, and yet, for the Biden administration, it is a near weekly occurrence."
"This administration, you know, whether you like them, hate them, whatever, they're really about what's right for the country."
"Representation does matter. You hear us. You hear us say this often in this administration."
"I think that's really the kind of administration America needs right now."
"It's obvious, it's not even close. This new administration is underperforming."
"At least someone had common sense, courage, and compassion. It's too bad these characteristics were absent among school administrators."
"Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao has resigned from the Trump administration."
"Every administration has dealt with ebbs and flows, but this is an unmitigated crisis."
"they bought that crime was a big problem they bought that open borders were not something we wanted and they certainly bought that the Biden Administration was headed on the wrong track with the economy."
"Everything the Biden Administration is doing is exacerbating the economic crisis."
"How you are prescribed and administered the medication is more important than which medication that you're receiving."
"The Space Force absolutely has the full support of the Biden administration."
"Administration is like the frontline of the next chapter of every move of God."
"Donald Trump's administration is turning America into a government of the worst people."
"The War on Drugs was winding down under the two terms of President Barack Obama."
"Each year under the Biden Harris Administration we see violent crime rates Nationwide have gone down."
"It's a glaring Spotlight on the Biden administration's mishandling of the Border crisis."
"Is the Biden administration just out of touch with the crisis at our southern border?"
"Kids should feel safe. And that's why this President has focused on safety and security as a big part of the priorities of this administration."
"Thank you for joining me. If you have advice on how on Earth we are supposed to administer what is now the restored alien white gold Tower, I'm all ears."
"Newton Knight was given work in the Reconstruction administration."
"That's the sort of badassery you get to do as a high-rank admin."
"Joe Biden sat down with public broadcasting inside of some empty warehouse which is an apt metaphor for the man's administration."
"That's a sacred number, I want you to remember that, that's a sacred number. He's a deeply spiritual man, ninth time since the beginning of 2020 and it's the 48th time that we've broken records during the Trump administration."
"House Republicans remain focused on providing critical checks and oversight on the Biden Administration."
"It’s sort of par for the course for the Trump administration at this point."
"Even when the truth is on the record, there's video evidence, there's pictures and you can see it for yourself this administration will look at you straight in the face straight in the eyes and tell you that you are not seeing what you're seeing."
"No administration has accomplished probably you could say this with absolute surety in the first two years anywhere near what we've accomplished."
"This is a wholesale rejection of the Biden agenda."
"As people's roles in the White House change, so should their access."
"Jared Kushner did more damage to the presidency and the Trump agenda during his four-year reign of error at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue than anyone."
"But there have been members of Congress including Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez who are doing what they can at least to apply pressure so Biden doesn't go with someone like Reed and his administration."
"My school majorly effed up with handling my medical requirements, resulting in a lawsuit that cost the head administrators their jobs."
"Always make sure that your administrator is connecting to your FortiGate through a trusted host."
"The sudo command temporarily elevates privileges allowing users to complete sensitive tasks without logging in as the root user."
"With gas prices being so high, the current Administration is working to bring down those prices and protect consumers from price gouging of gasoline."
"The African-American median net worth has increased 60% under the Biden-Harris Administration."
"Under a Trump administration, gasoline fired engines will be allowed."
"The vast administrative effort of building these tombs over the next centuries required a fundamental restructuring of Egyptian government."
"You want to make sure when you get to the hospital you're pre-registered."
"I'm going to show you how to create an automation that will help you deal with the admin internally too."
"George Washington was determined that the U.S. government's administration of Indian Affairs shall be directed entirely by the great principles of justice and humanity."
"Power BI Administration is the management of a Power BI tenant, including the configuration of governance policies, usage monitoring, and provisioning of licenses."
"Imagine the administrative assistant for marketing on the fifth floor winning a ticket only to find out she had to pay for everything."
"Group Policy gives me more than 3000 settings that I can use to manage computer accounts and user accounts."
"The labor government of 45 to 51 was a great reforming administration."
"He set up the system of prefects in departments."
"The administration's revenue drive is on track to deliver outstanding results."
"The pure form of bureaucratic administration is what Weber called monocratic."
"...it increases performance and is more secure and administrator can grant permission to a user or an application to use a stored procedure."
"A Linux administrator downloading an updated version of her Linux distribution the download site shows a link to the ISO and a SHA 256 hash value."
"It's a must-read, not only for policy experts, but for folks if we do have a new administration. It's really important that they look at this and they think about it."
"These are the people who run government from administration to administration."
"The president did get rid of 'team normal'."
"The internet got more advanced but as things get bigger and larger, that sort of system of loose Administration really doesn't hold."
"It's time we reinvested in art, no matter what the administration says."
"Azure SQL Database is near zero administration, right, because Microsoft is doing the scaling for you, the backups, the disaster recovery, patching your operating system, patching your software."
"For example, a tablet of glyceryl trinitrate, right? You just put it in the oral cavity under the tongue."
"So, do I want him to be an administrator of any kind? Again, for the purpose of this demo, he's just a user."
"These were legitimately how the NWA president at the time notified the NWA members."
"More than 95 percent of the time, everything will be done from Active Directory Users and Computers."
"The biggest challenge for firewall administrators is figuring out where traffic is coming from, where traffic is going to, and then what that traffic happens to be."
"Now that I have my Jenkins up and running, a few jobs that have been put up here on my Jenkins instance, I would need a way of controlling access to my Jenkins server."
"The Trump White House was washed in speed and Xanax during it."
"No one ever challenged my ability as an administrator or casino operator."
"Colonization pretends... what we are doing is to create an Administration."
"Sysadmins, the unsung heroes of an organization, constantly fighting to prevent IT disasters from happening."
"Wealth is something that at best is loaned to us. It is something that for a little time we are able to administer."
"It just dawned on me that it was really depressing to see the blatant racism and hate coming from this particular administration."
"And which payroll form do you file? So almost everyone does the 941."
"So let's take a quick look at what we've got. So we will move over and go to localhost and we will look at our admin interface."
"In Microsoft Teams admin center, tenant admins can view real-time usage analytics for live events."
"We need more great administrators of any gender or ethnic group, and God knows we don't have enough black great administrators!"
"The UK has what is known as devolved administrations."
"This led to a massive boost in support for the Obama administration, and he and VP Joe Biden were handily re-elected in 2012."
"I'd like you to take over the Veterans Administration like I would like you to take over the parks Administration like I want people with a motor who uh who can go out and make some like hay while the Sun's shining so just sort of you know"
"A cure-all should act like poison. That's my theory at least. The hard part will be keeping her still long enough to administer the potion."
"Well, sometimes I don't really like the business parts of running a business. Taxes, payroll, spreadsheets, all that stuff, bleh."
"Can we make it better? That's the overall theme I hear in this administration."
"On average, the administration pays $2,614 for each minute the president is on the road, flying, or anywhere outside the Oval Office."
"I'm not worried about the cuts, I'm worried about the deep corruption of our public administration."
"This is astonishingly big and Roman even the administrators would be local people in the higher Rome."
"All of the best admins, developers, architects, business analysts were first admins."
"Understanding how to create and assign page layouts, record types, and business processes is essential for admins."
"This Administration is committed to transparency, justice, and the rule of law."
"You will find an administration that is ready and willing to put their shoulder behind the wheel to actually get it done."
"This is how we will first control who has access and restricting the access to the pages."
"It was a Haldeman operation, the whole business was run by Haldeman."
"The sudoers file defines who can use sudo, the command that grants superpowers."
"So you've noticed that for all of these things that I've been doing I've been just using a regular administrator login which comes with domain."
"The capsules also have a delayed release technology so it reaches your colon not your stomach."
"I have the consolation to reflect that during my administration, we did not fire a single bullet, we did not drop a single bomb, and we did not launch a single missile. So, we had an administration without any wars."
"Writing seems to have come into existence in order to facilitate administration."
"So as I've mentioned as well as creating and managing users you might also want to add a user or provide a user with admin role permissions."
"Medications are injected into the bulkiest part of the vastus lateralis thigh muscle."
"IV ketamine is 100% bioavailable because every milligram of ketamine that goes into this tubing that goes into your vein will reach your brain."
"So much is owed to that rare combination of fine administration and extraordinary human endeavor."
"Autonomous Database allows you to innovate more by refocusing talent on new projects instead of administration."
"If you happen as a network administrator to be fortunate enough to be right there on the switch where you think the traffic is coming in that you want to monitor, you can do span."
"There's a general overview of the most common IT infrastructure services you'll encounter when handling system administration tasks."
"So having a good understanding of Kusto and how to work with it in the most kind of basic form is something that every admin should know."
"Enterprise Admins are administrators of the Active Directory domain and have permission to make changes that affect other domains in a multi-domain forest."
"As a systems administrator or IT support specialist, you might also be a domain admin or enterprise admin because of the power that gives you to make changes in Active Directory."
"In an ICE deployment, there are four pillars for device administration."
"so in terms of the administration and customization and optimization options let's just squeeze that diagram up a little bit and I'm going to talk talk to you a little bit about what we can do here to kind of customize this configuration"
"Manage all your domain and billing settings in one place."
"So, this will save time when it comes to paying your employees individually, and you can see we've got the option for BACS or a faster payment file."
"God does use bread and wine and he uses water and he uses the words of the preacher to administer salvation."
"The time will come when the art of governing man will disappear, a new art will take its place: the art of administering things."
"If you limit your account reuse, as an administrator you can make my life very difficult as an attacker."
"I think that's accurate. So we need to change that and I hope in the next administration we'll see a change."