
Ubiquity Quotes

There are 555 quotes

"Barbie is everywhere she needs to be at all times."
"We are surrounded by a torrent of moving images; it is inescapably part of our cultural language."
"It's so influential that its influence sometimes becomes virtually invisible."
"Hermes was absolutely ubiquitous in everyday life."
"Doom is the most ported FPS. Makes sense, how many? Twenty different gaming platforms."
"Written authored material is going to be ubiquitous and abundant."
"They were ubiquitous at the time and I remember riding in a zillion of these."
"Open source software is everywhere these days and it's well worth your time developing it."
"JavaScript is my favorite language because it's absolutely everywhere."
"Everything has a fanboy, every product, every brand, every person, every team."
"Gradient descent is used everywhere in machine learning."
"Machine learning has become quite pervasive today."
"If it feels like Samuel L. Jackson is in everything, that's because he is."
"Treasures are the most ubiquitous token in the game for good reason."
"Batteries are everywhere in today's hyper-connected electrically propelled society. I bet a battery is powering the device you're watching this video on right now."
"This is where the puck is going to be for pretty much all content types, pretty much everywhere."
"Caped crusaders and awesome avengers are everywhere you look at the movies."
"Trump has been just everywhere this campaign season."
"Triple copies of Forbidden Droplet, this card is insane, definitely a staple in every single deck."
"Virtually every single person has been or will be prospected to join an MLM company."
"It's everywhere, we have incorporated it into everything..."
"Football touches almost every single person in this country."
"You love tacos man you can find good tacos everywhere."
"Money is everywhere and you can make money in anything."
"It's incredibly powerful, so just important to know that this can show up anywhere and find a really powerful path."
"Everybody got an iPhone everywhere you go, all the little kids, my daughter got a iPhone, you don't say."
"Whether you're a professional, a hobbyist, or simply a fan of music, it's pretty much a guarantee that you've heard sounds coming from instruments emblazoned with those four letters that form that strange word."
"It's like oxygen, it's just ubiquitous, it's everywhere."
"Hip-hop is everywhere. We cannot diminish it because of where it's at and who you see doing it. That's us."
"Racism doesn't dwell necessarily in poor households with uneducated people. It goes everywhere, doesn't it? It's disgraceful."
"In a nutshell, the hypothesis of that talk was computers and the internet are everywhere, the world is increasingly made of computers and the internet."
"It's going to be kind of like the internet at that point, it's just ubiquitous."
"Fred was everywhere, he was absolutely everywhere. So, there's two common sayings that I hear in football..."
"Python is used everywhere, I mean it's one of the most popular programming languages."
"Math is everywhere let's be teaching math that reveals itself as everywhere especially for the youngest ages and then allow people to track into you know what kind you think feeling entrepreneurial or you think you're you know feeling engineer."
"Video games, man of all video games... they're happening all around us."
"We're the YKK of security. You don't know us, but we're everywhere."
"The first secret of oil is simple. It's everywhere."
"But I think people also need to realize that these things are everywhere."
"Node.js is everywhere if you're doing web development."
"Human genius is everywhere, that's the whole point."
"Linux is completely taken over the universe everywhere except for the desktop."
"Matter is weird, but it's pretty much everything all around us."
"Watch out for opportunities, they're here, they're here all around us."
"They're all around us, we all know at least one of them."
"It's the easiest way to keep up with all folks. Everyone I know is on it."
"Semiconductors drive everything we do. They're in our phones, watches, cars, and trucks."
"Hexagons are common shapes that show up everywhere."
"AI touched every single industry that we pretty much encounter... it's involved in everything that we're involved with today."
"America is obsessed with pumpkins; they are everywhere."
"Combinators show up all over the place."
"Smartphones were in the hands of about a billion people."
"It's so tasty, and you know kimchi jig is a dish that you'll find at almost all even general Korean restaurants."
"Yeast and fungi are actually everywhere, even on the food that we're eating."
"The harder you think about it, the more you realize that this Mallet Paradox is everywhere."
"There are heroes on both sides. Evil is everywhere."
"McDonald's is like Nike or Christianity. It's everywhere!"
"The principle of computational equivalence... says that actually something like intelligence is ubiquitous."
"It's just in everything right? It's in design. It's going to be embedded in everything."
"It was a smash hit, it was everywhere."
"...these connections are everywhere underneath inside..."
"But it's not just us. Things like movies, TV shows, pop culture, anime, you name it, swords have been and still kind of are everywhere."
"Screens are just a part of our life."
"The sheer availability of some of the parts, the renewability of some of this equipment, means that these things are as ubiquitous as a lot of regular consumer off-the-shelf things."
"Supervision can exist everywhere."
"I basically want them in every space."
"You couldn’t take a leak in Vegas without seeing a Windows sticker that year."
"Living in New York City at the time, it was hard to walk 10 ft without seeing those white earbuds in someone's ear."
"Water is so ubiquitous we tend to overlook what an extraordinary substance it is."
"It just goes to show when you're talking about magnets, everybody wins because magnets are everywhere."
"It is kind of amazing how much we still don't know about something that is so ubiquitous and so important."
"There's more like us. Yeah, I know. We're everywhere, actually. It's kind of surprising."
"It's everywhere. It should be everywhere."
"You're the middle, everywhere, always."
"Ubiquitous means prevalent everywhere, universal, ever-present."
"McDonald's is the everything fast food joint."
"You're getting messages everywhere."
"Ali was giving me a quote, he was basically saying 'make me everywhere and part of everyone'."
"Make me everywhere and part of everyone."
"Sriracha is now everywhere, becoming a cult product."
"Another unusual attraction of Amsterdam are bicycles, as they are absolutely everywhere."
"This is a McDonald's, everyone rolls through, you know."
"Calculus shows up everywhere, from analyzing the stock market to modeling global climate change."
"I'm not coca-cola, I'm all over. I'm like buttered toast from coast to coast."
"Opinions are like buttholes, everybody's got one."
"If 5G is going to be everywhere that's great news."
"He's got a fax machine. Everywhere in the world."
"Smartphone cameras are the most widely used, least well understood piece of technology that I think I've ever seen."
"This shifter is kind of ubiquitous now."
"I saw an automobile once when I was a kid, but they're everywhere."
"The next step is just RGB everywhere and now we're just running Windows again."
"Cats are some of the most ubiquitous and widespread animals alive today."
"...they occupy nearly every possible niche in habitat and have become a fixture of our modern world."
"The evidence for design is overwhelming and it's ubiquitous. It's everywhere."
"Do loops are ubiquitous in computer programs."
"Generative AI will be embedded everywhere."
"She's in everything at the moment."
"It's almost a toss-up. It's the one that's technically the absolute most consistent in this range, and it's one where like everybody should probably have it just for its basicness."
"Having a camera doesn't mean Jack because everybody seems to have one."
"All four corners of the world, our cars go to."
"Everything is the Avengers. That's what it all comes down to. Like, literally, just everything is the Avengers."
"Everything is trending everywhere all at once."
"I'm convinced that these AI tools will be pretty much ubiquitous."
"Awk is part of POSIX, so it is installed absolutely everywhere."
"Google quickly became synonymous with internet search, offering users a simple and efficient way to find answers to their queries."
"...everyone in the world on YouTube has had one of these."
"You know, even if you don't use an iPhone, Android has copied so much of it, that it's like everywhere now."
"You are going to need one of these, which is called a cell phone. I think everybody's gonna have one of these."
"Drag is everywhere. It's all over the TV, it's in theatres, there's brunches, there's bars."
"You can't avoid it. They were everywhere."
"Everybody's got a camera, everybody's got a recording device on the phone."
"AI is not just those flashy things, AI is also in our day-to-day lives."
"This is a very common thing you hear."
"Remote jobs were totally ubiquitous, and that was a big change for me."
"We used to think that some ubiquitous dream but cell phones told us and showed us that very expensive technology can become ubiquitous."
"Omnipresence is the name of the game, like I'm just trying to be everywhere at all times."
"Francis is going to be everywhere."
"It's as ubiquitous now as saying someone's a drinking person because they drink."
"Just how ubiquitous AI is now in the world is very different from even a year ago."
"The Land Cruiser can be found absolutely anywhere in the world."
"Microbes are ubiquitous, they're found almost everywhere in nature."
"It was everywhere for a little bit, man."
"Vanilla gets a bad rap. It's so good. And so ubiquitously enjoyed that people diss it now. It's like when you take something for granted. Yeah. Yeah, you're like, 'Oh, yeah, vanilla's so great.' Well, what would the world be without vanilla?"
"I absolutely love it, and I'd seen it everywhere."
"ARM is everywhere. It's in your phone, your TV, your router, your set-top box, your car, your IoT device, your favorite hobbyist development platform. It's pretty much everywhere."
"It's a national treasure that has gone Global and soaked deep into just about every aspect of Modern Life."
"Computer vision is everywhere and that's going to explode."
"By the time we got to 'We,' we were everywhere."
"If everyone's a tech company, then really nobody's a tech company. It's all tech."
"Nowadays they're everywhere in television and books."
"It is a record that is repeated in city, town, and county from Maine to Texas every day in the year."
"Nothing was never anywhere. That's why it's been everywhere. It's been so everywhere you don't need a 'where', you don't even need a 'when'. That's how 'every' it gets."
"Look at this Fortnite on the go, we got Fortnite here, Fortnite there, Fortnite everywhere."
"T-shirts: one of the world's most common items of clothing, yet still cherished and adorned."
"USB ports are gonna be just about on every device."
"Everybody uses email because everybody has it."
"Isn't it amazing how popular mobile phones have become? They're on buses, they're on planes, they're on trains."
"It's kind of like everywhere type of power."
"Everywhere I go, people keep showing up."
"Data structures are everywhere. Algorithms are everywhere."
"Every single website uses it, a bunch of applications use it, it really is the standard today."
"Netflix is the Microsoft Word of streaming services."
"I have Daniels for everything everywhere."
"Good music is everywhere, bad music is unfortunately everywhere as well."
"There's a church at the end of every street or in this case canal."
"I feel like it's ubiquitous now. I feel like it is the thing. It's like it's like too big to fail sort of thing."
"You know how to do it. I mean it's like everywhere you go in the world, a bike is almost the primary means of transportation."
"Preston has been everywhere, it's Magic Round and the Bulldogs say hey Presto."
"There is any creature more ubiquitous or universal than the dragon."
"Flavor Flav is in everything you eat because everything you eat got flavor."
"Neon was everywhere as Vegas casinos, diners, and department stores all added neon signs."
"Pokemon was everywhere, no matter who you were, whether you liked it or not, you knew what Pokemon was."
"These sorts of phones can make you a lot of money they are everyday phones that you will find out across the board estate sales garage sales flea markets antique malls."
"In every city, in every bottle, in every bubble, lies the formula for refreshment."
"...a recognition of the sheer ubiquitousness of suffering should encourage a deep empathy for one another..."
"Who isn't raising money for charity?"
"donuts are everywhere in canada maybe donuts are like the national dessert of canada"
"Karaoke... It is everywhere. We sing loud even if our voices are not good."
"Radars are really cool; they're in a lot more places than you think."
"The clubs are all gone now, but jazz is everywhere."
"Sine waves are really kind of incredible; they're pretty much everywhere."
"We're starting to see that there are sensors literally everywhere."
"Talent is everywhere, so I don't think you should obsess over thinking about a person's parents."
"It's a very well-known type of vehicle; if you go to Asia, as well as in Europe and in North America, Toyota is all around the world."
"Whether you're beside the seaside in Blackpool Tower or by the River Seine in the Eiffel Tower, the chances are you're not far from an Eddie Stobart truck."
"It's a tool that I think everybody's heard of, and most of us have flown."
"Mock modular forms are everywhere."
"Tick-tock, tick-tock, everyone has it on their phones."
"I like ideas that are going to be on everything, everybody uses them every single day. I love consumables."
"Corruption and greed are everywhere."
"Bread is like the most important thing in Georgia, so you're going to find bakeries everywhere."
"I doubt that anywhere on earth there's a man or woman or a child who doesn't know the name Wayne Crowder."
"Linux is already everywhere and used by professionals every day."
"Recommender systems are everywhere, from videos, apps, products, to news articles."
"It is not a bonus anymore; it is not just something you reserve for servers or high-end desktops, everybody needs to use that."
"APIs are everywhere, and if you're using something, you're using an API whether or not you realize it or not."
"Gaussians come up everywhere in physics."
"Contracts are everywhere and... can be anything from a massively important contract... right down to relatively insignificant contracts."
"Music is everywhere, it's your language, it's the life, baby."
"...to be portable and to be multilingual so that the technology we're making is ubiquitous..."
"Lemons are ubiquitous on the Amalfi Coast."
"A payment service is involved everywhere where money is involved."
"The Acrolite is a drum every school has, and they're some of the best sounding drums."
"It's gotten to a point where literally everyone plays."
"Deep learning is everywhere... you are actually using deep learning in one or the other form."
"AI is taking over everything, right from videos, images, just about everything now."
"Ayala Corporation is massive. I don't think you can last a day without getting in touch with a product or service that Ayala Corp hasn't been a part of."
"Old Town Road." You just hear that everywhere.
"Dr. Martin Luther King Boulevard is one street that you are 100% guaranteed to find in any city or state you may travel to here in the states."
"Rivers can be found almost anywhere in the world."
"Mobile telephones are a very good example of something that seems to work almost everywhere."
"Everyone has heard of a ghost, a haunted house, or a paranormal event at least once in their lives."
"You throw a rock and you hit a superhero."
"Bacteria are everywhere; they're the most successful organism on the planet bar none."
"We will see you here or there, or maybe everywhere."
"...chips are ubiquitous... they power really everything across our society."
"Microplastics have been also discovered in pretty much every single tissue in our body."
"We are everywhere: YouTube, TikTok, Instagram."
"It's one of those songs that as soon as I hear it once, I hear it everywhere."
"The power of an innovation is that you almost don't see it anymore, it just happens."