
Conflict Avoidance Quotes

There are 754 quotes

"There's no shame in avoiding a fight you can't win."
"Stop trying to make enemies out of everyone."
"You may find that you're not willing to partake in arguments as much as you used to. You're maturing a lot more."
"I'm too rich to argue, I respectfully decline."
"Best to back away slowly from someone who believes their opinion cannot be changed."
"People don't want this endless bloodshed, this mutually assured destruction."
"It's important that everyone is at peace and we don't cause enough disruption."
"It doesn't mean stay silent forever... it means stay away from the arguments and debates that have no point to them other than being right or validated."
"We would rather avoid conflict and sit in a space where we agree... but it's beneficial to entertain ideas that you're not sure about yet."
"The game of international politics basically hinges on 'we don't want to go to war.'"
"The best security is peace. When you have peace, you don't have fight."
"Avoid drama if you can. Not getting wrapped up in it."
"I don't want beef with nobody. It's not about a particular person, it's not that I'm soft, but at the end of the day, I'd rather just be peaceful."
"The one technique to always win a fight is not to fight."
"Avoid drama and show respect even when disrespected... that's godlike."
"It's really important that we don't end up in a hot war because it would have a huge toll on the world."
"In human society, the most liked people are the people who are nice... because we can find confluence with them very easily and thus we don't experience conflict."
"Civil war is not what America needs. The face of war is ugly, and I never want to see it again."
"Speak up. If you avoid conflict to keep the peace, you start a war inside yourself."
"If you want to avoid conflict, rule number one is to avoid people who are constantly involved with conflict."
"There's no shame in running away from a fight. You win every fight you avoid."
"One final word of advice from the legend McBain: 'To avoid those desperate combats, my advice is for all gentlemen to take a hearty cup and to drink friends, to avoid trouble.'"
"I just want peace. I don't want problems, I want peace. No headache."
"Stifling a complaint telling it to no one ever is also an option and one that should be selected far more often than it is."
"Look, we don't want no violence, we don't want no drama, you know we don't want nobody to harm nobody."
"Advance with caution and don't make unnecessary enemies."
"There's some politeness there, I didn't shoot anyone, sir."
"They are going to adjust their policies accordingly. They're not going to be seeking a military confrontation."
"Never sell your liberty for a false sense of peace with your enemy"
"Remind them that the only sin is making someone upset, anyone, and they would accept the enemy."
"If you're easily offended, this is probably where you should leave."
"Nonetheless, there is still time to avert the worst case scenario that will bring untold suffering to millions of people."
"I'd rather not risk losing my friendship with her over something so minor."
"Never wrestle with a pig, you end up dirty and the pig likes it."
"So unless I got a reason unless I got a real good reason to pick a fight with another black person I'm just not gonna do it I'm not gonna go around fighting black people because you voted for Biden and I didn't."
"The most effective way to deal with someone you don't like on the internet... is to not talk about them at all."
"Not everything has to be an ideological war."
"When you can't get down in the mud with people because the pig likes it and you just get all muddy."
"I don't want to use you guys as a weapon. That's so cowardly on my part."
"Mark Milley moved urgently to avert armed conflict."
"Don't fight strangers over stuff that has literally nothing to do with you."
"Avoiding conflict altogether is probably the easiest thing."
"There's no order, and one thing we don't argue about around here is food."
"The best fight you will always survive is the one that you've been able to avoid."
"Fire signs don't, I'm just joking, I don't want no smoke with fire signs."
"The best war is the one you don't have to fight."
"In no way am I talking about Muslims being violent towards Hindus. In fact, quite the opposite."
"I'm gonna lay eggs in peace and Adam will not be able to oof any of them."
"You can do without drama, conflict, backbiting, complaining. You can do without a lot of [expletive]."
"Getting these things out of the way first is a good way to avoid some of those situations."
"Don't wake the lion man, let the lion sleep man, telling you."
"Don't start no [ __ ] there won't be no [ __ ]."
"Let's not start dropping nukes, let's just all be friends here."
"You know what, sometimes Blue is, um, really bad at talking to people. And I feel like I've learned that when this happens, we just gotta leave, you know?"
"Every effort, every decision that we're making at the moment is toward maintaining that peace."
"Don't waste time fighting about it. Don't argue about it. God brought them, He'll bring someone else."
"Trump and his supporters have won the moral high ground for now saying that we're not you know don't go out don't retaliate you can't have any of this street level stuff escalating and the police will take care of it."
"We just split. There's no firing, there's no quitting."
"Did you ever see any arguments or see any violence? No."
"Run away if you can avoid it, if you have options and they don't require you using your gun."
"I'm not trying to get into a debate of whether what's right and wrong. What I'm saying is, back off."
"I don't think it's normal for couples to fight, what I mean is I don't think couples should have such unhealthy conflict because it's not good for them."
"Let's not do this. If we're going to have this conversation like that one more time, we both going to be defeated, depleted, exhausted, and we're going to feel constantly that instead of getting closer we're further apart. We're not doing this."
"But why start a fight that you might lose for no damn good reason you start a fight you better have a damn good reason to do it."
"Stay out of infighting, protect yourself, and stick together."
"It's so easy to just duck away from conflict and wait for it to blow over, but that's not enough."
"You're telling me that the content cop himself, the king of drama and [__] flinging, was afraid of a fight with the star of his most successful video ever? How could it be?"
"Do something else. You feel like calling them out? Bake a cake. Go to the garden. Do something else."
"Don't respond in a way that is sort of irreversible or that is incontrovertibly taking things to the next level... Let them [the U.S.] be the aggressor."
"Valuable lesson learned: Keep them in your own court to avoid chaos."
"Well, that did it. World War III is canceled."
"I would say a mixture of the two because women can definitely bring a new different perspective and it's going to be a lot more focused on how the other girl will feel so impressing her and things like that."
"Never fight with anybody, guys. Never fight. There's no reason to."
"Taking a day off, not getting involved in unnecessary arguments, all of that jazz is going to help you on Thursday because you will be protected."
"There's a lot of happiness coming in for you as long as you avoid conflict."
"He that can rule his tongue shall live without strife."
"The reform is necessary and we will carry it out – but not at the price of civil war."
"We're going to compete vigorously but I'm not looking for conflict."
"It's always best to win a war by not fighting one."
"I'm with you on this one, Cynthia. I don't want to challenge Cynthia or the machine." - "I'm with you on this one, Cynthia. I don't want to challenge Cynthia or the machine."
"If you don't want to get shot by the police, don't pull a knife at them."
"Wait, God damn it, every time I want to be mean to Cody, he says something really nice or impressive."
"Don't feed the trolls. Because the best thing you can do is respond, even if it's like a really good slam dunk, there's still gonna be some people that look to that and go, 'Oh, there's movement here.' Oh, I can get a rise out of this person."
"Choose your battles. I don't cite Keemstar, I don't work with Keemstar, I don't support his ideologies or actions, and I personally decline to go on his show."
"We can all have an opinion without it causing a war."
"Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived."
"If fighting will not result in victory, then you must not fight, even at the ruler's bidding."
"I was very smart because you just kind of like shrugged it off."
"You just ignore it because if you make a big deal out of it, that's just gonna show everyone."
"Do not be petty this month. Devil's reverse, seven of pentacles, queen of wands."
"Any fight you can avoid is the fight you've won."
"There's no harm in two families talking to each other... Don't let it become too big of a deal."
"Don't nickel and dime each other because then you're gonna like get upset over like well, You bought napkins last week right like that's You're gonna get into arguments."
"Truth is coming out, don't play the blame game with Scorpio."
"There's something so gratifying about finding ways around bad guys instead of taking them head-on."
"A lot of the conflicts we have had in recent years would have been avoidable with better internal and external communication."
"The only winning MO is not to play the game."
"Don't start a fight, you just do not know who you're dealing with."
"Most of the time it's not going to end in a shooting."
"I think this is a great example of letting yourself sink to somebody else's level when really the right move would be to just walk away from the situation."
"Group fights should be avoided whenever possible."
"You don't let them provoke you into doing something."
"You don't need to be involved in it, you don't have to indulge in it, and you don't have to fight back."
"Don't ever fight with women, it's not gonna win, you walk away."
"I think those that's one of the key things that kept me from fully engaging in violence... at least try to be."
"I do not support a no-fly zone. I want us to stop using that phrase. I want you to start using the phrase declaration of war."
"Never in front of your children. Never admonish, scold, shout, or show that you have some dispute."
"Wisdom is speaking the truth in a manner that neither you get into trouble nor other people get into trouble; that is wisdom, that is hikmat."
"We're gonna step away from the judgment just so things don't get to that point."
"Avoid accusatory statements. Use 'I' language, not 'you' language."
"People were determined not to kill each other in large numbers."
"Change your attitude... I'm not looking for conflict ever with anybody."
"We shouldn't hate each other. I think and I know they're not saying you actively like hate."
"We will not take the bait or engage in saber rattling. We will not be intimidated."
"Stick with what's certain, avoid unnecessary conflict."
"You absolutely do not want to be the first one to fight if possible."
"Stay away from the conflict, just bring positivity into the circumstance."
"You want to have it but never want to prove it."
"Remember the wise warrior avoids the battle."
"Avoiding eye contact and acting cold could make things worse."
"We want to avoid a widening of this war, correct? I mean, we all agree on that."
"If you keep it to yourself, that makes more less [__] for you to deal with, does that make sense? Unless you just enjoy having fun with it."
"I came here without any hostile idea just to have conversations."
"Don't bite the bait, don't react the way they're trying to make you react."
"They avoid confrontation, sweep things under the rug, and get defensive."
"If China invades Taiwan, we could find America at war in the Pacific, something that we must do everything we can to avoid."
"Everybody, if you don't want to talk about a subject, we move the [expletive] on. Yeah, that's a fact."
"You address it immediately... that's just gonna get way worse."
"Steve's not like as confrontational and he's like, 'He doesn't want to go up to people.'"
"Cut it out, there's a connection that was once there, but I'm seeing either you or this person wants to cut out the unnecessary."
"The only way to win a trade war is to not be in one."
"Don't let people detain the good work that you've done by engaging in conflict."
"Relinquish your need to be right, the spiritual partnership is a relationship of equals, no one needs to be proven wrong."
"You should try not to engage if you are emotionally unstable."
"The real street thing to do is just to walk away. The real thing to do would be to realize the situation, realize you're outnumbered and you can't win that, so you walk away."
"It genuinely is complex and messy and only by embracing that complexity can we hope to avoid simplistic solutions like going to war and [ __ ] if we're gonna let some numty's drag us into that again."
"You're catching the betrayal in time, before it escalates further."
"Ignore shows of intimidation which includes both death threats and suicide threats. Say nothing to them ever. Turn the other cheek. Walk away."
"When you meet a crazy person, do not argue with them. You've gained nothing. You will not change their opinion, and you will have lost the chance to hear their whole crazy argument."
"Compare spending priorities to avoid conflicts."
"You hold the power. They're gonna leave you alone."
"Demonstrating that you have the potential to use that force is often the thing that's gonna save you."
"If you're having to fight for it, the answer is no. Throw the sword down."
"The best way to win a sword fight is not being in a fight at all."
"One of the best pieces of advice for well-being is that you do not have to attend every argument you're invited to."
"I prophesy nobody is going to fight at your Thanksgiving meal because you're going to keep your mouth shut when they say stuff that makes you mad."
"I knew if I stopped it would have been world war three."
"Those guys didn't talk about fighting and those guys didn't like that word."
"I'm a lover not a fighter. I don't do beef, I do positive stuff."
"Death had real consequences so avoiding conflict was in everyone's best interest."
"Modest preemptive actions can obviate the need of more drastic actions at a later date."
"Avoid people who sow divisions within the church."
"I appreciate you and I really sincerely don't want anyone to feel upset."
"Anything that destroys your peace is the enemy."
"Surrendering... is not giving up; it's letting go of battles you don't need to fight."
"Don't fight with people online, it doesn't get anything done."
"One thing being extremely on the internet has taught me is never give your enemies content. 100."
"Nobody wants to fight... It's The Roadhouse."
"If you don't feed them energy by arguing or give them resistance then they can't take your power and they don't feel powerful."
"Playing like everything is Pollyanna to avoid conflict isn't a service to anyone."
"Sometimes the best thing you can do is not to reply. Some battles have no spoil, some battles have no reward."
"I'm just trying to find nicer ways to say it instead of being really aggressive about it, I guess."
"Drama sucks. I don't like being in it. I really don't like having bad blood with people."
"I'm not gonna start beef with xqc based off a rap you made called a lot of your xqc I'm supposed to be the great uniter okay not the great divider."
"The way to deal with energy vampires: don't give them any energy, don't give them your power; ignore them, smile at them, laugh in their face."
"The only way to avoid a bigger confrontation is to allow free speech on the internet."
"I never want problems with anyone, it's a good way to be."
"By anything you do here, it's not saying that you're wrong to try to push him away, but it just leads to only potential negatives. That's all it is: potential."
"It usually cause the rest of them to leave you the hell alone."
"Life's too short to be down there, fighting over nothing."
"Overall, just try to avoid any aggression in all situations, and just let them know if you want to let them know at all, you are just there to use the bathroom, and that is all. And that is your right."
"For most people, the healthiest and best response is to just ignore it."
"Just try to walk the world not trying to piss people off."
"Sometimes I had to say no, but I didn't think I could do that. I didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings." - Lindsay
"When you help the reader understand that pastors become gun-shy, they're in so many conflicts. Why would they want to take on another conflict eschatology?"
"I just want to let him down easy and not have him flip out, be honest with him, because you're about to do things that are going to make things better."
"A martial arts master teaching his students how to win any fight: 'Any fight you can avoid is a fight you've won.'"
"You don't have to be Sun Tzu to know that the last thing you want to do is attack when and where your enemy wants you to attack."
"I try not to call people out... I just stay focused on what I believe to be true based on the data that I've seen."
"Walking away from a situation doesn't make you a punk, it makes you strong because you're able to fight your own pride and ego by not reacting in a negative way."
"You don't need to have beef with anybody, but you definitely need to set boundaries for yourself."
"I don't even beef with people online anymore because I don't have time for that."
"These are just some opinions and there is absolutely nothing to get mad over."
"You always want to avoid fighting to the best of your abilities."
"Time out, let me tell you a little secret: I haven't bashed anyone."
"Take care of yourself and remove yourself from the situation."
"If feasible, the best, the wiser thing is to just avoid and remove yourself from a situation altogether if ever possible."
"This isn't worth your time and energy... I'm not going to give them what they want."
"Generous people just save you a lot of time if you only fight the battles that would otherwise have been a devastating loss."
"I want peace, right? I've been in situations in the streets, bro, like with bad dudes where we come into contact and I'm like, 'Look, bro, I don't want that.'"
"No human, we don't, none of us got a human enemy."
"It's important to adjust your behavior to avoid falling into conflict with the world around you."
"As long as they don't bother you, don't bother them."
"Your piece is more important no need to catch a case or be injured or maybe killed."
"I never wanted to fight... I loved what the training did for my mental health."
"You wanna avoid that situation, and so that's what I'd encourage you to do."
"The things you don't talk about, the things you resist, are gonna persist. The things you don't talk about, out of sight, out of mind."
"We do not rule, but we may guide the men that do gently away from violence and short destruction, and instead toward peace."
"Respect for Allison as a woman and a mother—it's an intelligent choice not to torch a whole bunch of innocent people in the room."
"Never get into a land war in Asia." - Applause