
Corporate Accountability Quotes

There are 250 quotes

"We ought to use our purchasing power to drive these corporations... they're not gonna be held accountable otherwise."
"We demonstrably cannot trust corporations to self-regulate."
"The Corporate Casket, a bi-weekly series, where bad businesses go to die."
"The lawsuit is seeking a ton of damages... mostly, the DFEH is looking for Activision Blizzard to pay out damages to the people affected as well as relief, which can take the form of equal pay, incentive pay, benefits, and awards owed to the women who worked there."
"In 2007, there was a feeling of vindication in Appalachia when a court fined Purdue more than six hundred million dollars for deception."
"The bigger problem that can be solved through laws and policies is regulating corporations."
"We believe we have a moral duty to make this right, and we will do so."
"Crack down on these companies that are threatening people for unionizing."
"Not letting companies get away with that kind of nonsense is the way that we build a better industry for everybody."
"When we realize products are toxic for us, we pass laws to change them, or we hold companies accountable in a court of law to force the change."
"You and the damn Company, what about our lives, man?"
"Any insulin legislation that fails to lower the prices charged by insulin manufacturers would fail to hold these corporations accountable, in effect rewarding them for decades of price gouging."
"It's not just the government though. I think the powerful corporations, they need to be subject to similar scrutiny."
"It's fiscally responsible because our investments are paid for by making sure that corporations, wealthy Americans pay their fair share."
"Seeing Activision Blizzard just essentially being bombarded on all fronts over their negligence, over the way they've run their business, over the way they failed to protect their employees, this is some satisfying karma to witness and behold."
"Behind every major fraud, if you look hard enough, you will find a whistleblower."
"We cannot allow big oil companies to use Ukraine and inflation as an excuse to rip off Americans."
"It really bothers me when companies make outlandish claims like this and don't live up to the hype."
"I'm hopeful that supercell will actually address this."
"NBC fired Lauer after a review of his behavior."
"We deserve a say in how the results of our success, Amazon's profits and its innovations, are being used."
"Smartmatic vows to clear its name and hold Fox accountable."
"Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. Disney, I want to see more companies who want to act a fool and play dirty games see actual accountability."
"I mean, these people could be making legitimate actions... holding multinational corporations accountable... but they're not doing any of that."
"At Midest Touch, we are unapologetically pro-democracy and we demand justice and accountability."
"Companies like Shell must be held to account."
"That's what it boils down to. This is Apple's problem and they got to get in there and sort this one out."
"If a company has been shown time and time again to have crossed the ethical and legal line, how can anyone be sure that they have righted their wrongs?"
"Our voices are powerful enough to force a billion dollar company to make changes in a month like that. That is huge."
"These companies in the last 10 years collectively have paid 35 billion dollars in penalties, damages, fines."
"Legal proceedings against Sony PlayStation will hold them accountable for excessive pricing."
"Collective proceedings like this are vital to hold large companies accountable."
"It's time for the truth to be revealed and for Johnson and Johnson to be held accountable."
"We need to hold companies accountable and let them know publicly on Twitter, writing letters, voting with your dollar..."
"If it is in fact due to all these things, Activision needs to be punished, needs to look at its policies procedures, needs to look at who it hires, needs to look at how it handles things."
"Pfizer was notified of problems at Ventavia with the vaccine trial and that an audit took place."
"How do you motivate a corporation of that size to change its ways? You put in place a punitive damage, you hit them in the pocketbook."
"They knew they were dying and they used their last months on this earth to fight these multi-million dollar corporations."
"No company should be too big to fail, none. It's ridiculous."
"Their point is across and those owners can't dodge from it."
"Everyone should pay their fair share in taxes. Corporations should not be able to dodge taxes nor should they be able to buy politicians."
"This document is 29 pages long and I read the whole thing. It is a torrent of absolutely sickening allegations against Blizzard and sometimes specific named members of the Blizzard upper management."
"All of the incentives are performance-based. Tesla has to do, and they're willing to do and have committed to do what they say in order to earn each and every incentive."
"Their fight ultimately won workers the right to sue for damages from corporations."
"This is more for the police, but also for American Airlines employees: follow the law and respect people's rights."
"We cannot be held responsible for slavery in China, but we do have some responsibility for our own actions."
"You know you've been bad as a CEO when it's not just 'yeah, you're fired' and there's a massive fine for you and your company, but it's that you know you've been bad when you go into prison."
"Bernie's out there. He's going to take on corporate greed, take on the pharmaceutical companies."
"As consumers, our only solution is to stop buying their product."
"Hopefully, situations like this force companies to do better." - "Hopefully, situations like this force companies to do better."
"We got ourselves a new unique 'get woke go broke'—McDonald's is sued for 10 billion dollars by Byron Allen own networks alleging racial discrimination."
"The fact that they thought this product was okay to release on their own like is just for the company the billion dollar company that has the resources that they do to release a product like this is disgusting."
"Should a large company be able to get away with breaking the law?"
"He swore at the financial companies, he swore at the banks, he swore at the real estate developers."
"These global bank CEOs accepted taxpayer bailout money, but claim to be capitalists."
"I hope this proves to be disruptive enough for Activision Blizzard that they'll feel even that much more pressured to finally say goodbye to scumbag Bobby Kotick."
"Hey, they either need to apologize publicly to him or reinstate his bundle in order for me to consider playing Call of Duty again. That's where I'm at."
"The thing I wanted to squeeze in is like you know look I secured hundreds of millions of dollars in excess of a billion total from two auto companies for cheating."
"By speaking out, Jenny wants Crown to be held accountable for its actions."
"The hope is that Microsoft will hold leaders accountable within Activision Blizzard."
"I will direct the relevant agencies to investigate whether big Pharma and big Hospital Systems have illegally marketed puberty blockers and other unapproved hormone treatments and if so the corporation is responsible will be brought to Justice."
"It's about the people Ubisoft hurt, the women, the marginalized people, the people who have been bullied by executives, powerful men, and Ubisoft."
"Ubisoft, we ain't finished, and you ain't finished until you're finished."
"Companies don't get to shield themselves off from criticism."
"Avengers for sure, or whatever follows that."
"We're going to force Disney to take you seriously."
"AMD's failures right now, the only people they have to blame are themselves."
"You legally have to tell me Apple you legally have to tell me."
"Bernie Sanders said today that he is prepared to put a hold on the legislation to impose strong conditions on the 500 billion corporate welfare fund."
"He's going to have to testify against the Trump Organization and also Trump Payroll."
"These records were given to the SEC by an animal rights group who believe they constitute Securities fraud."
"What would really suck is if we don't fix a corrupt system that lets giant companies like Facebook engage in illegal anti-competitive practices."
"The difference here between a brand saying they're going to do something and actually doing it and a brand that says something and doesn't actually do it most of the time is having a plan or shorter goals up until the ultimate goal."
"There needs to be more action taken against the Woodwards and the Glazers of this football club."
"Just because we've had these discussions doesn't mean we're all okay now. We should still be holding Bungie accountable."
"God, isn't it refreshing to see a little guy stand up to one of those giant billion-dollar corporations."
"We're not just taking on Republicans, we are taking on the greed and corruption of the corporate elite."
"We should start focusing on Real Change rather than just letting corporations sell us what they think is sustainable."
"Setup project red is settling a lawsuit brought against it by investors for the Cyberpunk 2077 launch last year."
"Why shouldn't we be able to criticize V-tubing companies when they mess up?"
"If you can put pressure onto these companies, they will feel that human pressure to shape up."
"Knowing how we end up with unaccountable mad scientists and big corporations cooking up devastating weapons also means we have a shot at stopping it from happening in the future."
"Hopefully there's some repercussions, but who knows, it's hard to have faith in companies nowadays."
"The problem there is a government that is acting as a backstop for bad decisions in the free market by profit-driven corporations."
"California expands lawsuit against Activision Blizzard."
"They changed the group that they are defending from the employees of Activision Blizzard to a group that includes temporary workers, contract workers at Activision Blizzard."
"The only way you actually get these companies to respond and do the right thing is by blowing it up in their face as some bad PR kind of having to expose them."
"YouTube agreed to pay a hundred and seventy million dollar fine."
"The problem is that the bureaucracy within Twitch lacks accountability."
"When our corporations fail, it hurts us all. Yet when they succeed, we do not get compensated for our risks."
"When they fail to live up to their obligations, their professional responsibilities, and when they give cover to corporations or executives engaged in misconduct, investors and market integrity suffer."
"A handful of survivors, including Krystal Kim, banded together to take on the company and were awarded hundreds of millions each."
"Nintendo are a company whom I believe are capable of admitting to their own faults, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be held responsible for the way they treat their customers."
"How do we fight against this? How do we hold these big companies accountable?"
"There's got to be penalties for when you put business aside to focus on your social agenda."
"I decided that I needed to tell people what happened to hopefully try to cause enough pain to Cumulus that they think twice before they do this to any other members of their team."
"Nothing you are making is worth what you're doing to people because they're human beings, mate."
"They listened to people boycotting them they listened to people being outraged by them working with her and they got her out."
"This is a criminal coverup. Records do in fact exist." - Former Boeing engineer
"The only reason they're doing any of the stuff they're doing now is because their jobs are on the line."
"Americans have had it. They are done supporting companies that rank in hundreds of millions and billions of dollars while trashing this country and the success that made all of it possible."
"There's just been repeat offenders. They've been on probation, they violated the probation. The problem is you can't take a corporation and put into prison."
"Instead of getting to the bottom of it and putting it right, she fought us in the high court."
"They knew there were these discrepancy errors right as far back as 2010."
"The truth is these documents were real... and it's definitely... if Mark Zuckerberg knows that these things are happening, he was lying under oath."
"It's our job to make it impossible for big companies to pay zero in taxes."
"It showed signs of life for the little guy against an evil soulless Corporation known as Nexon."
"You can earn this back because you know they do they do deserve some degree of redemption for the developer's sake."
"Using a modded version of Doom to publicly shame a billion dollar Corporation into treating Farmers better is very based."
"Our case has caused so many problems for [Chevron] and has exposed their misconduct to the world."
"The making Chinese companies de-list on the stock market if they don't actually allow audits to happen."
"Mr. Vyas reserves the right for the jury to allow punitive damages of up to 180 million dollars against Wells Fargo based on evidence that Wells Fargo's behavior was malicious."
"I refuse to buy anything until both of them get sacked."
"We need more accountability to those corporations and the government, to help people and not just the 1% get richer."
"We really need to demand transparency and accountability from these companies."
"Running a program that is making people millionaires is the best way to make sure no would-be corporate wrongdoer feels safe."
"Everything's out there on their website. They did delete that one famous article where they said you will own nothing, you will have no privacy, and you will be happier than ever."
"Corporate crimes of drug companies go unpunished."
"Apple whistleblower goes public over 'lack of action' in data collection."
"The apology is not because they listened it's because they lost. If you hadn't shouted loud enough they wouldn't have heard you and they would have carried on."
"These big tech companies are getting away with it, and I gotta tell you, I am upset with Donald Trump specifically."
"In June, PG&E pleaded guilty to 84 counts of involuntary manslaughter for the role its power lines played in starting the 2018 Camp Fire that destroyed almost 19,000 structures, including Seaton's home."
"I had the chance to actually confront the CEO that I have been making videos about."
"In the age of the internet, you just can't hide this stuff."
"The corporate machines are mocking us haha we were guilty who cares if a company's guilty it has no ramifications."
"We have got to have the courage to take on corporate greed."
"Joe Biden implemented a 15% corporate minimum tax rate, which means that a lot of these companies that were getting subsidies or were paying nothing in taxes they now have to pay."
"Do you still think Disney is fine? Do you all still think that everything's okay?"
"Mother earth is crying out for help, we are killing her so people can make a profit."
"Despite the unprecedented market conditions, at the end of the day what happened is unacceptable to us, to our customers. I'm sorry and I apologize."
"Everything everyone has ever done to protect a Murdoch will be on trial."
"The battle is not just in the streets, it's in the courtrooms and the executive suites as well."
"Good news everyone, Activision has proven you can investigate yourself and declare yourself innocent."
"This apology would have never happened if the public didn't get upset."
"It really was about individuals just not accepting what corporations were doing but also challenging politicians and saying you have to do better to protect us."
"It's definitely a bit of a pickle, but I think it's a pickle that can be solved, you know, because once these companies are held accountable for their behavior, they will change their behavior."
"As Toyota proved to the world in 2009, you’d be wrong to assume so when they announced the recall of almost four million Toyota and Lexus cars."
"If we are going to reward companies with our eyeballs and with our dollars, we must have the guts to say what is being returned to us."
"If you don't know what the companies are doing, you cannot know what kind of abuses are happening."
"When the people say we are willing to go after woke corporations, it works."
"There needs to be a reckoning for Facebook's practices."
"We cannot let Activision Blizzard slide on this one."
"You're supposed to be directing where Disney goes and you don't put your money where your mouth is."
"I think there's a discussion to be had. CD Projekt Red said they wouldn't do something, and they're now doing it. I think it's fair to call them out on that."
"I became the first and I'm still the only athlete in the world to say no to Nike because of the sweatshop issue." - Jim Cady
"The report chronicles the DOJ's settlement of money-laundering charges against HSBC for 1.9 to billion dollars. Despite the bank's case-dispositive admissions of guilt, no individual was ever prosecuted, nor was the bank itself."
"This is how a company legally took the lives of their own staff and escaped full responsibility: The story of the Radium Girls."
"The parallel is striking. I sued Big Tobacco as Connecticut's attorney general... now Big Tech faces that Big Tobacco moment of truth." - Senator Blumenthal
"Apple's calculus in all this includes our reactions, all of them. So let them know frequently, loudly, and let me know as well."
"It's not gonna happen under Bob Iger, like just because he says sorry, I'm real real sorry right, that's not going to get you back."
"But when the family-friendly public expresses outrage and says we've had enough, we're not buying what you're selling, it gets the attention of stockholders."
"I don't care how excited you are for a video game, a movie, a product, if you keep giving money to these companies, you're saying I'm okay with this."
"Did you hear about the shell CEO getting shredded at a TED Talk yesterday?"
"I mean, just think about this, Chevron drove to extinction five different indigenous nations in Ecuador, okay? Poison the land, gave people cancer. They still haven't paid the judgment that was found against them."
"If corporations are people too, should they face criminal liability when people die due to negligence?"
"People are gonna hold Disney's feet to the fire."
"Locking up big pharma CEOs would send a message that crime does not pay - less animal rape, that's what I'm saying."
"So I reported his company to the appropriate regulatory committees knowing perfectly well that when stuff hit the fan they would look to him for answers."
"It's important that the role of CZ Binance in the FTX fiasco is investigated." - Kim Dotcom
"Even the largest corporations found guilty of heinous crimes stay in business as long as they pay the right fine or do a little bit of time."
"Thank goodness for a large fine for a change because if you don't have the fine reflect the magnitude of the Criminal action then companies will just treat fines as cost of doing business."
"Legislation that would hold statements and representations made by a company using AI that are a total lie should not be considered immune from lawsuit."
"Gaming companies are being held accountable for what they make for the first time properly."
"If we're telling Disney that we're going to boycott their movies when they're trash but when they actually put out something that's decent we boycott them anyway then what exactly are you expecting them to do?"
"The idea that a gun manufacturer can't be sued is just absolutely outlandish."
"Let's generally normalize writers suing and shame companies violating employment law, not the other way around."
"With enough public pressure, you can make a company do anything basically."
"The UK just did this, literally just did this to say to the gas companies, 'Enough is enough.'"
"Reparations should come from corporations that have benefited from government policy."
"I hope it causes EA to recognize the faults in the system so that they fix it."
"It feels like people want Webtoon to pay for this mistake more than people want to see them use the experience to grow."
"So, if the SEC isn't doing anything when it comes to market manipulation, what are there, if any, ways that companies as well as shareholders can do to fight back against market manipulation?"
"Is it possible there are some JP Morgan email addresses in those documents the SEC is hiding?"
"Over 80 complaints against Starbucks for violating federal labor law."
"Guys, we can force corporations to pay their fair share and rewrite the rules of the economy's work for us but we can only do it together."
"People are standing up and demanding accountability from a system that currently only answers to millionaires and corporations."
"Companies found to have directly benefited by the private prison system and those who have perpetrated overtly racist policies will also be considered cookie jar companies."
"The design director on Cyberpunk 2077 resigned following a harassment investigation."
"Once you group up, it's very easy for a large group of consumers... to actually combat big corporations."
"And you know this one, when the Tennessee Valley Authority replaced part of its American workforce with foreign workers, I told the board chairman, 'Chairman, you're fired. Jim, you're fired.'"
"If you're wildly popular and advocating harmful practices, there should be action taken against the corporation, not just you."
"The Starbucks regional manager fired after this moment, which ignited the national uproar and forced the coffee giant into a racial reckoning."
"Corporations can do whatever they want but they have to remember that people get to vote with their dollar and if you cross too many of your people uh like if you had a pie chart."
"I hope she does sue and I hope the bank fires those employees."
"We need to demand much better from its Senior Management."
"We're going after Facebook based on its own words and its own promises."
"When I'm a consumer at Walmart and I say hey Walmart, I'm not spending another damn dollar here until y'all fix this, what they gonna do? They're gonna fix it."
"You shouldn't let these evil corporations get away with murder."
"If Josh tomorrow and Bob Iger want to prove to everyone that they give a [__] more than the last guy, prove it."
"Holding Boeing accountable means passing regulations through legislation."
"They knew from a month after the rollout that they did not work."
"If there was somebody that we could possibly get to stop this practice of these big corporations poisoning our air, poisoning our water, poisoning us and our families... I'd call him."
"Honestly, part of me just wants to see Ubisoft and like any of these big companies finally squirm a little bit and at least stop fisting us this hard."
"How are companies allowed to get away with this type of criminal activity? I'm overwhelmed, I'm frustrated."
"Sometimes it's not worth the energy and I just move on, but somebody's got to stand up to these companies because they're just doing whatever they want."
"There needs to be an investigation into companies like Virgin Media."
"Their fight against a corporate giant showcased ultimate bravery."
"History has shown that there have been a number of successful boycotts of companies."
"Personal responsibility is great, but the real culprits are massive corporations and they need to be reined in by legislation."
"I mean, if you're going to do scummy, unethical, shady business and screw over your employees on top of that, I think it's only a matter of time before the whole operation gets shut down."