
Individual Experience Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"I don't play the game of turfs or whatever where they think that the defining experience of womanhood is like to be brutalized by men."
"Each person owns their own pain, and there is no way to ultimately objectify it."
"It's really interesting to get inside the experiences inside the mind of somebody who is not accepted by society."
"Don't universalize your experience. Don't walk around with everybody else's luggage on your back."
"There's something it's like to be me. I presume there's something it's like to be you."
"I encourage people to go alone because it's don't miss out. You will meet people there."
"If you were the only person on this planet, if you were joyful, would you know you're joyful? Yes. That's important."
"She seems to have forgotten the color of her skin. I mean, that there's a post-racial experience you have with her which represents a fairly bright line to me of just what is possible."
"Each of us has our own version of 'Monkey Island' in our heads."
"As long as one black man is a victim of racism, then I don't have it made."
"We wanna respect each user as an individual and provide them with their own personal Google."
"You're telling your own story in this amazing world."
"One of his employees named Miss Liz experienced the work environment saying for whatever reason in his office the rules were different."
"There's this feeling of isolation for many people."
"It's just what I found works for me and my body."
"This is about you, it's about your own personal journey."
"Each one must walk their own path, have his or her own experiences. Those, after all, are the best teachers."
"Nobody can completely explain his experience."
"One person's trauma is not another person's trauma."
"Don't compare your journey to mine. Everyone's experience is unique, so embrace your own journey and be kind to yourself."
"Everyone is their own main character, watching a different show."
"Root us in our individual healing experience."
"Visions and signs are for you; they're personal."
"I am the exception, I am not the rule. I happen to be very blessed. I think God played a major role in my life. I transformed, I became a follower of Christ. Things changed for me."
"Every individual veteran affected by war is individually affected."
"This Endgame experience is one of those things where if you find a single seat, just take it. Go watch it by yourself."
"Purpose is to, like, you know, live your own experience for sure. Like, I mean, there isn't any other choice at the end, as long as you live your experience to your truth."
"It shows how quickly these things can turn and it shows how quickly the arc of not just a societal arc but the individual arc can move."
"It's not the end of the world, it's the end of the individual's journey."
"The mind is your ladder to spiritual liberation or spiritual enlightenment. So the mind is your step ladder, it's the tool that you use to kind of master your energy in this realm both physically and non-physically."
"It's not my job to convince anybody. It's my job just to tell you what I've experienced. If you believe it fine, if you don't believe it I don't care."
"You're worthy of having a unique experience."
"It's like a fireworks show, dude, a song for me personally."
"Everybody has their own personal Rock Bottom."
"This is the first person they're getting literally"
"Music meeting music, the collusion of the poem with the complex human who receives it makes the whole experience of poetry completely unique to each individual reader."
"We're all kind of dealing with our own struggles, you know, our own realities."
"Why the [ __ ] are you like exp never had a surgery under the knife except for my life though."
"This is exactly what Amar decided to find out for himself."
"Never apologize for a movie that you like. Movies send us in different ways."
"Your life matters, your lived experience matters."
"Just because you're under the zodiac sign of somebody else doesn't mean you're all going to experience the same time."
"Everybody has a story. I got a story, you got a story, and there must be something happen to his life that he ended up the way it is right here."
"Everyone has their own green mile."
"I can't stress again enough about how much the type of driving you do will skew the overall figures for the type of driving we do this is how we found it in the course but it could work much differently for you better or worse."
"Everybody has to go through life and experience different things. So when I see these older women being like, 'Oh, I've been through that,' your experience is not going to be her experience."
"Every time that I look, but you might have a different experience."
"Every single practitioner is going to have a different experience and different opinion."
"The beauty of anime is that we all interact with it individually. An anime or a manga that I adore you might despise, and that's truly the best part about The Human Experience: we all get to experience it differently."
"I don't really care about any of the things that people accuse ICT of because the thing is I see that his stuff works for me."
"I think it's super important to think about, you know, whether things hold up under a clinical lens, um, but there's also things like, you know, people eat a certain food and they feel terrible after they eat it."
"Actually listening, actually changing, actually putting the individual experience sometimes and not just saying that we're going to."
"Let people experience God how they experience God."
"Asking people what is it actually like for you because it'll be different for each person like some people say it's like they're being consumed by fire or like it's a sense of overwhelm in a lot of ways"
"So any child born a woman, everyone is going to have that experience until the story as told in the New Testament repeats itself in us individually."
"No one can know for sure what your life will look like living with this autonomy, symptoms can vary from person to person and the severity of the condition varies as well."
"Honestly if you don't try a product for yourself you're never really gonna know if it's good or bad because everyone's hair everyone's body everyone's skin is different."
"Everyone experiences it differently."
"Everybody has their own experience coming to these shows."
"Not all heartbreak is created equal."
"Just because somebody gives a product a bad review, it doesn't necessarily mean that that product is going to be bad for you."
"I think that myeloma is a very different disease for different people and your experience is your own. So reach out for support."
"Each session has been different, which is wild. You'd think it would be the same experience, it's not. It's different each time, and each time it's very valuable."
"Tyler is in a rare position right now."
"That's a synchronicity is the meaning that is personal to you."
"Feel the rain on your skin, no one else can feel it for you."
"Don't try to make everything fit to your specific situation if it doesn't resonate."
"The officer is interested in you and your personal experiences."
"The world will give you no help this time with carols and decorations and gifts; it will be between you and God whether you feel anything special this week."
"Know that your experience on the mat is unique to you and there's not a right or wrong."
"Laughter is in the eye, ear, nose, and throat of the beholder."
"Allow everybody to have their own moment, don't try to make it about you."
"We're all there on our own journey."
"There is a unique quality to this experience with a given individual."
"Understand the traumatic event and how it transpired and how it played out for that individual."
"Being an atheist is an individual experience as much as being a theist is."
"I cannot create in someone else's experience; that's not mine to do. But what I can do is create in my experience."
"Yoga's about getting to the true you, not copying or emulating somebody else's version of yoga or the shapes or the experience, it's totally yours."
"Because you had a negative experience doesn't mean that everybody else does."
"It's all the same path, just a different journey."
"It's life really, you know, like we're all living this version of reality, we think we live in the same planet and yet it's completely different from person to person."
"I think that everybody, every age group, the time you read this in your life, the time you read this in history, everyone's going to have a totally different perspective and reaction to this, and that's totally valid."
"If you have heard one autistic person's experience, you have heard one autistic person's experience."
"There's endless value when you think about what somebody's personal experience is."
"It's got to be your own, right? It's not your experience. It's not your truth. You have to find your own."
"At least he seems to be enjoying himself."
"We take this day by day, the experience is exclusive to our experience, it is our testimony."
"Everyone experiences grief in different ways."