
Labor Issues Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"The people running these trains have been overworked and underpaid for the last 15 or more years."
"People are, in many cases in this country, working longer hours for low wages."
"They underpaid their animators to squeeze out more content."
"Russians are employing children between the ages of 14 and 17 to come in and work."
"Grocery and big-box stores can be difficult places to work as a lot of people come through each day, and they tend to be understaffed."
"Denying working conditions issues, Amazon's PR push backfired."
"Mystification of the role of central banks... the dragon of inflation... attack on labor."
"Child actors are child laborers, and there's not a lot of protections for them. They are the faces of multi-million sometimes billion dollar franchises, and they are getting pennies, and they're also getting trauma."
"Anyone who’s worked in a job where they say 'we’re like family here' knows that that’s just an excuse your boss uses to guilt you into overworking."
"It's laughable and outright depressing when you've got Japan having popular anime as their top streaming shows yet these anime shows are produced under slavish conditions and rock bottom prices."
"The workers in the warehouses, the contractors on the road, they're being pushed by Amazon."
"It's very exploitive, they get them young and they don't tell them all the consequences and they don't pay them properly and they don't represent them properly."
"Forced labour is a significant and unacceptable problem in global supply chains."
"I am tired of workers' rights not being prioritized in this country, like the right to not be on time."
"Apple picking: growers pay up to $28 per bin."
"By 2013, it was becoming clear that there were growing issues within China... its entire success economically came from its slave-like labor."
"The politics of place space and identity have really really caused labor major major problems that probably isn't going away."
"Blizzard workers have been through the ringer for the last two years."
"For two-and-a-half years he's been just an excellent Secretary of Labor."
"Being a working American is a life or death work, and while there is a disproportionate impact on Black, Latino, Asian Americans, and Native Americans, working-class communities, white working-class communities are being hit hard as well."
"Should the use of inmate labor be allowed in the criminal justice system?"
"Maybe we should structure an economy in which people don't have to work three jobs in order to pay their bills."
"The reality is that the iPhone you or someone you know owns was made by workers in China who are being grossly exploited."
"When a bubble forms and eventually pops, you want to know who suffers the most? Workers, employees."
"Migrant workers are an invisible yet essential backbone for every developed country."
"Saxony was meant to be built on slave labor."
"Amazon is ground zero. It's the seemingly invincible giant enforcing the current system to new extremes of cruelty and inhumanity."
"Our food supply is completely a mess, not just the quality of it and the additives and all the things making you sick but the amount of extra labor of getting a freaking potato from a field into my mouth."
"The equation is tipped ever more towards capital versus labor."
"It's not an attack on all unions to address problems within police unions. We need to divorce that connection."
"There's no right to a living, no right to make a living."
"They don't even want to pay their employees 400 a week that's free market doesn't really decide apparently."
"If you're working 50 or 60 hours a week... are you really free?"
"The lack of a union to advocate for wrestlers means that Vince gets to call all the shots."
"We've gone from 1st to 12th in the world in wages... most people are working harder for less money than they were making 10 years ago."
"It's never a clean automation. There's always an invisible supply chain of usually exploited labor hiding behind it."
"Death by overwork is a new, exhausting global phenomenon."
"Railroad CEOs fail to realize that wages are not competitive in this market anymore."
"But the thing that folks keep emphasizing is that this ultimately isn't really about money, it's about the working conditions, it's about the quality of life for people working on the railroads given everything that we're talking about here."
"We deserve a lot more respect and consideration than what we're getting here."
"You're essentially doing all the work and it reaches a point where you're like wait I'm getting kind of screwed here."
"Unpaid internships are very very unfair for people who are passionate about wanting to work somewhere that can't simply because they want to feed themselves."
"Amazon workers dying is the cost of doing business, and it often costs less than keeping them alive."
"To call what someone is doing in these situations a side hustle is just sugar-coating a shitty situation."
"Disney Underpaid His Employees, Causing Them to Go On Strike and Changing Animation Forever."
"The economy today is good, but you've got tens of millions of workers still struggling to put food on the table."
"Wealth never disappears, it merely shifts location."
"Amazon warehouse workers and adjunct professors... share a lot more in common than they did ever before in American history."
"The problem is not that they're lazy, the problem is that if you're making more money on unemployment than you're making on the job, it's a problem with the damn job."
"Opposing unions is one thing, but the lies and the way they go about it, it's insanely dishonest."
"The working class must do labor for someone else to profit off of in order to survive."
"Striking writers were given yet another reason to believe that the studios are purely motivated by greed and do not value their labor."
"Doing the day-to-day for their company, those are going to be low-income people who are not getting paid well and are going to typically have negative experiences."
"And you wonder why the nurses are on strike right and the doctors are soon to be go on strike and basically everyone in the public is like good for you."
"It's not really about paying people that are doing more work more money. The problem is paying people a living wage."
"Industrialization created 'the labor problem' as mechanization diminished opportunities for skilled workers."
"It's easier for the 'AAA' game industry to keep treating works like dirt if they don't have a name because if they don't have a name, they don't have a voice."
"There's nothing normal about forcing a person into a building for 40 to 60 hours a week."
"Why does our system allow for massive profits for people who aren't doing any actual work?"
"The last administration sold out American workers like never before, sold them to donors, special interests, and globalists."
"We've undone it because the new kinds of roles that people play of providing information to giant algorithms so that they can automate things we've suddenly decided that's just too easy we're not going to pay people for it."
"This is capitalism, unless you are the upper echelon 1%, we are all selling our bodies, selling our labor for a paycheck."
"Workers are not treated as people with needs and wants and dreams and aspirations. Nope, they are just the inefficient flesh robots used to get the wealthy their damn drinks."
"So when we do things like boycott a factory that was using child labor it might result in those children not having that job anymore."
"Filing bankruptcy would put the pensions of countless number of labor unions on the table, and that is just unconscionable."
"The camps distorted the Soviet economy, taking far longer than it should have to become mechanized." - Anne Applebaum
"Terrible working conditions, unlawful hours, and shockingly low pay were the realities."
"Those jobs are gone and those jobs are not coming back."
"Young women are still being utilized and there aren't many labor laws to actually protect these young workers."
"These strikes are about Recruitment and Retention in our education system."
"Criminalization of migration has functioned as a way to police labor populations."
"There is obviously a big labor shortage right now in the West. It's not just in America."
"The next phase of the Qatar trap has to do with how these people were exploited, how their rights were taken away from them to force them to work."
"A lot of workers report being treated like animals, being yelled at and bossed around in totally inhumane ways."
"So, yes, we are now talking about forced labor with no compensation, a euphemism for modern-day slavery."
"NAFTA has harmed American workers and cost the U.S. billions of dollars."
"I think there's a big ideological disconnect between the traditional labor movement and actual heavy industry workers."
"Since this economy of America completely rest on free labor after the Civil War was only a matter of time before it returned to that."
"It's not about working conditions, wages, or pensions. It's about people who don't want to get vaccinated."
"It's amazing how disposable workers are to some employers in this country."
"We don't have a labor demand problem to solve; we have a labor supply problem."
"Japanese animators are both grossly overworked and disgustingly underpaid."
"There is no such thing as a labor shortage, only bosses unwilling to offer better jobs."
"The workers are becoming peasants through double extraction."
"Why won't we fix why won't we look at capitalism for what it is like everybody is down here working so hard to make this one guy rich this one white guy rich."
"Labor shortages fueling inflation: a reality check for the economy."
"Work really really hard for people who treat you like garbage."
"Conservatives pretend to care about workers."
"Late stage capitalism is this process where the capitalists...are trying to squeeze more and more profits...by reducing the wages of the workers who are actually their customers."
"Forced labor trafficking is more prevalent than sex trafficking."
"Every one of these issues...has been about overworked, undercompensated, totally abused workers."
"I don't hardly turn TV on to watch anything. You don't get time to run, I mean, for you, seeing so many of these younger workers here having to work five, six, seven years to get full pay, what's your thoughts on that?"
"That's called free labor. Yeah, they took advantage of you."
"The BJP only remembers the workers killed when it comes to elections."
"Before that happens it's probably your worst fear in the world that you know union never is never going to happen."
"This is about a caste system, temporary workers which shouldn't exist, a two-tier system where this person next to me is making thirty two dollars and this person over here is making sixteen dollars."
"Corporations have become emboldened by years of disorganization."
"Worker exploitation is when workers are abused, taken advantage of, and when workers as resources are siphoned from them in order to extract value for the company."
"I don't have time for unpaid internships, nobody has time for unpaid internships."
"Absolutely wild how the most important story in the country right now is an impending strike of 125,000 railroad workers that will devastate Supply chains and no one's covering it."
"Exploitation is literally the action or fact of treating somebody unfairly to benefit from their work."
"The Parks are parasites too... they leech off the labor and desperation of their workers."
"In a capitalist system, money has value, but labor does not."
"There's something fundamentally wrong in this country when ordinary people are working longer hours for low wages."
"Wages, retirement, healthcare, and our time - these are the issues that unite the working class."