
Dogmatism Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"The key characteristic of ideology is that it tells half the story, and the best way to immunize ourselves to the corrupting effect of dogmatic thinking is to listen to the whole story."
"The process of free speech is the process by which dogmatic errors are rectified."
"I strongly encourage you to be more critical of dogmatism and in-group out-group tribalism."
"Science cannot believe in a creator because of their dogmatism. A scientist cannot use language saying, 'Oh, it was non-existent, but it pops into existence.'"
"The belief that there is one right way to live your life is itself a fascist belief."
"The sacred science maintains an aura of sacredness around its basic dogma."
"If you have a problem with non-believers being destroyed, you have a problem with Christianity."
"A lot of these conversations just become dogmatic very quickly."
"Nothing is so dogmatic that it happens all the time."
"Truths turn into dogmas the instant that they are disputed. Thus, every man who utters a doubt defines a religion."
"Ultimately, those conversations want to culminate not only in an ethic of caring at the end but a way to help people to break through dogmatism."
"A worldview buttressed by dogmatic desperation invariably leads to single-minded fanaticism."
"Science is not part of the conversation anymore, this is becoming Dogma."
"Have flexibility and don't be so dogmatic into things."
"Within three days, my daughter's warts decreased markedly... within four weeks, she was free of warts."
"The scientific mentality is quite as dogmatic as the old devil snatchers of the Inquisition."
"Morality is relative and not absolute... dogma is the problem... it's creeping into everything... if anyone says to me this is what shouldn't be questioned, that's the red bag to a bull."
"Dogmatism is by far the best fall-back defense, but it’s also the most blatant dead give-away that the person doesn’t know why they believe what they believe."
"Most people do not seek truth but dogma that they can justify."
"Once a scientific postulate becomes solidified into an unquestionable dogma, it becomes religion, not science."
"It's like a religion that you just can't argue with."
"Dogma: acting as though you possess absolute truth."
"There's something dangerous about people who believe they have the truth and they act blindly."
"Excessive dogmatism and excessive skepticism, it's hard to get that balance right."
"It's very hard pressed to say we're too dogmatic about String Theory."
"Unfortunately, this is what sectarianism has done where my school becomes the correct quote/unquote Orthodox opinion of Islam and anybody who dares disagree is somehow an a partial enemy to the truth."
"It was an act of utter folly, the product of their dogmatism, their arrogance, their insistence upon uniformity, and the blow-back was catastrophic."
"Sometimes dogmatism is one of the best indicators of progress."
"Dogmatic thinking is dogmatic thinking whether it’s the product of a machine carrying out programming, or a person following orders."
"Dogmatism is inherently arrogant, diversity is always honorable."
"The followers of these avatars dogmatize their teachings and create religions around them."
"Ah, glorious old dogmatism! When will you come back to earth again? It is these ifs and buts and qualifications, these perhapses and maybes, that have ruined our purposes."
"I consider that a very important experience to stay away from dogmatism and one-sidedness."
"Others assert that differing dogmas expose the emptiness of all religion."
"Dogma is the enemy of understanding."
"Science at its best is supposed to fight a two-front war against excessive dogmatism and excessive skepticism."
"Ready-made answers are a religion, not life."
"I think the definition of a bigot is somebody who is so set in their strict dogma or way of thinking that there's no room for any gray area."
"Dogmatism was the one who made skepticism endure because he said that is the foundation for a whole way of life."
"The world has become the victim of dogmatic political creeds, of which in our day the most powerful are capitalism and communism."
"Science is able to change its mind and isn't this dogmatic thing which a lot of religionists want to claim that it is."
"The Jedi, by the events of the prequels, had grown too dogmatic and stuck in their ways."
"Dogma is simply a set of principles that are laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true."
"The problem with Darwinian evolution the way it is actually taught is it's taught like a religion."