
Impatience Quotes

There are 901 quotes

"Patience is waiting in the moment; impatience is waiting in the future."
"The high achievers, they are impatient. They want to get things done today."
"I call myself an impatient optimist. I'm impatient because the world is getting better for women, but it's not getting better quickly enough."
"I've been having these quiet conversations with members of Congress for the last two months. I'm tired of being quiet."
"Pantheon, bring me in immediately. Dr. Doom is not accustomed to being made to wait."
"In love, you are too impatient. You perform well, you go fast, but then you miss a little bit of wisdom and end up having to course correct. That's wisdom."
"They're impatient to be with you again, eager to feel good and happy once more."
"You're feeling impatient, almost impulsive, like some of the things that you were putting off until tomorrow, I want to do them now."
"I never had the patience for it. I never did."
"If you're sick of waiting for Moses to come down the mountain with the Word of God, can you just build your own God from whatever's handy?"
"Anthem had something, but who wants to sit and wait? It's more fun to go out and live your [ __ ] life."
"The writing's so bad, take the shot already!"
"I don't want to be behind someone's slow, so yeah, I'll take my chances with the rollerblade on one foot."
"Love the Swagbucks, give me like three seconds, four more seconds, it would have been over."
"We all want to know how that happened, but guys I'm not gonna belabor the time."
"Why make people wait again on your PS4? I understand all that. This year more than any other year, I have... I spent so much money on just nobody."
"Formula One is an impatient space. Nothing is patient in Formula One, and yet it's an incredibly difficult competition. It's arguably the most difficult competition, you know, on Earth."
"They're straight up tired of waiting on you."
"I swear to god if you keep buffering I will jump out the window."
"When are we gonna stop being a work in progress? When are we gonna stop being potential?"
"I think you're done waiting. I think you're done having hopes in this."
"I'm sorry that we have to wrap this up. I'm sorry, I can't just hang it in for the next... Just [__] one hit, the one is almost there."
"This guy's taking forever to give me the thing will be open this time around patent Waldo."
"Football fans are the least patient people in the world."
"I don't have patience, the world might not even be here in 10 or 20 years."
"Let's just get this over with so I can go watch something more pleasant."
"When are we going to stop putting up with the idiots?"
"Big Mom's absolute refusal to wait even one more day to eat the sweets she wants right now makes her incredibly strong."
"An impatient heart cannot be a loving heart."
"Anyone expecting results in a few days is a clown."
"You don't want to be waiting for four minutes."
"Enough with the silver already! Life's too short."
"Y'all thought I was waiting for his Queen to get ready I'm gonna go over there pissed off I'm wearing green."
"Time is of the essence. We ain't finna sit back and wait for you to finally get it together."
"Let's get right to the video and skip the tuning of my horn."
"I just want success now, I'm sick of waiting."
"It's sort of insane for Netflix to expect Terrace House fans to just sit on their hands and wait patiently for them to get around to releasing the show."
"No one wants to wait 7,000 years when you're playing a game."
"Is this person flirting with me? Dude, you're telling me this is going to take 10 minutes for her to explain?"
"We're gonna tie the knot sooner than that. I don't care what Gabrielle says. I'm not waiting forever."
"Let's go, get out of my way freaking losers."
"Damn, y'all, hurry up, I'm starving. See, even Larry little small and hunger."
"This is what impatience looks like - all of my deaths are due to impatience."
"I probably shouldn't have brought that into it but when do you guys think it'll be over that's more that's a better."
"Guests think 'The Dragons of Camelot' has a long queue? Buy a priority pass, you greedy fox!"
"Cool, we'll wait to move this guy, right? I don't want to wait here."
"Oh God, can we go through the door now? Can I get the hell out of here?"
"This is getting a little out of hand, I really feel like I need to open these gold keys already."
"It was like when you had your quarterback throw the ball for the drill and he's like taking too long, like 'Hurry up and throw it, I'm about to pick this.'"
"I think fans are going to become impatient. It's the story of Manchester United."
"I don't care, I'd like to play this pack before I lose my early access!"
"You're perfect, then that's where we're at because I'm f***ing done waiting on people."
"I'm too horny to be single; someone better start acting right and wife me the [__] up."
"We're used to instant gratification, always."
"It's like watching the review, stop talking."
"Patience is not a virtue patience is stupid we live in a period of time where speed is the new Goliath okay it's the glass that David combined you want speed and you must be the TARDIS too."
"For all the impatient people with no attention span..."
"Everyone's time preference is way off, they want everything to happen now."
"I got tired of waiting, Nintendo. I got sick and tired of waiting."
"Follow closely... So where's this darn shortcut you keep talking about?"
"We never said we were the most patient bunch."
"I feel like you're tired of pulling back, can we just get this moving?"
"Life is too short, I don't have time for stupidity."
"You don't understand the definition of soon soon would have been after the first three years not here when we've got to seven years but also come on now nobody talks like that."
"There's no patience, there's no appetite for trying again with the same group if they don't do it."
"Did they just say coming soon and not give a date?"
"You gotta understand, don't get caught up with this society because we live in a microwave society. So in a microwave society, we got a lot of greedy young people who they want to teach you to try to play the market."
"I didn't have the patience to like, oh my God, it's just another what the hell."
"Oh my god, just show me who did it! Who did it, Frank?"
"You're having a loss of patience when it comes to money."
"Are you waiting for a better movie? Stop waiting."
"Justice must be served, it don't take that long. We the People demand answers."
"Football has changed a lot and there is a generation of fan now that has zero patience and zero respect."
"Stay tuned to the end of the video to see how to enter the giveaway or I guess you could just skip there if you're impatient."
"Waiting to me is worse than madness, it's math."
"And it wasn't like I came out to myself, I came out to my friends my family my grandparents just everybody I had I didn't have the patience to wait."
"I think people don't realize how important speed is when it comes to experience right and it's... I don't think it's so much getting something now and you know people aren't patient."
"The temptation of a quick Victory is a Fool's errand."
"People who exploit marginalized communities make me impatient."
"We're just standing here like a couple dummies with their thumbs up our butt waiting for the weather to change."
"People demand it. They say take me to the story's end. I want to know the last page of the book before I even finish the first page."
"I'm trying to make quick money instead of keeping their eyes on the prize here."
"It's like you're willing to die to get ice cream faster."
"I just want it now, you know? It's like getting the taste of something and liking it, and then having it taken away from you."
"What's your most toxic trait? I'm impatient."
"I'm not patient enough. I must, I must. Max you out. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."
"He just can't wait to start destroying these damn pencilmen."
"Impatience will always give birth to what will fight your promise."
"We're very impatient, so we're gonna use a hammer to make their birthday ever so slightly earlier."
"Buffering, I want my music now. Thank you anyway."
"Nobody wants to hear it. Everybody wants quick solutions and everybody wants to make money fast."
"You're going too quickly, it's like I want to have this body, I want to look like this, I want to wear these clothes."
"Are you freaking [__] me? Yes, my dad left three hours ago, get over here already!"
"Travis doesn't have the patience for that kind of bullshit."
"The second something isn't the way you want it to be, you get mad."
"I think that a lot of us want to jump to forgiveness very quickly because we want to move on."
"Women just take a long time, yeah, they just take a long time."
"A New York nanosecond is the time that it takes between the lights in front of the taxi in front of you, turning from red to amber, and the taxi behind you starts hooting."
"Everybody wants to succeed so fast because they want to prove something to somebody else."
"I'm sick and tired of hearing it, okay? We're going to go to KFC in a second, but I'm doing this for you. Now you can make the memes."
"I'm tired of the slow build, I need to fight the top dogs."
"We're raising generations of people that just have zero patience and don't really want to ever take on real issues."
"Saruman's corruption was a slow process and probably began with impatience rather than with evil."
"Let's get this thing over with so we can get home."
"Don't stand in line, I ain't never had to wait."
"I'm tired of waiting, gotta make that move."
"They refused and said, 'Oh, we'll just be a minute doing this.'"
"People want everything now, they don't want to wait."
"I'm making it so obvious, I don't have the patience to fake tasks right now."
"I've been here freaking five minutes, this is sick."
"I'm hungry already, so I can't wait for this to be done."
"I was impatient, purchased before the sale, super dumb. Sale goes till the 15th. Rouge gets 20% off, Insider 10%, Vib 15%."
"You're tired of waiting, tired of going through the motions, tired of this person seeming like they're going to change and then not changing."
"Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or Jack to hurry up about the new Pop-Up Pirate video."
"I just want damn not nice bam now."
"I don't really want to wait a week for more."
"That's what happens when you go too early."
"The minute he reaches a conclusion that nothing is going to come out of it, The Narcissist becomes indifferent, dismissive, bored, and impatient with you."
"Let's not wait, let's devise means to see it early."
"Oh, all right, enough of the cinematics."
"If you have to wait past 12 to have sex, I'm annoyed."
"We often desire marriage out of fear and impatience, wanting someone to save us and fulfill us."
"I've been waiting for 10 minutes."
"I will it to go faster, waiting for the sun to set and the night to fall."
"Karma takes too long. I'd rather just hit you on the head with a shovel right now."
"For all the references we made to other things, it's not just that he has no original ideas. It's more so that he can't render them into something meaningful. Like, he doesn't even have enough patience to do it within the films themselves."
"Just put the motor in. I want my car back."
"I'm just having fun with the trailer my biggest complaint fact thing I'm mad about I wish I never saw this no ain't gonna sleep until the movie comes out I'm really I'm tormented."
"What's so special about you that you don't think that you have to wait?"
"Millennials just like things to be expedient, you know what I mean? Like gratification, yes, like if a video on Instagram takes like four seconds too long, they're like on to the next."
"You're like oh my god have you ever waited on a phone call."
"If anybody else out there is impatient when it comes to ice cream..."
"It's just human nature, especially when we first begin things or we want to scale things, we want things to go as soon as possible."
"I literally can't wait, I'm so excited."
"I don't know how to open stuff without breaking it. I just get impatient."
"I wanted to skip ahead, skip the steps to the end goal, rather than going through the steps."
"Hopefully he's dead sooner than later."
"Chanel, you're up. I've been waiting like an hour for you."
"You want what you want and you want it now."
"I'm just tired of waiting for this to dry and going back and forth outside."
"So I just feel like Tuesday is coming up too fast you're like I don't want it no I want it Tuesday Friday yeah Friday's like a day before I go 42 weeks I she's like I don't think you're going to get to Friday and I was like yeah me either."
"I don't do well in limbo. I need progress."
"We all are victims of this, not being patient."
"...it's becoming ridiculous how long this is taking."
"You get a teaspoon of compassion, that's more than double the serving size I get impatient for."
"I don't want to wait for nothing."
"Hey y'all, so I finished decorating already. I was feeling real hungry so we just came to cover to get some lunch."
"I need season two now, we need season two yesterday."
"What's taking so long? I've spent all my skills in stat points and I'm also all healed up," Salvo said.
"Just the size of the power and what a shoddy gauge diamond diamond right there just got tired of listening to him I guess."
"But I'm impatient. I'm stubborn. I'm ambitious."
"I just wish we could do it faster."
"Come on, hurry up! Why can't the time go just a little bit faster?"
"Many talented, creative, skilled Geniuses are very impatient; they hold other people in contempt, they're patronizing and condescending."
"Energy is very much about feeling like you don't want to wait anymore, you just want to move ahead."
"They are growing impatient about the disconnect."
"What does this person want from this connection? They want success, they want to be generous with you. They want security with you, and they're growing really impatient when it comes to that feeling."
"I'm tired of not knowing. I just want definite answers now."
"Whoever said good things come to those who wait was an idiot."
"Instant gratification, it's a cancer, it's a sickness that's a very big symptom of our society these days."
"I mean honestly, where is this stupid man?"
"It takes a lot of energy to be impatient, which is a strong sign that you don't trust the universal law to deliver. Besides that, jealousy is a bad energy that can stop your wealth from coming true."
"I'm so happy. I don't have to wait."
"If this Lane is going faster and this Lane is going slow, there's the arrow, this Lane's going slow, they're going to be like yeah I'm going to go for that open spot because I'm want to go faster."
"When somebody puts me on hold, don't blame me when my mind starts to wonder."
"I'm two sips away from biting. I'm gonna get the bill."
"Sometimes Mr. Prime Minister only take too long."
"I don't suffer fools at all, not even you."
"Waiting is not him, he cannot wait, he's a child, you know."
"I don't feel like sitting down. Reacher said."
"I'm pretty patient too but I'm also extremely impatient."
"The matchmaker is not the patient woman."
"But Humanity long ago chose to neglect those plausible reasons they wanted knowledge and beauty and they wanted them now and they would not wait for the suitable moment that never comes."
"She desperately wishes for time to pass faster."
"Honestly, if she gets her license, I'm so impatient. What I'm kind of worried about is if she gets her license then she's gonna think in her mind that she's this great driver."
"I don't have patience, I want people to believe."
"Are you kidding me? When can we move in?"
"But it's almost like, you know, you want to get it over with, I would think."
"I'm not taking the piss out of you, we goin' soon?"
"She is trying to make this go much faster."
"Easy over there, guys, getting impatient. I wanna hear this thing run."
"That's too long. If he wanted to marry you, y'all have been married two years ago. You wasting all your time."
"Hey, that's not funny. But this is taking forever. Shreking ain't no inlight movie or nothing."
"I won't, I can't wait now, thank you."
"I lost patience very quickly with these guys and did not appreciate the subtle threats."
"I'm so impatient when it comes to letting things be hot enough"
"They want to talk to you now but maybe they're feeling a little bit impatient."
"Life is moving too slow for a lot of you."
"Are you getting like antsy that you have one more year left or do you feel like it's like dragging on?"
"Impatience creates a space for you to have a relationship in your head with another person and expects them to live up to those expectations that you placed on them without them knowing."
"If I'm not getting my expectations met, know that you're impatient."
"Impatience creates a very place, it creates a space for you to have a relationship in your head with another person and expects them to live up to those expectations that you placed on them without them knowing."
"We're still waiting. It's like literally been two hours later."
"My tips with this, and I see a lot of students do this, is basically get a bit too impatient when they're drawing out quads."
"Golly, do I always have to wait for a walk?"
"How much longer on the food? We've been here for like 30 minutes."
"I'll take it, oh no my cake, it's ruined, Reena has no patience for this."
"Are we just gonna wait around until he does?"
"I don't really care how it starts, I just can't wait for it to actually start."
"Judge Judy has no patience for people who stir the pot."