
Industry Practices Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"Labs and makeup are set up to cater to big conglomerates, and they screw the little man."
"We'll stop talking about it when the publishers stop doing it. Reasonable? Seems fair to me."
"We need to celebrate games that use progression systems to provide fun, interesting experiences we want to play more of, rather than just using them to pad out playtime and microtransaction revenue metrics."
"The expectations that they think are unrealistic for us to have as like a standard are: AAA games releasing on time, releasing finished, actually being fun and enjoyable, not milking you for money around every single corner, and not cutting content from the game to sell back to you."
"The darker sides of the self-help industry revolve around casting a shadow over your eyes, making you feel as though you've accomplished something when you actually haven't."
"To see a brand who not only was just supporting these amazing people with 100% living wages, something that's almost never done in the fashion industry today, but also had the heart behind what they made."
"It amazes me that we have crunch time and yet we are constantly releasing unfinished games."
"The games industry has a horrible, horrible track record of maintaining its own games."
"Child actors actually go in, they clock in, and they clock out. These kids do not get to clock out ever."
"We're continually seeing statements that say things like a certain proportion of the audience or a small percentage... are having issues with the game, and it is gaslighting, isn't it?"
"Have a solid process and reach out to those in your industry that are doing really well."
"They underpaid their animators to squeeze out more content."
"Most of the electronics repair industry is small shops performing relatively simple jobs like screen replacements and keyboard repairs."
"I'm genuinely concerned about what aggressive monetization has done to the game industry, to the quality of video games themselves. And, more importantly, to the people they target."
"Developers, including Epic, are fighting back against crunch."
"There's like so much training that goes into it, they're literally crafting you as a person."
"The managers of k-pop succeeded in replicating the kind of work ethic found in sweatshops or 19th-century industrial labor."
"Idols are forced to decrease their calorie intake, often leading to long-lasting eating disorders."
"Here's what I recommend: if they say that measurements don't matter and they claim that they're solving engineering problems that can't be quantified, then you know they're basically dealing with used-car salesman."
"The truth is Blizzard never really addressed some of the major problems with their core game philosophy."
"Is it a thing to say ow in pro wrestling? Um, you will be judged."
"You're just taking someone else's movie and just redoing it, a cheaper version. How dare you?"
"I've seen a lot of actors renegotiate their fees, it's common practice."
"There's nothing I hate more in this business than the edit."
"This is not meant to demonize any of the creators that have worked with this company."
"If this little company has such an 'open secret' about their personnel, think of what some of the big ones could be hiding."
"The family find out that their loved one has gone to a funeral director, and the practices that that funeral director will then ring the family."
"ESG is two things: it's an ideology and it's an industry."
"I don't understand why a music label wouldn't want streamers playing their stuff."
"It's very exploitive, they get them young and they don't tell them all the consequences and they don't pay them properly and they don't represent them properly."
"Most people manipulate fighters just like probably this industry as well where people just want to take advantage and get as much as they can out of the people."
"Nintendo doesn't like squealers, unfortunately."
"If, for example, a film becomes a sleeper hit, that doesn't really equate to the studios making more money."
"Games are designed around the monetization model."
"Small swaps, you know, what you're trying to be perfect but yeah, I think within the industry, it's definitely something that a lot of people are talking about."
"It's so hard for me to want to play a game where the developers and the company as a whole really just... doesn't care to update us on what's going on."
"I've been in this business, we give you everything."
"Always online games as a service which means money over content got elden ringed."
"A shining beacon of what happens when you focus on making a good game first so that more people want to keep playing."
"It may make sense for the pork industry's bottom line, but we are only beginning to understand the true costs of this approach."
"Older classics have been redubbed to better honor the spirit of the original property, and some Japanese companies like Aniplex have even started supervising the dubbing of their own shows."
"I think it really does have to have some level of improvement just releasing games in their basically original unmodified form as a new release I don't really like that."
"It's been [] refreshing not thinking of all the ways 2k has [] us."
"Crunch does not always lead to great products."
"This is like a dog and pony show for them and they're gonna cling on to it because they love that...yeah, they love that."
"The success of Po World proves that the only thing customers actually care about is a good game. AI slavery, bestiality, copyright infringement – it's a video game. These are pretend problems that people don't actually care about."
"Those individuals that purposely buy the lowest quality parts and advertise them as new and OEM are some of the scum in our industry."
"The bottom line is the whole point of classic was to go to a time before cash shops dominated the game."
"People are finally realizing that niji Sanji operates the same way pimps operated in the 1940s."
"Halo has everything you need for a blockbuster."
"Private Equity runs hospitals and mobile home parks the same way they run streaming platforms."
"This game was supposed to launch a year earlier. When you rush a game out to get it out, you cut corners and you make mistakes. That's the bottom line."
"A huge Scandal exposed Mass corruption across the meat Supply industry when Undeclared horse meat was found in a load of European food products."
"Basics are something that is very commonly overlooked in our industry that I will always harp on."
"We don’t want these actors to become the new industry tokens that get cast in everything as a cover that things are just fine."
"This two-year commitment plan ensures the devs have more time to polish their games, and it allows Infinity Ward to take the gloves off."
"It was something that while we were working on the movie I realized how engaged with the fans and forthcoming Lucasfilm had always been."
"It's pencils down in Hollywood right now, except most of them don't use pencils."
"Gamers will get mad at anything sometimes over very understandable things like deceptive marketing and predatory in-game monetization but mostly over really stupid things."
"The intent was to provide players with a sense of Pride and accomplishment for unlocking different Heroes and a bunch of other stuff nobody asked for."
"If it happened to Benoit, it might happen to anyone caught up in the WWE self-defeating work schedule and health policies."
"Motion capture is the bread and butter of how we make Madden."
"Similarly situated channels can get widely different sponsorship opportunities, and it's very interesting to me that nobody talks about that."
"I think the reality is that the industry is doing something it knows is wrong."
"It feels like I'm sitting in the 1970s rooms with the tobacco companies explaining to each other why tobacco doesn't cause cancer."
"The number one important rule for gaming these days is that on day one you've got to do it right."
"It's like an industry will do something that it's completely amoral and then they will get you know cemented in business-wise."
"Every game needs a demo y'all out here making record profits with these microtransactions and subscription models so I don't want to hear nothing about y'all lack of resources because y'all gotten very good at extracting ours."
"Senior producer at Bungie tweeted that they walked out 'to demand better working conditions.'"
"So if you're hot, you can drop garbage, you can sh*t in a mic, and it will still do well."
"It's time to expose some of the most shameless cash-grabs and the most awkward get-togethers that none of us ever asked for."
"The whole Swiss made label is a scam. Many small companies source their parts from the Far East then buy and assemble capacity at multi-brand facilities in Switzerland, paying minimum wage."
"They're basically straight up saying that the game's quality suffered because they imposed a games of service design on a studio that wasn't well suited to make it."
"I give them credit for listening cuz a lot of times movie studios and developers for games and publishers don't listen."
"This is a great example of how to do cross-gen support right."
"That's a big departure from the rotating schedule that Activision has had to play since 2012."
"Sony's anti-competitive tactics deserve discussion and we welcome further investigation to ensure a Level Playing Field in the video game industry."
"For the first time in the series a Fallout game had paid downloadable content available after the launch of the game."
"With their ever-growing presence, the esa wanted E3 to be seen as a more professional show in 2006 they banned the common trade show practice of Booth babes."
"It was the Wild West at the time, there were no review systems or Silve qualities, it was just make a game and if it looks similar to the other one who cares, it'll make him money."
"Industry standards make your life safer and easier."
"I think it's the only way you'll ever have true diversity in the game."
"The fossil fuel industry is fundamentally a grifting industry. They get government subsidies, exploit resources, make profits, and leave behind pollution for vulnerable communities to pay the cost."
"When someone is very kind to other people... they're obviously not gonna be evil."
"Cash-grab, ripoff films like what you are about to see are able to be squirted out in junction with popular movies."
"This shows you how sick the banking industry is."
"It's easier for the 'AAA' game industry to keep treating works like dirt if they don't have a name because if they don't have a name, they don't have a voice."
"We live in a world where they literally put out a buggy mess that was purposefully gutted to try and sell skins."
"Final Fantasy 14 doesn't invalidate their content as quickly as wow does."
"Hope this can serve as a cautionary tale for game publishers and higher-ups in particular of what not to do for a successful video game launch."
"Did anybody ask for this? Is there a single gamer who thinks this is worth risking the game turning permanently unplayable?"
"The entire concept of always online restrictions for single-player games is as ironic as it is reprehensible."
"The labels have been signing trash humans based on algorithms."
"Double dipping where possible is a hallmark of all video game development."
"Consumer backlash will do a lot to dissuade bad behavior."
"Publishers aren't just greedy, they're greedy in the extreme."
"Definitely learned from Microsoft's mistake and show us gameplay, not cinematically filmed in-game footage but actual gameplay."
"This sort of DLC reminds us that games were once complete packages."
"We live in a world where we don't have full games anymore at release."
"So, these are just kind of some of the typical natural gases that we see where they're doing a release. And so, they put a TFR in the area as they bleed the pipelines or something to get air out of the system or something, I guess."
"Large companies are amoral at best -- more interested in profit than doing what’s right."
"There have been no mentions at all about removing loot boxes."
"These outlets just to be clear they're not there they're not fair they no longer have the fans best interests in mind."
"Copying is a common occurrence in the world of weapons manufacturing."
"One thing I've learned being in the detailing world for a long time... a lot of these big companies... get the same product and then what they do is they change the smell and they change the color."
"The overall arching theme of this story is taking a good hard look at the medical industry."
"Ghostbusters is a master class on what's achievable in cinema when you bring on talented people and don't second-guess your decision."
"Whales in video games are just the same, and video game companies cater to them in the same way."
"It's something which could have been so easily avoided: simply do not be a neurotypical person profiteering off autistic people."
"It hurts the publishers, it hurts the developers... However, it works."
"I hate that, I absolutely hate that it killed their opportunities, it killed all creativity WWE did it because they don't want to go out of their way and be creative, they don't want to have fun with the fucking talent they have on this show."
"Wow, fall guys really copied this game and got away with it."
"It's nice to see them supporting it with some free DLC."
"Modern warfare is going to be a Call of Duty game that does not have a paid season pass."
"It's worth reiterating that if you really wanted to help gamers, you would just start producing more cards for gamers."
"At what point does 'early access' mean it's not coming out till 2020?"
"Contracts are very important in the entertainment industry."
"If you don't have your numbers, they skip over all that talent."
"Everyone's really nice and I'm really appreciative they kind of seem to do like kind of the minimum for the maximum dollar where as opposed to like music production especially my."
"The label signed her wanting to be herself but then tried to control her into becoming another manufactured pop star."
"Cyberpunk 2077 being out in the wild means we actually know what it's like for these people, and we can really see why CD Projekt Red would not want people to show their footage."
"I hope they stay as good as they have been... seeking quality of life improvements in the game rather than scummy practices."
"Even life before slaughter is inhumane for the sheep of the wool industry."
"People will sample songs, put 10 songs on a CD, and call it an album."
"Recycling just seems like a really key and fundamental aspect that they have not talked a lot about that seems like huge promise."
"I think for EA, they don't mind either of those things."
"The point here is that the industry wants you to think that there's abundance of fish in the ocean so that you keep buying it and they keep profiting."
"She seemed to find the idea of investing in her artists and their work pointless and laughable. So I feel used."
"Welcome to the future that this random guy in a red shirt warned us about. Is this uh an out of season April Fool's joke? What's so funny about this is that he was right. Like, he was [ __ ] right."
"This scene with the troll, it did try to do a blend of practical and visual."
"Remakes generally follow the same rules of only ever happening to great or at the very least decent games."
"There's a lot of loopholes like I think the way because labels have to make their money back right so even if you're seeing a massive check like and the deal might look good."
"January's a month where a lot of youtubers just say we're gonna take the month off."
"Scant evidence to support manufacturers' justifications for repair restrictions."
"They're saying they're going to award them during commercial breaks. It's so offensive."
"I do think there needs to be more diversity. I do think there needs to be more if you're going to have black culture being marketed and sold, there should be more black people telling you how that should happen."
"It certainly feels like there is a disequilibrium between innovation and ethics on a collective scale and the way in which industry operates."
"Tire and wheel is shadier than vehicle service contracts."
"Studios are just machines. If a thing keeps working, they'll keep making it until it doesn't work anymore."
"These are not people concerned about the art, these are people who are concerned about money and power."
"We talk about Netflix's paper bag testing but what is actually being done to push behind that?"
"This was definitely a great test case as to why they don't announce games or show gameplay earlier."
"We need to take a good hard honest look at where Starfield is and recognize that in my opinion they have done the right thing by delaying it."
"You should be mad at the studio executives who keep greenlighting this garbage without a reason to actually exist."
"It's so rare for things like these to be given to the public by virtue of so many factors including copyright obviously but also through things like outdated industry practices."
"Kenny Omega said that women in wrestling are wise to keep away from oawa and his business practices. There are a lot of people who refuse to wait with Rossy for the very same reason."
"If nobody knew that was bad, why is it a spot in wrestling? That's true. That's a good point."
"It's really international; it's not just a US standard, it's around the world."
"It seems like there's almost this industry trend... where game developers will take a game that's maybe 65% complete, right, they'll push that through and go gold with it."
"The record industry overprices itself by encouraging the expenditure on videos, on packaging, and stuff like that. It's an industry that runs on excess."
"These artists is garbage, that there is vital, but it's ironic because the flow they use recycle."
"Pitching an interesting business, one of the few businesses that when you're deceptive, it's called for."
"It's pretty sad to see that and then think about how that's how it's like kind of meant to be but how in the big industries, it's the complete opposite, and they do horrible things to the animals."
"Now record companies don't give budgets like the old days when the great records were made because they cost money."
"What are the important design guidelines that we must keep in mind when we are working with sheet metal products."
"Frankly, industry will do what it needs to do to push as much of its product into the world as it can."
"What if I told you that in the hair loss industry, the phrase 'science-backed' no longer means anything?"
"Cruelty to animals... should we consider some of the practices of the meat industry cruelty?"