
Spiritual Love Quotes

There are 394 quotes

"You can't even properly love yourself until you first love your creator."
"Nothing can separate you from the love of God... He loves you even when you can't feel it."
"Feel the creator's love as you read and absorb the loving energies that are here for you within this message."
"When you begin to encounter a love like no other, the love of Jesus is unfailing, it is relentless."
"God loves you, and you do not have to be perfect to receive His love and His blessings."
"I'm not saying you believe too much in your own wretchedness; what I'm telling you is you do not believe enough in merciful love."
"Take away all iniquity, receive us graciously, love us freely."
"It's not okay to be just okay, it's only good to be outrageously in love with the Father."
"Jehovah loves you very much for obeying him, Caleb."
"You are both beautiful souls, through love and forgiveness, a world of infinite possibility and contentment awaits you."
"Teach me to love you completely and show me how to receive your love."
"All I want is to drink of your love, to drink of your joy in the company of true devotees."
"You are a very, very powerful being... you bring forth healing with your light, with your wisdom, with your love."
"Learn to love God and your neighbor... Love God, love your neighbor... the center of the gospel."
"My name is sacred, a symbol of my love and sacrifice for Humanity."
"The love of the father can flow through anyone."
"God gets down on his hands and knees and speaks to us in tiny little syllables that we can understand because he loves us."
"Agape love. A complete self-giving where you would give your life for another one that you love so much just like Jesus did for us."
"The most attractive thing about my wife is that I know she is more in love with Jesus than she is with me."
"It all begins with the love they have for God."
"Confirmation again, they feel you are their twin flame or soulmate, a divine love beyond the social matrix version of love."
"Success is a heart captivated by the love of Jesus."
"Share the truth in love and then let the Lord do the rest."
"Jesus measures his love for us based on our love for his word."
"It is love that wins everything divine love love of virtue."
"There's just so much goodness in scripture, and I truly love talking about it."
"Higher love can come through as well... within the flow of prosperity."
"May we love Him more supremely. May He be our all in all."
"God loves you immensely, and that's what I hope you will hear."
"Let your transcendent love speak for you. This is you assuming a Galactic role, this is you assuming the love that comes from the higher self, the kind of love that penetrates the veil, the kind of love that travels through eternity."
"The ace of cups, unconditional love, sacred love, true love."
"Love them unconditionally, just like God would love."
"Love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and thy God meaning him that in spirit is the creative forces of all that is manifested."
"Remember blessed Consolata Bertoni: 'You worry only about loving me, and I'll take care of everything else to the smallest detail.'"
"Divine source loves you so much, it's still giving you good luck to still be here."
"Serve me by loving me, that's all God wants."
"Love is god. God is love so 16 is literally god's love."
"Divine love is worth waiting for, so it's a fresh start with them."
"Immersing yourself in the love of the divine automatically leads to health and happiness."
"Nothing can separate us from the love of God."
"Proper self-love is only possible when you have a right love for God."
"Love is God and love is not condemning people to hell."
"I'm telling you God's love is deeper than your wretchedness, it's more powerful."
"Human perfection resides in this, that the love of God should conquer a man's heart."
"God pours His love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit."
"Be a divine beloved, please show me how to feel fully deserving to receive."
"Religion is being swept off your feet. It's falling in love the way a husband and wife fall in love with each other."
"To truly love and make one person happy is more spiritual than to guide the destiny of nations."
"Experience God's love for yourself personally and become a part of this family of believers."
"Love those who hate you, bless those who curse you."
"Unconditional love is the state where the boundaries between you and everything dissolve."
"You are loved by God with an everlasting love."
"God promises that through his boundless grace and love, he will introduce you to the perfect companion."
"Love has to be understood vertically before it can be understood horizontally. God is love."
"You must have a revelation of how much He loves you."
"True peace is rooted and grounded in the love of the Father."
"Real love is the love of the one who owes everything to its source."
"When we reach out with compassion, we show the love of Jesus."
"You're reawakening to this love. Embrace change, evolution of the soul, rising up."
"By unselfish love, our vibrations are so high that the only place we'll fit into is heaven."
"We're thankful Lord that you love us so much that you would send your son to rescue us from our own sinful hearts and from this sinful world."
"Fear prays on the unknown, but God offers power, love, and a sound mind."
"What we see now won't last forever but what we don't see will last forever so if I truly love you and I truly care about you I have to share the truth with you."
"They just love expressing their love for you, and that could be in terms of a direct expression or through 5D."
"Charity or volunteer work is indicated; immersing yourself in the love of the Divine."
"His arms are open like the world... A Love That Never Ends."
"The ancestral path and learning journey is never ending."
"Your love represents the love of God, the love of divine, the unconditional love."
"This love dissolves pain, frustration, and exhaustion."
"He will pour out His love to the point where your sins will be washed away, and you'll have the power to overcome those sins, and you'll be clean in His sight."
"We all need signs of affection, signs of love at times. We need to be reassured. And I think maybe miracles are a way of God's reassuring us of his love."
"There's a greater love that exists for us to experience."
"You can declare that you want to be done with karma if you're willing to step up and come from a place of love."
"God loves the whole world, but He loves you!"
"God Himself being perfect, holy, and dwelling among us, gave us an example of love through sacrifice."
"Jesus loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood."
"Jesus said, 'Those who love me and are the ones that keep my word, and I will make myself known. I will appear to you.'"
"Love of Allah is natural, but the love of the Prophet is earned."
"They feel this intense energy between you... that pure love... beyond this earth plane."
"Christ beings are full of love... they want to liberate, to free others."
"Believe me when you take the creation... it's not a healthy love and it's not a peaceful love and it's not an enjoyable love."
"God has made a covenant to keep and protect those who stay passionately in love with His son."
"God's love transcends any container that we might be carried in."
"Nothing...will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
"Only the Oneness of love and the lover is eternal surrender your heart into this Union for all else in this world is momentary."
"All love is not the same, I've been loved by the Lord and I've been loved by other people, and I know it's not the same." - Father Dave
"Partnerships are here to help us grow, evolve, and walk each other home to the purest form of unconditional love."
"Thank you, God, for loving me so much that you gave your one and only Son, Jesus Christ, so that I may not perish but have eternal life."
"Such love as that between perfectly mated men and women multiplies their power; for when husband and wife both belong to God, working knowingly with Him, each one is then knowing together, thinking together, and working together with God as one."
"Do we believe that we should love our enemies?"
"We own and we I am that I am and we MBO and we don't stop just like Kevin McCarthy we don't stop exactly in agape love."
"The Lord loves you. You can't ask for too much. God has an abundant supply."
"The perfect love of Christ, the perfect love of the Heavenly Father would cast out all your fear."
"How can I help people feel that love that the Savior has for them?"
"He wants to write not 'love your neighbor as yourself,' that was in Leviticus, we already got that one, he went one bigger: 'love one another as I have loved you.'"
"It's not about trying to bring the bodies together per se. It's about wanting to share the love that has always been in our heart and always has been meant to be shared."
"She wraps you in waves of love, light, and consciousness."
"Hold fast to your faith, walk through these doors courageously, be strong and courageous."
"Trust in me, believe in me, people, because He loves you very much."
"Jesus reigns above everything, he is the king, he is love."
"Jesus loves you, God loves you, we love you."
"We have yah's love, and if you don't know how strong it is, you can never understand why and how we depend on it."
"The spirit of love should translate into how we do church."
"The love of Jesus is not of this world, it's unlike anything I have felt."
"We should give him dawah because this is a true sign of a believer that you love for others what you love for yourself."
"It was clear to me then just how much God actually loves us."
"Step outside, look up at the sky, breathe in the air, feel the warmth of the sun's touch. These are my gifts to you, my way of expressing I love you and I am always with you."
"Loving yourself and loving God is one and the same thing."
"Nothing can separate me from the love of God."
"In the face of the risen lamb Jesus, God's holy begotten son, there will always be hope found as long as the love for the lamb is found, even if it is found only in one person."
"Thank you for pouring out your amazing grace and your amazing love."
"Thank you for the richness of Your Love, a perfect love that drives out all fear."
"He loves you and he's been knocking on the door of your heart."
"The mercy of God is proof that He loves us. He knows our frame, He remembered that we are dust."
"The more loving you are, the more loved you are by God, the more blessed and protected you are."
"You're gonna be at peace, contented, overwhelmed with feelings, that's for sure, but this is sacred love that's coming for you."
"A new beginning, unconditional love, a sacred love union that's taking place."
"Love is the highest light if you fill your heart with love."
"Know that I love you, but there's a man called Jesus and he loves you so much more."
"God's love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
"When you fall in love with Spirit, you get everything."
"Jesus is love. Love's not what He does, love is who He is. Love's not something He does on Sundays, this is just His character, this is just His nature, this is who Jesus is, He is the embodiment of love."
"You never know what true love is until you meet the Holy Spirit."
"Stay in love with Jesus because even what you're going through is temporary."
"In reality, detached compassion is simply the love of the divine for itself."
"Only then will we really love this greatest gift that God has ever given to us."
"The gospel of grace is about a person, Jesus who is love."
"There is nothing stronger than the force of true love divine love."
"We live in the age of grace, and in this age, the fire that falls is the fire of God's love that penetrates our hearts and blazes within us until we can't stand it any longer and we have to respond to the love of God."
"The tip of the Lord's fingertip has more love... than can provide more energy to the whole universe."
"Great is my peace and undisturbed composure because I love."
"Just as the father has loved me... so have I loved you."
"Love Me For the Love of Allah... Love my family because of my love for them."
"The way you love the least of us is the way you love the divine."
"God loves you more than you could love anyone."
"When you feel that kind of energy on a soul level, that is what you want to call a soul mate."
"Every single desire of love is manifested in meeting, in looking, and the love of Allah is the greatest love."
"The more you're hated by the world, the more you're loved by the body of Christ."
"To actually want to see the face of mahakaal like it really is, to actually love him and want to see every detail or pore."
"Jesus loves you, we love you, God bless you."
"You are importantly, dearly important. So important to God that He gave His Son Jesus to die on the cross for you, specifically you."
"Unconditional love and service to creation is the one law of creation."
"Instead of looking at all this bloodshed in his name, look at the hundreds of millions of lives who've been gloriously changed through the Messiah of Israel."
"Love layers heaven and gives us wings to soar into its mystery."
"This is a divine love that's coming towards you it's where you are gonna be you went through a rebirth okay you're the old you past the old you died and then and you went to a rebirth okay and this is love that's very beautiful."
"For Sagittarius, you feel loved by spirit this week, and that's the best, isn't it?"
"Love the Lord thy God with all your heart, your mind, and your soul, and love your neighbor as yourself."
"Jesus loves you and I love you too much to leave us where we're at."
"It's okay to be respected and loved by your peers and others, but it's a whole other beautiful thing when you love God and love yourself so much more."
"You need to know just from a foundational place that you are loved and accepted by God."
"Love and do what you will, but if you love God, you want to do what he's asked."
"When you love, you should not say, 'God is in my heart,' but rather 'I am in the heart of God.'"
"The gospel is about love, it's about God loving us and you and I returning his love, amen."
"Fulton Sheen said the greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white host."
"Immerse yourself in the loving energy of Jupiter in Pisces."
"Love sweetens pains and when one loves God, one suffers for his sake with joy and courage."
"In times of tribulation, concentrate on my love, concentrate on how important you are to me, and my love will cast out that fear."
"They will see a love that goes beyond anything you've ever seen in this world."
"I finally come to the realization that what I feel for Mark is like I've fallen in love with him in previous lifetimes."
"God wins regardless in the end, love wins for me as a way of understanding that God is love."
"Press onward my child, press onward, move forward with the conviction that my love accompanies you in every step you take."
"Keep your heart chakra open in the midst of all of this, don't shut your heart chakra don't allow that agape love to come into you and allow that agape love to go back out to the universe."
"The Divine love is within us, lighting up our hearts and passions."
"The sun card is ultimate love that is from purity and pure light and pure goodness."
"Nothing can separate us from the amazing love of God."
"Self-love won't satisfy, but God's love will."
"Your value is not defined by your circumstances, but by God's love."
"When the believer is called upon to love as Christ loved, he is asked to love with a Divine love and nothing less."
"When I fall in love with Jesus, I begin to love what Jesus loves: Jesus loves the church."
"If we know how God manages everything in our lives, our hearts will be filled with love for Him."
"Mercy is an attribute of God, and therefore when you show Mercy, you become the image of God."
"God's love is gonna solve problems in our generation... the enemy is gonna look so small compared to God's love."
"I am more in love with Him than I have ever been in my life, I can't get enough of His presence."
"Love brings light into what the native soul you have."
"You are loved beyond measure by God, the Angels, the universe."
"Jesus is our justification, not our good works."
"Start to look beyond the body, that's how to manifest the love you want."
"You are worth everything in the eyes of Jesus."
"We need to be a people who continues to love the Lord Our God with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, and all our strength."
"The love that I came back with is entirely different. It's the love of God. It's a love that when I see someone, I could weep."
"Love in the spirit by the power of the Spirit."
"You are loved in the spirit realm."
"The first stage is really detaching because if God's love is true love and every other love is superficial and as long as you're attached to superficial love you'll find that that true essence of the love of God cannot be achieved."
"Agape is willing to lose your eternal life for somebody else."
"Jesus loves you just the way you are but way too much to let you stay that way."
"We'll be gathered with those whom we loved, so love for Allah's sake is crucial."
"Neither death nor life can separate us from the love of Christ."
"Operation Christmas Child delivers not only the joy of what, for many kids, is their first gift ever but also gives them a tangible expression of God's love for them."
"There is no fear in love; perfect love drives out fear."
"The pinnacle of human existence is not being married; the pinnacle of human existence is knowing and loving Christ."
"When we come to the vision and fruition of him, all these cease, and the love only remaineth."
"Love was intended to be given back to God because that's where it comes from."
"I was once that girl wanting to be loved a certain way but was making the wrong choices. I found myself at my lowest moment. I was a single mom sitting at home and I then realized that the perfect love I was looking for was how God loves me."
"Just simply love God, just be after his heart."
"Spiritual love is wine and perfume."
"I love the man of Galilee, for he has done so very much for me and he has forgiven me all my sins."
"You give them faith, hope, and love through Jesus."
"Agape love is a love that is given to you with hopes of nothing in return."
"The truth of who you are is radiant, joyful, unspeakable, mysterious love."
"Ask the divine for love. And ask again. For I have learned that every heart will get what it prays for most."