
Audience Interaction Quotes

There are 1602 quotes

"I love getting requests from my audience, as though you people know what you want."
"I am very intimidated by the smart audience, so I'm looking forward to your questions and we have hopefully an evening of fun and learning."
"Because we're doing it actively in front of an audience, there's an extra dimension."
"Once you've finished your work and put it out there, you forfeit that right to be the sole arbiter of how it's interpreted."
"I like the live experience. I like the people like you know, yell out. I say a lot of stupid things. I say a lot of things almost deliberately to annoy people."
"Cameraman Chris, just remember, the chatters, they're on your side."
"If there's anything you'd like to see or have an idea for a fun video, leave a comment below and let me know."
"Push the like button for me, or else I'll erase you from existence."
"I want to give the audience a song that they can perform. Right, let them be part of the band."
"A lot of my relationship with the audience is call and response. I make a song, people respond in the way that they do, and then I respond again with the next song."
"The future of media is going to be the relationship between the audience and individual personalities."
"I'm actually really enjoying putting three battles out. Hope you guys have been enjoying that one as well."
"Comedy is really, really hard to do because the audience is daring you to make them laugh. They're looking at you like, 'Oh yeah? You think you're funny? Yeah, make me laugh. Go do it. Try it right now.'"
"So hopefully this helps guys if you liked this don't forget to subscribe and hit on the notification because I love you so you got to show me that you love me too."
"I really don't be having no more motivation to do YouTube no more like I don't know what it is bro but I I really haven't had the push to do YouTube because y'all don't push me that's the truth."
"Half of you watching aren't subscribed, which just breaks my heart."
"They're just friends, guys comment down below prove the doctor wrong."
"Overwhelmingly, the audience says we should not be less critical."
"Thanks for watching! If you like the video, subscribe for more. We make two videos every week."
"Smash that like button if you guys are enjoying this series! It really allows me to know you guys truly care about this show."
"If you like this video and you want to see more stupid in the future, please like and subscribe."
"White people are people of color. Stop trying to marginalize their voices. Stop trying to silence white voices. White voices matter, white lives matter."
"If you've learned something new from this video in exchange I want you to consider liking it or subscribing."
"To go in front of an audience who loves you before you do anything, which is what the sci-fi audience is about, takes all the pressure off."
"Before we go, a big thanks to everybody out there for tuning in to our content."
"Why do you tune in? Because we have one superpower on this program, and that is that we are super attention-paying."
"Guys, let us know in the comments what you think it is. Let's go!"
"Either way though, thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video, ladies and gents."
"Thank you for sticking with me, thank you for your views, thank you for commenting."
"Audiences, especially creators, will respond differently."
"Thank you for tuning in, the comments, even the negative ones, even the ones that keep us in check and keep us honest."
"These are exciting times because even as I'm on stage, I'm in the audience."
"Most of the people who watch our shows, uh, we teach them how to treat us."
"Lexi's play is most enjoyed not as a self-contained work but because of the unique spectacle that occurs with its relationship to the audience."
"If you did enjoy the show, leave a like, rates, and comments, subscribe to my channel if you haven't already."
"The opening line 'I bought a toothbrush' generated a Rocky Horror Picture Show type crowd response."
"Can we get the likes up? Let's go and get the likes up, smash the likes!"
"It's about having people who engage with each other, engage with you, are active in your chat and your Discord. That is how you become a sustainable Twitch streamer." - Crescent
"Thank you guys for tuning in. Make sure you subscribe and I will see you next time. Bye!"
"The money's nice, but I actually really enjoy the content and the camaraderie with the audience."
"Don't forget to hit that like button and if you're new, subscribe."
"Don't forget to hit the like button if you enjoyed this video."
"Hitting that like button right now costs you nothing."
"Thanks everyone for watching, and I'll see you next time."
"All the comments helped the algorithm, they're much appreciated."
"Thank you all so much for watching. Go away, no I'm just kidding, you can stick around."
"His jokes were funny and he called them out the way a comedian would call out an audience member."
"Let's see what the [ __ ] chat has to say I would like to know what they think about this."
"Hit that like button, yeah I'm saying. It's hard for a streamer these days, man. People don't listen to you, man."
"Thank you so much for watching I really hope you guys have enjoyed if you did it please smash the huge thumbs up."
"I'm so excited to just see your reactions of them, you know that's like part of the fun of doing like YouTube."
"Make sure y'all hit that like button and subscribe."
"The whole point of this channel is it gives us an open forum to talk to you guys."
"Like the video on your way out, subscribe to the channel."
"Theme parks are meaningful relationships between audiences and designers."
"If you enjoyed that insight, if you took any nugget from this video, please go ahead and smash that like button."
"Streaming setups are interesting because only you are seeing the setup. Your audience is seeing what's happening behind you."
"I had to get in that box and deliver a whole [ __ ] like sermon church was packed totally packed."
"The best thing you can give your children is time."
"There's so many different ways through the story. You can replay it and then you get to like different story and different ending."
"Guys, I think my YouTube is lagging. Oh, they're spawning mobs now. Oh, thank you for the 4.99. Thank you so much, I appreciate that."
"Raise your hand and slap that like button if you've been to a carnival before."
"Thank you if any of you are watching... you just bought my books, thank you. It means a lot."
"This has been a blast I've enjoyed this so much yeah I again for the 3 billion of time thank you very much."
"Thank you all so much for watching as well I really appreciate every single one of you and I'll catch you all in the next one."
"This just sitting down and talking to you guys has made me so happy again."
"I lost the event. That's one point to you, my viewers."
"Don't forget to leave some positivity down below."
"That's just a stream, a live stream. Thanks for lending."
"Thank you for watching this video. If you have made it to this portion, consider leaving a like."
"Let me know what your favorite part is down in the comment section below."
"Taking every single comment that you take, getting YouTube extremely positive."
"Thanks for listening everybody, that final segment was [] or not a []."
"Wow, well thanks for bringing it up and reminding the audience."
"Thank you so much for tuning in, Mr. Reel is watching from Mars."
"Make sure to hit like if you enjoyed this video."
"Make sure you guys let me know in the comments which side you think will win."
"They don't find it funny, you shouldn't moan about the audience. There's nothing wrong with the audience. If they don't laugh at your jokes, there's something wrong with your joke."
"Dislikes are one of the only lines of communication between you, the creator, and the audience member who is discovering you for the very first time."
"Music is the input, the output is the audience."
"I remember the very first gig, the first three rows I saw all these kids going. And I'm thinking - this is my first walked on ya know, I'm walking on with my hair all hey. You know, doing my Fonzie."
"If you've liked this video guys, don't forget to like, share and subscribe."
"I hate nothing more than when an artist gets onstage and reads a script every night. 'Wow, Seattle, this is the best crowd of the whole tour. Would you guys do me a favor and put up your lights?' I don't want to do that. So, I don't have a script."
"Now the the artist new artists meet the direct they meet the audience before they meet the record company facts."
"I think there's a lot of appeal watching old stuff with an audience because you can like clown on like the characters and running jokes and stuff."
"Please don't forget to smash the like button and I will see you in the next video."
"What do you think it is? Let me know in the comments below."
"It's just a way of showing to your audience...that you are actively engaging with your audience."
"Thank you so much for watching and subscribing to Island Hopper TV."
"You guys are always so kind about just trying different things."
"When you give to an audience, they give back to you."
"If it gets a good engagement like 50,000 views within five days, guess what, you'll get more freakin shotgun reviews."
"Hit that like button if you hit that like, then I will know if you guys want to see more. I mean, that it just wasn't a one-off special thing, alright?"
"Doors opening and closing on their own, voices whispering through the halls, banging and knocking sounds coming from empty rooms."
"Trusted advisors and your audience: valuable feedback sources."
"What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments below."
"You are all so incredible...thank you so much for watching this."
"If this stream hits 2,000 likes, I'll show an early access model."
"Thanks so much for hanging out with us today. My name is AJ, that's Hecklefish. If you had fun or learned anything, do him a favor: like, subscribe, comment, share. That stuff really helps the channel."
"If you liked it, let us know in the comments."
"Just the fact that people are even taking the time to reach out to us, it's pretty mind-blowing."
"I want to travel around the world and show you the beautiful places, and I want to share the beautiful moments we see... I'd love to share those kind of moments through my channel with you guys, and you know, make you smile."
"Feature your audience in your Instagram stories."
"Art in general is like a collaboration between the audience and the creator."
"Let's see if we can get 16,1700 likes on this video. Make sure you are liking the content."
"There are many ways you can destroy your reputation, and calling your audience stupid is definitely one of them."
"Like the video if you liked it. That lets me know that I should do more videos like this."
"Let's see if you can hear me well, let me see in the chat just to make sure that everything is going well, yes, yes, you can hear me fantastic."
"Oh, are you not entertained? Are you not entertained?" [Applause]
"Thank you for watching today, I appreciate you guys so much."
"I enjoy seeing you guys check in week after week, seeing the repeat commenters even if I don't respond to all of them."
"I really enjoyed this film and I'm curious to hear what you guys thought about it and if you had any theories of your own so please share these in the comments below."
"Hope you learned something useful and if you did, don't forget to Like, favorite, and subscribe."
"Do you have any scoops or any other intel for us?"
"Why not go ahead and subscribe so that you too can become an imperial today?"
"Thanks for going on this road trip with us be sure to like And subscribe and we will see you on the next video."
"Hit that damn subscribe button and tickle your gooch."
"Only the real ones are watching this till the end."
"Smash the like button right now! Smash it, press it, it really does help."
"Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below."
"I just cannot stress enough how much you all mean to me as an audience and how much I sincerely appreciate you guys even clicking on my videos responding to them doing whatever it's really means the world to me."
"Been a fun little stream, if you want more streams, let me know, hit the like button."
"I love making people laugh, whether you're laughing at me or with me."
"Listen to your audience, learn to take constructive criticism, but also understand that not all criticism is constructive."
"Engagement matters. More than anything, I think today, engagement matters."
"Thank you guys so much for being so respectful."
"Wow, look at all the 'ss'! They love you so nice! Thank you guys."
"A big thank you to all of you, the audience members. Have a great evening, we love you guys and we'll see you soon."
"Let me know in the comment section what you guys would like to see next."
"Being a streamer is about having an active live audience. It's a much more important part of being a streamer than just doing a show that you could record."
"Fantastic job and you absolutely delivered to your live audience."
"The chandelier floated off the stage and started its journey out towards the audience as they stared in astonishment."
"Crush the like button, crush it, destroy it, absolutely annihilate it! Let's get 10,000 likes on dude, what okay, 10 likes, my bad, 10 what am I, what am I, some big YouTuber please."
"Your opinion is just as valid and I can't wait to hear it."
"Thank you guys so much for making it to the end of this one it was interesting and kind of sloppy but a little off the rails but we we did get here eventually we made it to our destination it just was a little messy anyway."
"I made that Twitter poll a few days ago asking what kind of video I should be making later this week because I just couldn't decide."
"Smash Up the like button, click the Subscribe button."
"Who we should have to the cog for a future video... tell us in the comments below."
"Thank you guys for watching my rant. If you agree with me, please drop a like and share this video if possible."
"If you guys do like the stream, don't forget to leave a like down below."
"So thanks for joining us tonight, folks, and we'll see you on the next one."
"Thank you so much, I'll see you next time for part 2, deuces."
"If this works, and your audience watches this and enjoys it as much as me coming into your studio, why would you ever want to go back to the studio again?"
"There was always three pillars to the game that everybody would always talk about..."
"Thank you guys for watching if you like this video Hey consider giving it a like and if you're new around here consider subscribing, that would be super cool of you to do."
"Some of you come in out of concern, some of you come in to hear what I'm going to say. All of you who expect me to address a lie, you can log off."
"Anyway, if you've enjoyed today's exploit then hey, make sure to give it a like."
"Well, yeah, I hope you all enjoyed your stay and I'll see you next time."
"Guys, like spike it up for this insane Brookhaven update. Like, the stream gets it out there to more people."
"We gotta let people know, guys. Like spike it up. This is one of the biggest updates we've ever seen."
"If you enjoyed, leave a comment down below. Thanks for watching, see you again very soon."
"It's just so nice, the moment when you enter the stage and you start to interact with the crowd."
"Thanks for watching and I'll see you all later."
"That was really great, really great feeling to have that many people watching."
"My favorite thing to do is to surprise you guys."
"I'll see you guys next time for some more, let me know in the comments below if there are any other games you want me to give quick plays of."
"Let us know what you guys would like us to check out next."
"Thank you to the audience... we definitely learned a lot."
"Love you guys, we'll see you guys in the next video."
"Oh, chat's a little split. JPEG Lamborghini, JPEG Lamborghini. Uh, going a little bit more to the car right now, interesting."
"You're answering directly to the audience... That's who [expletive] matters."
"I need to thank you in my comments, I need to thank you, period. Okay? Don't play with them."
"Your feedback matters, let me know what you want to see next!"
"I just walked out on stage, I locked in, and the crowd went bananas."
"Thank you guys so much for watching the show."
"Hopefully you guys enjoyed this video, if you do please remember to hit that like button. It really helped me out honestly."
"Being transparent with your audience is a gift and a curse."
"Let me know you enjoy the content and make sure you leave a comment because with your guys comments it's what I read I respond to you guys and see what you guys want me to react to next."
"If we hit 1250 likes in the stream we'll give away 20 free memberships."
"I really hope you enjoyed this video, if you did please like, favor, and subscribe, it helps me a bunch."
"For now, I'm still giving you guys all the backstories and things like that."
"I don't usually talk like that on stage, but when I saw pogs and weird eyes, I couldn't help it."
"Let me know where you want me to go next and I'll catch you guys in a bit."
"Keep subscribing, click the like button, make sure y'all comment on the video."
"Seriously, without you we just have to create this same video over and over again, but you allow us to be creative and spicy and pushing your boundaries."
"Luckily with my audience I don't have a lot of hecklers who are like 'you ain't funny.'"
"If you have enjoyed this, do not forget to leave a like and comment right down below."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, awesome heart rips."
"We're gonna go back and make iCarly the way we like it and then the audience applauded."
"Speaking of clicks, don't forget to click all the stuff at the bottom including the like button the Subscribe button and the share button there's a good little boy now."
"Pop that like button, guys, if you've not already!"
"So if you want to see how this journey ends make sure you are subscribed with notifications on."
"Hit that like button, subscribe, really appreciate you!"
"You guys do, you're still going to feel like optimistic for the future."
"Give me a thumbs up on this video if you like it."
"The relationship of the performer and audience is crucial."
"Thank you guys for watching and I'll see you in the next one."
"Thank you for making us a part of your daily routine."
"The audience is very important because they complete the work."
"Thank you all for watching, hope you guys have enjoyed this concept this idea."
"You don't want a dead channel with subscribers; it's pointless. What matters is your audience who genuinely likes you."
"I want to start doing giveaways on this channel to give back to you guys."
"Always happy to be here, always happy to be answering your questions."
"It's a wonderful show chundan Groff everybody give it up."
"We'll do another giveaway at 900 likes, so smash the like button!"
"I have to accept the fact that the pound of flesh that you give the audience or the reader or whoever it is just becomes a currency that translates into more people reading your stuff."
"I actually had over 350 questions from you guys and there's no way I can cover all of those so I do apologize if your question isn't in the two videos I will be putting out based on this topic."
"Drop your crowns, your elephants in the chat."
"Trump talks to the audience but you want to jump in every two seconds and say no."
"Every giant comedy star knows, you can walk out at a comedy club and you'll get the biggest ovation in the world. Two minutes later you can be dying because it's involuntary."