
Social Expectations Quotes

There are 180 quotes

"A lot of people have experiences socially, personally, psychologically that they don't feel conformed to the social expectations surrounding hegemonic sexual and gender identities."
"They ask you how you are, you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine."
"God forbid I exude confidence and enjoy sex. Do you think I relish the fact that I have to act like Mary Sunshine 24/7 so I can be considered a lady? I'm the Marcia fucking Brady of the Upper East Side and sometimes I want to kill myself."
"Making that the norm and it always being the expectation of the confrontational person to do that, it completely disregards our needs."
"The existence of trans people is a pretty strong argument in favor of the idea that maybe slapping gender expectations on somebody from the get-go can not work out great sometimes."
"Men have always wanted one thing from women across the board: cooperation."
"Stop living up to others' expectations here."
"High value man doesn't tolerate, I want to see the ladies' reactions."
"You don't have to be nice all the time. Sometimes people are going to think your boundaries aren't nice."
"Well, if I were the kind of person who was like I just want 20 of my closest friends and my immediate family there, you can't pull that off without pissing off your third cousin."
"There's a key difference between being laid back and regularly disavowing your wants and needs for men's comfort."
"It's okay if you bore people... Decent people don't expect you to be perfect."
"I'm not in any way obligated to put my feelings aside to save face for them."
"Most guys are looking for acceptance so much they turn into the very thing that women despise."
"Regardless of whether or not they are going the length to say you should be ashamed and feel guilty for not matching the standard you are putting out there."
"Perhaps the biggest gripe with us 30-something women is that we wanted men who wanted to settle down and raise a family."
"The mirror is the place where you begin to become aware of who you are but more importantly who you can become."
"There's got to be some common human decency here."
"Nobody cares how you feel they all care how you behave which is the essence of morality that's the essence."
"It's perfectly reasonable to expect that no one else tries to kiss and hug your husband on your wedding day."
"I think life would be better low key because then there's no excuse."
"The most valuable personal finance asset is not needing to impress anyone."
"Not giving people that feeling that they have to do [stuff] is so good."
"I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You've got to pay. You've got to pay your bills."
"Do we want people to be changed or do we want them to stay the same to freeze in a moment we found on the internet from 12 years ago?"
"No, the fan Meetup would not smell awful, everyone would have showered, they'd have their deodorant, they'd have all that [__], they'd have their teeth brushed, all of it, man."
"Politicians on the right who somehow think they can wave a magic wand and bring back the old model of masculinity are selling everyone a lie."
"We did invite you you did not show up and then you complained about you know what not little follow-through would have been nice."
"These are basic needs and expectations that you are entitled to."
"The minute a girl is in a relationship, people are like, 'Well, no point in looking for her now.'"
"Modern women are still expecting high value men to cold approach, in 2020s, no ma'am, it is not going to happen."
"Culture and even like, yeah, shows like 'Say Yes to the Dress,' 'Bridezilla'... telling women that they're worthless if they are alone."
"It's not about the apology, it's about change."
"I think modern women are... missing the gentlemanly expectations of old."
"Identity has become the check mark you have to fit a certain box in order to be."
"There's a new sensitivity that men should gain."
"External validation often determined by a formula of pay plus status plus impressiveness."
"Dates feel more like job interviews now, much more like what can you do for me and where is this going."
"No one wants you to be political, just ethical."
"People want you to be you... they want a party... it's not just an act."
"Sex positivity, which was supposed to be a liberating doctrine, has ended up making a lot of women feel pressured to just have a lot of sex on men's terms."
"Everything has to be a public performance. You have to like be on all the time."
"Women think they have options that they don't have. Confidence is attractive, but overinflating self-worth keeps women demanding more than they're worth."
"I shouldn't have to you should to anyone you know a woman that way"
"Expect people to be kind, expect that people will understand, love, and accept you."
"Every Vegas trip is the same. You're like, 'Yeah, we're going to Vegas, we're going to make money, we're going to meet girls.' Eight hours into day one, 'Yo bro, give me the hell out of here right now.'"
"Who doesn't invite their family to a wedding, especially a royal wedding?"
"No one cares if you're 10 minutes late, still bad. But 3 hours late or 4 hours late, at that point, you're already so far late."
"He's a bum, oh no, he doesn't make enough. Like, what does he have to have going on for a potential chance to date you?"
"People want us to be authentic. They're waiting for us to care about them and about Jesus."
"I can't even believe that men think that this girl is a [ __ ] queen because she's willing to pay for her own ring."
"Strategists expect men to pay for dates but can't just take them out for coffee; dinner dates are deemed more romantic."
"You get class, race, age, gender, sexuality, their checklist on how well or how not what you're gonna do in society."
"All human beings have freedom of career choice, so why are people talking about you quitting all of a sudden?"
"It can be tiring to have to be on all the time."
"Work at being content with who you are rather than pleasing others."
"The third date rule encourages singles, female ones in particular, to wait until the third date to have sex with a potential new flame, especially one they were hoping to lock down on a long-term basis."
"You can't please everyone, but don't get discouraged."
"Finding men to take care of you is easy, but do you provide the feminine experience in exchange?"
"A lot of little girls are socialized to believe that their greatest achievement will be marriage."
"Real racism is putting people in boxes and when you step out of that box, they pound you."
"You can't force it. It's up to them. You know you can't just yell 'be more masculine' and have it all work out. That's just not how it works."
"Why don't women typically court men the way men are expected to court women?"
"Men being expected to ask girls out. I'd love to be asked out."
"People are more willing to help victims but want them to have played no role in their victimization."
"Don't shirk your responsibilities to be a strong black masculine man."
"Black women and black people in general do not owe you education, we do not owe you political commentary, we don't even owe you racialized discussions."
"I can't wait to get this damn dress off of me. Don't you know that a good widow must wear black?"
"Don't wait until you find yourself in some existential crisis because you've been living your life based upon some social rule book."
"Just because somebody has apologized doesn't mean they are deserving."
"If you dress proper for the occasion, people are gonna respect you."
"To whom much is given, much is expected, beyond just money."
"Living authentically to myself makes me a lot happier than just trying to please people."
"Let's stop caring what other people think. Let's just do what we want to do."
"Your life is not yours if you're constantly worrying about what other people think about it."
"That's what entertainment does. It conditions people on what kind of expectations they should have when dealing with people in the real world."
"A girl doesn't have to [ __ ] like you. They do not owe it to you to give themselves to you because you're a nice guy."
"You're never going to be able to please everyone all the time."
"Obviously I'm a girl, so like a girl like we always tried to be like beautiful and put together."
"If your bridesmaids are spending thousands of dollars for you to get married, that's a problem."
"Wow, bold of you to suggest I'm a gentleman."
"Consistency... that's one thing that people just want to see you for you."
"The unfortunate and ugly unspoken truth of it all is that other people aren't responsible for your success and you aren't entitled to their time or attention."
"The fact that no it doesn't count means that the person requesting to smile it's for them you're you're smiling for their reasons and that's what women go through all the time."
"Certain hairstyles can convey a whole set of beliefs that we might hold and what kind of attitudes and behaviors other people might expect from us."
"You just can't please everybody... that's the answer."
"Don't let makeup and tight clothes strip away your dignity."
"Being nice is the bare minimum, what's with the men thinking that it's a godsend kind of thing?"
"The idea of submission is that by giving up her independence autonomy and power, a woman will be taken care of by a good and godly man."
"Every time I think I've done something that they'll excommunicate me for, they don't."
"Why are y'all mad at women for putting themselves in a better position and then wanting a man who's doing the same thing?"
"It's not you, it's the people around you and the expectations they put on you."
"Women by and large feel the need to be told that we are beautiful, we want society to perceive us as beautiful and desirable."
"Sometimes thinking too much about what people want leads to not satisfying anyone or something like that."
"You ladies get it twisted by overlooking average earning men as if a man's only value is in his money."
"Society still expects apologies if they don't understand something."
"When your son wants to wear a dress because he's curious... you gently guide him and say no son, dresses are for girls."
"Quit worrying about where you live because you're not concerned about what they're going to think."
"Most women want to have a relationship, want to be loved and accepted."
"I've lived so much of my life trying to meet the arbitrary standards of others."
"yeah when you face tune my pictures i always let people know i'm face tuning my pictures all right [ __ ] be like drop the skincare routine i'm like faithful"
"Women treat f buddy the same way men treat the friend zone."
"I want to be that Auntie to be like dang Auntie what you been doing you know what I'm saying you want to be the bad Auntie."
"Her reputation had never been questioned, and she was aware that her looks should be able to secure her a good husband."
"Men need to step up and take care of their families and their kids."
"The ultimatums were the women wants to have their fun and party it up and go to college and kind of goof around."
"Women do not date down or if they date down they will not marry down."
"There's nothing sadder than people who think they have no obligation to themselves to improve their own lives."
"Men have to earn the ability to be selfish, women just naturally are."
"Charlie is so sweet. I have to figure out what to tell people wanting to be home for Christmases."
"Humans are social creatures, but second you let go all that [expletive], you become so happy."
"Stop trying to please everybody else, do what you want to do."
"The simping stuff, it works when women do it, but a man, like, you can't simp extract a dude that's there with girls."
"If you're gonna say that you're gonna address something where you wronged a whole bunch of people, address it girl. Like you don't have to beat around the bush." - Accountability matters.
"You can have everything you want and you can hold the best party for all your mates but when they come around and say where's the toilet and you say we just do it in the garage you've lost every house needs a toilet."
"What they needed to do was walk out of this event smile wave stand pose."
"You're gonna feel like a weak man. You're watching porn all the time if I can't actually get women."
"I don't want anyone in my life who's not going to be loving."
"Being a nice guy is what us women really want."
"They want you to keep doing that, they feel like you're the strong one."
"My biggest party foul is showing up to a party and there's not being any food, like no snacks whatsoever."
"You need to raise your standards for yourself you need to surround yourself with better friends you need to make yourself that guy that gals want to be with and other men want to be."
"Let's cut it out and stop acting like these women should be higher than this. This is 'Real Housewives of Atlanta,' this ain't 'A Different World.'"
"It's 2024, I'm 36 years old, I was like, okay, oh my God who are we apologizing to?"
"They're expecting messages. They also wonder who you're talking to."
"Never feel pressured to explain anything to anyone. You are allowed to explain as much as you want to or as little as you want to."
"If you're gonna be a complete piece of garbage like this, the least you can do is actually try to redeem yourself and do the right thing."
"Guys really want to know that you are what they think they're going to get."
"We should hold ourselves to higher standards and we should also hold the men in our lives to higher standards."
"I always felt really guilty that I couldn't eat the things that other people were eating."
"She clearly doesn't know a good friend when she has one."
"The war on woman is the idea being sold to women that a career is more fulfilling."
"Biggest red flag: when they expect you to take care of them despite being more well-off."
"Pronouns do not equal gender. Trans men don't owe you masculinity, trans women don't owe you femininity, and non-binary people don't owe you androgyny."
"I didn't play by his rules and whatever so I looked like a raving idiot what did you expect I was gonna do sit there and like cross my legs and have a nice little chat with Dr. Phil?"
"Men choose us. Yes, we have options but we have those options based off of what man wanted to entertain us to begin with."
"It's just like general, subtle interactions on how you're expected to treat people and how you're expected to be treated."
"If I had to be where everybody wanted me to be God damn it I'd be confused."
"I have to smile a nice smile, a not-boy smile. Nut, let's do it!"
"Everyone is like, 'Why are you single? Like you're so great and amazing.'"
"This channel used to be one of those happy family channels where everything's sunshine and rainbows all the time... I'm so tired of it. I don't want to be perfect, I want to be real."
"I just want to see her living a life properly like a girl."
"You owe your friends so much more authenticity than that."
"When I see people posting stuff I'm like, 'Where's the dad?'"
"People can't always respond immediately; they do need to process, and that's a genuine thing."
"How do people get to this level of entitlement to expect these kind of things?"
"Some of these guys that are rich, they'll date a Pik Misha and won't call them back, but then meet a woman like you and then expect you to act like Pik Misha."
"Black women do not enjoy being told that there is such a thing as you have to act and behave and speak appropriately in different situations."
"If you go to a convention, it's naturally assumed that you're going to be nice to people, friendly to people, sign autographs, shake hands, take pictures."
"As a communist, community enforcement of certain social expectations is quite good."
"Traditionally, I think the majority of people do tip. I suppose ten percent is pretty average."
"Covert contract number one is if I'm a good guy then I will be liked and loved."
"But balance is such a real thing and people are like 'Oh I don't want you to go party, don't go party.' I'm celebrating."
"The fear of social disapproval for cowardice could drive a man to perform acts of valor far beyond the normal call of duty."
"It's common knowledge that you do not invite people to dinner and then expect them to pay for everyone else."
"Everyone expects nowadays for you to bear in mind everyone's feelings rather than just have yours."
"Stop trying to impress others... If it won't matter in five years, then why are you bothering with it now?"
"For me, that was a lot more fun than going to a dance that everyone said I had to go to."
"Don't try to convince everyone to think something different about you. People like thinking that they know you and that you're going to be predictable."
"It's such a relief to throw off the burden of always being looked up to socially."
"I'm a person in society and I have to do the same things everyone else does, regardless of what they think of me."
"...when you can afford the whole uniform for what an acceptable SE an acceptable black American is, you start to realize that you have a compromise to make or not..."
"Just be yourself, don't live a life that you think you have to live to look good in other people's eyes."
"I feel very blessed, but I feel this weird internal pressure to wear normal clothes and put a little bit of makeup on."
"Some people don't necessarily have money but they feel obligated to spend money on their friends and family."
"What do people expect to me to be in a room or at a party? That's deadly."
"It's expensive to be in someone else's wedding."
"You don't have to be the most social, you don't have to be the most unique, you don't have to be the most funniest; no one's expecting you to be anything but just you."
"When somebody is put in the aspect of social media, they're expected to come off very perfect or very likable, and it's just like, bro, that will never happen."