
Cultural Integration Quotes

There are 278 quotes

"Diversity is more than just racial differences; it reflects a population's mix of not just races but also cultures, religion, economic status, and other characteristics."
"If this is not the American dream for me, for a Mexican filmmaker who moved to this country 20 years ago without speaking English, I'm hugging the American dream."
"We should celebrate our diversity and, in doing so, we must acknowledge that the rich variety of cultures, faiths, and colours that make up this country could not have come together and thrived as they have unless we had fought together against discrimination and prejudice."
"The Saints logo... perfectly plays off their team color as well as the French culture in New Orleans."
"America is one of the best countries in the world when it comes to integrating a ton of different types of people."
"Creators don't really own their creations; we receive those creations and we integrate them into our own imaginations and our own life stories and cultures."
"If you want to come here, my brother, no problem. Pull shorts, Jew, Christian, Muslim, atheist, but you have to respect our values."
"The continent of the Americas and the country of the USA have always been a place where a huge variety of people, beliefs, and cultures come together."
"Ideological diversity is simply important as a concept."
"It's neither Pagan nor Catholic, it is now part of Americana."
"The UK is probably the best place in the EU to live for Muslims."
"The history of Indigenous people on this land mass isn't separate from American history; it's an essential part of it."
"The mass migration of radically different cultures to Europe has proven to be very, very unsuccessful."
"Build your own culture as you go, blending parts from different real-world cultures."
"I'm all about bridging the current world to the old world and making it understood in a more modern way."
"We fit and we went to China we entered Chinese society and we really try to integrate just as you you've done in my respective country."
"Chinese Islamic literature serves as a bridge between Islamic and Chinese cultures."
"Our role is to bring the music, the lore, the worship, and the culture of heaven into the earth."
"The Romans further implemented their culture in Britain."
"The Lost Cause allowed historians to explain how a nation once divided could unify again."
"The Lost Cause became infused with American culture."
"Settling them will convert them into a lovely Freeman pop of the barbarians religion."
"I really fold them because they did two things: made it to where black culture and anime culture and all that stuff is intertwined and when I was growing up, that just wasn't the case."
"I think it's really good to incorporate other aspects of theory from other cultures into our understanding of music theory."
"The power of the next generation, one of the first things we learned about this game is that it arose from a simple question: What if Sonic the Hedgehog lived in the real world?"
"Witchcraft is a blend of many cultures, beliefs, and mystical beliefs."
"So here, this is one of our opportunities to sort of show that Norse culture with Saxon culture sort of smashing those two things together."
"We have now got an immigration policy that is mainly focused on bringing people from outside of Europe into Britain who are often low skill, low wage, culturally distinctive."
"We very much want to... we don't differentiate Indian cinema from Hollywood cinema. It's filmmaking."
"Nobody can deny that these ancient civilizations connected all the nations together."
"They probably believe they will become Swedes very quickly when they realize how right a good we are."
"Greek Buddhist monk Dharmarakshita alone converted as many as 37,000 Greeks."
"It's impossible to separate culture from knowledge."
"Alexander would spend the next year consolidating his Empire, attempting to create even deeper ties between his Hellenic and Persian subjects."
"Emilia Clarke, who plays Daenerys Targaryen, once decided to translate Hanson lyrics into the fictitious language Dothraki and recited it during a take."
"That's what makes Istanbul able to embrace the world."
"Islam today... producing citizens... ready to get on the Western values bandwagon."
"When it comes to living in this world, Islam benefits from all experiences."
"So all of these three things that I told you which is pronunciation, and colloquial speech and adopting cultural traits, they all require that you interact with natives as much as possible."
"We know how to integrate assimilate and intermarry immigrants."
"Western science still needs to in a way catch up to the indigenous knowledge that we have."
"My country has embraced the past present and future through its coexistence of palisades skyscrapers and other technological advancements." - Korea
"It's great when a song gets absorbed like that because that's where you want to end up - to be part of the fabric, part of the life that goes on around you."
"Dances with Wolves unfolded a historical drama where he portrayed an officer embraced by an Indian tribe."
"Old Town Road actually keeps the flavor of country in hip-hop."
"It's another genius combination of real world culture and existing Pokemon design conventions."
"It really is, and I almost feel... that Barça is also a part of us."
"It's everywhere, we have incorporated it into everything..."
"You've got to embrace the culture you're going to."
"Jews have become essential parts of nations."
"I really want to become an actress and I really want to combine that with the Indian culture because that is what really makes me happy."
"Hanukkah and the American marketplace had become interwoven to an unprecedented degree."
"You guys have woven so much Chinese folklore and historical significance into the narrative, and the mechanics even, of this game."
"You're almost as good as Dashan, you still lack a little bit."
"Is this something that you can handle, knowing that he's never going to be completely American?" - Friend
"There's so much rich books out there that I think really helps a lot of nerdy types get into the fold of Islam."
"Promote unity of common values instead of forcing beliefs."
"Sufi missionaries successfully spread Islam throughout the Indian Ocean basin."
"Learning the language of the people is even bigger than experiencing different cultures."
"We wanted to take the classic full English breakfast and merge that with the highest diplomatic institution of America, The International House of Pancakes."
"Rome was a highly militarized autocracy that effectively integrated the foreign cultures it had conquered... dedicated its citizens to something higher than themselves."
"Refugee crisis from a country with a very different culture... can fuel racial antagonism."
"New Balance is so much more ingrained across the board pop culturally with so many different levels of consumers."
"It's so cool to see ancient wisdom being merged into modern-day."
"He's gonna be like the Nexus point of all cultures."
"Everyone comes here from all over the earth. They bring their traditions, but you become part of the greater tradition of America."
"For me, it was let's go to Korea, where I'm not other, I'm not foreign."
"Integration is a two-way street; effort has to be made both by migrants in Europe and the states accepting them."
"The Métis is like a living bridge between two cultures."
"That's why the only culture I think is superior is American culture because American culture is a reflection of African, Asian, European, all that stuff."
"Sing along with Miguel in Mickey's PhilharMagic's new scene featuring 'Un Poco Loco' from Coco."
"Peacefully inject Québécois culture into Canada."
"A mix of old and new would be really good to see."
"Ganesha is revered by people of all native religions of India."
"It's a glorious combination of North Indian culture, Punjabi lyrics, Gujarati melody, and Rajasthani location. It is beautiful."
"I think it's important that Irenaeus, having journeyed literally from east to west, is in a way a certain injection of eastern thinking into the western context, and that's all to the good."
"Let there be no doubt, Islam is a part of America."
"The best way to keep Hateno village vibrant is to work together to combine traditional culture with new ideas."
"Selena bridged Latin music and American pop, helping to make the former mainstream in the States."
"Should liberalism be Islamized, just like molecules a molecule?"
"You ain't never heard Israel say anything about Ethiopia, have you? Matter of fact, didn't they import the Ethiopian Jews out of Ethiopia, entered into Israel, and now they're treating them like slaves?"
"I love seeing the legend stuff push its way in."
"It should all work together to just have a nice little melting pot."
"The future of Africa will be so heavily positively impacted by the future of the horn if the horn is moving in a direction of greater unity across great cultural and ethnic differences and contested and complex histories."
"I think assimilation is not just a great thing, it's a necessary thing."
"The Vikings were not just raiders, plunderers, and slave traders. In many of the lands they invaded, they settled down and in time, they took on the culture and the Christian religion of the conquered peoples."
"People just get on, so it's actually very multicultural and even multi-religious despite the fact it's in an Islamic country but it just works because people agree on those things."
"When that is the expectation of the people coming there turns out the immigration can work just fine because that integration just happens as a matter of course."
"The collapse of the opposition between high and low art ultimately leads to a reintegration, blurring the lines between them."
"There's a strange reintegration happening, where objects of popular culture start influencing and integrating into high art."
"Albert didn't want to be thought of as the young man from Coburg merely fitting into the traditions of the English royal house."
"It will literally just be a part of the fabric of our everyday lives."
"Do not limit yourself to your town or country because, let's be honest, it will all eventually come down to this; everybody will need to become the citizen of the world."
"Islam will only become a part and parcel of any country when the Muslims themselves feel a part of that land."
"This is a long-term thing, it takes a long time for people to switch their culture and religion but it's very worth doing."
"We're really interested in trying to get science and pop culture to mix."
"I'm standing here with an Irish last name a weave in my hair and a husband biracial wanted by a white family."
"Syncretism is basically the language of the universe."
"Netflix is responsible for pushing anime more and more into the mainstream."
"Magna Graecia was Rome’s entryway to the Greek east."
"Out in the open air, its distorted Buddha patimpo whale is nonetheless a welcome addition to the mythical song."
"Alf took the strangeness, the unknowns of an alien lifeform, and made them familiar, friendly even."
"That's the beauty of our world our cultures are coming together and mixing."
"Our cultures resonate with this place because we learned to live with it. We're a part of it."
"You should learn French if you want to move to Africa."
"Pop culture has been mixed up with surfing ever since."
"The Dalai Lama found himself in exile once again, the practice of Buddhism was oppressed by the atheist state, and the ethnic citizens of Tibet were forced to integrate into greater China or face imprisonment or worse."
"Integration requires the promotion of a robust and confident British culture in all areas of public life."
"Thor, the god of the people, of farmers, and others whose function in the Scandinavian society was mainly production and providing services."
"Maybe instead of fighting giants, the party could negotiate a peace treaty, turning them into another race and culture to engage with in the D&D world."
"Cameron Terrell had become truly integrated into the role in 90s Crypts."
"Integrating and understanding each other better to erase the ignorance and perceptions."
"The real joy of Sekiro is the way that traditional Japanese folklore is interwoven into the fabric of the world."
"It's interesting to see old way and new way sort of mashup."
"It's the only branded beverage outside of maybe Jack Daniels that makes its way into decorations."
"People have helped us out since we've arrived... ask for nothing in return."
"I remember first arriving in Norway and kind of feeling out of place, kind of feeling disconnected because I wasn't fully integrated in the culture."
"Black culture is so intertwined, it's part of the American culture now."
"If you learn a language, you're getting a new personality, a new soul, a new way to interact."
"Comedy like this promotes social cohesion, it helps facilitate people being more of a melting pot."
"The Normans quickly assimilated, absorbing the French language and Latin Christianity."
"Couples of all sizes, cultures, genders, and countries find each other simply through love."
"Islam is not one thing... there's many versions... intertwines with local culture."
"Number one: It's a great opportunity to integrate new aspects of Chinese culture into the film."
"So worship that one Creator, keep the cultural practices that are in line with that, and do away with whatever conflicts with that."
"And if you can create a new culture where you take the best of all three, like I try to do, and it's not easy, guess what? That is when you create what we call a global mindset."
"There was one Mandalorian who was inducted into the Jedi Order, that is Tarre Vizsla."
"We all want to become Italian together, and I feel like this works great."
"Hip-hop is fashion and fashion is hip-hop. They go hand in hand."
"The only way that multiculturalism can work, Harif, it doesn't matter what country, it has to work on the basis that the people that come in from wherever they have to integrate."
"Non-medole entered the Western consciousness, accompanied by a great deal of Mystery."
"She said, 'The royal family has been incredibly welcoming to me, and that the Queen is wonderful.'"
"Islam for the early converts like Berke was not a change of identity, but an acceptance alongside their existing beliefs and incorporated into a Chinggisid worldview."
"Before long, intermarriage between ethnic Spaniards and natives would become common occurrences, marking the beginning of the modern Mexican nation."
"Orion, Pleiades, the Big Dipper – all incorporated into our medicine orders, woven into our traditions."
"I never thought that a day would come and Britain would be ready for an Indian origin prime minister."
"Some perhaps even married and assimilated with some of the Native American tribes."
"Mundo Nuevo: blending old and new for productivity."
"Wouldn't it be wonderful if interfaith families could find a way to truly capture the spirit of Christmas? You get the best of both worlds with the Hanukkah tree topper."
"China managed to deal with this problem in a very good way and now the population in xinjiang they can both preserve their religion their Traditions but participate in the amazing modernization process of China"
"The core of this casting decision is to show that people of color are part of America, and that's truly something special."
"We ought to start creating the swadeshi Muslims even though it may be a very small number of such voices in the beginning."
"Legends justify the being, making it part of everyday life in your world."
"That's the civilized society where you have colorful people from different cultures. Differences are what makes Britain great."
"I want skateboarding to be like how rap is, my ice, I wanted to be treated as another part of culture."
"Coming here as a ABC who is pretty deep in American pop culture normalizes it."
"Part of marrying someone from a different culture is learning how to respect that culture."
"Quite the potent combination, a tier and I will live in Montana, I will marry a round American woman and the Republic."
"The site is notable because of the way that all of the cultural influences merge together seamlessly."
"The brilliance of the Inca: absorbing intelligence from other cultures."
"I've been a die-hard Lakers fan for my entire life since the day I came to the states."
"Take the best from both Eastern and Western lifestyles."
"Integrating with and understanding a new culture will increase your empathy and emotional intelligence."
"Keeping an open mind is one of the most important things that you can do when moving to China or anywhere in the world."
"So, are we influencing? Are we going? Do we know scripture? Can we take God's Word accurately into our culture? And are we afraid to do so?"
"We are supposed to be a people who are integrating into every culture and background around the world, bringing the gospel with us."
"Cultures that don't understand each other, cultures that are antagonistic to each other, give them time, put them together, put them into a pot, mix them together, and they will all come out liking each other."
"You need to develop skills not only with expats but also with locals."
"So pretty much the question is just how to like assimilate into this new world or also just how to feel confident in both worlds where you don't really fit into either."
"How much can I keep my culture alive as I continue to progress in the Western World?"
"What is really exciting is that people more and more are seeing the importance of integration of culture."
"The show brilliantly mixes culture and comics, incorporating elements like Shakespeare and opera music."
"Have an open mind. You have to have an open mind. Go with the flow, try the new things, do the things the Brits do."
"As young girls that live in the West I wanted to get your views and opinions on how you integrate into society and how a job affects your doesn't affect you."
"We are called to embody Christ in culture ourselves."
"Hockey was beginning to cement itself directly into Minnesota culture."
"The food connection came that way because my parents wanted to integrate into British society."
"The food choices are unmatched with the integration of east and west Cuisines."
"Antigua is one of the best places in the world for an integration of colonial culture indigenous culture and international visitors."
"Virgil's task is nothing less than essentially writing the Romans into the Greek universe."
"I feel like Wu-Tang would play along well with high fantasy. It's like a dude developing the battle with, you know, f***ing Wu-Tang blasting."
"An alternative approach was offered by legal scholar Raymond Westbrook who hypothesized the existence of a shared Eastern Mediterranean legal culture encompassing Greek, Roman, Hittite, Babylonian, Assyrian, and biblical legal traditions."
"Vivekananda was very important to us, but also a creator of a global amalgam that did much to undermine the very division of East and West."
"We have one very conservative Jewish Family and one less traditional family and I feel like in the end they both came together and everyone is finally one family."
"To be truly Orthodox yet fully American seems to be the only real Orthodox tradition."
"The meeting of native-born American Muslims and immigrant Muslims creating a new stream of American Islam."
"It is the Dutch who introduced a Melting Pot of humanity that took root in the Hudson and Delaware Valley."
"Paul's band, that first album, that really took off, that opened the market up a lot to a lot of young white kids who hadn't really heard the blues."
"YouTube is just such a great platform to bring Brands and culture together."
"These are ancient motifs woven into Christianity, Judaism, and Islam."
"Over time, the Northumbrian and Scottish Vikings were converted to Christianity, and the local and Scandinavian cultures merged."
"Their DNA eventually mingled with the local populations, and they adopted the local languages."
"Credited with seamlessly interweaving the threads of R&B and hip-hop into the fabric of mainstream pop culture."
"He has adapted pretty well to the recent culture."
"...it's like seeing a real living Renaissance in which they are mixing that old civilized German culture with the modern one to produce something rather beautiful."
"Anyone can come out here as long as you're willing to work hard, put in some effort, and live like the Mexicans."
"Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God."
"Rare exports lays on the folklore of Finland so seamlessly that you can't help but go along with its breakneck horror goodness."
"Hello everyone, welcome back to my channel. My name is Baby Mac, and I post videos about life in Canada as a Nigerian Canadian and how to relocate to Canada."
"The Philistines melded with their Canaanite and Israelite Neighbors."
"Lutheranism in America is the story of a gradual coming together of people from different backgrounds, languages, and traditions."
"America is a Melting Pot made up of all different cultural backgrounds."
"The artwork found in this ancient Cavern shows a messy integration of cultures not just a bloody Conquest."
"It's almost hard to say where does the public space stop and where does the cultural institution begin because the two are so intricately linked together."
"Muslims from Bosnia or Kosovo will rather emigrate to West European countries where they will integrate quite easily."
"Greek literature, art, religion, and philosophy were all absorbed into Roman culture."
"Venba is a beautiful narrative cooking game that follows a family and the love and loss shared over the years as they integrate into a new culture."
"Over time, these African individuals intermingled with the local population, resulting in a unique ethnic group known as the Kaffirs."
"They believed that Mandalore's future lies in cooperation with other cultures rather than in conflict."
"Super cool that the Starbucks here really embraces the Kyoto culture."