
Locations Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"We know that John Wick's house is based in Paradise Palms... even has the exact secret chest location."
"It is still awesome to see a new angle on familiar locations from Sonic Adventure 2."
"Probably the season four storage room in Hermitcraft."
"Leeds is up here, Reading is right down here."
"Archer got the Chinese guys all taken care of in DC."
"Returning to the same location but showing it in a different state can add a sense of realness to your story."
"What better way to spend your birthday than in Vermont again?"
"Hello from Sweden, hello from Latvia, where are you all from? Let us know in the comments."
"It's a special place Manchester City been there so many times."
"Park is fun, but park is not where the action is."
"The best players in the world competing in the most unlikely places."
"I'm near the statue of Dwayna, where most players will be hanging out."
"Hobbiton was finally returned to its former Shire glory."
"Many kingdoms have risen and fallen on this very spot."
"If you're looking for a Psyduck specifically there are going to be a lot of locations where you can find Psyduck they are pretty much going to be by anywhere where there's rivers and by the wetlands."
"One place was different from all the others."
"Some of Disney World's best restaurants are not in a park."
"Look at his diversity, first of all, of locations, geographical diversity."
"There's something very eerie about abandoned places."
"Let me know where you guys are watching from too."
"Time and time again, settings have been created for the camera using studio sound stages and alternative locations doubling for somewhere else."
"The filmmakers visited Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore, which eventually inspired the themes of the movie."
"The entire film was shot using real locations. No sets were used."
"The locations have been great, even though it's just a jungle."
"This is where Zach Bagans caught that Apparition."
"Perfect locations for future space mining."
"Mackenzie D nowhere to go for Catherine Ro."
"Saturday night might have ended in tears in Scarborough but in Whitehaven on the Cumbrian coast peace and quiet reigns."
"...and in the season who would you play well we played Oklahoma City in Tulsa and the uh Guthrie Edmund uh uh Ardmore and uh black one we always had a gameless Blackpool each year we played Perry every year."
"Absolutely great spots for photography."
"That's our three London Bridges, you know, it's more like two and a half."
"AEL Creations: What would be an epic landmark location for an Autobot versus Decepticon fight? Paris."
"When you say there were two separate Services, yes. And when you say spring one of the services was in Springville would that be Springville Utah where Tammy was from? Yes."
"From Portland we you run around the corner um round into Port Napoleon which is a major Marina major boat yard all the facilities that you can want."
"Every spring break just take a look. Pan around. Look where we're at. [Expletive] Daytona. [Expletive] Fort Lauderdale. [Expletive] Miami."
"I believe eggmania has a few locations around the US."
"Bringing to you live from our offices, living rooms, and apartments."
"Kelvin and Banco is in my opinion one of the world's most scariest places."
"Beautiful people in luxurious locations like this should be a fun sexy spy comedy."
"Whether it's Westwood or San Jose SoCal or the Bay Area she enjoys every single second of competition."
"Outside the refinery, there are two large Tower complexes, namely 325 Kent Avenue and one South First and 10th Grand Towers."
"I know what it feels like to have been in Houston and Arizona."
"We always find such beautiful places to fight, do we do it on purpose?"
"There's a reason why militaries all over the world are doing things at secret locations when they're training, right?"
"Some places you are going to see can sell very high."
"They are all bays. Tiger Bay, Hudson Bay, Galway's Bay."
"From the Stairway To Hell in North Dakota to the Gates of Hell in Thorton Colorado, what's next? Highway to Hell in AC/DC?"
"Honestly, when you do these locations, it feels like something out of a horror film."
"Honestly, the best locations to search for these types of crystal deposits are in old mining districts."
"Both Cake and Indie Tangled were in the same location last year, can't say what the future will hold."
"We got people watching from Ireland, New Zealand, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, San Francisco, Canada, Virginia."
"No Maine or something Massachusetts."
"You want to put multiple locations as a name."
"Many major film studios are located in Atlanta and the city has been used as a film location for countless."
"Heathrow is Northeast, Hearn is East, and Luchar is West."
"All we know is that she frequented the areas of Miami Shores, Glade View, Liberty Square, West Little River, and model City."
"But especially the mall, in the gym."
"...not just have New York locations but they have locations all over the U.S and even all over the world."
"Looking for interesting places to film here in the Las Vegas area."
"You know, if you were to shoot a cinematic scene, you're gonna find the best locations in the world, right?"
"Places like this are a naturally occurring hotspot for paranormal phenomena to take place."
"...this makes sense because the chase bank I thought was Chucky Cheese's is actually too small on Google maps."
"She's fought everywhere: eight times in Slovakia, eight times in her native Hungary, once each in Sweden, South Africa, England, and Germany."
"But what could Kenny Omega be in? Who knows? Could he be in Uzbekistan, maybe? Oh, maybe he's in Lichtenstein. Could he be in South Sudan?"
"Who's come out for the NRL stick around called the Hard Rock yet I think they'll keep that name probably but who knows Spirit Mountain Casino the next week on the 16th and Grand Ronde Grand Ronde Oregon the 22nd and 23rd of March."
"It's the city, it's the suburbs, it's the mountains, it's the beaches. It is just all kinds of places that you can live, all kinds of situations."
"We're currently sold in Alaska, Arizona, California, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Alberta, Canada."
"The sets, the locations, they're all probably super accurate."
"One of the things that struck me in this final clip was how Rick pointed out that the locations you visit can also reveal to you something about the people you see in scripture."
"The creativity shown in a lot of these locations do a lot to help keep things interesting."
"Pretty fascinating when you see how much of history is caught up in these places."
"What happens in Las Vegas stays there. It's that what happens in Boston stays there, what happens in Philadelphia stays there, and so forth. What happens anywhere stays anywhere."
"My time in Wadesboro was very different than my time in New York."
"Hello, Pasadena California, Whatcom County, Missoula Montana."
"Here at the National Air and Space Museum, we emphasize that we are one museum with two locations."
"My favorite types of Lego sets are location builds; I much prefer them to vehicles."
"My absolute favorite type of Lego set is location builds."
"Places are like locations plus so much more; they're also the setting of everyday life."
"That sounds pretty good, I'd like to be in Vienna right now."
"For networking, LA is pretty dope, but Miami is where it's at."
"There's certain places that never really leave your mind."
"The one thing I really enjoy about Thrones is the world-building, the practical effects, these locations."
"We want to do more visual effects, we want to do more on the spot locations."
"It's like the Switzerland of Afghanistan."
"Watch us as we uncover, discover, and explore music, movie, and true crime locations."
"The cool aspect of it was the record was recorded in Woodstock, New York, Lower East Side, Los Angeles, Oakland, California... all this was going on simultaneously on the airwaves."
"The beauty of these locations can often obscure a deep and dark secrets."
"Not all Harvest Hosts locations are vineyards and wineries; some are museums and gardens."