
Spectrum Quotes

There are 386 quotes

"Sexuality is this big spectrum, it's a gradient."
"Maybe we should think of that linear political spectrum as more of a circle, and that the two halves, the two extremes, actually have many things in common, so maybe they touch on the other end."
"I believe that gender and sex are different, that gender is socially constructed meaning that humans created it, and that gender is a spectrum."
"Sexuality is on a spectrum, and also, on top of that, transphobia is at the intersection of many different forms of bigotry."
"We're so focused on arriving at this destination which is healthy, and that doesn't exist. It's not black and white; you're not either healthy or unhealthy. It's a spectrum."
"This is really what explorations of anxiety look like. It's not just about a clinical diagnosis and a medication. It's about a whole spectrum."
"Why you got to make everything binary, Chuck? We live in a spectrum world." - Neil deGrasse Tyson
"Sexuality is such a wide spectrum... it is also a journey."
"Sexuality is a spectrum, and you do see it often; people fall on different areas of it."
"Narcissism is on a continuum from low-grade superficial egocentric attention-seeking narcissism all the way up to manipulative exploitative menacing coercive terrifying malignant narcissism."
"Asexuality is defined as a... aversion to sex lack of sexual drive lack of sexual attraction... it's very unspecific because there is... a spectrum within asexuality."
"Gender expression is obviously a spectrum and people can range from masculine to feminine regardless of their gender identity regardless of their biological sex."
"You grow towards male and female, more directions or ends of a spectrum."
"Human sexuality is such a huge wide range of things, it's a massive spectrum."
"It was just the common thought of the time to be like, 'Oh, sexuality exists on a spectrum.'"
"No one's purely an introvert or purely an extrovert. Most of us are somewhere in the middle."
"Colors can either be vibrant or super muted and dull - they're on a spectrum."
"It attracts support from across the political spectrum."
"The entire world exists on a spectrum, and there are limitless genders and limitless brains."
"Natural or not is not black and white. It's a spectrum."
"This test is more of a political scale, like plotting Hitler and Gandhi."
"Autism spectrum disorder is a spectrum. Not everybody is going to deal with it the same way."
"Remember that gender is not binary, there's a spectrum."
"Life is a spectrum, good, better, best. Let's not make it worsted."
"Sexuality is a spectrum. It's a paradox to think of any sexual activity as normal."
"Infrared photography captures light beyond the visible spectrum."
"Life is not binary; there are many different spectrums of people and thought."
"It's okay to feel in low vibration; it's part of the spectrum of what we came to experience here on Earth."
"We all fall somewhere on that spectrum... compulsivity and addiction start to look like the same thing."
"Consciousness is not a binary phenomenon; it's not whether we're conscious or not conscious, it's a spectrum."
"Gender is experienced in a broad spectrum."
"These are two ends of a spectrum of behavior which can be generated by the same kind of mathematics."
"Everything is on a spectrum right. It's everything is non-binary, you're not crazy or sane, you're somewhere on the Spectrum."
"By limiting ourselves to only one side of that Spectrum we deny ourselves the richness of fully experiencing and expressing who we truly are."
"Bills fills the sonic spectrum pretty nicely."
"The visible spectrum spans from violet to deep red, with ultraviolet and infrared lying beyond those wavelengths."
"We actually are exist along an entire spectrum of Consciousness."
"And where you’re gonna fall in that could be anywhere on either of those extremes, or somewhere closer to the middle."
"Existence the feeling of being is a sort of spectrum just as light is at one end red and at the other end Violet and you have to have these Extremes in order to have have color at all in order to know light."
"That's the gift of all gifts in the human spectrum."
"...there just is this wide spectrum for people..."
"Any color you can think of will be somewhere within this color space."
"Stealth isn't a thing that you either have or don't have. It might be better to think of it as a portion of a broader spectrum of observability."
"Security isn't just yes or no, I'm vulnerable or I'm secure, it's a spectrum of better or worse."
"Nuclear security isn't just yes or no, I'm vulnerable or I'm secure, it's a spectrum of better or worse."
"The box is holographic rainbow because how beautiful is the spectrum of light, how beautiful is our world."
"It's more of a scale rather than you have it or you don't have it."
"She's like, 'I've got this theory that sociopathy might be a spectrum like autism. So does everyone not everyone's on that spectrum? No, no, no, no, no. It's still rare.'"
"Our sun is a source of energy across the full spectrum."
"...metabolic health or metabolic disease and dysfunction I should say is more of a spectrum..."
"Autism is seen as this linear spectrum when it's actually more helpful to look at it as just this wheel of needs."
"Dissociation is on a continuum from mild forms to extreme forms."
"That's how far out on this side of the spectrum I was, physically."
"When people say autism is a spectrum, they're not trying to be hyperbolic, it's literally a spectrum like a color wheel almost."
"The sun's spectrum is actually what we call an absorption spectrum."
"How many genders are there? An infinite amount."
"Autism is diagnosed along a spectrum with mild cases exhibiting problems with social communication and severe cases displaying an overwhelming and sometimes fatal constellation of symptoms."
"Autism is not a single disease, it's a spectrum of disorders."
"It's really important that there is not a binary, okay? So there's not people who are mentally healthy and people who are mentally unwell."
"It's a spectrum darling, not a straight line."
"If a kid is on the Spectrum instead of looking at it like oh they have a limited bandwidth no they actually have a broader scope of bandwidth and they see things you can't see they feel things you can't feel so you think they have a handicap when actually the handicap is you."
"Everything in the world exists on a spectrum between clouds and clocks."
"Light is an illusion. It is a spectrum."
"Masculinity now isn't just this black and white thing of going, 'This is what masculinity is.' It's actually a bit more of a spectrum."
"Neither approach here is wrong... but they're at such opposite ends of the creative spectrum."
"From the most negative to the least negative expressions."
"There is a continuous spectrum of experience from the simplest to the most profound."
"Infrared light is light just like any other color of the spectrum, it just has a longer wavelength than red light."
"Unlike most conversations on the internet, the discussion and opinions seem to pretty much fill out the entire spectrum that you would imagine."
"ADHD is a disorder but it really exists on a continuum."
"Democracy is definitely a spectrum."
"We're a spectrum of living, not some fixed unattainable fairy tale."
"Sexuality is a spectrum. I always knew that."
"A faith healer who fully believes in the practice they're engaged in is at one pole of the spectrum, while a faith healer who is knowingly a fraud is at the opposite pole."
"These are the last shimmers in the neutral spectrum."
"We're all in the spectrum, yeah I swear to god we are."
"2024 is going to be a karmically abundant year on both sides of the spectrum."
"It is so much easier just to say that things like sex and gender and sexual orientation exist on a spectrum."
"Think about this. We have our low end, we have our high end, basically everything goes through the mid-range spectrum of frequencies."
"Women are attracted to the men who take them through the full spectrum of emotions."
"Brilliantly explores the spectrum of human life in existence."
"Methane gas absorbs light in the red part of the spectrum, giving Uranus its blue-green hue."
"Sexuality is a spectrum and Quentin falls on that somewhere in the middle."
"I tend to try to use as wide of a spectrum as I can."
"Gender is made up, there is sex and that itself is a sort of a spectrum."
"Super Earths run an almost unimaginable spectrum of possible worlds, from paradise to graveyard, molten cinder to icy rock, but amid all of those it is possible life might arise no different than here, eventually growing clever and reaching out to space."
"...a vast rainbow of personality types that they would have."
"...the light is a nice smooth blackbody spectrum you'd expect from a tiny dot of hot plasma."
"Mental health issues go past the person. Some people think they're depression, some people have anxiety issues, you see what I mean? Some people are bipolar, it goes beyond, you know, the spectrum is broad."
"All of these things are a spectrum."
"Where does it become white light in its full spectrum? From the heart."
"Individualism fits into a spectrum, from liberal individualism to anarchism."
"Bipolar disorder is not yes or no; it is a spectrum deal."
"This idea of a spectrum approach is increasingly accepted amongst mood specialists around the world."
"The one octave you see is a small part of the whole light spectrum."
"The light tracks strictly to the Planckian curve."
"It's just that spectrum of effort to money saved, yep."
"Women's sexuality tends to be more of a spectrum."
"When people are very honest about the entire spectrum of it, he sees value in that."
"Color is a spectrum, we paint watercolor, not a wall."
"The colors of a rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet."
"Blindness is a spectrum, blindness does not mean zero vision."
"Sexuality isn't so black and white necessarily, it is a spectrum."
"...ranging everywhere from cautious optimism to bitter disdain."
"It's not simplistic to have an answer here. You have a spectrum and just like all issues within this spectrum, people are gravitating towards one opinion versus another opinion and it's not clear-cut which one is the correct one."
"There's a spectrum and it rings from interrupting to belittling to raping women."
"I recently learned I was on the spectrum and, you know, I have a lot of sensory issues, I have a lot of things that like, I get overwhelmed quite easily and need to like, I'm learning how to take time to for myself."
"So no every single person is not on the autism spectrum."
"Honestly, it's just really interesting how people are very different on that spectrum."
"So not all bankruptcies are the same. You can think of them on a spectrum."
"This record covers Elation manic Euphoria sorrow Fury grief and acceptance nearly the entire spectrum of human emotion."
"It's a very wide spectrum going from very low risk to very high risk."
"Autism, autism, autism, we all have a little bit of autism, it's a spectrum that's what they call it just like being gay, right, we all got a little bit of Chisholm and um some people more than others."
"I mean it's run the whole gamut of just off-kilter to weirdly eerie to strange but beautiful all the way up now to outright horrifying."
"That's why a more broader spectrum light gives you a better chance of growing what you put in there to grow."
"Hate and love is on the same Spectrum, you know?"
"Your natural colors have three properties... they fit inside a light to dark range."
"Gender is kind of like an expansive galaxy with infinite possible categories beyond just the binary points of male and female."
"Addiction is a spectrum disorder."
"It's called spectrum because people with ASD might have a range of symptoms."
"... experiences do tend to vary across a wide spectrum."
"Know where your market is on that spectrum."
"It's almost like the spectrum of all the different colors."
"People are able to see the entire spectrum of colors."
"We can actually have a spectrum, at least the blue portion of the spectrum when it really counts, look almost exactly like the same ratio and hit all the same peaks as the ocean or in the sun and the sky combined together."
"There's actually a whole spectrum of more or less determined, more or less free."
"One of the things that they share is, from the autism world perspective, in the 1980s a psychiatrist Lorna wing coined this term 'the spectrum.'"
"It's called neurodivergent, which is like you're not in the normal part of the bell curve, you're in like a weird many standard deviations on the bell curve."
"I definitely think there are advantages to either end of that spectrum."
"Being gay is not so black and white anymore, it's more of a spectrum."
"Life's experiences on a kind of spectrum of one to 10... I feel like that our ones and our tens, they're connected."
"The political party is no longer representative of a conspectus of opinion across the board but represents a relatively narrow position at the edge of the political spectrum."
"Cancer is a spectrum of disease and we have to think in a more sophisticated way."
"The colors on this one look great; there's a really nice range from a nice dark blue all the way through purple and then up to the bright shiny steel."
"You end up seeing these dips in the spectrum at these particular wavelengths."
"The spectrum of a galaxy only becomes red when it's no longer dominated by those very young very blue very hot stars."
"Autism is a spectrum, and all of the individuals who are diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum condition are so different from each other."
"The fuller the spectrum is, the better it is."
"Gender is a social construct and on a spectrum."
"You create the emotions... joy, happiness, love, green light emotions; anger, frustration, resentment, fear, red light emotions."
"I like to think of it more of a spectrum."
"Value and value for money really are available at all price points."
"It's not this black and white thing, there's this whole entire spectrum."
"Holographic pigment or glitter is a type of finish that shines the full spectrum of the rainbow."
"Aim for gates that give us the best spectrum, the best spectrum being the brightest spectrum, the cleanest spectrum, and one that has only a single signature."
"Prime numbers, square root accuracy, and spectrum."
"Autism or ASD comes in many different shapes and sizes. That is why it is called the autism spectrum disorder."
"If you have a spectrum, a line right, where on the one end you have the best most amazing TV technology possible for a price."
"You need to decide very consciously where do you want to be in the spectrum of from very sustainable to not sustainable at all."
"Between black and white is the whole spectrum of color; it's purples and reds and blues and yellows and greens."
"I learned to understand the wideness, the width of the spectrum of human behavior."
"We on the Spectrum sometimes have smart stuff while at the same time have dumb stuff."
"Asteroids are also classified based upon their spectrum or color, which often indicates what the asteroid is made of."
"Simply put, I believe that gender is a spectrum."
"The only regions of the spectrum allowed through the atmosphere and allowed to penetrate liquid water is the tiny range of the spectrum useful for life."
"White light is actually a mixture of ROYGBIV - the colors of the rainbow."
"When you shine white light into a prism, a rainbow comes out the other end."
"A spectrum of colors is formed when a beam of sunlight is refracted and dispersed by a prism."
"Attachment styles are definitely a spectrum."
"Mental health is more like a spectrum."
"It's not a binary system where you either have mental health issues or you don't."
"Gender is a spectrum; it's not tied to biological organs."
"So violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, this is known as VIBGYOR."
"This is a whole wide spectrum from kind of some of the very worst to some of the very best."
"There's definitely a difference between people; there's a spectrum."
"I think mental health for sure, a lot of people going through so many different things, and it's a full spectrum of mental situations that people are dealing with."
"Lissencephaly spectrum consists of agyria, pachygyria, and band heterotopia."
"It's not like a therapy session; you get to know people in different ways all across the spectrum."
"Modern 2D animation is a spectrum with traditional or frame-by-frame on one end and computer-generated tween movement on the other."
"The White Lantern Ring can access any color of the emotional spectrum and use the power of any of the various colors of power rings."
"We've derived that without ever solving the differential equation the spectrum just from that commutation relation."
"There is not one way that autism looks like, that's why it's called a spectrum."
"It's all a spectrum, just like everything in life."
"I saw the full spectrum of humanity, the most vicious to the most pure."
"Energy in the form of light passes through a prism, creating different radiations based on its frequency."
"If something is particularly hot, white hot, we are getting the whole spectrum here as well as the infrared radiation here that's present, we interpret that as white."
"Everything is a cycle or a spectrum, and sometimes the spectrum is actually a snake eating its own tail."
"We experience the full spectrum of love only when we let go."
"Words like woman and man are on a spectrum."
"Plagiarism and influence are the same thing; they are two poles to the same spectrum."
"The human eye can only see a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum; infrared light is just beyond this range."
"Sex is not binary, it's a scale, and you fall somewhere on the scale."
"...with volumes arrival came knowledge of the emotional spectrum of will power, rage, love, fear, compassion, avarice, hope, life, and death."
"Sexuality isn't black and white; it's a spectrum."
"The spectrum is the set of eigenvalues of a matrix."
"I could see each color of the rainbow in the white light."
"Sexuality is a spectrum, so we don't have to categorize it."
"The spectrum of human possibility, yeah absolutely."
"There's a recognition that there are all different versions of autism ranging from individuals that are non-verbal to people that are very bright and gifted."
"Disability is not 'you have it or you don't'; just like everything, its severity can be felt on a spectrum."
"Autism goes from somebody who remains nonverbal all the way up to Thomas Edison and Einstein."
"I'm glad it exists because I hope that if Batman and Robin was the end of one spectrum, then maybe this movie's the end of another spectrum."
"Hopefully this has shown you what can be achieved with natural colorants and clays and all the kind of spectrum of colors that you can create."
"We're all on a spectrum somewhere, right?"
"It was all the way at the other end of the spectrum from boring; it was overly exciting."
"All modeling is obsessive, you know, we're all somewhere on the spectrum."
"When we burn hotter, we bring our spectrum more like the sun."
"If you put those lamps all in one space, you end up with this sort of blend of all the different spectra in one spot."
"It allows you to listen to virtually anything and the majority of the RF spectrum."
"Sexuality is such a spectrum. And it's fascinating and it's beautiful."