
Direct Action Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"The activism means finding going right to the place where there is pain and hurt and suffering and doing something right at that direct connection."
"I think direct action is definitely necessary and it has to be direct action around specific issues."
"If you wanna donate to a worthy cause, your best bet is to actually look up the organization and donate to them directly."
"Nothing says democracy like a little direct action."
"Encourage community engagement and direct action on issues."
"She's just murdering people and so like I like the part where she's not [ __ ] around."
"Direct action has proven to be much more effective than censorship when it comes to de-platforming fascists."
"The best part of being President is every once in a while, you do something that you know has a direct impact on somebody."
"The only thing that's actually going to fix this is the mass majority of people saying no we're not [ __ ] doing that and then not do it."
"In a series full of mind games, sometimes you just gotta shoot."
"Donate money and actually help them. Put your money where your mouth is."
"Direct action doesn't mean force doesn't mean violence by any means but it does mean physical action."
"If you want to change it, sometimes you have to get your hands dirty. That's what I do."
"It's about fighting for liberty and the right to take back freedom by force if necessary."
"If you want to make actual change, go out and make actual change, don't just sit behind a keyboard."
"From their perch in Moscow, the folks at Yes California said they explicitly support and encourage Californians to stand up and take direct action."
"Do a video about our mission... or jump right in."
"We gotta throw hands cause there's just no way around it."
"The people of the United States have not failed in their need, their registered of mandates that they want direct, vigorous action."
"There's so much violence that is direct it's direct you know it's not we buy from this factory and then there's pollution that goes into waterways it's I'm paying for you to kill for me."
"That's how you do it—knocked him in the head."
"Your community, Summer Games Done Quick community, through every single individual donation you give, it goes directly to our field operations. So you help us to do our work."
"Fill that seat. You know what you do? You come up, you say 'Fill that seat,' you leave, and you've said everything. You don't have to vote."
"Do the most obvious things, the most obvious things to stop this sin. Do those things."
"I want to help solve some of the worst problems we face more directly than just talking about them."
"No more waiting, put pressure on politicians. Make them scared to death of you. Let's go to their houses."
"The best cure for despair is to grab a shovel and pitch in."
"If you want to escalate the climate struggle, go after fossil capital—target the companies that invest in fossil fuels."
"We'll just get right in there and just kind of give him one of those."
"We have to stop hacking at the branches and start striking at the roots."
"Trump keeps sending my deceased father fundraising letters. Oh my goodness, what would you suggest I send back in the postage paid envelopes?"
"Real deft politics actually challenge those systems directly."
"You just gotta get on there and do it like that."
"He didn't get an answer. He just took an action."
"Let's just send it, dude! No more looting, we're just gonna run straight there."
"Nothing was gonna change unless we went all the way down there, put the light on it, looked at it, and said, 'Whoa, let's fix this.'"
"Alright, sir, you under arrest. Put your hands up, get on the ground, get on the ground now."
"They had three appeals that they tried to file and were denied all three of them."
"Those machines will be physically removed and thrown in the ocean. Are you with me? Who's with me?"
"We have a choice. We can do something else. We can instead empower people directly." - Derek Hamilton
"Counterculture is important, but there is no substitute for the formation of workers organizations engaging in direct struggle against the ruling classes."
"Sometimes people say, 'Tony, how do I get over this?' You just gotta do it."
"Cut the check... hundreds of millions... and they cut the check."
"I just want to walk out my front door and go give it to a homeless person."
"What really is going to bring about substantive change in this country is direct action."
"You squash fascist movements by winning the violent clashes."
"He needs to be silenced. It's as simple as that."
"Direct action is needed. It's absolutely essential for this movement."
"It's a pitch to fifth running straight ahead into the end zone!"
"Be a part of the change. Don't just talk about it, go out and actually physically do something."
"We're taking the wheel. It's that simple. We don't care about Republican donors."
"If you abuse the black person, if you harmed a black person in the early 70s, these organizations, brothers would run up in the police station and just start busting."
"It's time to stop talking about awareness and inspiration, it's time to do something."
"Direct action is the most radically and rapidly transforming strategy."
"Shock tactics employed by extinction rebellion are in fact a crucially sharp stick."
"I'm just going straight for the bank, I'm just gonna put a hole in the bag."
"He wasn't even gonna deal with that arrest. He was just gonna get her out of the chair."
"If you see someone be racist or use racial slurs, call them out on it."
"I don't want an apology I don't want to see a company apologizing to me they might do it for say she ate some people I don't want that tell me what you're gonna do about this."
"The only way to make this violence stop is for people to take direct action."
"This kind of stuff is based, like slashing the car tires of Nazis while they're at a protest so they can't get home."
"Put your money where your mouth is, ship me a baler and we'll go to town."
"We're going to start posting addresses, we're going to start taking action."
"Three million party members were dispatched to neglected and remote areas to work on poverty alleviation."
"Just do it. Just do it in front of him, do it on the stack. You might as well. You might as well do it."
"Concentrate fire on the center of the storm when all subtlety has gone out the window and you need to break through the heaviest defenses."
"Pick up the phone and call and say what you need to say."
"It's a horrible thing they do have a GoFundMe that's linked there, you can contribute directly to that," he suggested.
"If you want to make housing affordable, then make housing affordable."
"You can do this today... as you're watching this video."
"Stage three is inevitable. Stage three is direct physical resistance."
"If we want to help the poor, just solve the problem."
"If we don't face this head-on, we have no chance."
"This is how you stop it, let me just say this."
"That's the only way that's the only appropriate response that's the only moral response to these lunatics that's the only way that any of this stops."
"Don't take any bullshit call out bullshit when you see it."
"Vader, if you would please murder these droids."
"This is how you get stuff done, forget writing your legislators, forget it, they're not listening, you gotta do something, it's us, it's we the people."
"Maegor went about personally slicing, dicing, and incinerating his excessively religious enemies."
"You spot the Russian soldier, you kill the Russian soldier, and then you take the position he had."
"Let justice roll down like water. You can't have a little tweak here and there."
"Just ask him out. You are in charge of your relationship destiny."
"If you want to hide stuff, be right at it, go right ahead."
"In a time when adversaries have the means to directly attack the homeland, the president must be able to safeguard the American people without having to wait for congressional authorization."
"He's the type of dude who's like 'I, Donald Trump, am robbing a bank with a gun.'"
"Let's just pull the band-aid off and just do it."
"It's a lot simpler, more direct, and has a greater capacity to make a global impact."
"We have a lot of simple solutions like fighting, we have a lot of simple solutions like shooting back."
"I attack that when it comes to my b word, I'm straight active."
"The only way you're gonna see real change is through direct action."
"The most important thing to do, especially nowadays, is to organize, create instances of direct action and mutual aid in order to remove dependence on the state, build dual power, and eventually sever all ties with those who claim to govern. This is the way."
"The students' actions were the direct result of the conditions they found themselves in."
"The most direct way to make that happen is through a universal basic income."
"When people are lying, taking direct action, nonviolent direct action, is a righteous thing to do, especially in defense of the Constitution."
"It started with a YouTube message to Scientology on January 21st, 2008, and was followed by distributed denial-of-service attack, prank calls, black faxes, and other methods."
"Martin Luther King was a debater... we talk about the direct action he took place in because that changed the system."
"If the king is not going to come to us, then we are going to come to him and force him to listen to us."
"When the Roman Empire finally falls, it needs to be at the hands of someone directly, not indirectly."
"When Wolfram and Hart take a life, they do so at a distance. I don’t have that luxury."
"Whoever amongst you sees evil, try to change it with your hand."
"Direct democracy is a democratic political system in which individuals express their opinions and vote on laws themselves."
"Sometimes complex magic is the best option, and sometimes you just need to kick the villain in the head."