
Diving Quotes

There are 1005 quotes

"Rebreather diving recycles exhaled air, removing carbon dioxide and adding oxygen, allowing longer, quieter dives."
"It's an extraordinary experience and the things I saw underwater, was the most remarkable and exceptional diving I've ever had."
"Manatee Spring State Park is a Mecca of sorts for cave divers."
"It was the most heartbreaking moment of my diving career."
"The Baltic Sea is filled with well-preserved wrecks. It's a treasure trove for any diver or archaeologist."
"Jacob's Well: classed as one of the most dangerous diving spots in the world."
"This is a watch that was famous in the mid 20th century as a way for divers to be able to time their dives."
"Diving is literally the keys into someone's soul."
"Divers are all about leaving it the way that you found it."
"Calm dive when storming, that's dangerous. Not a lot, that's true. Yeah, you also want to make sure the water's deep enough before you go for a dive."
"World record dive: A jaw-dropping feat that demonstrates boundless human potential."
"So with each sort of like mile that you go or meter that you go under the water you are freer and freer lighter and lighter and you get this sense of it's like you're flying under the water right."
"An amateur diver made an incredible discovery while exploring shallow waters off northern Israel."
"Eric Estably is a highly experienced diver who values his family, friends, and diving equally, but his life passion is diving, particularly cave diving."
"I sense a lot of compassion and comfort from this diver."
"Don't dive by yourself have buddies with you."
"If three things go wrong, no matter how tiny, the dive is aborted." - Unnamed speaker
"Every small mistake while on this dive could cause serious problems and most likely death."
"When you go down there, you need scuba gear."
"Welcome to Nickelodeon Universe, happy birthday Christina."
"Tri-mix is awesome because you feel perfectly clear even below 100 feet."
"Saturation diving simply means... all 16 of those theoretical tissue compartments have as much gas compressed into them that they can hold."
"Whales chasing a boat to a creepy tank graveyard, these are 15 terrifying discoveries that nearly stopped divers' hearts."
"Exploring an old sunken prison would be exciting for any history nerd if you know how to dive, that is."
"Panic kills: the importance of calm in cave diving."
"How long did they say they were going to do the dive for like 30 minutes?"
"When Greek divers on a boat at the turn of the century hit a storm on the island of Antikythera..."
"SS Thistlegorm: Hailed as one of the best wreck dives in the entire world."
"Because of its location and calm clear waters, Dean's Blue Hole has become a popular destination for free divers."
"Let's talk about scuba diving in Cancun, it's considered one of the best diving spots in all of the world."
"It measures 984 feet across and 410 feet deep for decades scuba divers and snorkelers were drawn to the Blue Hole especially after legendary explorer Jacques Cousteau went there and shared it with the world."
"Free diving is one of the most dangerous sports in the world."
"Ghost fleet of truck Lagoon: Japanese World War II wrecks in the Caroline Islands."
"He is an absolute legend, the godfather of cave diving."
"It was so surreal it was so odd and it's definitely clocked me on to the fact that in the future I do really want to try out diving."
"because of its position close to resorts it's now one of the most visited dive sites in the red sea."
"Taking a dive down to this wreck is like stepping into a time machine."
"The coral reefs: a true paradise for divers."
"Within Iceland's Thingvellir National Park lies a natural wonder that has captured the imagination of divers and adventurers from around the globe."
"This harrowing experience has now become a case study... required reading for everyone beginning a dive course."
"Imagine being this diver, who's over a hundred feet below the surface with a creature as alien-looking as that around you, truly terrifying."
"It's going to infinity through the power of deep-sea diving."
"Otherwise, the diver welders may experience the bends and other physical perils, even death."
"Okay, it's almost like as soon as we've actually got light I'll be going back down underwater."
"Divers actually discovered a 3,000-year-old castle."
"And that moment as you come up, because the buoyancy is just like wooshing you through the water, and you see the light above you, and it's just magic, that feeling when you go (mimics explosion) and you just explode on the surface."
"Diving into this dark underwater maze is the New Frontier of Adventure exploration."
"Real life, that's a pen. Rashford's so good at diving."
"It's a blissfully calm morning, perfect conditions for diving the largest Coral Reef in the Philippines."
"The Fitzgerald lies 160 meters below surface, a gravesite where diving is forbidden."
"Diving is like being a wet astronaut, except you might get eaten at any moment."
"More than a dozen divers have lost their lives in Jacob's Well."
"Since 1981, at least 13 divers have succumbed to this utterly horrifying fate."
"We travel all around the world, dive really popular places where people lose things, clean it up along the way, show that on the internet, so it's just what we do."
"Narwhals are one of the deepest divers, swimming as far as 1,800 M underwater to hunt for food."
"White Shark Mix Pro: White Shark Mix Pro is a compact underwater scooter adapted to the needs of divers and people who want to spend fun time."
"Whales are able to dive to extreme depths thanks to the flexibility of their bodies."
"If you're keen on diving into KO's history, don't miss the Tempio Voltio, tucked away in a former church."
"I've seen only a couple of major dive accidents."
"Excitement to dive into something, even with Restlessness."
"And he went down 12 meters, and Rick followed him."
"Cave divers follow the rule of thirds: 1/3 of air in your tank is for the way in, 1/3 for the way out, and 1/3 as reserved for an emergency."
"If you return to shallow depths too quickly, the gas leaves the bloodstream suddenly and causes air bubbles, which are painful and debilitating."
"Scott pulled himself down the anchor rope hand over hand. He paused to check his air gauge: 2500 pounds, plenty, and his depth gauge: 120 feet."
"Diving is something I think is really special to FPV drones."
"It's pressurized to feel like the deep ocean so that these divers could go out into the ocean and be 400 feet under the surface and their bodies were ready for the pressure."
"After breakfast, Cassie goes diving. She sees a lot of identical clownfish underwater, but one of them doesn't belong here. This one over here."
"Have a great week and happy diving."
"One of these restrictions is called the birth canal at around 70 feet deep after divers descend a gravel slope they have to push their way through an opening that can be as narrow as 15 inches."
"Becca Jacob's Well the recovery operations have progressed with another leader in the diving Community Don broad has a history with Jacob's Well after seeing divers get into trouble broad negotiated with the owner of the land to allow him to manage the site."
"Because I'm passionate about photographing shipwrecks... it's probably the main reason I still dive in cold water today after all these years."
"A game changer. You can go deep sea diving with one."
"It may well be that the history of technical diving reflects upon this dive and says, 'Well, okay, this was the day that the gateway to exploration beyond 250 meters with gas of an appropriate density was that the day that the door opened for that kind of exploration.'"
"So that's why everybody loves fully closed rebreathers."
"The Blue Hole is a beacon for divers and adventurers from around the world."
"I consider it to be the safest dive site in the world."
"We are literally in the most perfect, beautiful spearfishing and free diving spot I have ever seen in my life. The viz is amazing, there's no current right now, there's no wind, it's beautiful. We're in heaven."
"Being back underwater felt absolutely amazing."
"Technical diving differs from recreational diving."
"For their dive, they intended on getting to around 200 feet to check out the sea life."
"When doing deep dives like this, you have to ascend slowly based on the time and depth of the dive."
"Dive spots: Whether you're a PADI or SSI certified diver you have great access to a full map of dive spots worldwide."
"Rumors have been circulating within the global diving Community about a cave in Spain with an extensive underground system allegedly connected to countries worldwide."
"...just having that watch it if you're just doing shallow stuff any kind of stuff like just to know exactly how deep you went and how long you were down for I think and and how long you've been recovering up top I think um super important and super handy."
"Two weeks later, with a break in the weather, divers attach new lines to the wreck of the Penrose."
"Embark on superb snorkeling or scuba diving excursions that will take you to the nearby reefs."
"Descending into the depths of the Great Blue Hole was somewhat similar to entering the atmosphere of a distant planet."
"Oh my gosh man, two days of diving San Antonio Riverwalk, we got two phones."
"The best way to relax is to enjoy it, is to make sure you're enjoying the diving, you just get in not getting overwhelmed by the situations not getting overwhelmed by everything that's going on just get in and enjoy that."
"Always dive with a buddy and always be careful. Never push your limits."
"Following safe diving practices is crucial for all levels of divers, including staying with a buddy and adhering to recommended depths and procedures."
"Hope you guys had fun today, getting wet, going diving in the front ponds, pulling out Turtles, it's always exciting."
"She probably drove down to the far side of the lock and got into diving gear in the shelter of the trees."
"It felt like something is watching us when we do diving. It felt like who's there you can you can feel in it in your stomach when you when you dive that there is something around you but you can't really make for sure what it is."
"Start pre-breathing your helium folks because we're going to be on a deep dive and nitrogen is toxic at these depths down the rabbit hole and it's flooded."
"This tells people that you have divers in the water and that they need to stay far away from you or go past you really really slow."
"It's a beautiful Monday, literally flat calm. Not a cloud in the sky. Absolutely beautiful day."
"This is the day you dream of to go diving. This is what I wanted this weekend to be."
"Plan your dive and dive your plan."
"Just breathe, guys. Just breathe. We're diving in."
"It's a real air of anticipation anytime you get to dive a new site."
"The reason for the collapse was indeed the bubbles exhaled during decompression. Long deep dives require divers to do longer decompressions, which change the density of the water and reduce buoyancy, affecting the stability of the cave walls and ceiling."
"For those of you who want to see how it is out there, especially with rebreathers, how quiet it is, this video was for you."
"With a rebreather, you are breathing the optimal mix for decompression at all stages during the ascent."
"The rebreather does it and this is just to illustrate this concept of constant po2 diving."
"The surface is a dangerous place with rebreathers. Problems first become apparent here."
"Check your po2 frequently because your life depends on it."
"Pulmonary edema is a significant cause of morbidity and in fact mortality in divers."
"Put on that wetsuit and jump in, that's right."
"There's a lot of people that are divers because they have to be and there are other people like me that dive for the fun of it."
"This unique phenomenon has turned the Angelita Cenote into a popular diving spot."
"Now you have a 10 subscription for one month of diving."
"Many associate diving with a dangerous activity. I associate it more with meditation."
"The waters offer anywhere from 5 to 30 m of visibility and Diving is available all year round with many sites to choose from."
"Diving straight in and interpreting overinterpreting what you're seeing."
"Learning to dive really changed my life and can open up a whole new world."
"Since divers like Brett Hemphill frequently dive beyond the 100 ft mark, they used a specialized mix of gases like triix or helox which have a lower nitrogen content."
"Water is absolutely nuts. I'm excited to actually dive with the crew."
"A bit sad, but we do have dive gear. It's beautiful water here."
"Being neutrally buoyant and in proper trim and streamline like that are all things that are going to help you be a better diver overall."
"...as I told you, diving SKX, everyday use Komatsu."
"But as a tool for diving it's difficult to imagine something more suitable for the period and also more important as a fantastic all-rounder."
"Dodging weather, free diving, spearfishing, shark diving, seeing all the things, awesome!"
"Diving with the mantas is indescribable."
"Diving with the manta rays was hands down the most magnificent experience of our lives."
"I gotta say, that was probably like the best day diving I've ever had there."
"So doing that side-by-side does allow you to get a little bit more information on the screen and to use it to help you transition from your frequencies as you're changing depths."
"Toy, the diving center in Belgium, unveils an aquatic paradise like no other, offering an unparalleled experience that plunges visitors into a realm where underwater exploration meets tropical enchantment."
"I wake up at six, seven depending on where we are in the world, have breakfast, prepare one or two dives in the morning, come back, enter data, have lunch, maybe a little nap, and then go diving again."
"Considered one of the top three best dive watches ever made."
"The Legend is simple enough yet powerful enough to meet diving needs across the board."
"Being balanced means you can take it to the depths of recreational diving and feel no changes."
"There is no dive equipment that is worth more than your life."
"This is the first Ling Cod that I saw on this particular dive."
"Continuing education adds to the enjoyment of the sport and expands your underwater horizons."
"There's no correlation between the skill of a diver and the number of certification cards that they have in their binder."
"...if she took even a tiny gulp of air at depth that air would expand so dramatically on the way up it would kill her..."
"Then what?" she asked. "Then I'm going to join Tom and dive the Clarion Call."
"The water quality perfect for diving."
"This dive was famously dangerous to the point where the best divers in the world wouldn't attempt it."
"This diver was swimming around when he accidentally created his own force field made of fish."
"Until next time, my name is James, this was your Divers Ready! Mouthpiece Monday for this week, Dive safe, Dive often!"
"I guarantee you if Jean Michelle Cousteau wants to go dive it or Bob Ballard comes to the Great Lakes again and says I'd like to go see it, I bet you they'll get permission to do it."
"The most important thing to consider when selecting a mask is comfort and fit."
"...the deeper you get, you're gonna feel more discomfort on your ears, the pressure will push in on your ears, so we need to equalize our ears, we call this clearing."
"It does take confidence and experience to dive a 4200 ton boat beneath the surface."
"Help make you a better scuba diver."
"If comfort is an issue to you... definitely have a look at the jacket style BCD."
"As I mentioned when we were discussing similarities, the jacket style BCD comes with nice big pockets."
"I use my expertise as a technical diving instructor to make videos with one simple goal in mind, and that's to help make you a better scuba diver."
"Find the right instructor because your open water course is your introduction to the sport, it is your entry-level."
"Until next time ladies and gentlemen, my name's James this was your Divers Ready! video for this week. Dive safe, dive often."
"We're inclusive, everybody. We just want to embrace diving. We look forward to working with so many of you out there in the world."
"We decided to invest time in partnering up with SSI, the agency that Woody is an instructor trainer for, that I'm an instructor for as well."
"Do you have any advice for plus-size divers? Dive! Go diving! There's nothing... You don't have to be an athlete to be a diver."
"Mike is definitely one of the best, in my opinion, cave divers in the world."
"I think the next iteration of dive computer technology as it's related to your need for decompression is that eventually the dive computers will monitor exactly what is going on in your body."
"Experience is to become a volunteer diver at your aquarium. Most aquariums do this."
"You can dive as much as you want as long as there's a spot. Yes, you can dive every day."
"I had no idea the human body was capable of diving to such depths for so long."
"...there's no record of them ever blacking out or every never ever having a problem because they listen to their bodies."
"Being efficient in the water, relaxing yourself, not fidgeting around, and moving smoothly through the water is one of the biggest keys and largest tricks that I can teach you about improving your air consumption."
"It's about getting to a level where you can self-assess and know what good diving is."
"I'm still trying to make my next dive better than my last dive."
"Your general conditions are hugely important when it comes to gaining experience."
"The only way to gain experience is to go diving!"
"I want you to make your next dive that one percent better than your last dive."
"There's plenty of local diving out there where you can work on your skills."
"There's no shortcut to become a cave diver, I mean, at least not to do it safely. You can always drop a tank and do it, there's no cave diving police."
"Physiology of rebreather diving... it's a subject that I'm passionate about."
"Best dive channel in the world. Nobody's taking number two from us."
"I wanted to go to the crystal caves in the Bahamas, to be honest with you. That was one of the main drives for me."
"So, thank you very much for watching and stay safe, stay healthy and let's go back for diving as soon as possible."
"Do it everybody, go diving, go get cave certified, you'll love it, it's awesome, but don't do it without any knowledge whatsoever."
"It's a world where you have to rely on your friends, divers always go in pairs, and your partner or buddy is the only person who can help you."
"How awesome is it to be a cave diver and have this incredible set of procedures that we follow every single time we go? I'm closing the video with, 'Wow, how awesome is it to be a cave diver?'"
"Make your next dive on our subscribe button and hit that little bell icon so you're notified every time we drop a new video because we make digital content on this channel with one simple goal in mind, and that's to help make you a better scuba diver."
"...it's a tight group of people that, yes, eventually you do get to know each other. In terms of tight as in like buddies and all, friendly and warm to each other, I would like to think we're helping make that warmer for the cave dive community."
"I'm really, really like him I think he brings great awareness to the dive community, yeah he's awesome."
"...just how amazing divers are and that diving is and the biggest part of our planet is underwater."
"This looks like a cool cave to dive."
"She's the first lady diving in the Navy."
"The Open Water course is your gateway to this alien magnificent landscape."
"The rescue diver course is my absolutely favorite course."
"You get to dive with so many creatures and experience the wild like nowhere on land."
"Dive against debris is a great way to extend your understanding of the ocean and conservation."
"Night diver? Epic. Have you ever done a night dive? I absolutely love them."
"Wreck diver? Epic. My wreck Dives were on the hmas Brisbane."
"Open Water instructor? It is epic. It absolutely changed my life."
"Technical diving is any dive that is planned and executed beyond the limits of recreational diving."
"Being a technical diver is a privilege because we get to go and explore these dive sites, these caves, these wrecks that very few divers get to see."
"Mark was an extremely smart and calculated diver; he meticulously planned every expedition, leaving nothing to chance."
"This is one of the things I love about diving—that nervous excited feeling that fills your whole body, as you're about to take that last step off the boat into the dark blue ocean."
"I'm the first person to dive under the Chernobyl nuclear power plant."
"That's how we roll at Dive Talk, the Dive Talk Tech Team."
"It was literally like diving in an aquarium, absolutely loved it."
"It's not like a mainstream video... I was already a certified cave diver and I'm like, how come I never saw this?"
"The only time I felt like I might die was on my second dive on the passage."
"Wearing gloves and minimizing direct contact with corals is definitely something that you should aim for."
"Rebreather technology has been continuously improved to the point where it is now extremely sophisticated, with modern rebreathers integrating computerized technology to continuously monitor and adjust the levels of breathing gases."