
Breathing Exercises Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Breathing is the number one way to give your mind a reset and to get you back into a balanced, peaceful state."
"I believe that everybody can become a good breather, and these steps are free."
"When you don't get the answer to something, it can make you really stressed out... What you want to do is just take a deep breath in."
"Deep abdominal breathing fills up that bank account, centers our energy, and grounds our awareness in the present moment."
"Start small... adopt healthy breathing practices anywhere."
"Breathing all the way out, longest breath of your day."
"Breathing deeply instantly makes me feel calmer."
"Breathing deeply and slowly can bring serenity."
"The more we can open up our lungs, the more we can take into our lives."
"Your diaphragm is your engine of power so we're gonna get in there we're gonna start it we're gonna rev it and then we're gonna dig deep."
"Unlock your hips, stretch, and do diaphragmatic breathing."
"Allow each inhale to become a little deeper and each exhale a little longer."
"Just breathe and stay centered in the present moment with your breath."
"It's not hard, it isn't crazy, it's just about breathing."
"Take a big inhale through the nose and then out the mouth, let it go."
"This is not just simply sitting on your couch taking deep breaths in, exhaling, and doing it a bunch of times. This is like structured workouts for breathing."
"One thing that breath does especially if we breathe like a baby does down to a tummy is that we take a focus away from the spinning brain into a state of being."
"Breathing consciously, present in and out, feeling the air fill your chest and exhaling slowly out your nose."
"Taking deep breaths helps reset your nervous system."
"Listen to your breath, it's like the movement of the body."
"Inhaling for a full count of three, filling up belly ribs chest. Sign out nose or mouth, get all the breath out of the body."
"Breathing activates a portion of the brain that triggers your zen mode like serotonin."
"Slowly in through the nose and then slowly out and keep those even I find that works for sleeping."
"My natural breath flows in calm and nourishing waves."
"Let's start with some breathing exercises. Inhale, expanding our ribs out to the side."
"Mindful breathing calms the mind and helps them stay centered in the present moment."
"Breath work practices can be hugely helpful to actually shift your state."
"Take a deep breath in, and then exhale, soften and release."
"Inhale and exhale, okay? Let's start with count number one, take a deep breath in and a deep breath out."
"Incorporating breath exercises can help to relax and strengthen the lungs."
"Take a moment to really reconnect and feel that deep inhalation and long exhalation."
"Inhale and exhale. Create space so you can see things clearly."
"You breathe in, control your breathing, everything is good."
"Releasing unpleasant emotions is possible through breathing exercises and reframing."
"Take a deep full breath out completely, empty your lungs."
"Imagine that your finger is a feather and that your breathing is so soft that the feather doesn't move."
"If you have a blood pressure monitor, and a lot of people do, take your blood pressure before and after a simple breathing practice. Start small, give it a while, give it a week."
"These practices are all based on breathing and focusing on the breath."
"I even learned a new breathing exercise to help relax that has really really helped me and worked really well"
"Breathing light increases heart rate variability, breathing slow, and breathing low."
"When you do deep breathing, it actually helps to calm your nervous system."
"Let's start with a deep cleansing breath."
"Keep breathing here, trying to hold for five breaths."
"Keep inhaling and exhaling, stay as open as you can."
"Deepen the breath, make it longer and slower."
"Shake your hips from left to right, inhale deeply through your nose, and exhale deeply through your mouth."
"Now close your eyes, we're now going to take a few deep breaths so that we can calm the body."
"Just sitting there and just being quiet and paying attention to your breath for maybe two minutes or five minutes... that is enough."
"Breathing techniques like Pranayama can be very advantageous."
"Mindfulness and kind of deep breathing type stuff works too, getting the chaos of your mind under control."
"Let's roll the shoulders down and back, a couple of deep breaths, inhaling, exhaling, letting everything go."
"You can eliminate any situation of your mind by doing breathing."
"Extend into the breathing, slowing down the inhale and slowing down the exhale."
"Keep breathing, nice deep breath in, deep breath out."
"Start to focus on your breath and maybe you close the eyes down gently."
"Just deep breathing, taking deep breaths in and out, stretching the lungs out, this can help a lot."
"If we do deep breathing exercises, we will age better and less faster."
"Diaphragmatic breathing naturally activates the parasympathetic nervous system, triggering a physiologic relaxation response."
"You focus your full attention on your breath as it flows in and out of your body."
"Breathe in and out, a little release, shake it out, breathe normally."
"Balancing breathing is really good for calming the mind and stabilizing the nervous system."
"Keep breathing smooth, breathing deep, tuning in and staying tethered to your breath."
"It's not surprising to me that you can activate something that we would label as a spiritual experience through controlled breathing."
"Deep breathing exercises are one of the best exercises you can do to help stimulate vagus nerve healthy function."
"Breathing exercises focusing on really deep exhales... my whole outlook for the day changes."
"Let's take a couple of deep breaths together; inhale deeply, exhale fully."
"Every morning I take the 10 or so minutes for the morning relaxation thing to get your breathing exercises in."
"Let's do some easy breathing together."
"We're going to practice breathing for an easy delivery."
"One of the quickest ways to immediately improve heart rate variability is doing breathing exercises."
"Breathing exercises are among the most scientifically backed strategies for calming your system down."
"It's a breath-centered practice which will help you exhale the contents of your day and cue your sleep."
"It's all about breathing, deep breathing, and just holding the position."
"Control your breathing, fill up your lungs really deep, deep breath, and breathe out and relax."
"It's just a great way to do breathing exercises and mindfulness."