
Family Influence Quotes

There are 395 quotes

"It's everything to me, my dad is just... I wouldn't know anything about bluegrass music... it's all because of when I was a little kid he was so inspiring."
"I don't think I've received a better education since my grandmother taught me to read."
"If a kid sees that, this is how you treat a woman, or this is how a wife is towards their husband, then they're most likely to do it themselves when they get married."
"My dad was polio-disabled, so he was in a wheelchair all the time I knew him... He was the one who got me into football."
"The best we can do for ourselves is to demonstrate to our family and friends by trying to be at our personal best."
"I watched my mama hustle. I grew up amongst hustlers."
"The influence of his mother is going to be special."
"My mom, she's a hustler... she never gave up."
"I'm funny because of my mum and I'm determined because of my dad."
"Nobody can overestimate the importance of Hitler's mother to his life."
"The woman is the first University. What she teaches the family in most cases the family will never unlearn it."
"If your mama don't vote, if your grandma don't vote, you are probably less likely to recognize the importance of voting."
"My life and my sister's lives, and foster siblings, and many other family friends, their lives are what they are now because of my dad."
"If I didn't have my grandmother, there'll be no shadow of a doubt in my head that I wouldn't be doing life in prison right now for something."
"I know he's watching. This is for my daddy. I'm very happy for him. He's a voice of reason that always drove and challenged me. That's the type of father I have. Like a friend, yeah, like a friend."
"She first found her love of cooking through her mom and garden salads."
"There's not an entrepreneur in my family. It was just in me."
"I was raised by good ass people... but at the same time, like, okay, my mom's side of the family, Mexican, Catholic... and my dad's side of the family, also decent, well-mannered good people, but they're all gang members."
"I want to make my mother proud... I always wanted to do well."
"It's weird when you look back at your parents and how you become a better version of your parents or a more aware version of your parents."
"The presence of a father and dad, the shame that a son can feel from disappointing the father, is much more greater than gang influence."
"Anand learned to play chess from his mother when he was six."
"I'm good with money, I'm kind of like my dad where it's like you have it but you don't spend a lot of it."
"Corcoran advised against public appearances to regroup, but Bennett's family pushed for them."
"If your primary concern is misinformation, don't you think you ought to start with them pink baloney smelling people you got at the house?"
"Just because my dad is who he is doesn't mean I don't get sad."
"Ultimately my battle is for the church my mother."
"Yet it was his family's research and efforts that supposedly made him such a champion and so successful."
"Many make bad decisions because the father was not bad."
"I look at my dad, I look at my brothers, I look at my cousins, my uncles because they are all black."
"Being an early adopter of that... being obese... my family was early adopters."
"Big things for me were like my daddy... I'm his daughter, I could do this."
"Your parents aren't going to be with you forever, so just do what makes you happy and fulfill your own goals, not theirs."
"Just because you come from a background of nut jobs and psychos does not mean you have to be one yourself."
"I am a firm believer that while our families set a lot of the tone in how we develop psychologically, I don't believe it's a destiny."
"I grew up with a father because of James Evans Sr."
"My mom was a gangster. I've seen my mom [__] a lot of my aggression comes from my mom."
"All meaningful change, positive change in America starts at the dining room table."
"You are meant to be the expansion of that, not the continuation of this issue that she's had."
"He was that dude growing up, that like, you know, everybody in the family just wanted to be. He was like the coolest dude I knew and he was like my idol."
"I did know that I was Norwegian though my grandma is like all about being Norwegian."
"He's been keeping pace with us since he was a baby."
"My inspiration genuinely comes from my mom. My mom is a go-getter."
"My dad is a legend, he's the real star. I'm very blessed to have a perfect balance between my parents."
"My grandfather taught me to take personal responsibility for my life."
"If one viewer, one family, one parent watching this could resonate with some of the words we've said, then we've done our job."
"If you're an entrepreneur, do yourself a favor and find a woman whose dad was an entrepreneur because they'll get it."
"I've been given this incredible gift, you know, a mother who has walked through more crap."
"My father allowed me to paint several heads in pastels and also to dabble with his crayons all day."
"A lot of us grew up... where we didn't see much femininity happening in the home."
"The power of not taking no for an answer and not in a rude way but just the power of persistence and it's so remarkable watching what my kids have done with that and how it's this magic power which once you learn how to do it just opens doors."
"Black fathers are so much needed. I think about the story of the Williams sisters' father... his daughters now look, there's so many black women on his shoulders."
"Life was too short for what? Because I I I really sincerely always believed that my grandmother my grandfather my mother they always had my best interest in mind even though I couldn't see it at the time."
"Family, whether biological, adopted, or just a unique connection, plays a real role in shaping you as a person."
"Every time I look at them... I'm like okay not doing that bad."
"My dad is conservative, but it was never pushed on me, you know what I mean? So I was logically conservative."
"Let's take this journey into the history of an only child, a mama's boy raised on a farm..."
"Parents helped shape who you become as an adult."
"Can you tell us a little bit about your folks and how all this came about?"
"Children: reflections of their parents, even in darkness."
"Leaving Islam didn't just happen in a vacuum. Something led them to those videos, mostly inside our families."
"Yeah, exactly, got any advice from my son or my daughter they're playing me I go yeah whatever it is you love and whatever it is that moves you that's what you should be playing."
"My brother is the reason for all my success."
"I'm just kidding, I'm not. My mother actually, she's always right."
"There are more important things to spend our money on than clothing."
"Literally delicious. Stephanie has been getting everyone in the family into Indian food."
"Some of y'all didn't have language police at your house like I did."
"You have to be the best version of yourself for your family to feed off that. Kids are little sponges."
"Don't listen to anybody I mean it's you know I'm gonna listen simple awesome sometimes a doctor's I mean your mom putting a pretty big asterisk."
"Every ninja needs a good teacher, and for me, that's my mom and dad."
"I am Who I am today for two reasons because of my mother and Howard University."
"You're going to believe what your parents say to you, and if they say to you, 'You're lovable because you're just lovable,' you get a chance to have self-love as an adult."
"Harry is doing all by himself but in the case of Megan, she has no leverage directly over William and Catherine."
"Childhood matters a lot because we're raised in these families that teach us what to expect of the world, they teach us what to expect of other people."
"I'm a Swiftie because in 2007 my dad called me into the room... 'You should like her. She's good.' And that's how it started."
"You're not condemned to a life ordained by what your parents did."
"Our world is changing so much because of families like this. It's just insane."
"Talking about her mother she told me I'd make history and the world would learn how to say it right and her mom was correct there."
"The 30s is significantly better than the 20s."
"I think it was more like my dad and just kind of the work ethic that he saw. He was a drill sergeant, so when we were going around, my dad was one of those guys that were really regimented all the way through."
"I'm a giving loving caring person that's me I've always been that way because I was raised by my great grandma and my grandma and they weren't Rich they didn't have money but they definitely instilled love in me."
"I was raised in a legalistic Catholic home. Church on Sunday was mandatory, and all the rules and regulations that go with it."
"Education over everything. Because you can get so far. I know now the current trend is to be a social media influencer and things like that, but to have something to fall back on, like that's golden."
"It all starts from family. If you want to grow, develop, learn, or have any type of skill set, learn it within the house first and then go out there and kill it in the game."
"I've made a lot of headway convincing family members to vote for Bernie."
"I just don't value anybody's opinion about me, including my parents and wife and children, more than I value my opinion about myself."
"I think my wife would absolutely love to own a car like this."
"All great change in America starts at the dinner table."
"Some people know the Raiders though with the Davis Family, Al Davis and Mark now, Al passed, but like we've talked to people in the past about um, the Jon with Jerry and them being the owner being so much involved."
"Edric is an optimist, a legend. He was the head of the whole family, a real king, a real boss."
"If you got a family member eager to put you in the game, watch them too. Some people are just clouded by the money."
"My goal was for my stand-up to be the least funny part. I knew my parents would steal the show and I was comfortable with that."
"Biggest influence in your career: my brother."
"It starts with the parents. If the children see their parents taking their heart health seriously, their health and wellness seriously and they too know that this is something important."
"It's about what he wanted it ain't about what the family want it's not about what freeze want it's about what Philip want."
"Holly explains that she was embarrassed because her mother was in the audience and the loquifer image is one that they have worked very hard to not portray."
"I started my YouTube channel because I didn't grow up with a dad."
"Music was always a big part of our household."
"I had to wake up that day and realize that the world teaches you differently than your parents."
"Your kids can save you, your kids can break generational curses, they can heal if you let them."
"Epistemic humility, I grew up in a household where this quality was sorely lacking."
"I'm not gonna let what my mother thinks hold me back anymore."
"If you don't preach truth in your household, your children will grow up ignorant."
"It was the only thing I knew because as my brothers had been pros and there was nothing else at all." - Bill Shankly
"I think it's very difficult to kind of have been brought up with actors and writers and directors and that kind of creativity and not be fascinated by it."
"Managed to cope with the pressure of society thanks to his family, who taught him to accept himself."
"I'm not gonna be like my dad or my family. I just want to help people, and I know exactly how I'm gonna do it."
"My dad... he instilled in me the belief that I have to give back... philanthropy has been a huge part of my life."
"Olivia Jade is reportedly really angry her parents ruined everything for her by making her go to college."
"Leading by example is very powerful for them."
"I want to be just like my dad, except I'm not going to get pushed around."
"Some of it's just is the chase of chasing down a shoe and getting it, and then it's fun to see my son who likes it and then he rocks it."
"I think if you haven't had that, or even if you have, that you still fear it because of the way your parents judged."
"If your mom and your dad aren't gonna fix anything then why do you think the guy in Sacramento is going to fix something?" - Adam Carolla
"My dad is extremely patient, so I got that from him."
"No guts, no glory. That's what my dad used to say."
"But what really did it for me my kids became a fan so now my kids became a fan."
"One black person in your family has the power to make you black but all the white people in your family can't make you white."
"Moms be like 'I'll take you to see Aquaman' now this happened organically."
"My grandfather used to say that my grandmother opened a lot of doors for him."
"I probably wouldn't have been a rapper if I had my dad in my life."
"Not having a dad in my life kind of hindered me a little bit."
"Talking about money, Building Wealth, those weren't the types of conversations I would have when I was growing up."
"Your chart is not just your chart. It's a chart of the whole of your family, your spouse, your friends, everybody."
"This video sharpens the lens of connecting the dots between your present stuck places and how you were raised."
"Everyone expects a 17 year old to know better but if you were born into this situation where your father had some weird obsession with some kid you've never even matched it would shape how you grew up."
"I have a fantastic family. I have a mother who never asked me for anything but give, give, give. She made me who I am today."
"Nobody in your family is going to be a millionaire until you become one."
"It's because of my mom and the gift that she gave me that allowed me to basically explore technology, programming, circuit boards."
"There are going to be people that peer pressure you and like I just want you to make the best choices for yourself. So like cool then that's on you and your family."
"My stepfather was basically the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"My father was a man of science, he held a master's in molecular biology."
"Not everyone's cut out to be a thoracic surgeon, but maybe things would have turned out differently for me if I had a famous dad like if my dad was the president of the United States."
"A precocious but polite child, young Cassius was raised as a God-fearing Baptist along with his younger brother Rudy."
"No matter what, how you feel about the Kardashian, they are an iconic family."
"My grandma taught me about noni juice when I was 13."
"The more time that I spent with their parents... that's how I deciphered how to be their dad."
"Survive or die, that mentality is something that emanated in my family."
"I prayed that you give me a little more time so that I could be a good example to my sons so that I can have one more chance at you know at life you know."
"Families shape individuals that shape communities that shape the world."
"His first acting roles were minor ones in his father's movies including playing a sick puppy in 1970s absurdist comedy movie 'pound' and playing a Quasimodo like child in 1972's acid western movie 'greasers palace'."
"I want to be that Auntie to be like dang Auntie what you been doing you know what I'm saying you want to be the bad Auntie."
"I had won it through determination, my grandmother's hunger."
"Forget going for congress now my wife hasn't agreed to it yet but I promise brigaders you will be the first to know."
"My dad was the hardest working person I know. I remember being five years old and seeing my dad work at the steel mill."
"He says all the time mommy is already here and they can live this way now."
"My mother and dad growing up, from the day I remember, the one thing that surrounded our family was sport."
"70% of teenage pregnancies come from women raised in fatherless homes."
"My late father... one of the things he was best at was telling me how proud he was of me."
"You're almost like you turn into like your parents inside your mind telling you you're you yourself off or like doing something dumb."
"I'm the type of person like my mother; she's on a fixed income. I don't ask her for anything. So when I'm in jail, I gotta survive by doing what I had to do when I was in jail."
"Practically every intimate relationship women develop in life is either an attempt to distance herself from a negative father or to perpetuate the security of a good father."
"I began to write because like I said I was my mother's only child."
"Old Ash has now morphed into New Ash who is a lot more like her husband TJ, because I now see that very clearly the earnings potential that money has."
"Women are feeding their children bitterness and resentment, and unforgiveness. It's in the grits."
"Michael later told investigators from the NCAA that he chose University of Mississippi because that's where his family goes to school."
"My entire life, my dad has pushed me and encouraged me to get an education, and my mom has taught me how to use it."
"My dad pretty much told him like okay dude use your head."
"I'd always wanted to join the military. My grandfather was a World War II veteran, and I looked up to him like... he was just about all around badass."
"My dad was very funny. My dad also introduced me to Richard Pryor and George Carlin and Eddie Murphy and 'Saturday Night Live,' and just on and on and on."
"I've seen like my mom, my dad, and my brother who I never thought would go vegan in a million years go vegan."
"I love Boston so I grew up Red Sox Celtics like big Sports dad big Sports buff."
"Before flight became a revolutionary development in travel, diplomacy, logistics, or warfare, it was the obsession of two brothers -- fueled by curiosity, and powered by the influence, love, and encouragement of an entire family."
"The reason why I'm rich is because of my grandma."
"Beginning in 1973, he shifted his sight into following his father into the world of pro wrestling."
"My dad said to me, 'You're one of the smartest people I've ever met, why are you choosing to put your life in a basement with drunks and fuck-ups?'"
"I'm the greatest person in the world. I believe that because my mom's the greatest person in the world too."
"Destiny rises from your family, from your speech, something you will see during this period in your destiny will rise."
"T-Pain's family was heavily into music, one day his father was walking by a street and found a keyboard on the ground."
"We have to teach sisters, little sisters, daughters, nieces whatever it may be the importance of this situation."
"Mothers affect the heart of a home, nurturing the legacy and spiritual authority."
"Your parents talk to you about money from a very early age."
"It is remarkable that one of the messiest families in America will end up being better role models for the country than the President of the United States."
"How could you imagine your sibling having a say on who you married or not? Was there something you knew? Because if there is, tell me no, tell me no."
"I don't understand why he wouldn't be taking immense pride in the group that actually nourished him."
"A troubled home life filled with death is something that you see in a lot of serial killers."
"Women empowerment, I'm with that all the way, I grew up in the house full of women."
"Mom, I just want to honor every mom here... You are making an everyday difference in your children's lives."
"One of the main themes of this season is this idea that parents and/or family have a huge role to play in shaping troubled lives... an interesting idea to explore."
"How my family created the world's most dangerous man."
"How I get so motivated, where I get this hustle from? My mom."
"You're making career moves that make you happy, not just your family."
"I was raised mostly by my mother and my grandmother and my aunt."
"Are we those souls that have asked, 'Lord, change my heart for my niece, change my heart for my cousin, change my heart for my neighbor'?"
"It's just one of those things, challenged by the daughter and she said look, you know, why don't you try and do that in one of your projects?"
"It is a dad making a Star Wars movie, and dads, they got good ideas."
"The long-term strategy for preventing toxic behavior in men is for fathers to invest deeply in their sons."
"Your parents' stuff is not your stuff. It can affect you, but it's in your hands to decide what you want to do with your life."
"That's the greatest thing at the end of the day just be a good person you know so I had those examples in my life at my uncles and my father who were addicted to drugs you know heavy drugs the bad."
"I kind of fell upon his family, his son, you know, just people that looked up to him."
"My father used to play basketball, and I think since I was born, he was putting me to sleep on a Partizan song."
"It just really encouraged the entire family to eat healthier because instead of grabbing something unhealthy we can just as easily go in the fridge."
"Most racists have parents that make them that way."
"I don't know if anyone else does this but my grandma always had me do this and so it's just been ingrained in me i have never found a rock."
"How can we do better? How can you be this impactful change that you wish to see in your own family and your own lineage?"
"How can I tell my son not to quit and keep fighting when his uncle quit?"
"Encourage your children. Education and wisdom can transform families and entire nations. In your home, the heroes and leaders of tomorrow are being raised."
"It was not something I would readily go see but my kids got me to go and one has to draw the line where prejudice starts and where it ends." - Al Pacino
"My dad saw God as big, limitless, loving, audacious, adventurous, and personable."
"I think you and your family are giving a lot more people faith that we will achieve a nation of liberty and justice for all."