
Impressions Quotes

There are 445 quotes

"Every day, if not once in a while, we must make a great first impression."
"This set was actually very impressive in how the cards ended up being in terms of ratings."
"I have been guilty of knowingly, sometimes premeditatively, using my sexy British voice to impress Americans."
"First impressions of Brazilians in general is that they are so friendly and so nice."
"The charm that had all that time back is still retained, which is pretty impressive."
"Both teams seem to be doing quite well, I am thoroughly impressed especially compared to how they started." - Theodore
"We live in an online world where first impressions are the only thing that matter now."
"The thunder from down under, never been to the show but great marketing, awesome name, tons of billboards. Not gonna lie."
"First impressions are very important but no one ever talks about the lasting impressions."
"It's hard not to be impressed with the end result."
"Lorna appears deeply impressed by the Frost sisters during the negotiation."
"What's up, guys, Michael here. So I just finished the final season of FX's mind blowing series, Legion, and walked away with, well, a lot of thoughts."
"First impressions matter. They matter a lot."
"Flowers are beautiful... It left a really good impression."
"Wait, God damn it, every time I want to be mean to Cody, he says something really nice or impressive."
"Overall, I'm really impressed with the property."
"First impressions matter a lot so this is the first time people are seeing this content the title the logo all that the art style all that stuff you've now just focusing on just the script you write your script right."
"The cashier was so nice, her name is Media, what a beautiful name."
"I want to start over with you. First impressions, I really feel like they need to correct something here."
"First impressions are important. What about lasting impressions?"
"This game is definitely impressed me the amount of content in this game is absolutely insane."
"Milwaukee, first impressions, totally different than I thought it was gonna be."
"First impressions, feels like a city in transition."
"I thought this was a strange and interesting experience."
"First impressions are wildly important in politics."
"What really hits me from the front of this car at first glance is what a fabulous job they've done."
"She impresses me more than anything I've ever seen in my life."
"A first impression is everything, it really is, it's absolutely everything."
"I've never seen anything like this. I don't know what to say. My impressions of China are that I like it."
"So what did we learn today? First impressions of Lahore: one hospitality of the locals absolutely off the charts."
"Which one of those crazy gadgets were you most impressed by?"
"I have extremely high hopes for this game and my first impressions of it hands-on, I was very impressed."
"You only get one chance at a first impression."
"He fought hard, he looked good. I was impressed."
"It's one of the most impressive foam replica LARP weapons I've ever seen."
"Blue Protocol looks really solid from what I've seen."
"This pack is great, and the world genuinely impresses me."
"Hugh Jackman is the nicest man I may have ever met."
"If you guys are looking for a compact crossover like this and you don't look the CX-5 you're really doing yourself a disservice."
"After spending the day driving this new Pathfinder, I'm actually coming away pretty impressed."
"Being a gentleman is ridiculously impressive to women."
"I'm actually kind of stunned about how good this game looks."
"The wine is great. The office, very impressive."
"Overall thoughts, impressions, I like it a lot."
"When you go to an interview and you're underdressed, people are gonna look at you a certain way."
"Overall, I've certainly been very impressed with my first look at Alder Lake laptop products."
"You only get one impression, you know what I mean? Only one first impression."
"People's first reaction when they come into the park is just one of WoW and amazement."
"I'm very impressed with the screen... The video does not do it justice at all."
"On paper, those numbers are frankly quite impressive."
"Ben was eager to start his new job and make a good impression."
"If you are realistic about what you're going to do in a time frame, it seems wildly unimpressive."
"How you come into a job is how they will think of you the whole time you were there and how you leave is how they will think of you for the rest of your life after that."
"Impresses us and then surpasses our expectations."
"The king of that for me this year was everything everywhere because I didn't know what to think of that movie until I saw it and then it was my favorite movie of the year."
"The early days are the best days with the Sags... they're gonna be on their best behavior, they're gonna be hearing everything and remembering."
"First impressions are everything, it takes time to move on."
"That was the part that was most interesting. I mean, these are really, really smart people."
"The impression I've already got is that they could all be up to mischief."
"When a relationship is going strong, it's not unusual for people to put their best foot forward."
"They always say wow, what a great, it is like a glamour shot, it's so funny."
"That trailer was really impressive. A lot of machinations happening."
"The overwhelming impression the game left on me was this: extremely [ __ ] fun."
"Super impressive for a brand new early access game."
"You wouldn't think that the roar is that impressive, but it sure is."
"They've shown off some gameplay footage recently and uh, yeah, it really did impress."
"That ladies and gentlemen is my review, overview, and impressions of Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut and the Iki Island expansion."
"The fact that they didn't want to go for a cliche like they lived happily ever after made me very, very impressed."
"First impressions are everything. And who doesn't love a big hat?"
"Don't let the fancy suit impress you. Don't let a thousand fancy suits impress you."
"Those results certainly were very impressive."
"It's your choice whether life is PVP or co-op."
"So the association happens and people have a hard time shaking a first impression."
"I have no idea what this mod is about, but it's a really impressive looking magic kind of mod."
"You want to feel comfortable like a sneaky link—you kind of got to impress him a little bit before you can start being yourself."
"Appearance is extremely important if high standards are to be maintained. A favorable first impression goes a long way."
"I was kind of blown away the first time I came to the States just to see how there is something for everyone."
"What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear Mexico?"
"It's a highly impressive vehicle but it does start at over 70 grand US and that's not cheap."
"Never have a second chance to make a first impression."
"First impressions are everything."
"The vast majority [of spiritual impressions] are sweet, they're soft, they're subtle, they come when we are pressing forward and moving, not when we are sitting and waiting and analyzing."
"The first impressions last a lifetime."
"I won my fifth grade talent show doing Jim Carrey impressions."
"It's even bigger in real life than it looks on the TV."
"I was impressed of how calm I was, knowing or thinking that I was gonna die."
"Start with the title. Impressions are YouTube literally putting your video in front of people on their home page or in a recommendation. They will do that for free, but if no one is going to click on it, then they're not going to keep doing that."
"It wasn't oriented towards making other people impressed; it wasn't about image at all."
"Does Harrison like your impression? 'No, actually he once said to me, hey, I don't sound anything like that.'"
"She takes her impressions directly from wind and sea tide and stream and transmits them to the man's hand just as the wireless Telegraph picks up the interrupted currents aloft and turns them out below in the form of a message."
"We all want to make a good impression in front of our partner, none of us want to look like a clown in front of anyone let alone someone we really love and care about."
I pray we will have eyes to see and ears to hear what the Lord wishes to tell us. As impressions come, be mindful to follow them. God will strengthen us in our efforts, "grace for grace."
"Impressions matter a lot and I will not be here sitting and telling you for hours how important are the first impressions."
"The truth is we all judge people by our first impressions, by the first look that we have at the person."
"Liking a place has more to do with factors out of our control and first impressions that we'd probably like to admit."
"Grace Kelly was there with the ritual and Elizabeth... what was she like? Spectacular, warm, very human, down-to-earth, always laughing, great sense of humor."
"I'm very excited to open this box with you, show you everything I bought, give you my first impressions, and of course, do a bit of a try on and show you lots of different outfit ideas."
"Your future spouse's first impression of you is that you're very guarded, or that you need to protect yourself because you're actually very fragile."
"I'm gonna do some quick impressions for you. Sally Field on a bowling team. 'My league likes me, they really really like me.' Thank you very much!"
"It's kind of giving me like aerial vibes."
"You only get one chance to make a good first impression."
"Oh man, they probably like the way you showed up, they like why?"
"It's amazing how much he sounds like Clinton."
"Maybe the way they look or just first impression they give off, but then you'll start seeing the good, the good in them."
"Impressions are important because every time you click on a video, it affects a video's click-through rate."
"It feels great, feels excellent. I'm really impressed with it."
"Overall I think it's a pretty successful First Impressions but you know as I begin to actually wear things my opinions might change but so far it's looking pretty good."
"The impressions on these bullets exactly match impressions on the bullets recovered from the victims."
"...you don't really feel a lot of the bumps and imperfections in the road which has really impressed me so far."
"The road to power was paved with good impressions."
"There's no win, there's nothing funnier than when a black dude does a white guy impression."
"This is honestly probably one of the best openings to any movie. I wanted this, that's fair to say."
"What are my final impressions of the new BMW i5? I get the feeling that BMW are getting their head around this all-electric thing."
"First impressions are so important and you can't get them back if they're bad impressions."
"If your home doesn't appear to be well maintained from the outside, they're gonna wonder what else could be the problem when they get inside."
"My foundation and concealer reviews are not first impressions."
"Jim Cary used to do Impressions just with his face the best he would do James Dean uh Henry fond I mean to make your face the Elvis was amazing incredible face or no he would just do like this post nuclear Elvis Andy kofman's Elvis was pretty astounding"
"Your first and earliest impressions are lasting."
"There's only one correct answer, the guy that does the impressions, the black guy, he does Eddie Murphy really well."
"I went to Burlington in Vermont, it was probably the same, bro, it was so nice, man, everybody was just nice over there."
"First impressions really do last forever."
"...it's very, very light, fantastic sounding engine... I like it, initial impressions."
"...it's got that fun factor, it's a lot of fun, the weight of it, the brakes... yeah, it's very nice, I'm impressed."
"He's always struck me as somebody that like everyone has positive things to say."
"The impressions in hand are way beyond any expectations that I had when first seeing those pictures back in October."
"This is the very beginning of the fight, what were your first impressions in round one?"
"Does a snake have hips? I don't know, but I'd like to start off with a quick impression of a headache. Thank you."
"This might be the best introduction of any spa murder movie I've ever seen."
"The hook that I do is I do Michael Caine in kindergarten so it's Michael Kane at five years of age."
"Despite going hitless in his first week with his new team, Anthony Rendon made a good impression in his Angel's debut year."
"This video is about my impressions of daily life there."
"My first impressions of Japan is that it is clean organized polite and convene."
"Charles Oliveira seems like a cool guy and I've learned that through without him even using language. He's got a good personality."
"I want to give a philosophy on doing impressions of people who are no longer with us."
"Sometimes the first impressions count, and we'd wager that this car parked alongside a comparable BMW, Mercedes, or Audi coupe will be seen by most as the classier, more upmarket proposition."
"First impressions are really positive now."
"Presentation matters in the world of pro wrestling... First impressions matter a lot."
"As soon as you get to know me, you're like, 'Oh wow, you're not that bad.'"
"So we have amazing first impressions, but there were a few that didn't quite go there."
"The events of this world come into the clear mind, they make impressions, they create vibrations, they do what they're supposed to do at the time for the self to see them, then they fall back and pass through, and they leave no impressions."
"I love just the overall look of it, and the thing that impresses me the most is that it's a very buildable coverage."
"What an introduction to these characters."
"Palermo is undeniably a little rough around the edges, but the city is full of stories and characters. I definitely don't want one District to taint my impression of this big city, so back to exploring we go."
"...I am consistently just like so blown away and impressed by how genuinely kind everyone is that I've met here in Scotland so far."
"He just hears Japanese, he starts doing Godzilla voice, not good, nope."
"I will give you my honest thoughts and impressions."
"Overall, first impressions... big picture thoughts, I am excited."
"First impressions are often dead wrong."
"That's the first time I've heard him do Carl Wheezer. Just whatever came out of his mouth, that's what he was saying."
"First round, it's funny jokes. The second round is stories, and the third round is impressions."
"Every Finnish person I've ever met seems really cool."
"First impressions are holy positive."
"I am fascinated by how novelists and biographers select their subject, how they meet, like dating, first impressions count, but you have to stick around for a little while, might not be quite like your first impression."
"I think that's quite impressive that a 12 volt tool can drive a 3 8 lag three inches."
"Overall I'm really impressed with dungeon Alchemist."
"He's like, 'Nah, but to be fair, from what we've seen of Kerlik, Herald isn't exactly the first impression you get, to be fair.'"
"I think they really liked you I thought you're like super cool I feel like yeah I can't really remember my family's impression I think they just like really liked you guys like you guys were funny little kitty kids I guess yeah."
"If every person you come in contact with you give out like good energy and they have something positive to say about you"
"The thing about details is that details are usually what impress people."
"Make sure that you're expressing your level of ties whenever possible and be aware that they do look at that."
"I was like I said very impressed."
"well first impressions are saying this is a good place to be today"
"There are nine billion impressions of content per week on LinkedIn."
"...nice and speedy, the screen is nice, the build of this is nice, first impressions are good."
"Overall, my first impressions of this device are pretty great."
"I can already tell, like, for some reason, I thought he was a fan of them because fans come up all the time. So I was like, 'Oh, this guy looks like he's pretty lit. Like, I'll talk to him.' And he's all smiling. He's all right."
"First impressions are so important. You could just tell somebody's energy as soon as you meet them."
"It looks like a real car you could drive on the street."
"Smell ignites memory, and like when someone smells you, smell ignites memory. So if you leave a good impression on someone and they smell you, they remember you. Like you leave an impression on them. This is science."
"I hope that there's lasting images and moments that people won't soon forget."
"When we saw this room we were like, this is awesome."
"Impressions really do matter, especially when you've done more wrongs than right."
"First impressions are always a good indicator."
"Lazy purple in that sense I think his lazy purples do one of the absolute best impressions."
"First impressions are so important, they paint a picture of what the other person is, and that picture gets anchored making it hard to change."
"People thirst over the Owl Beast and then they have that first impression about Lilith."
"It's quite civilized. You feel like you could actually do a longer drive in this than I would have kind of ever expected."
"...first impressions on this interior are very, very good."
"...Impressions matter and like jobs have dress codes..."
"We haven't defined problems, we've defined, we put down impressions."
"I gotta love raw first impressions videos."
"You never get a second chance to make a final impression."
"First impressions are usually right."
"First impressions are the key to successful interviews."
"They always say first impressions are important, what about Lasting Impressions?"
"Someone's first impression completely shapes their image of you."
"Very impressed. There's certainly more to it in here than I was expecting and it's always refreshing to do a waterpark that isn't tropical themed you know did you see something different."
"Very favorable first impressions."
"I just finished the prologue and so far it's really cute."
"You've heard the old adage, you never get a second chance to make a good first impression."
"I've met his children, and they are the nicest, most polite children I have ever met."
"I love it, this is only our second day in Northern Ireland so far and we are very impressed."
"First impressions are everything and that certainly pertains to D&D as well."
"It's giving me very Bolivian vibes."
"What you see at the front is not too impressive; it's when you get behind the gates where you see what's impressive."
"Wales has been incredible so far."
"You can use their dies to make impressions on cardstock, not only to cut it."
"This industry... is solely built off relationships and you have one time to make a first impression."
"First impressions are always very important."
"First impressions are really good; this is not what I was expecting, not at all."